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06 Oct 2006, 11:13 am

ascan wrote:
More deception:
kevv729 wrote:
Because ascan hijacked the thread to attack Intensitysquared and aspoid ...

Eamonn started plugging Intensity² first:
eamonn wrote:
Is this the same IntensitySquared you endorsed when you joined, whilst at the same time casting aspertions toward other Asperger's forums, particularly WrongPlanet? Venturing that the members here all need wet-nursed and molly-coddled by legislation and sympethetic members/admins.

I wont deny Intensity can be a little close to the bone and risque. To reflect this, the fora are strictly adults only and advises you look around the place before deciding whether or not to join as it certainly wont be to everyones tastes.

I have found that the freedoms of the site has calmed my argumentative side because when there's no-one telling you that you cant do this or that and all you have to answer to is your own conscience and other members criticisms then arguments soon become boring and real friendships can emerge.

Let me elaborate further by mentioning that I dont regret in helping set up Intensity, along with McJgger and Omega Female, and feel as long as there are enough decent members there, then it will continue to be a sucess and a refuge for autistics who are often of the opinion that they have been cast out elsewhere for their views or differences.

At this juncture i should point out I am no longer involved in the running of Intensity and hardly have the chance to visit so please dont hold my opinion as that of being the definitive guideline. People should and will continue make up their own minds.

Isnt it plain for all to see that my post was in defence of my character and involvement on Intensty? It's you that seems keen to drag this out. I have nothing to gain in plugging Intensty. Unlike you, i have better things to do with my time than incessently critique Asperger's forums. I suppose you just got bored of spotting trains and the aforementioned activity is your latest obsession?!

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06 Oct 2006, 11:45 am

ascan wrote:
aspoid wrote:
...this wasn't an administrator who did this. it was a short lived bit that was fixed.

You miss the point, as usual. The pictures were only removed after the admin at the other site intervened. You had copyright material taken from another site that was being used to attack a member. That particular member, who shows obvious AS related problems, had been hounded repeatedly by the guy who runs your site and his sycophantic side-kicks. As I've said elsewhere, you find a person's weakness then attack them until they break. This provides entertainment and is part of the attraction of Intensity². You've done it personally to at least two others in the past, too, haven't you? Didn't you label one a paedophile at the original Intensity?

in response to this entire piece of garbage (meaning ascans post, not ascan himself)

you have completely manufactured your entire argument above.


i missed the point as usual. you misinterpret the truth, AS USUAL!

but i will give you credit for one thing; you sure have a purdy vocabulary.


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06 Oct 2006, 12:02 pm

ascan wrote:
aspoid wrote:
...this wasn't an administrator who did this. it was a short lived bit that was fixed.

You miss the point, as usual. The pictures were only removed after the admin at the other site intervened.

Ascan, I took down those pictures because I had a change of heart, and others on I2 including Dunc said I'd gone too far. I didn't even know that AV had "intervened" untill a week after I took them down. And what would it have affected my decision anyway? Since when have the AV mods been able to keep me under control?


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06 Oct 2006, 12:23 pm

I understand that, Tom. However, the admins knew that those pictures had been taken from a secure area of a support site, and knew they were causing distress to the person they'd singled-out as victim. As admins they had power to remove those pictures, yet they didn't.

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06 Oct 2006, 2:01 pm


but the community prides itself on self moderation, and it worked this time, in this situation as you so thoughtfully described above.

do you care to respond to the allegations that i made about your prior post where i categorically denied that you spoke even one ounce of truth?


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06 Oct 2006, 3:16 pm

aspoid wrote:
...but the community prides itself on self moderation, and it worked this time, in this situation as you so thoughtfully described above.

That's a joke.

You pushed the young person in question so far that he started behaving irrationally. The picture incident was just one instance in a sustained attack by supposedly responsible adults with relatively-superior social skills on a weaker person who has severe deficits in his ability to interact appropriately with others. Personally, I think your leader banned him because he wanted to wash his hands of the situation he'd created, not wanting the bad publicity if the victim did anything too rash.

You've done similar things to others before. You and your buddies disgust me. But you already know that. You are cowards who hide behind the facade of providing a place for the dispossessed in order to prey on naive, vulnerable young people with AS.


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06 Oct 2006, 4:27 pm

I do not prey on anybody ascan nor am I dispossessed either in the end.

Come on My children lets All get Along Okay.

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07 Oct 2006, 12:31 am

ascan, so then, this is your third chance to answer this one:

do you care to respond to the allegations that i made about your prior post where i categorically denied that you spoke even one ounce of truth?

aascan, avoiding the tough ones, i see.

ascan, i see the ones that you do answer are selective. and your responses remind me of something MR. T. would say.

no, not, "i pity the fool."
what it reminds me of is, "What's all this Jibber-Jabber?"

ascan, same old Jibber-Jabber...


