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01 Oct 2006, 12:45 pm

What do you make of this? Reverse racism? Why not just call it racism? I mean racism is racism, it's stupid any way one wishes to cut it, black on white, white on black, brown on white, brown on black, black and asian, or whatever. It's all stupid, it's dumb to think you can judge a wise man by the color of his skin. But here in America we live in a society that says only whites can be racist, and if someone of ethnicity is racist against us because of our skin color we're supposed to overlook it, because it's not racism if it's happening to a white person. Modern mainstream rap endorses this mentality. Things like BET, which are really just money making schemes for rich corporate white executives who exploit black culture for profit, and so many black people buy into it. What's more is they'll push this mentality like "oh, don't hate someone because theyr black, but if you wanna hate on someone for any number of other reasons that are equally as stupid go right ahead". And the slander whites, gays, atheists, anyone showing the slightest sign of being a rock fan, or anyone who thinks outside the box in general.... It's just stupid. I don't mind so much the more oldschool rap, or **some** underground rap, that stuff is alright.
I'm against racism in any form. I have plenty of black and brown friends, as well as white friends. I never look at someone's skin color, I judge people by how they conduct themselves.
But racism does go many ways, and yes, white people can be victims of it too. My mom is contantly dealing with being singled out at work because she works around only blacks. I've even heard of blacks dividing themselves by "light-skinned" and "dark-skinned". White people do this too, though we don't attach much racial pride to it because we don't really have a since of racial identity like other races. But you know, there are red necks, metal heads, preps, etc etc.... That's also another possibility why whites have no racial identity because we lack a unifying culture, though I think it would be stupid for us to try and make a racial identity for ourselves. It would just further divide things, and it's not like white people have a mountain to climb.
If anything blacks aren't the main victim of racism anymore ever since 9/11, now it's the arabs. But yeah, my point in this post is, why call it "reverse racism" when someone of ethnicity is being racist against whites? Why not just call it racism?
Also, I understand what my forefathers did to blacks, and it was wrong. I am ashamed that my ancestors took other human beings as slaves. But, blacks were enslaved by other blacks before white people even made any signifigant contact with them. They were sold off to white men by black slave owners in Africa. And to this day black people still enslave black people in Africa. As evil as it was what my ancestors did, and I am in no way justifying their evil deeds, had we not brought the blacks over they might still be bound into slavery, or dying of hunger and disease. Plus some white people helped the blacks to become free, the underground railroad could not have worked if white land owners didn't give them a place to lay low during the day time.
The way I say it is racism is stupid period, rather the victim is white, black, brown, asian, native american, or whatever. We're all human beings. There is no superior race, only superior individuals.


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01 Oct 2006, 1:09 pm

Yes, that is very stupid. Almost as stupid as worshipping Mustard instead of Garlic.

You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.


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01 Oct 2006, 1:26 pm

NT go figure. If they know about the science what racism is, I am sure that they would not be a part of it.


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01 Oct 2006, 1:45 pm

Racism is in all races though, and it's all evil. I dunno if you were calling me a NT or not but I can assure you I am an aspie. They way I figure it, once equality is won, there is no more point in calling yourself by a skin color or a nuero diversity or whatever. For the most part, blacks have overcome racism, as theyr now getting higher paying jobs and more leading roles. Though it does still persist in law enforcement and racist cops.
The only reason I even call myself an aspie is because of logical analysis of the situation, I didn't label myself, society labled me. But our struggle isn't gonna fix itself, aspies need to protest and become active. Once we've gained equality (if this happens in my lifetime, which I kind of doubt) I'll stop calling myself an aspie. First and foremost I am a human being.
As for racism I think people should stop labelling themselves by race and everyone should come together to defeat ALL racism... We should be one people, not many peoples.


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01 Oct 2006, 2:05 pm

"Reverse racism" is a term coined by primarily white thinkers to justify the fact that they themselves are racist. It gives them a lot of credible evidence to justify themselves as having racist thoughts, because then those that are different become the racists. By doing this, the associated white people are taking the position of their colored counterparts. These white thinkers are, in essence, becoming the victims.

Yes, it's stupid ... but it's primarily a result of media-driven propaganda. People don't just become racist when they are born. It is something that is taught, and it is taught through images on the television screen and through the words they read in newspapers. It is also taught through family dynamics. Nation-states tend to utilize a plethora of perceived victims to justify their own internal failures, and anyone that is different has the ability to become the target. It focues the underlying problems away from the social order, which is corrupt under the guise of any nation state, onto specific individuals. It encourages bullying and contempt, splitting apart the fabric of society. Then, the nation-state in question utilizes media-driven tactics to push strategies to divide and conquer.

