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30 Oct 2010, 11:33 am

BrendaEM wrote:
rossc, I believe that you have gone off-topic. In this thread, we are discussing the creation of a GLBT forum. If you want a high-IQ thread, perhaps you should start a new thread.

It is becoming apparent that you want people to needlessly suffer because you cannot find the maturity to accept that GLBT people would want a forum where people should expect more understanding than you can provide in your present state.

Developers/Ops/Ed's, I patiently await the creation of the GLBT forum.

OK Brenda.

You have NOT explained , though I have asked a number of times, how LGBT people might "suffer" by not having suck a forum and you have alluded to intolerance and non-acceptance but in no way given any indication as to why this would be apart from say it is so.

NOW you seek to say that my lack of understanding is actually a maturity fault.

Explain yourself here without looking unreasonable.

YOU won't explain and then YOU blame the lack of understanding on others. How the hell does that work?

Whilst you are at it you can explain the "not emotionally prepared" statement.

Doesn't really sound that accepting Brenda. Sounds like you are projecting intolerance?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 Oct 2010, 2:05 pm

[rossc, you have taken a lot of time from your life to prevent a GLBT forum from being created. I worry that you personally will also work to undermine the confidence of GLBT people when we/they discuss those issues elsewhere. Recognizing the complexity of being GLBT--especially with the addition of being ASD , would have been a sign of maturity.

A mature person also would have recognized a lack of information/understanding in such matters, and stepped back, but you chose to argue, to fight, because you like to fight, or do not like GLBT people. Yes, that makes me intolerant toward you personally.

I am trying to cause a change with the idea of helping people, you are trying to prevent a change that will help people, therefore, you are hurting people, or have the potential of hurting poeple. Accept that being ASD and GLBT, at times can be one hell of a ride, and those persons might need a safe environment to explore their issues.

rossc, as an argument you could "win" this, but what I am saying is that you shouldn't because the creation of a GLBT subforum has the potential to save lives. rossc, please stand down.]

I patiently await the creation of a GLBT forum on


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30 Oct 2010, 4:04 pm

BrendaEM wrote:
[rossc, you have taken a lot of time from your life to prevent a GLBT forum from being created. I worry that you personally will also work to undermine the confidence of GLBT people when we/they discuss those issues elsewhere. Recognizing the complexity of being GLBT--especially with the addition of being ASD , would have been a sign of maturity.

A mature person also would have recognized a lack of information/understanding in such matters, and stepped back, but you chose to argue, to fight, because you like to fight, or do not like GLBT people. Yes, that makes me intolerant toward you personally.

I am trying to cause a change with the idea of helping people, you are trying to prevent a change that will help people, therefore, you are hurting people, or have the potential of hurting poeple. Accept that being ASD and GLBT, at times can be one hell of a ride, and those persons might need a safe environment to explore their issues.

rossc, as an argument you could "win" this, but what I am saying is that you shouldn't because the creation of a GLBT subforum has the potential to save lives. rossc, please stand down.]

I patiently await the creation of a GLBT forum on

You still haven't explained HOW this would help anyone, in any way. All you've done is say this would help GLBT aspies, yet when rossc asked for an explanation you assumed a very defensive position and made assumptions about his motives.

He's questioning whether this requested subforum will have any impact at all, other than clotting up the overall forum even more than it already is. And I agree with this position, I don't understand the purpose and you've said nothing to clarify this.

Now please, put your emotions to the side for a bit and clearly explain how you think creating this subforum would help GLBT aspies in a way that existing subforums can't.


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30 Oct 2010, 5:11 pm

Lecks wrote:
BrendaEM wrote:
[rossc, you have taken a lot of time from your life to prevent a GLBT forum from being created. I worry that you personally will also work to undermine the confidence of GLBT people when we/they discuss those issues elsewhere. Recognizing the complexity of being GLBT--especially with the addition of being ASD , would have been a sign of maturity.

A mature person also would have recognized a lack of information/understanding in such matters, and stepped back, but you chose to argue, to fight, because you like to fight, or do not like GLBT people. Yes, that makes me intolerant toward you personally.

I am trying to cause a change with the idea of helping people, you are trying to prevent a change that will help people, therefore, you are hurting people, or have the potential of hurting poeple. Accept that being ASD and GLBT, at times can be one hell of a ride, and those persons might need a safe environment to explore their issues.

rossc, as an argument you could "win" this, but what I am saying is that you shouldn't because the creation of a GLBT subforum has the potential to save lives. rossc, please stand down.]

I patiently await the creation of a GLBT forum on

You still haven't explained HOW this would help anyone, in any way. All you've done is say this would help GLBT aspies, yet when rossc asked for an explanation you assumed a very defensive position and made assumptions about his motives.

