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Mona Pereth

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25 Nov 2020, 8:00 pm

Pepe wrote:
Mona Pereth wrote:
Given the exploding numbers of QAnon believers these days, the above quote is terrifying. Given Trump's desperation to remain in office, I fear the possibility that he might, at some point in the not-too-distant future, decide to claim that the fervent beliefs of his most loyal and devoted supporters are in fact the truth, and try to use that as a basis for imprisoning all his political opponents.

Well, that didn't happen, as I predicted.
You owe me a lemonade, btw. :mrgreen:

It could, still, conceivably happen any time between now and January 20. Hopefully it won't happen, but, as long as Trump is still President, it's premature to declare that it "didn't happen."

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
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Mona Pereth

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13 Jan 2021, 5:02 am

Looks like my fears almost (but not quite) came true on January 6, according to NBC's Ben Collins.

See A Breeding Ground for Conspiracies: How QAnon Helped Bring About the U.S. Capitol Assault by Nicholas Iacobuzio, January 7, 2021.

See also this podcast: Ben Collins: Why We Should Be Alarmed.

More about QAnon and its dangers:

- As Trump meets with QAnon influencers, the conspiracy's adherents beg for dictatorship by By Ben Collins, NBC News, Dec. 22, 2020: "With Trump's days in office dwindling, QAnon influencers have become increasingly restless and militant, urging the president to '#crosstherubicon.'"
- How three conspiracy theorists took 'Q' and sparked Qanon by Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins, NBC News, Aug. 14, 2018: "Pushing the theory on to bigger platforms proved to be the key to Qanon’s spread — and the originators’ financial gain."

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
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13 Jan 2021, 12:45 pm


Brewing Somewhat oF A Perfect Storm oF iGNoRanCE An Apex of Its Condition to Watch Unfold Now...

THere is a Missing Piece (Peace) Here that Because of Politically Correct Issues
FolkS iN Politics Won't Usually Mention And that is That We Basically

Have Another



Crusade' Going on

In Grass Roots Fashion oF iGNoRanCE

Originating In Innumerable 'Small Baptist

Churches' 'Still in the Backwoods' Holding

Hands Online Now In Strength As Such...


So to Speak "Anti-Christian-Socialist-
Satanic-Global-Cult-Way Where As


"The Big Lie"

For Kool-Aid

To Drink is MaNufactured

And Core Driven From 'the Pulpit'

Supporting 'the Big Lie' to continue to

Fuel So-called 'Onward Marching Christian

Soldiers' Who Are Simply Tribal Warriors Bonding

Over A Lie FoR A Territorial Dispute For Continued


And Control

Of Reproductive Freedoms..

i Live In A Center Storm of

It in 'A Trump Town USA' i Have

Studied it for Years

Around the

Country too

In the Ignorance

of the so-called

Dark Side of the Web

(A Perfect Grey Storm)

This Has Been Building

In Alex Jones And Jim Jones

WayS Ever Since/Before the OId Testament

Bond and Bind of Dashing the Children

Of Opposing Tribes Head's Against A Rock to

Literally Kill Them in Celebration for Just another 'Trump Win'


As Usual in Any
Book That 'Serves Man'

That is Actually A Recipe

In 'A Cook Book' From "Hell"

For Self-Destruction in Prophecy...

Yes, Oldest Human
Tribal Tool used
to Gather

For War

And Make Them
The Tools Surrounding

Just another Story of
'72 Virgins in Heaven' After

Death A Dirt Nap Paradise

The Big Lie HaS Endless SHaDeS to Create
Slaves to Follow; Dominate And Rule as the 'Minions
Movies' are Really Human Never Ending Stories of Dark...




Humans Capable

of Dreams or Nightmares

Capable of Loving Hell or Heaven on Earth....

That Again They Themselves Create...


i Choose Honey

Just to Bee... And

Buzz Around Solo Free

Unattached to the Strings

of a Foreign God with Clothes...

All The Puppeteers Empty Within

SeeKinG Power to Control...