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07 Oct 2006, 2:35 am

aspoid wrote:
ascan, so then, this is your third chance to answer this one:

do you care to respond to the allegations that i made about your prior post where i categorically denied that you spoke even one ounce of truth?
aascan, avoiding the tough ones, i see....

People have had enough of our discussion by now. However, both you and the Intensity² admin know there's plenty of substance to what I say. You mcjagger, aspoid or whatever other name you want to hide behind are up to your neck in it, figuratively speaking. If people want the details they can PM me and I'll direct them to some people who can enlighten them. :wink:

A lot of people with AS who come to these places do so in order to try and make friends, and to do so in a non-threatening environment where the kind of bullying they've experienced IRL does not exist. The existence of your organisation threatens that because as long as you are here recruiting, there is the threat that if people here upset the wrong person then personal details or photos they've revealed will be taken to your site and used against them. That applies even if they are not members at your site, as you have in the past made plenty of derogatory comments about people from here, even though they have nothing to do with your organisation. After all, you pretend to have no rules, don't you?

All societies expect certain standards of behaviour, the most basic of these are usually embodied in law. They are essential in order for people to interact in a fair and balanced way, and to ensure those with power are unable to wield it unjustly. Indeed, the most basic of these that govern interaction with our immediate neighbours, I'd suggest, span both languages and cultures of the modern world; they are intrinsic human values, rather than artificially created bureaucratic constructs. They include things like not killing someone else, unless it's in self defence, and not stealing from another person. They also include treating people with a minimum degree of respect, and not using others' suffering as entertainment. Of course, one can find examples of societies where there are exceptions to this, but several million years of our evolution as social animals has decreed that, generally speaking, these values are what make good people as far as their interactions with others in the same social group are concerned.

As far as social groups go, you and your buddies are unfortunately part of the AS online community, and so most people expect (especially as most of you purport to have AS) that you extend others the courtesy of observing the following principles:

ascan wrote:
...treating people with a minimum degree of respect, and not using others' suffering as entertainment

Of course, there is a degree of subjectivity attached to things like "respect", "minimum" and "suffering" but what you and your buddies have done leaves no doubt, I'd suggest, in the minds of many. How you justify it in your own minds, I'm not sure. Perhaps having AS prevents you satisfactorily doing that; I reckon that if that is the case it is another very good reason why you people shouldn't be running a site of that kind — you don't know when you've gone too far.

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07 Oct 2006, 2:59 am

ascan wrote:
aspoid wrote:
ascan, so then, this is your third chance to answer this one:

do you care to respond to the allegations that i made about your prior post where i categorically denied that you spoke even one ounce of truth?
aascan, avoiding the tough ones, i see....

People have had enough of our discussion by now. However, both you and the Intensity² admin know there's plenty of substance to what I say. You mcjagger, aspoid or whatever other name you want to hide behind are up to your neck in it, figuratively speaking. If people want the details they can PM me and I'll direct them to some people who can enlighten them. :wink:

basically, so your words (or interpretations) do not have to be put to scrutiny.

i would think that the good people of intensitysquared should have the right to face their accusors.

a pm request for the facts...

real classy, ascan.

do you know what else is clever?
its how you quote yourself and respond. its like, no-one else has perspective.

a real class act, ascan.

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07 Oct 2006, 3:05 am


A lot of people with AS who come to these places do so in order to try and make friends, and to do so in a non-threatening environment where the kind of bullying they've experienced IRL does not exist. The existence of your organisation threatens that because as long as you are here recruiting, there is the threat that if people here upset the wrong person then personal details or photos they've revealed will be taken to your site and used against them. That applies even if they are not members at your site, as you have in the past made plenty of derogatory comments about people from here, even though they have nothing to do with your organisation. After all, you pretend to have no rules, don't you?

he who is without sin, ascan, may cast the first stone.

what about concerned mothers of ASD children.

what is your stance on NT Mothers. Are they allowed to make friends in a non threatening environment?

and stop acting like the posted picture incidence was such a big deal.

i mean it was just about as embarrassing as you must feel everytime you try to form a logical argument which are BASED ON FACTS.

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07 Oct 2006, 3:14 am


All societies expect certain standards of behaviour, the most basic of these are usually embodied in law. They are essential in order for people to interact in a fair and balanced way, and to ensure those with power are unable to wield it unjustly. Indeed, the most basic of these that govern interaction with our immediate neighbours, I'd suggest, span both languages and cultures of the modern world; they are intrinsic human values, rather than artificially created bureaucratic constructs. They include things like not killing someone else, unless it's in self defence, and not stealing from another person. They also include treating people with a minimum degree of respect, and not using others' suffering as entertainment. Of course, one can find examples of societies where there are exceptions to this, but several million years of our evolution as social animals has decreed that, generally speaking, these values are what make good people as far as their interactions with others in the same social group are concerned.