- Ray M -


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01 Oct 2006, 3:03 pm

What do you call the attitude that it is less reprehensible for blacks to oppress whites since whites (supposedly) hold the power in society? As I see this attitude a lot where I live.

A teenage girl in my neighborhood was attacked by three black girls. They smashed a bottle in her face and called her a white b***h, and kicked her in the head so many times that she still suffers from seizures a year later.

It was not prosecuted as a hate crime. Imagine if it had been the opposite-- three white girls attacking a black girl? Not only would it have been prosecuted as a hate cime, but it would have been on cnn.


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01 Oct 2006, 3:11 pm

It's the same thing in Europe. Blacks and muslims can attack ethnic Swedes just for being ethnic Swedes, and they can never be charged for "hate crimes", and the "punishments" that they do get for assault, rape etc are total insults to the victims. That kind of people ought to get back to where they came from.

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01 Oct 2006, 3:21 pm

Aeturnus wrote:
"Reverse racism" is a term coined by primarily white thinkers to justify the fact that they themselves are racist. It gives them a lot of credible evidence to justify themselves as having racist thoughts, because then those that are different become the racists. By doing this, the associated white people are taking the position of their colored counterparts. These white thinkers are, in essence, becoming the victims.

I think you missed my point, that racism goes both ways. Yes, sometimes white people are discriminated for being white. If you don't believe me (assuming your a white guy) walk into the ghetto at 4 in the morning and see how long it takes you to get robbed. Your assumption that only whites are racist is just typical liberal propaganda "better not look at facts that might make some members of a minority angry".
Yeah, racism goes against blacks, asians, browns, arabs, and white people too. It goes in all directions. Admitting this is not racist, it's just looking at facts logically. Taking notice that whites are victims or racism just as much as any other race doesn't make you racist. If you think otherwise your stupid. Other races are not biologically any different than we are, other than their skin being a different color. If a white man can be racist, a black man can be racist, or a brown man can be racist.


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02 Oct 2006, 7:06 am

racism is wrong, no matter what
whites hating blacks
blacks hating whites

its all wrong

I have to deal with it every day, both my girlfriend and I have to deal with it. From my side, she is native american, so the white rasists harras her. But, since i'm not Cherokee, many of the Cherokee Indians harras me.

its all stupid. there is no justification, and anyone who defends it is a fool. hate against any color is wrong.

Furry and proud.

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02 Oct 2006, 10:01 am

All people have the same worth and the same dignity regardless of their skin color and of their origin.It is a pity that some people think people are inferior because of their differences.It makes life more beautiful if we accept everybody regardless of nationality and religion.


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02 Oct 2006, 10:11 am

en_una_isla wrote:
What do you call the attitude that it is less reprehensible for blacks to oppress whites since whites (supposedly) hold the power in society? As I see this attitude a lot where I live.

Hypocrisy and ignorance. That's what I call it.

en_una_isla wrote:
A teenage girl in my neighborhood was attacked by three black girls. They smashed a bottle in her face and called her a white b****, and kicked her in the head so many times that she still suffers from seizures a year later.It was not prosecuted as a hate crime. Imagine if it had been the opposite-- three white girls attacking a black girl? Not only would it have been prosecuted as a hate cime, but it would have been on cnn.

It should have been prosectued as a hate crime. Did anyone do anything about it? That's something you have to take up with your government to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Racism is racism. Calling it reverse racism inplies that only one group of people could be racist to begin with. That's not true. I have never seen any definition of racism that ever stated that, so reverse racism makes no sense.

Last edited by Sorce on 02 Oct 2006, 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Oct 2006, 10:13 am

snake321 wrote:
Aeturnus wrote:
"Reverse racism" is a term coined by primarily white thinkers to justify the fact that they themselves are racist. It gives them a lot of credible evidence to justify themselves as having racist thoughts, because then those that are different become the racists. By doing this, the associated white people are taking the position of their colored counterparts. These white thinkers are, in essence, becoming the victims.

I think you missed my point, that racism goes both ways. Yes, sometimes white people are discriminated for being white. If you don't believe me (assuming your a white guy) walk into the ghetto at 4 in the morning and see how long it takes you to get robbed. Your assumption that only whites are racist is just typical liberal propaganda "better not look at facts that might make some members of a minority angry".
Yeah, racism goes against blacks, asians, browns, arabs, and white people too. It goes in all directions. Admitting this is not racist, it's just looking at facts logically. Taking notice that whites are victims or racism just as much as any other race doesn't make you racist. If you think otherwise your stupid. Other races are not biologically any different than we are, other than their skin being a different color. If a white man can be racist, a black man can be racist, or a brown man can be racist.