Anyway The Ingredients

Of the Cook-Book Always

PrepaRed Always Just LooKinG

For A New Quarterback Demagogue

to Direct The DarK TeaM oF iGNoRanCE More...

If Anyone Doubts the Power
of Story in An Old Book
of Dusty Poetry

Look No

Further than
the Old Bible

to See The Cook

Book That Still is

Used As Tool to Master Free to Slave....

iF iT iS A Truly Free
Book No Allegiance
To Any Power Yet Self Wings...

to Write


Own Story of Life...

Yet of Course then

It Wouldn't Really Be

Organized Religion to Master the Free As Slave..

Let's Face it There Are Slaves And There Are Freer


Two More

Sides of the Human Condition

And of Course Demagogues who
Master Slaves And Souls Who Master Selfs Freer...

i've Seen Folks With Master's Degrees in Mathematics
Fall to this "CueAnon" Nonsense Yet You See the Kind of


To Discern

The Truth oF it

Is Emotional Intelligence

The Kind of Intelligence You

Don't Develop When 'Big Daddy'

Trump Says Boys Don't Cry And

Unless You Beat the Hell Out of Everyone You Lose

Seen It Happen Everywhere in Trump Town USA Lots
of the Young Men End Up addicted to something in PriSon

So Empty of the
Fuel of Love


Same place

Or Worse
The Addicts
of 'Trump', 'The Old Testament
God' Are still going now... Straight to

'Revelation' For The Folks to Clearly
See with Soul Where they are already at...



That Big Daddies

Send THeir Children to 'Trump

Town USA anywhere in the World'..

Of Course this is A Vast Generalization

As all Stories Are... That Spread as Nightmares or

Dreams Both In Fruition

Dark Thru Beyond

the End of

the Rainbow Now

Or A Seed A Living
Tree Just Starting to Spread Roots...

Other than That It's Just Karma Simple

Action And Effect That HiSToRY Shows

It Seems We Need A Bit More of HerStory to
Even Survive NoW in the Longer Dance And
Song Version of Who We aRe Even Evolved
to Be A Bit Closer to A Force of LoVE Yes 'The Nanny

State' Defeating 'The Reaper'...

We Come From
Matriarchy Yet

When We Have
To Cooperate to
Survive The Strength

We Have Lost to Survive

In Small Groups Now The

Chaos BLack Within of Selfish Competition
Truly Sick Out of the Balance of Human Nature....

At Core





iN Cooperation...


Balance or Fall...

And Why is 'the Opposing

DarK Force So Strong it comes

From Small Groups Holding

(Yep, Small Baptist Churches

In the Backwoods Still Now)

Hands As Satellites Together online now

Stars Creating A DarK Web oF iGNoRaNCE.... as it breeds....

And Comes

Out in

Broad Day Light

Now Naked For All to See....

Revealed Just As They Predicted for Themselves...


What i've

Felt of THeir Human Condition...

Above 'Their Version of Their Planet of Apes'....

This Video Below (Beneath) Says So Much About One of the Sides of the Human

Condition And Sure Dark Horse has A Similar Meaning too An Oldest Human Story Now US...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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13 Jan 2021, 5:56 pm

It's fairly certain that whoever got the Qanon phenomenon up and running (that is Q, the supposed government insider) never believed in it themselves from the start. But none of you seem to be bothered about who that was or what their motivations were. You seem to be more interested in feeling superior to the people who fell for it.

The fact is that organized paedophilia in elite circles is a well-documented fact, both in the USA and in other Western countries. There was the Franklin scandal in 1988 in Nebraska (which Wikpedia disputes, oh well I guess they're infallible), the Marc Dutroux scandal in Belgium in 1995, and the elite paedophile ring in Portugal from 2011. And more recently there was the case of Jeffrey Epstein, who was clearly an intelligence asset running a blackmail operation (but I suppose some of you won't want to believe that either unless Rachel Maddow or Stephen Colbert tells you it's so).

