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19 Oct 2006, 2:25 am

RobertN wrote:
Since you prefer to hide behind a mask, I am tempted not to even address your comments, as you are too cowardly to be addressed. What are you afraid of - that Alex might ban you again if he discovered your identity?

Again, who I am is not important. What I say, is.

RobertN wrote:
You people (Intensity) are all the same. Most of you have no life and no achievements to speak of, so you spend your time attacking people who do have these things, dragging down their self-esteem until they become as wreched as you.

Since you don't know who I am, you have no idea of what I have achieved. Silly little boy.

RobertN wrote:
I state again, omega actually has very little to do with this idea. This campaign is mine. It is me behind it, it is me that is planning it, and it will be me who implements it. Omega is my dear and trusted friend who is providing moral support, and that is it. I am sure she would rather I left the whole business alone now, but I insist on seeing justice done, and believe you me, justice will be done In The End.

If that's what you prefer to believe, then by all means continue doing so. If you don't want to see what's around you, good luck. But if it's justice you want, then you should question your trusted friend, ask her why she still hasn't told you the truth.

RobertN wrote:
But why I am explaining this to you. You are so small and insignificant that you would rather not be seen. You prefer to spread dirty rumours around about my friends and not even have the courage to have your face put to your words. :roll:

You are explaining this to me because deep down, you know I'm right. Ask her, comrade.

RobertN wrote:
As regards Peter, I was not being nasty. He obviously has an attraction to young girls and I would advise him to see psychiatric help for it. Otherwise why would he be so keen to post what looked like underage porno pics all over both Intensity and DivaD's forum.

The problem is that you don't have any evidence beyond what you believe to be true. You don't have proof, period. There's ample proof of how you've insulted him again and again, however, and how you've altered his posts at Aspie Trash.

You react like a little boy, resorting to name-calling and childish pranks when cornered, comrade.

RobertN wrote:
As regards HG, any dirty attacks on HG's charactor by myself were done on the heat of the moment as a result of months of her trying to trying to tear me and omega's relationship apart. You on the other hand have engaged in a cold, calculated hate campaign against me, with no motive except that perhaps that I come from a more priviledged background than most of you and the fact that I have a loving family: two things perhaps you seem to resent.

I'd have an easier time believing you "heat of the moment" argument had it not been for the fact that your heat of the moment has spanned several weeks.

Have you mentioned to your support person how you've attacked HG, called her names, or how you've impersonated her at Aspie Trash? Would the people in the "autism profession" be angry when hearing what you've done, how you've tried bullying her? And incidentally, comrade, have you told your support person how you'd have no qualms about making Duncvis' family homeless to avenge yourself for perceived injustices on the Internet?

You should.

RobertN wrote:
Admit it, I have got you rattled. Otherwise, why would you bother to come onto WP to fight against myself and Ascan. I sense fear in you, and if I were you, to ensure Intensity's future, perhaps it would be a good idea to apologise to all the various victim's of your group instead of this stubborn attitude that you are faultless and we are somehow in the wrong for being victims.

Don't flatter yourself, comrade. You're just one of Ascan's puppets and of no real significance. I came here to stop his lies, because his conspiracy theories pop up every now and then and need to be exposed as the fabrications they are. You joined the party later.

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19 Oct 2006, 7:45 am

if a small fire breaks out and you have no liquid handy, then what do you do?

i would piss on it.

ascan likes to start fires.


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19 Oct 2006, 11:01 am

I will not even bother replying to Peter, as he is not worth my time.

en_una_isla, thank you for your comments. Yes, forgiveness is a virtue, but I am unable to practice it here, unfortunately. Duncvis, HG, and Peegai make it quite clear that "this town isn't big enough for the both of us" so that is how I must play it too. Dunc wants to screw me, so I must screw Dunc first in order for that not to happen.

Calloway. This is no "petty internet grudge". As I said before, the internet is some people's only line of support, and so events that take place on it are a big thing. I am lucky that I have an aspie support group in real life, so it is not 100% true for me, but it is for some people, expecially in isolated parts of the country. My psychological and emotional health has been severely damaged by the (multiple) incidence involving several people on the site. I have suffered panic attacks and severe depression, and so has omega_female. I hold Duncvis responsible as it was within his power to curb the assualts on my charactor, but instead of doing that, he encouraged them.

