When should I call back about job applications?

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23 May 2008, 12:14 pm

I recently turned several job applications at my local mall. A lot of these places didn't have up 'help wanted' signs, but they didn't say that they weren't hiring at the time. It's been about a week, and my dad keeps telling me I should call back to all these places regarding my apps, but I'm not sure. I mean, I don't even know if any of these places are actively looking for employees or if they just took my application to keep on file. I have to mention that I'm absolutely terrified of offending people/being pushy. I don't want to be calling all these places, bothering the employees if they're not even looking for new hires. From my point of view, constantly calling about my application would come off as extremely rude and give a bad impression. Of course, I know that my thought process is very different than that of most people. What do you guys think?

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23 May 2008, 12:40 pm

Yes, I would think the same way as you did however I understand that whenever you send in a resume or application and you dont hear anything after about a week potential employees see it as just good follow thru supposedly if you call back 5-7 days, showing interest and asking if its possible to scedual an interview.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.

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23 May 2008, 1:08 pm

Thanks for the reply. I mostly needed someone to tell me to go ahead and do it.

Of course, when I called, I found that one place isn't hiring at that location, and the person at the other place who schedules the interviews had already left for the weekend, so not much progress yet. Oh well, gotta keep trying.


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23 May 2008, 1:27 pm

Saji wrote:
I recently turned several job applications at my local mall. A lot of these places didn't have up 'help wanted' signs, but they didn't say that they weren't hiring at the time. It's been about a week, and my dad keeps telling me I should call back to all these places regarding my apps, but I'm not sure. I mean, I don't even know if any of these places are actively looking for employees or if they just took my application to keep on file. I have to mention that I'm absolutely terrified of offending people/being pushy. I don't want to be calling all these places, bothering the employees if they're not even looking for new hires. From my point of view, constantly calling about my application would come off as extremely rude and give a bad impression. Of course, I know that my thought process is very different than that of most people. What do you guys think?

I always used to get the same flack from my parents about calling places back. It's quite funny. If men used the same logic with all the women that never returned their first call.... and pestered the sh** out of them the way that job seekers are recommended to do potential employers.... we would surely be arrested for stalking.

But then again the only thing in this world I find more contemptible than the dominant alpha male BS act you are expected to put on to get a girl, is the submissive butt-kissing drone BS act you are expected to put on to get a job.

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Emu Egg
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23 May 2008, 1:52 pm

LoveableNerd wrote:
Saji wrote:
I recently turned several job applications at my local mall. A lot of these places didn't have up 'help wanted' signs, but they didn't say that they weren't hiring at the time. It's been about a week, and my dad keeps telling me I should call back to all these places regarding my apps, but I'm not sure. I mean, I don't even know if any of these places are actively looking for employees or if they just took my application to keep on file. I have to mention that I'm absolutely terrified of offending people/being pushy. I don't want to be calling all these places, bothering the employees if they're not even looking for new hires. From my point of view, constantly calling about my application would come off as extremely rude and give a bad impression. Of course, I know that my thought process is very different than that of most people. What do you guys think?

I always used to get the same flack from my parents about calling places back. It's quite funny. If men used the same logic with all the women that never returned their first call.... and pestered the sh** out of them the way that job seekers are recommended to do potential employers.... we would surely be arrested for stalking.

But then again the only thing in this world I find more contemptible than the artificial BS act you are expected to put on to get a girl, is the artificial BS act you are expected to put on to get a job.

Both my parents told me that when applying for a job or filling out a resume, I needed to 'seel myself'. First thing that came to my mind was, what, like a prostitute?
I hate how I'm supposed to exaggerate my accomplishments and abilities. I prefer to state exactly what I can and can't do. I feel like I'm lying when I don't, and I'm not very good at it. I always come off sounding awkward and apologetic when I write/say something I don't feel is entirely truthful.

And about the stalking thing, I've always wondered where the line is between 'romantic persistance' and 'deranged obsession'. :shrug:

The only reason that I talk to myself is because that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.


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23 May 2008, 2:01 pm

Saji wrote:
And about the stalking thing, I've always wondered where the line is between 'romantic persistance' and 'deranged obsession'. :shrug:

One rule of thumb I've found is... if she is into you, any amount of 'deranged obsession' is written off as 'romantic persistence'. But if she isn't, she thinks any amount of 'romantic persistence' is 'deranged obsession'.

I choose to play it safe since I've been treated like a stalker for being persistent too many times. I'm sure I've thrown away a few opportunities, but first time she doesn't return a phone call or email within what I consider a reasonable amount of time, I'm done... at least until I hear from her again. My days of pursuit are over.

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.---George Bernard Shaw

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23 May 2008, 2:34 pm

You absolutely need to call back each business after a few days and ask for an interview. That's how getting a job works. You have to be a relentless pest to stand out. Employers are often impressed by this. Being shy and not following up with a phone call or email will result in never getting a job so you must repress your Aspie tendency to do nothing. And something else if you have previous work experience, volunteer experience or college education then you need to include a cover letter and resume with your applications.