In addition to that, there are the war crimes, high level corruption, and megalomaniacal government surveillance revealed by Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Yet for some reason Q didn't want to focus on stuff like this, and he didn't want to release any documents or evidence for his own claims either.

Also, Q kept telling his followers to "Trust the Plan" every time Trump went betrayed one of his campaign promises rather than putting any pressure on him to actually do the sorts of things his base voted him in for.

So either Q was a very dedicated troll, or more likely the whole thing was an intelligence services psyop, lulling Trump supporters into complacency while monitoring them should they get too "uppitty".
And if anyone thinks that the intelligence services don't spend huge amounts of time manipulating online discourse for their own ends, then you're very naive.


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13 Jan 2021, 7:20 pm

Eric Weinstein talking about QAnon, LARPing, and kayfabe.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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13 Jan 2021, 9:29 pm

slam_thunderhide wrote:
It's fairly certain that whoever got the Qanon phenomenon up and running (that is Q, the supposed government insider) never believed in it themselves from the start. But none of you seem to be bothered about who that was or what their motivations were. You seem to be more interested in feeling superior to the people who fell for it.

The fact is that organized paedophilia in elite circles is a well-documented fact, both in the USA and in other Western countries. There was the Franklin scandal in 1988 in Nebraska (which Wikpedia disputes, oh well I guess they're infallible), the Marc Dutroux scandal in Belgium in 1995, and the elite paedophile ring in Portugal from 2011. And more recently there was the case of Jeffrey Epstein, who was clearly an intelligence asset running a blackmail operation (but I suppose some of you won't want to believe that either unless Rachel Maddow or Stephen Colbert tells you it's so).

In addition to that, there are the war crimes, high level corruption, and megalomaniacal government surveillance revealed by Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Yet for some reason Q didn't want to focus on stuff like this, and he didn't want to release any documents or evidence for his own claims either.

Also, Q kept telling his followers to "Trust the Plan" every time Trump went betrayed one of his campaign promises rather than putting any pressure on him to actually do the sorts of things his base voted him in for.

So either Q was a very dedicated troll, or more likely the whole thing was an intelligence services psyop, lulling Trump supporters into complacency while monitoring them should they get too "uppitty".
And if anyone thinks that the intelligence services don't spend huge amounts of time manipulating online discourse for their own ends, then you're very naive.

Oh look, a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory.

The main problem with all this stuff is the size and quality of the operation necessary to pull it off, even assuming for a second there might be a globally universal reason for doing so.

I have no doubts there are paedophiles in high places, not to mention thieves, saboteurs, double agents etc. But there are plenty of perverts, crooks and liars further down the tree too. I find the leap from localised immorality to an all-pervasive plot totally incredible. How would anyone arrange such a massive conspiracy to be so utterly watertight that there's hardly a shred of evidence? With no chinks in the armour whatsoever? Yes it is possible to find individual events but there's nothing beyond speculation linking any of them together. That's amazing given the constant sea of cock-ups we see in every other area of life.

On the other hand, there's very little here that can't be explained using normal rationale - the pursuit of fame, wealth, power and sex. Follow those lines of enquiry, does anything really seem THAT out of place? Plenty of rampant egotism at work, self-delusion (including the desire to live forever), ambition, pride, coincidences, mistakes, cover-ups, good and bad luck, good and bad timing, and all the general chaos the world always provides.

Conspiracy theories on this scale are too neat, too simple, too one-sided, too idealistic. We can't even maintain international stability over things like fishing quotas - you really think anyone could pull this off? It's just a lazy way of justifying prejudices that people already have, when reality gets too complicated for them.

Mona Pereth

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13 Jan 2021, 9:37 pm

slam_thunderhide wrote:
It's fairly certain that whoever got the Qanon phenomenon up and running (that is Q, the supposed government insider) never believed in it themselves from the start. But none of you seem to be bothered about who that was or what their motivations were. You seem to be more interested in feeling superior to the people who fell for it.