Any person walking down the street in the ghetto at 4 in the morning will be robbed not matter what color skin they have.


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02 Oct 2006, 11:49 am

Yeah but it's 1000 times more likely to happen if your white and your in the ghetto. Your a walking target for anti-white racist assaults. I know, I used to live in the projects.


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02 Oct 2006, 11:51 am

On the same note, I'd hate to be black and living in Johnston County, about 15 minutes away from where i live. Apparently your skin color identifies which areas are safe for you, and the safe places will be different for a white person than for a black or brown person.
Maybe everyone should inter-breed so we're all one color :o


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02 Oct 2006, 12:53 pm

Another thought: how can you distinguish racism verses reverse racism anyway?

For example, you can say that Zionism is reverse racism in response to antisemitism. Nope. Actually antisemitism is reverse racism in response to the racism of first century Jews which made it into New Testament. After all, why did Jews kill Jesus? Because Jesus criticized them for their RACISM. Furthermore, if you have ever seen Talmud there is plenty of racism there, so antisemitism can be a reverse racism in response to that, too. But then again, if you trace roots of the racism of first century Jews or the racism in the talmud it might still be reversed racism in response to the racism they experienced in Old Testament times. And so on and so forth.

Also take muslims. So a liberal would say that muslims might be experiencing "reverse racism". But was it really the cause of 911? Nope. So muslims did first move in 911 which was racism, and then whites were the ones who had a reverse racism in response to that, and then muslims had a reverse-reverse-racism in response to white reverse-racism. A way to defend a claim that what muslims do is actually reverse racism is to say that 911 was in response to racism, and the closest claim to this would be that Arabs were jealous of rich white world. But this has two problems with it. First of all there is documented evidence from Bin Laden himself that it was religious in nature, and secondly even if it was indeed due to their poverty, is it really racism that they are poor? It isn't like rich countries go to the Arab land and robe them because they have different skin color.

With blacks I can make similar claim. True, the whites were the ones who made first move in terms of racist. But these "racist" whites would be in their graves by now. As far as whites living today, it is hard to distinguish how much was actually inheritted from their grand grand parents who were a slave owner verses how much of it is a frustration with reverse racism that they experience from blacks. Even if it is taught racism, it might still be claimed that their parents who taught them racist weren't actually racist but were merely reversing the reverse-racism of blacks. And then the reverse-reverse-racism that whites experience, will also fuel a reverse-reverse-reverse racism of blacks, and so it goes. On the other hand, of course, who is to say that white slave owners didn't pass their "true" racism either? They might have.

To show you an example where the two are hard to distinguish, take an affirmative action. If you say that affirmative action should NOT be there, you are implying that the blacks who happened to fail, failed so fairly. The logical conclusion is that it is fair that whites are more successful than blacks so whites are superior. ON THE OTHER HAND, if you defend affirmative action, then you are also being racist. After all, you are not making an affirmative action against white families who didn't have enough money to pay for their education. On the other hand, however little, there might still be a small minority of blacks who are rich, but they would still be getting affirmative action, so this is racist too.

So, it is racist both to support and oppose affirmative action. Why is that? Well, we have a problem, and then we need someoen to blame for the problem. So we either blame whites, or blacks. There is no way not to blame anyone, obviously SOMEONE had to be at fault for it. And there is no way of simply "letting it go" either. Because letting it go ultimately means blaming the weakest (i.e. black) by allowing them to fail. The only way out of it is to live in your own little room and stay COMPLETELY AWAY from politics altogether. And, of course, whatever opinion you take, it will be racist. And, by the way, whites can be racist against themselves too. After all there are blacks who hate ohter blacks. So I think that white liberals are examples of whites who hate other whites.

I guess the bottom line is that you have a "cycle of violence" and in order to even answer a question of what comes first chicken or an egg you have to be racist in order to make necesery assumptions of where to start your reasoning. Personally I think there is no way of ridding human mind from bias. After all, we need SOME kind of assumptions to "connect the dots together". That is a way we are wired. Every single one of us is racist agaist EVERY SINGLE MINOTIRY GROUP -- both white and black. These are just different KINDS of racisms in different proportions.


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02 Oct 2006, 3:32 pm

snake321 wrote:
Racism is in all races though, and it's all evil

Actually racism stems from Mother Natures own breeding control. Animals too can be racist. Hence racism cannot be evil, it is just b***h unpleasant.