As regards my callouts, I was not attacking these people on a personal basis. I was questioning their behaviour to other members of the forum. Lucifer, in particular, admitted that she enjoyed bullying this one particular person. I think this is morally repugnant, and I wanted her to answer for it. Instead of a reasoned defense, she and her friends grouped together to attack MY charactor (which was nothing to do with the arguement in hand". It escalated from there, with pictures being posted, and Duncvis fueling a class war against me and my family.

Up until then, my behavour has been 100% above board, despite the lengths that people were going to to humiliate me. After I left, I felt so livid, I did partake in some questionable (but by no means illegal or immoral) activities, including a short story about HG's fictional adventures with Duncvis as a prostitute, and a fake HG admitting that she wanted some sexual adventures with Peegai and Jizz. These actions were ill-thought through, and I have since removed these posts on AspieTrash voluntarily.

You must understand that HG and Duncvis are throwing everything they have got at me, and attempting to hit out at every aspect of my life, including my relationship with omega_female. I find it unforgiveable how HG has been spreading these rumours about omega, and trying to turn best friends against each other. She is the ultimate manipulator, and I am surprised you haven't realised that yet. But then again, you have AS, as do I, so you may never notice. I work on the principle that I do not suspect anything until I have evidence. I currently have no evidence to support your claims about omega, so I can safely dismiss your case as fantasy. Come back when you have hard evidence.

Duncvis is a thug who has got himself in too deep. To quote HG's famous line: "Don't throw small stones at people carrying a large rock". Duncvis and his buddies have been harrassing me for too long now (I will go into detail about Peegai's exploits another time) with their small stones. They must know I will retaliate at some point, and I intend to hit back hard. If I could cause Dunc maximum pain, I would. He has caused me enough pain. Anyway, it is not possible to sue him; so really I would not be sure what to do if I could. Assuming he would lose the case and incur heavy debts, the State would prop him up anyway (as I think it should, being that I am a socialist). If the idiot was stupid enough to spend all his state Housing Benefit money on drugs, it would not be my fault if he became homeless, as in the UK (unlike the US) state benefits are sufficient in themselves to keep people housed, feed, clothed, etc. In such a case, his kids would be taken into Care, and probably have a better childhood anyway without being brought up on his twisted ideology, and prejudice against certain groups in society.

Furthermore, my campaign against Duncvis and Intensity is more than just a personal grudge. Are you aware that Dunc and his buddies have a foot in virtually every autism support site, except WP and AspieVillage. I am in a position where I cannot post on any site now without fear of intimidation by one or other of his friends. If I was to say, post in the Haven section here or on OnTheSpectrum, I would probably just get some really patronising "advice" from one of the "gang" members about me being a "middle-class mommas boy" etc. I find it quite serious (and so does my support worker) that I am unable now to use the internet for support, without someone from Intensity descovering my identity (they keep IP addresses on the sites they moderate) and mocking me, and then taking the content to Intensity (which I can't access) and mock me further. The only option available to me for my future security on the internet is to have Intensity shut down so that these people do not have a base of operations from which to attack me and several others. Callaway, do you not understand the precarity of my situation and the fact that I am in a vulnerable position. The closure of Intensity is not simply me being malicious- it is essential for my continued online survival. If you can think of a better way forward, do tell me. The other option is for Dunc and Odeon to relinquish control of their admin positions on all other sites except Intensity thus balancing the vast power imbalance, but the stubborn fool would never agree to that.


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19 Oct 2006, 11:25 am

You had better calm yourselves down before this turns into a flame war. This topic has gotten way off the idea of the original topic.

Moderators- could you please keep an eye on this thread and take whatever actions are deemed necessary.?

Itaque incipet.
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19 Oct 2006, 11:45 am

RobertN, Omega Female, I apologise for the things that were clearly my fault. And so, I'm sorry.

Hopefully, you two will move on from this nonsense online -- I sure am.


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19 Oct 2006, 12:18 pm


Think back to your school days.

Since when did anyone care about bullying exactly?

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19 Oct 2006, 12:29 pm

Now, can we please get back to discussing whether WP has been hostile to gays?

If you two must continue your discussion, would you kindly start your own thread?

<a href="><img src="" border="0"> </a>

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19 Oct 2006, 1:42 pm

sigholdaccountlost wrote:
Now, can we please get back to discussing whether WP has been hostile to gays?