I'm less interested in "feeling superior" than I am in warning about the dangers of the decades-old grand conspiracy ideology of which QAnon is the latest incarnation.

slam_thunderhide wrote:
The fact is that organized paedophilia in elite circles is a well-documented fact, both in the USA and in other Western countries.

Depends what you mean by "organized paedophilia in elite circles." Of course there exist child sex abusers among the elite, just there exist child sex abusers among the non-elite, and of course the elite ones have better means of covering up their crimes and and discouraging investigations thereof. But you are apparently claiming much more than this. Are you endorsing the widely-repeated claim that this country, and perhaps the world as a whole, are ruled by a vast organized conspiracy of child sex abusers?

slam_thunderhide wrote:
There was the Franklin scandal in 1988 in Nebraska (which Wikpedia disputes, oh well I guess they're infallible),

Not just Wikipedia but two separate grand juries concluded this was a "carefully crafted hoax."

slam_thunderhide wrote:
the Marc Dutroux scandal in Belgium in 1995, and the elite paedophile ring in Portugal from 2011.

These appear to be legit criminal cases, as far as I can tell. As with any other type of crime, there exist both true accusations and false accusations.

slam_thunderhide wrote:
And more recently there was the case of Jeffrey Epstein, who was clearly an intelligence asset running a blackmail operation (but I suppose some of you won't want to believe that either unless Rachel Maddow or Stephen Colbert tells you it's so).

I would be more interested in the opinion of legal experts than Rachel Maddow or Stephen Colbert.

Be that as it may, the cause of protecting children from sex abuse, and from child trafficking rings (which do exist), isn't well-served by endorsing every accusation no matter how unfounded and fantastical. See Trump Said QAnon ‘Fights’ Pedophilia. But The Group Has Made It Harder To Protect Kids, Oct. 15, 2020.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
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Last edited by Mona Pereth on 13 Jan 2021, 11:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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13 Jan 2021, 9:45 pm

I'd argue the reason so many far-right groups are obsessed by paedophilia allegations is because they're a surefire way of provoking hugely emotional responses. If you 'wrong foot' people like that, and tap into them while they're at their most wound-up and irrational, they're very easy to manipulate into believing all sorts of other rubbish that isn't really related at all.


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14 Jan 2021, 7:26 am

Redd_Kross wrote:
slam_thunderhide wrote:
It's fairly certain that whoever got the Qanon phenomenon up and running (that is Q, the supposed government insider) never believed in it themselves from the start. But none of you seem to be bothered about who that was or what their motivations were. You seem to be more interested in feeling superior to the people who fell for it.

The fact is that organized paedophilia in elite circles is a well-documented fact, both in the USA and in other Western countries. There was the Franklin scandal in 1988 in Nebraska (which Wikpedia disputes, oh well I guess they're infallible), the Marc Dutroux scandal in Belgium in 1995, and the elite paedophile ring in Portugal from 2011. And more recently there was the case of Jeffrey Epstein, who was clearly an intelligence asset running a blackmail operation (but I suppose some of you won't want to believe that either unless Rachel Maddow or Stephen Colbert tells you it's so).

In addition to that, there are the war crimes, high level corruption, and megalomaniacal government surveillance revealed by Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Yet for some reason Q didn't want to focus on stuff like this, and he didn't want to release any documents or evidence for his own claims either.

Also, Q kept telling his followers to "Trust the Plan" every time Trump went betrayed one of his campaign promises rather than putting any pressure on him to actually do the sorts of things his base voted him in for.

So either Q was a very dedicated troll, or more likely the whole thing was an intelligence services psyop, lulling Trump supporters into complacency while monitoring them should they get too "uppitty".
And if anyone thinks that the intelligence services don't spend huge amounts of time manipulating online discourse for their own ends, then you're very naive.

Oh look, a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory.

The main problem with all this stuff is the size and quality of the operation necessary to pull it off, even assuming for a second there might be a globally universal reason for doing so.