Let me remind you of something.

I personally think that people are tired of being governed every step of their lives. people want to be themselves, hang-out. they don't want to be told how to act.

They also include treating people with a minimum degree of respect, and not using others' suffering as entertainment.

look not at the splinter in my eye, ascan, or your neighbours, but rather, address the 2X4 in your own eye.


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07 Oct 2006, 1:37 pm

Hi, guys.  8)  No prizes for guessing who this is!  :P

MrMark wrote:
ascan wrote:
Anyway, let me ask you this: if you'd joined a support-type site, and posted your picture in a "secure" area in an attempt to make friends, then someone at the place in question joined the support site, found that image and posted it elsewhere in an attempt to humiliate you, how would you feel? (keep in mind that this is a place for people with AS, and people with AS often have great difficulty making friends). This is the sort of thing they do, and some of the admins there encourage it. People can go there if they want, but if you fall foul of the wrong people, this is the treatment you can expect.

So this is common knowledge, right? I2 is for thick-skinned aspies.

Allow me to elaborate.

Intensity has completely changed the AS on-line community; it is no longer possible for a person to join an AS board and discuss their difficulties without the risk of their actions being analysed, criticised and ridiculed by other members of the community. Intensity does not respect the wishes of those who decline the invitation to partake in their 'freedom of expression.'

For example, I was reading a thread on Intensity the other day where a member of WrongPlanet, who had discussed an embarrassing situation with the hope of helping a fellow member of WrongPlanet, was referred to as "the most unf**kable male on WP." Thankfully, this comment was made in a members' only part of Intensity so, hopefully, that remark will not come to the attention of the person that it was directed at. However, similarly uncouth remarks - directed at non-members - are made on a daily basis all over the site.

Sometimes, a person who is a member at both WrongPlanet and Intensity officially identifies another member of WrongPlanet as an object of ridicule. The person who is a member at both places then creates a thread on Intensity to incite other members of Intensity to join in with mocking the person. Here is an example of that taking place:

In some cases, a thread is started on Intensity's 'Main Event Callout board. The selected victim is then hounded via PM to post on the Main Event Callout thread (if the person accepts the 'challenge,' the thread is swiftly moved to a members' only part of the site), where they will be subjected to no limit of humiliation and degrading insults.

If the chosen prey declines to participate in the Main Event thread, they will be continued to be provoked and harassed by various members of Intensity; a common tactic employed is to call the person who refused the invitation a 'coward.'

Here is a thread where the owner of this site was beckoned to the Intensity:

When he failed to join the site, another member set up a fake account impersonating him. The person pretending to be Alex continued to post things to make Alex look foolish, before eventually deleting the account. Intensity even imposes its version of 'morality' on those who wish to not be part of it.

"...In order that every man present his views without penalty, there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population." ~ Albert Einstein

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07 Oct 2006, 3:08 pm

AntiHeather wrote:
Hi, guys.  8)  No prizes for guessing who this is!  :P


Sometimes, a person who is a member at both WrongPlanet and Intensity officially identifies another member of WrongPlanet as an object of ridicule. The person who is a member at both places then creates a thread on Intensity to incite other members of Intensity to join in with mocking the person. Here is an example of that taking place:


Hi Hecate, or do you still prefer to be addressed as Queen Omega?  It's good to see you back posting on WrongPlanet, even if it is just to help your boyfriend Ascan.

Did you actually read the Intensity threads that you linked?

In this case, the WrongPlanet member in question was Christopher M and the Intensity member was asking for help because Christopher M was being extremely abusive to her by PM.  I joined WrongPlanet to support her and the other women he abused.  Christopher M was trolling for vulnerable women here and abusing them both by PM and in the thread and Alex banned him because of it.  He did lurk at Intensity, after he was invited, but he never joined, as far as I know.  Here is a link to the WrongPlanet thread in question: ... highlight=


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07 Oct 2006, 3:52 pm

Callaway, you know very well that AntiHeather has illustrated quite adequately the lynch-mob mentality of you and your buddies who love to indulge in feeding frenzies of abusive action against those with AS they deem deserve it, whether they are members of your site or not. AntiHeather knows considerably more about the organisation than you — she helped to create it.

It's interesting that you have a position of responsibility at Intensity² yet you still resort to unnecessary personal remarks to advance your weak argument:

Callaway wrote:
...even if it is just to help your boyfriend Ascan.

That speaks volumes as regards your own character and motives.

Anyway, we both now know that the AS community has been adequately warned of the dangers posed by your organisation, and I would hope that any other AS support site who has mods or admins who are also engaged in similar positions at Intensity² can remove them forthwith from that position, as I'm sure many members will feel uneasy knowing what they do now.

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07 Oct 2006, 4:24 pm


man need a girl to do his fighting for him?