He's questioning whether this requested subforum will have any impact at all, other than clotting up the overall forum even more than it already is. And I agree with this position, I don't understand the purpose and you've said nothing to clarify this.

Now please, put your emotions to the side for a bit and clearly explain how you think creating this subforum would help GLBT aspies in a way that existing subforums can't.

for the same reason that having a math et al. subforum helps math geeks. and the same reason having a women's subforum helps women. and the same reason that having a bipolar et al. subforum helps people with BP. these subforums provide an uncluttered place to find specific topics and issues.

there are already lots of threads that centre around gender identity, homosexuality, etc., so clearly many aspies can relate to these issues. a subforum could be a great place to discuss the issues that relate specifically to people in those situations.

WP is becoming more of a place for diverse people of many types to congregate... more like an inclusive community for individuals of many groups to discuss their situation. a subforum like this may bring more people with diverse backgrounds onto WP.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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31 Oct 2010, 2:46 am

BrendaEM wrote:
[rossc, you have taken a lot of time from your life to prevent a GLBT forum from being created. I worry that you personally will also work to undermine the confidence of GLBT people when we/they discuss those issues elsewhere. Recognizing the complexity of being GLBT--especially with the addition of being ASD , would have been a sign of maturity.

A mature person also would have recognized a lack of information/understanding in such matters, and stepped back, but you chose to argue, to fight, because you like to fight, or do not like GLBT people. Yes, that makes me intolerant toward you personally.

I am trying to cause a change with the idea of helping people, you are trying to prevent a change that will help people, therefore, you are hurting people, or have the potential of hurting poeple. Accept that being ASD and GLBT, at times can be one hell of a ride, and those persons might need a safe environment to explore their issues.

rossc, as an argument you could "win" this, but what I am saying is that you shouldn't because the creation of a GLBT subforum has the potential to save lives. rossc, please stand down.]

I patiently await the creation of a GLBT forum on

Brenda you are looking unreasonable by saying the above.

Fact is I have no specific issue with a forum being created but I do question the merits of it. So when you say it MUST be and everyone does not agree that it is "necessarily" or "unquestionably" the case. Then you have the opportunity to educate us or to make your reasons known. You simply don't. Worse still you seem to take it as a a personal affront to have your views questioned and requests to explain your position. Now to top it off you have started insulting me.

Give us something reasoned and thought out here.

Maybe you have had gay friends saying that they only feel like posting gay issues on gay subforums in other forums?

Maybe there is a fear or concern that such issues will be badly received by "straight aspies" and that even though the aspies are marginalised that they may jump on their gay brethren. So a safety in numbers of a collective subforum may be good?

Maybe there is something in gay culture that I simply don't know or have access to, to explain why this is so obvious in your mind a good thing?

Maybe you just think it is good idea?

Maybe you think the mere act of having a specified subforum will give a sense of belonging?

I have no bloody idea. You COULD have CHOSEN to educate me as to this but have chosen not to and in doing so have decided to insult.

So now "stand down"? Not hardly Brenda. You have CHOSEN to insult and so now I am calling you to explain your insults and apologise for each and every.

Just for the record I think you inability to explain yourself and your insulting manner is actually hindering your cause and working against you and your efforts to protect or help people who are LGBT. In effect hurting or having the potential to hurt them.


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31 Oct 2010, 9:05 am

hyperlexian wrote:
for the same reason that having a math et al. subforum helps math geeks. and the same reason having a women's subforum helps women. and the same reason that having a bipolar et al. subforum helps people with BP. these subforums provide an uncluttered place to find specific topics and issues.

there are already lots of threads that centre around gender identity, homosexuality, etc., so clearly many aspies can relate to these issues. a subforum could be a great place to discuss the issues that relate specifically to people in those situations.

WP is becoming more of a place for diverse people of many types to congregate... more like an inclusive community for individuals of many groups to discuss their situation. a subforum like this may bring more people with diverse backgrounds onto WP.

What I don't understand is why the bolded isn't sufficient. The way I see it is that the topics -I- imagine would be created in this GLBT forum can be placed in the existing forums.

Topics concerning GLBT sexuality can be and are created in the Adult forum. Topics concerning GLBT romance can be and are discussed in the Love and Dating forum. Topics concerning GLBT parenting can be (I don't know if they are because I don't go there often) discussed in the Parenting forum. And so on.

I just don't see the need, it's very possible that I just don't get it and I'd like it if someone were to explain.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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31 Oct 2010, 4:54 pm

[rossc, isn't this what you stand for on your website ? "You have found INTENSITY², the autistic spectrum site everyone loves to hate."]

