Was Satan wrong to demand equal rights in heaven?

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Cato Publius
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05 Apr 2015, 11:27 pm

GnosticBishop wrote:
Was Satan wrong to demand equal rights in heaven?

Heaven, from what we can speculate, seems to be a system that some would call a tyranny as no one was allowed to question anything or ask for change in leadership or policies.

Was Satan and the third of angels who rejected tyranny wrong to demand equal rights, and if so, are all people who demand equal rights on earth also doing something satanic?

Is this why most religions are reluctant to give women and gays equality? Do Christians and Muslims think equality to be evil and satanic?

Do religious people think that their Gods frown on the notions of equality of all people and is that why believers deny women and gays equality?


If this is why Christians and Muslims were/are against some equality measures it would have to be subconsciously as per what you are saying.

It is an interesting idea.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Apr 2015, 5:50 am

God [dark matter] and son [sun] have astral authority over Satan [saturn]
Saturn's gravitational influence is huge due to its very large size, but the sun and dark matter influence man too.
Saturn and the number 8, fate, the infinity symbol, describe circularity much like the Chinese yin/yang. Even Santa Claus is somehow involved in all this.
I just googled: 'saturn satan' and cut n pasted the first thing that came up from http://www.factsbehindfaith.com/Satan-astrology.html

Satan, the Devil and Saturn, Lord of the Rings and Capricorn, the Goat
Saturn is the Planet of Materialism, Power and Worldliness

All ancient faiths were based on the oldest science, astrology : the influence of the planets. The planets were the gods in Greece and Rome, Egypt and Babylon, India, Scandinavia, S. America …. Our current world faiths originated in the same ancient world. It should be no surprise to find they are also all based on astrology, all recognising One God.

Satan, the Devil, is easily recognised as a portrait of massive Saturn, the higher dimension of this spirit, beyond the personal astrology of the horoscope.

This recognition, based on the Kabbalah, gives us the rational, credible, scientific and multifaith understanding of God we need in modern times. It strongly supports the message of the Bible, especially the Gospels, the message of love and peace but avoids the literal simplifications of fundamentalism........


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06 Apr 2015, 6:51 am

sophisticated wrote:
Who told you Satan demanded equal rights in heaven ?

Check the Vatican art on Satan. Note those nice female breasts.

As above so below.

Women are oppressed and denied equality by Christianity on earth just as they are by the Christian God in heaven.



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06 Apr 2015, 6:53 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
I always figured Satan had rebelled in order to depose God, and become ruler of heaven himself.

That is seeking equality of opportunity is it not?

Do you want to live in a tyranny or a democracy?



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06 Apr 2015, 6:55 am

naturalplastic wrote:
The whole story that Satan rebelled, and was cast down apparently is not even in the Bible.

Various passages in the Bible imply that he is a fallen angel, and that he has an entourage of other "cursed angels".

So some rebellion incident in Heaven is inferred from connecting the dots in various passages. But there is no chapter/verse that actually recounts the story.

So if hat is a lie, how much else in the bible is a lie?

Is anything in the bible the truth?



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06 Apr 2015, 7:01 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
Do you want to live in a tyranny or a democracy?

False dichotomy, according to the minority.


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06 Apr 2015, 7:03 am

Fnord wrote:
Tradition has it that Satan was the Heavenly Choir Director. As for the rest ...

The two Scripture passages that describe Satan before he fell are Ezekiel 28:12-19 and Isaiah 14:12-15. Satan was the "anointed cherub" (Ezekiel 28:14). He was adorned with every precious jewel imaginable (Ezekiel 28:13). He was "the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty" (Ezekiel 28:12b). Likely he was the highest of all angels. He was persuasive enough to convince one-third of the angels to join him in his rebellion (Revelation 12:4). Even after his fall from heaven, not even Michael the archangel dared to stand up to him without the Lord’s help (Jude 9). Satan fell because of pride. He did not like being "second best." He wanted to be God:.

Correct. Satan anted equality of opportunity and a democracy instead of a tyranny.

Was the rebellion justified?

Which would you vote for?

