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Joined: 16 Jan 2008
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23 Mar 2011, 6:52 pm

Doctor Who fans, I need your help!

I am a diagnosed Aspie (and long-time Wrong Planet member) working on a book project about Doctor Who and the autism spectrum, and the most important thing I can imagine is for this book to incorporate as many viewpoints from the spectrum as possible.
I am looking for anyone - anyone at all - to answer a few questions about their own experiences with Doctor Who. You don't have to have seen a lot of it, you don't have to be familiar with the classic series, you don't have to have a particular spectrum condition (or any diagnosis at all). Any input at all is welcomed and greatly appreciated.

The questionnaire can be viewed online here (PDF or DOCX) - or I can PM or e-mail it upon request (it's a little long for a post). It's important to note that you can answer as many or as few questions as you like, and in as much or as little detail as you like.

If you would be willing to respond, please feel free to answer at your leisure and either:
- PM me your responses here on WrongPlanet
- e-mail me your responses at [email protected]
- post them on this thread (but I recommend one of the above two options if responses are long)

If you would prefer to submit your answers some other way, or have any questions, please feel free to PM or e-mail me! Anything that helps more responses come in is a good thing.

Thank you so much.