Lecks, being GLBT isn't all about romance and dating, nor are all all GLBT people adults. You seem to be making some rudimentary assumptions about GLBT people which may be are superficial.

Regardless of what information presented to you, you may not understand the need for a GLBT subforum., because you may not be GLBT, and if you are not, you probably not understand the need anymore than someone who is (predominately) NT's would understand the need for a Asperger/ASD forum at all. (I mean no NT slight.)

The creation of a GLBT subforum is every bit as important as Mens' or Womens' forum. A GLBT subforum will help pool resources and knowledge. When someone clicks on a GLBT link on Wongplanet, they will know that while they are 1:100 for ASD, and 1:10 for GLB, or 1:10,000 for the T--that that even with those compounded odds. that they have a decent chance, a best chance of being understood.

I do think that the arguments against the creation of a GLBT forum are beginning to seem similar to "Why is the sky blue" questions. Dispersion aside, both Lecks and rossc seem to state that they don't understand--that is why Wrongplanet should have a GLBT forum, so GLBT people who need to be understood, can find that understanding.

Logically, it seems reasonable that the people who are against the creation of a GLBT forum will emotionally survive if it created, causing a Wrongplanet visitor to scroll past a single line of text, BUT for the people who are against the forum has spent hours fighting it, the why cannot be justified.

I saw the cars lined up at my cousins next door neighbor's house, after he shot himself. At her funeral, I looked in a woman's eyes after her child killed themselves with pills because she was rejected because she was transsexual. I met someone who was killed and stuffed in a car trunk because the were transsexual. As a past co-VP of a TS support group, I have talked with so many people who were disowned, discarded, followed, hated beaten, and worse--only because they were transsexual. I met a son who disowned his father because he cross-dressed. I was taunted attacked and beaten more than once because of the way I looked. I left in the ninth grade school because I did not fit in. My ex of 4-1/2 years left me for dead in the hospital with tubes coming out of my chest--only because I said wanted to be female...and what so far, in while you may also know adversity, what your life has prepared you to handle that? Now add on the challenges of being ASD, because there are some. I made it so, far, but the next one may not.

Just as I want to work on communication channel between GLBT's and ASD people, I patiently await the creation of a GLBT subforum on Wongplanet.

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31 Oct 2010, 6:09 pm

I've got gender issues.

I'm mostly homosexual.

I would appreciate a subforum specific to LGBTQ issues so I don't have to go wading through 5 or 6 different other subforums to find discussions pertinent to the issues I face, or have faced in the past. It would also be helpful for those of us older aspies who have already dealt with specific lbgtq issues to have a set place where we can read posts from and offer advice to those younger people who are dealing with those same issues right now.

I thank Alex for offering to create one so quickly after the OP asked for it.

I'm also confused that people continue to argue over the creation of said subforum after Alex already said he would create it. I mean, really, what is the point?


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01 Nov 2010, 7:35 am

Brenda are you saying that we can not possibly understand because we are not LGBT? Give us a shot and don't let your prejudices hold you back. Why do I keep asking if it does not matter?

Hell my "educated guesses as to why are merely that and I am still interested despite your efforts to denounce my intents or motives and take potshots at my character and personality.

Why do you think that LGBT people who are on the spectrum won't find support on a forum of marginalised people? We are all "the other". We are all deviant from the accepted and societal norm.

As for Intensity Squared? What was your point there? I am not there when I post here. This place is not half the site that place is but I do like the variation.


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01 Nov 2010, 9:09 am

rossc wrote:
Brenda are you saying that we can not possibly understand because we are not LGBT? Give us a shot and don't let your prejudices hold you back. Why do I keep asking if it does not matter?

Hell my "educated guesses as to why are merely that and I am still interested despite your efforts to denounce my intents or motives and take potshots at my character and personality.

Why do you think that LGBT people who are on the spectrum won't find support on a forum of marginalised people? We are all "the other". We are all deviant from the accepted and societal norm.

As for Intensity Squared? What was your point there? I am not there when I post here. This place is not half the site that place is but I do like the variation.

well, i did try to explain, as did a couple of other posters here. but it's like you are not listening to the answers you are getting.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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01 Nov 2010, 11:29 am

soulecho wrote:
I've got gender issues.

I'm mostly homosexual.

I would appreciate a subforum specific to LGBTQ issues so I don't have to go wading through 5 or 6 different other subforums to find discussions pertinent to the issues I face, or have faced in the past. It would also be helpful for those of us older aspies who have already dealt with specific lbgtq issues to have a set place where we can read posts from and offer advice to those younger people who are dealing with those same issues right now.