Before you answer, read some of your bible to see if you are to be a slave to God or a maser to God.

Have a look a what Jesus says and remember that he took the seat of power away from God.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alRNbes ... r_embedded

Someone has not been reading their bible.



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06 Apr 2015, 7:07 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Was Satan wrong to demand equal rights in heaven?

Heaven, from what we can speculate, seems to be a system that some would call a tyranny as no one was allowed to question anything or ask for change in leadership or policies.

Was Satan and the third of angels who rejected tyranny wrong to demand equal rights, and if so, are all people who demand equal rights on earth also doing something satanic?

Is this why most religions are reluctant to give women and gays equality? Do Christians and Muslims think equality to be evil and satanic?

Do religious people think that their Gods frown on the notions of equality of all people and is that why believers deny women and gays equality?


In God's Kingdom, yes, Satan was wrong. Let him go to his own Kingdom and then he can have equality if that's what he wants.

Believers do not always grant equal rights and generally view people as unequal and they are unequal to God, especially the Calvinists and Primitives who believe in predestination. They might look at others as being very unequal and there's no way to change it.

So one should not fight tyranny if one does not own where they live.

Tyrants around the word will be pleased to have slugs who thin that way living there.



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06 Apr 2015, 7:10 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Satan tried to overthrow God. So he was not seeking "equality".

Next question.

She wanted democracy instead of a tyranny, yes.

Would you follow or remain a slave without choices?

Try to think before answering this time please.



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06 Apr 2015, 7:13 am

PhoenixFalcon wrote:
Maybe he was trying to become the "Good King" of heaven, deposing the bloodthirsty god and installing himself as a benevolent dictator? I mean, God WAS the entity that made every single living thing mortal because two people at some weird fruit, wiped out every single living thing on the planet for being "wicked", and imposed ridiculous rules on mankind, only to send them into hell anyways.


Just kidding.

You see 20/20.



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06 Apr 2015, 7:21 am

Cato Publius wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Was Satan wrong to demand equal rights in heaven?

Heaven, from what we can speculate, seems to be a system that some would call a tyranny as no one was allowed to question anything or ask for change in leadership or policies.

Was Satan and the third of angels who rejected tyranny wrong to demand equal rights, and if so, are all people who demand equal rights on earth also doing something satanic?

Is this why most religions are reluctant to give women and gays equality? Do Christians and Muslims think equality to be evil and satanic?

Do religious people think that their Gods frown on the notions of equality of all people and is that why believers deny women and gays equality?


If this is why Christians and Muslims were/are against some equality measures it would have to be subconsciously as per what you are saying.

It is an interesting idea.


I doubt it.

It is religious men who know nothing of justice who are imposing injustice and inequality into our society.

We are slowed by the bastards but society is wining in spite of these misogynistic and homophobic mainstream religions.

It is a good thing that most believers are not rely believers or civilized people would be having a harder time bringing religionists to civility.



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06 Apr 2015, 7:24 am

Humanaut wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Do you want to live in a tyranny or a democracy?

False dichotomy, according to the minority.


How can a question be a false dichotomy?

Lean how to use words before using them.



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06 Apr 2015, 7:27 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
It is religious men who know nothing of justice who are imposing injustice and inequality into our society.

Could you name some of these men?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Apr 2015, 7:39 am

can i have first go with the virgins?


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06 Apr 2015, 7:43 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
Humanaut wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Do you want to live in a tyranny or a democracy?
False dichotomy, according to the minority.
How can a question be a false dichotomy?

Dichotomous questions are well-known phenomenons.


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06 Apr 2015, 8:17 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Satan tried to overthrow God. So he was not seeking "equality".

Next question.

She wanted democracy instead of a tyranny, yes.

Would you follow or remain a slave without choices?

Try to think before answering this time please.


My bad. I meant: "he wanted to overthrow God in order to take god's thrown and rule himself. To form a junta and to be the next dictator in the banana republic. Not to achieve "democracy", nor "equality", nor "justice", nor anything like that. "Demanding equality" had nothing to do with it.Satan just wanted to depose god to get power. So your question is irrelevent. Next question."