If you two must continue your discussion, would you kindly start your own thread?

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to derail over some pointless thread just because I apologised to someone who has serious issues, which I didn't take so seriously before.

No, no. A topic's course is far more important than someone's well-being here. :roll:

People derail all the time. Get over it.


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19 Oct 2006, 2:00 pm

travesti_angelique wrote:
RobertN, Omega Female, I apologise for the things that were clearly my fault. And so, I'm sorry.

Hopefully, you two will move on from this nonsense online -- I sure am.

Peegai, I hope you are being sincere. If you are, you have my gratitude and my respect for taking an independent line of thought from the Intensity clique. Hopefully more people from Intensity will now come forward and say that they don't subscribe to this hate campaign that Dunc and HG have launched against omega and myself, and then hopefully things will die down.

I am very surprised at this turn of events and I hope that Peegai is being sincere, though as I said before, I have a policy of accepting people's comments as truthful unless there is evidence to suggest otherwise. Therefore, I will accept that Peegai is being sincere, and I hope that this may be the first step into breaking up this awful clique that has developed on Intensity.


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19 Oct 2006, 2:43 pm

MrMark wrote:
RobertN wrote:
I have suffered considerable psychological distress from the actions of people on your site, and if your usernames were sueable entities, they would be very sueable indeed.

Forgive me, but I've come to this party late. I was here earlier, but left when it degenerated into something more appropriate to Intensity.

Again, forgive me, but I do not believe you have suffered any damages from reading information on your computer, and if you have it is soley your responsibility. If you have been humiliated as a result of posting certain information about yourself, you have my sympathy, but these are the consequences of your choices, the very definition of karma. Now that you're wiser as a result of the experience, you'll make wiser choices in the future.

So, what you're saying is that people are responsible for the consequences of their own choices? In that case, I guess it would also be fair to say that if someone runs a site that is targeted at people who are prone to depression, anxiety etc and allows those people to be habitually ridiculed to the point that they develop mental health problems (or their existing ones are worsened), then they are responsible for the consequences of their actions / choices too.

So, I guess the 'blame' for any negative outcomes rests on the shoulders of the person/s who instigated the situation. Since the people who run Intensity actively recruit from a portion of society that are prone to mental illness and are - by definition - socially inept, and facilitates and encourages their mistreatment, then they must be responsible for any harm caused.

Callaway wrote:
...That she loves you like a little brother and does not want to hurt you by forcing you to see the truth.

If you genuinely believe that, then why are you trying to force him to see the "truth"? I started using AS messages boards to experience the social interaction that my difficulties prevent me from experiencing in real life. To my surprise, using sites like WrongPlanet has even helped me to form some friendships - something I may not have achieved if the initial interactions with these people had taken place in real life. Throughout this thread, you (and your associates) have attempted to sabotage the three closest friendships I have (RobertN, Ascan and Laz) for no reason other than to advance your own argument. You have no right to interfere with people's lives, the way you have done with mine, just because you don't agree with what I say. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

FreudianSlip wrote:
You're not sure, are you? See, comrade, it does matter, as long as they continue using you, as long as you remain their puppet. Willingly or not, that's what you are. You are a tool, a lucky break for Ascan and his conspiracy theories.

All I have ever done is given RobertN moral support when people have hurt him; if you have a problem with that, then perhaps you should've taken action to prevent people from attacking him. And, if anyone's a lucky break for Ascan's "conspiracy theories," it's you! Everytime you've posted on this thread, you've helped to strengthen our argument. But, please, don't let that put you off from contributing more!  :)

Callaway wrote:
You may think it is low of me to tell you this, but I think you should know the truth instead of holding on to a fantasy that will never happen.

I have made it perfectly clear to RobertN where he stands with me. In fact, on one occasion, I even addressed the issue in public: ... light=#755 If RobertN is "holding on" to any fantasies about me, it's his prerogative (as long as he respects that the feeling isn't mutual). Currently, I have a bit of a crush on one of my colleagues - even though I know that she would never be interested in me because she is a heterosexual woman. However, that doesn't give me the right to demand intimate information about her sex-life (regardless of whether that information is true or not) in an attempt to 'cure' me of my crush. Also, a psychologist once told me that my crushes are a coping-mechanism to help me deal with my chronic depression. I enjoy my crushes, and my life would feel a lot duller without them.

