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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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17 Apr 2014, 4:21 am

Has anyone here seen the Discovery Channel documentary mini-series When We Left Earth? It's kind of odd (to me) that I am asking this just now, as I've been around this site for a while and When We Left Earth is one of my favorite documentaries ever. It is a chronological, retrospective journey through the manned missions of the American space program, starting with the X-2 rocket plane flown in the mid 1950s and Project Gemini and then going all the way to the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. The interviews are great, the video quality and the footage can be breathtaking and the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard in a documentary. If you find humanity's real-world endeavors in space flight to be fascinating or incredible, it would be very hard for me not to recommend this documentary.

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17 Apr 2014, 9:00 am

I was hoping this would be a sci-fi film I haven't seen yet (as if), but this sounds interesting, too. I might see about getting a copy.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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18 Apr 2014, 9:53 pm

coffeebean wrote:
I was hoping this would be a sci-fi film I haven't seen yet (as if), but this sounds interesting, too. I might see about getting a copy.
Yeah it's definitely not science-fiction, but I still find a lot of what it shows in it to be more awe-inspiring than anything in fiction. I guess that's just the kind of person I am, but I hope you can enjoy it too.

Nosce te ipsum - Know thyself