I thank Alex for offering to create one so quickly after the OP asked for it.

I'm also confused that people continue to argue over the creation of said subforum after Alex already said he would create it. I mean, really, what is the point?

The bolded prompted me to see if there was an issue with the Search feature and made me realise that it's very lacking. I hadn't thought of that.

Well, in the absense of a proper search function I have no qualms with this subforum.


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02 Nov 2010, 4:04 am

hyperlexian wrote:
rossc wrote:
Brenda are you saying that we can not possibly understand because we are not LGBT? Give us a shot and don't let your prejudices hold you back. Why do I keep asking if it does not matter?

Hell my "educated guesses as to why are merely that and I am still interested despite your efforts to denounce my intents or motives and take potshots at my character and personality.

Why do you think that LGBT people who are on the spectrum won't find support on a forum of marginalised people? We are all "the other". We are all deviant from the accepted and societal norm.

As for Intensity Squared? What was your point there? I am not there when I post here. This place is not half the site that place is but I do like the variation.

well, i did try to explain, as did a couple of other posters here. but it's like you are not listening to the answers you are getting.

No I get what you are saying and it was like Lecks said, not something I had thought of but it doesn't address either Brenda's want to attck my integrity over merely questioning things nor does it address her vague references to acceptance or harm. What you said makes perfect sense in terms of functionality


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02 Nov 2010, 4:54 pm

BrendaEM wrote:

I saw the cars lined up at my cousins next door neighbor's house, after he shot himself. At her funeral, I looked in a woman's eyes after her child killed themselves with pills because she was rejected because she was transsexual. I met someone who was killed and stuffed in a car trunk because the were transsexual. As a past co-VP of a TS support group, I have talked with so many people who were disowned, discarded, followed, hated beaten, and worse--only because they were transsexual. I met a son who disowned his father because he cross-dressed. I was taunted attacked and beaten more than once because of the way I looked. I left in the ninth grade school because I did not fit in. My ex of 4-1/2 years left me for dead in the hospital with tubes coming out of my chest--only because I said wanted to be female...and what so far, in while you may also know adversity, what your life has prepared you to handle that? Now add on the challenges of being ASD, because there are some. I made it so, far, but the next one may not.

My question would be this: given that there are other forums out there focused on LGBT issues, is there an unique angle that having AS adds to LGBT life, to make it something that needs to be discussed here as v. elsewhere? And would there be enough of that AS - LGBT specific discussion to warrant a separate forum? WP can't house every interest under the son; it's primary focus is AS.

FYI, you are incorrect in stating that WP has a men's forum. It does not. There was not enough traffic to support one, is what I've been told.

I have hearing issues myself, and it would be fun to discuss them here, but I don't NEED to; there is nothing uniquely AS about how my hearing issues have to be dealt with. They can be discussed on any hearing loss focused forum.

All that said .. the only person you really need to sell is Alex. He decides, no one else.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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02 Nov 2010, 8:07 pm

Many large organisations, such as universities, trade unions, religious denominations, professional organisations and some large employers, have GLBT(Q) groups or forums. The fact that such groups have achieved "mainstream" status or recognition in some areas doesn't mean to say that the individuals who identify as belonging to such groups have achieved a similar level of acceptance. These groups provide support and solidarity to their members, as well as serving awareness- and acceptance-raising functions.

For an organisation to have such a group says a great deal about that particular organisation - the way it cares for those who belong to it, and its respect for wider human rights issues.

It seems to me that WP is a large organisation, and one which operates to provide support and raise awareness of challenges faced by groups and individuals. The inclusion of a GLBT(Q) forum would seem to be consistent with the wider aims and purposes of WP.

More particularly, as someone who has spent time on on-line autism communities for almost three years now, I reckon that there is probably a higher than average proportion of autistic people who identify as GLBT(Q) or have other, related, gender identity issues and questions.

Alex has already committed on this thread, twice now, to creating the forum requested by the OP.


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02 Nov 2010, 9:45 pm

Marcia wrote:
Alex has already committed on this thread, twice now, to creating the forum requested by the OP.

Ah, there you go, I'm so late to the game I hadn't even noticed! He plans to add it. So why is anyone still discussing it?!

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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07 Nov 2010, 8:19 am

I can't believe the OP has managed to get a forum agreed by basically saying everone opposed is closed-minded and unsupportive - what a load of crap! That's the post numbers in both L&D & Adult forums reduced but exactally the same posts appearing elsewhere. :scratch:
It's funny that LGBT people claim to want to be treated equaly yet actually try to segragate themselves...