Callaway wrote:
I think it was low for you to edit other people's posts on Aspie Trash to amuse yourself and to make the fake Hypnotica Gaze account there, RobertN. I resent the implication you made that anyone on Intensity ever did anything like that to you. I certainly did not, and neither did Duncvis.

This is the thread where someone posted, pretending to be RobertN: Of course, the thread has been edited now (including the user-name of the poster and the title) but that only happened because the person who started the thread realised that what he'd done was cruel and had the courage to admit his error of judgement. However, you and Duncvis were quite happy for the thread to remain as it originally was and, since you are both in positions of authority on the site where it took place, you are responsible for what type of behaviour your organisation facilitates and deems acceptable.

Callaway wrote:
Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I will quote someone whose opinions you respect: at the moment, all i am seeing is some people - who behaved in an unpleasant way - crying about being "bullied" when all they were asked to do was to justify the way they behaved. my advice is that if you can't defend your actions, don't do it in the first place. and if you're going to go around being nasty to people, don't f**king cry about it when people criticise you for it.

The important thing you neglected to mention was that that comment was directed at some people who initiated an attack.

en_una_isla wrote:
RobertN, remember there is great dignity in forgiveness. Usually the first person to step back from an agrument and forgive is the one with greater nobility.

Then why are you addressing that statement, specifically, to RobertN? If you truly believe what you just said, shouldn't you be directing it at all parties involved?

FreudianSlip wrote:
You react like a little boy, resorting to name-calling and childish pranks when cornered, comrade.

Is it any wonder, considering the pressure he has been put under by various people in Intensity, that he has acted this way? If you treat a person like dirt by continually provoking and humiliating them, it's inevitable that they will attempt to lash-out at some point. Yes, I think that RobertN acted irrationally and disproportionately, at times, but it's hardly surprising given his neurological-type (which Intensity is specifically aimed at) combined with the abuse he was subjected to. If you don't like the situation that Intensity has created, then you should be directing your criticisms towards Intensity - not at RobertN.

sigholdaccountlost wrote:

Think back to your school days.

Since when did anyone care about bullying exactly?

Bullying, exploitation and social elitism exist in almost all parts of society; some people would probably say that the bullying they've endured in the work place (for example) is worse than any that they suffered during their school years. Not really a concept I thought I'd ever have to explain in a discussion with other people with AS, but there you go.

"...In order that every man present his views without penalty, there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population." ~ Albert Einstein

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19 Oct 2006, 3:03 pm


all of it. its all perception. the one who is wrong here is the person wishing to put an entire (innocent) family on the street.
address some important issues Omega. or would that spoil your party if you didn't have a patsy to manipulate.

furthermore, who isn't prone to depression. some people handle it better than others.

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19 Oct 2006, 3:20 pm

RobertN wrote:
travesti_angelique wrote:
RobertN, Omega Female, I apologise for the things that were clearly my fault. And so, I'm sorry.

Hopefully, you two will move on from this nonsense online -- I sure am.

Peegai, I hope you are being sincere. If you are, you have my gratitude and my respect for taking an independent line of thought from the Intensity clique. Hopefully more people from Intensity will now come forward and say that they don't subscribe to this hate campaign that Dunc and HG have launched against omega and myself, and then hopefully things will die down.

I am very surprised at this turn of events and I hope that Peegai is being sincere, though as I said before, I have a policy of accepting people's comments as truthful unless there is evidence to suggest otherwise. Therefore, I will accept that Peegai is being sincere, and I hope that this may be the first step into breaking up this awful clique that has developed on Intensity.

I'm being sincere about it. I'm just apologising for the times I have personally mocked you in the past. For the record, I don't belong in cliques, nor am I controlled by what people say and think. I do what my conscience is prompting me to do.

And no, this does not mean that I agree with you on your stance on Intensity -- or your dislike of HG and Dunc, for that matter.

I'll talk more about this tomorrow.

Last edited by travesti_angelique on 19 Oct 2006, 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Oct 2006, 3:20 pm

Omega, will you ever address the real issues at hand? Any of them? Not that I'm not enjoying Ascan's Muppet Show, but some intellectual honesty every now and then wouldn't hurt you.


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19 Oct 2006, 4:07 pm

RobertN wrote:
I will not even bother replying to Peter, as he is not worth my time.

You guessed wrong. That wasn't Peter.