Here's another tip -skip the "apply at every store in the mall" attempt to get a job. That approach is done by thousands of teenagers each year so they can't hire everyone. Apply at a temp agency, let them test your skills then let them find you work. Some of the top companies hire people only via temp agencies. Its like a new trend. Its also possible to get hired temp to permanent through a temp agency and never have to have the dreaded job interview in order to get a permanent job. The interview at a temp agency itself is fairly painless and lasts maybe 5 minutes if that. The temp agencies can get you real jobs in companies where you can get top pay and benefits. Jobs at the mall are dead end cheap labor with no benefits. Apply at every temp agency in town because each company can have exclusive contracts to specific employers in town. Also you must call at least once a week while you are not employed to let them know you are available so they will put you on a list to be placd. If you do not call them weekly to check in they see you as not interested and will not place you. You must be a pain in the butt pest to get jobs. That's how it works. However this doesn't work with dating and will backfire so this advice is only for job hunting and nothing else.


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23 May 2008, 3:58 pm

I agree...part of human resources job is to weed out the people who are not really interested in working and maybe just applying to fulfill their unemployment benefits requirements. You have to show an interest and the more you want a particular place, the more interest you should show. Before you call a particular place..think of something about working there that you might actually like...."meeting new people and helping them, working with animals, fashion interest...anything that will help them understand that you want that particular job.

It is expensive to go through the hiring, background checks, paper work of hiring someone ..then the training hours. All of that comes out of the companies bottom line,so they don't want to waste any resources on someone that isn't going to stick around long enough to make them money. The exceptions might be some companies that want a higher turn over(easier job to retrain someone) because then they can avoid paying benefits or raising hourly wage...like many fast food places.

As far as selling yourself. I know it is one of the hardest things for me to d...it sounds like bragging and I really hate people who brag or am even embarrassed to do it myself. Try and realize that they don't know anything about you. If you don't give them some positive information they will never have a full picture of you. You don't have to tell them that you are a genius :wink: but you can stress that you are mature and responsible, don't ever like to be late or call in sick, Dependability is a huge selling point. It helps if you can give concrete examples for this...like school attendance. Also try and think about all the kids you know in school...what do they have that you don't, what are negatives that they have that you don't. Before you can sell someone on yourself you have to actually realize that YOU will be a better worker then many of the "smiley happy people who are good bull******* but bad workers...trust me...they are legion.

SO make the calls and keep a list of who you have contacted and their response. It is essential and expected and taking phone calls from potential employees is part of their job...just be understanding if they don't have time to talk(may have to go out and cover the register) and call back later or ask if there is a more convenient time for you to call them. They will appreciate your understanding and empathy :wink: If you do get an interview...you are also expected to write them a thank you note as a follow up and to reiterate that you are interested in working there.

I am 44 and still go through these head games with applying for jobs but I have had a lot of experience looking and follow up does help.

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23 May 2008, 4:31 pm

You shouldn't ever brag. Bragging implies that you're getting so carried away with your own pride that you're misleading them - or even outright lying. It's NOT OK to lie at an interview; at the very least, there's the looming risk that you'll be found out for a fraud later, and promptly canned. Apply for a job you are QUALIFIED to do. And then simply explain how you are qualified, and show your enthusiasm for the job. If they have concerns about something that may be a deficit, they will ask YOU about it. That's how it balances - you convince them TO hire you - and they consider reasons NOT to hire you. Don't do their job for them.

And yes, absolutely call them back. If you send a coverletter by local mail, say you'll call in one week (so the letter & resume have time to arrive), and then do so. If you are dropping off an application, calling in 2-3 days should be fine. Following up like this shows enthusiasm. Stalking is if you don't take "no" for an answer. Speak politely, of course, and try to be as accomdating as you can for what interview time works for THEM.

The fact of the matter is that there are way more applications than jobs. And many employers will just stack up the applications on a desk and forget about them until someone calls. This is a practical way to reduce the sheer number of resumes they have to consider. The rest go in the trash. Consider this an advantage; you can massively increase your odds of getting an interview simply with a phone call!

And Ticker is absolutely dead on. Don't waste your time at the mall. A temp agency has a vested interest in looking after you, will land you a better-paying job, answer your questions, and let you prove your qualifications without spending a DIME. If you have any computer skills, take a typing test and any Microsoft Office tests you can right away. They will help your placement tremendously. (I know Manpower offers these, and I'm sure many other temp agencies do.)

To put this in perspective: The temp job I have now, I've had for nearly 2 years. They placed me here within ONE HOUR of my walking in the door. And after my first year, they went to the client and requested a raise ON MY BEHALF. I got it, too - a full dollar raise. :o

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23 May 2008, 5:50 pm

I have just figured out that the pestering works.

I just got an interview today for tomorrow at 3:30! All because I went into the businesses, and asked in person about the status of my job applications... multiple times, and made phone calls.


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Emu Egg
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26 May 2008, 6:12 pm

Okay, thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. They've been a big help.

The only reason that I talk to myself is because that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.


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27 May 2008, 9:08 pm

I usually call the next day or two days after applying and i'll say "I turned in my application yesterday and I wanted to see if I could set up an interview?" Make sure your talking to the manager though.

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