This sub-forum is absolutely full of people who get triggered into repeating memes they've heard without thinking about the context of what is being discussed. "X couldn't happen because of the size of the operation required to pull it off" is absolutely right up there at the top of the list.

Look, all it would take for the Q phenomenon to have been instigated by intelligence services would be for one intelligence officer to sit behind a computer screen typing crap on a message board.

I mean, a random bored internet troll could have pulled this off if he had nothing better to do, but you apparently think it's beyond the capabilities of organizations responsible for COINTELPRO and MK-ULTRA (look them up if necessary).

Redd_Kross wrote:
I have no doubts there are paedophiles in high places, not to mention thieves, saboteurs, double agents etc. But there are plenty of perverts, crooks and liars further down the tree too. I find the leap from localised immorality to an all-pervasive plot totally incredible. How would anyone arrange such a massive conspiracy to be so utterly watertight that there's hardly a shred of evidence? With no chinks in the armour whatsoever? Yes it is possible to find individual events but there's nothing beyond speculation linking any of them together. That's amazing given the constant sea of cock-ups we see in every other area of life.

On the other hand, there's very little here that can't be explained using normal rationale - the pursuit of fame, wealth, power and sex. Follow those lines of enquiry, does anything really seem THAT out of place? Plenty of rampant egotism at work, self-delusion (including the desire to live forever), ambition, pride, coincidences, mistakes, cover-ups, good and bad luck, good and bad timing, and all the general chaos the world always provides.

This is all a big non-sequitur. Either I haven't explained myself clearly enough, or you're not thinking.

My point was, if the original Q wanted to get people riled up about elite paedophilia and corruption, he could have either produced new evidence (if he had any) or pointed to well-documented cases that other people had uncovered. The fact that he did not do so, and the fact that he kept telling people to trust Trump's plan when it was clear Trump didn't have a plan - this all suggests that 'Q' knew he was spreading misinformation.

So the question is who was he and why was he doing this?

I wonder how many people on this thread actually realize that that there was a Q in the first place - an anonymous poster on the 4chan message boards claiming to be a government insider.

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14 Jan 2021, 10:18 am

The identity of Q is reasonably well-known - it’s Jim Watkins, or his son, or someone in their employ. Once Q became popular they used it to drive traffic to their website, 8chan, and raise their own profile. They probably weren’t the creators but they have hijacked the account and have been controlling it for several years.


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14 Jan 2021, 2:56 pm

My 'GooDNeSS' iN Pleasure And Pain 'The SHow Must Go oN'

Yep, Power of 'the Story';
'Little F8lks' Hidden
Behind Curtains...

Welcome to

OZ And

All 'The Powerful Players'

Behind Cloaks oF iGNoRanCE...

'They' Were All Just Waiting for

An Avenue to Turn Kansas into OZ...

All Theses 'CueAnon Conspiracy Theories' Behind 'Cra8y 8 Balls'

And Rule it From Somewhere in the 'Philippines

On A P8g


This is Most

Definitely Where

Coups For Lies Come From 'P8g Sl8p

oF iGNoRaNCE... What's 'THaT Old Saying' 'Swine

Throwing Sl8p Beyond The Wise' 'Pictures Perfect Examples'



Yes We Do Have

A Few Problems Generated

From 'The Revenge of the Nerds'

Who Have Come to Provide Systemizing

Avenues for 'Little F9lks' Behind Avatars to

Rule and Even Make Money...

Yes Something

Has to Be


For the 'Revenge

Of the Nerds' Has come...

Hmm.. Fascinating Indeed to

Study; 'Hey Eve Pass Me Some

More Popcorn' From the Naked

FoRest WHere 'Real Avatars' Thrive... TRULY FREE Naked on the Fur/Wing....

Anyway, in Case Anyone Wonders Who Has Come to Be Almost in Charge... Just A Link Below

Here'S A Deal: Now Anyone Will 'Write A Bible' No Matter How Short or Long And Rule


Power of the

Story; the PreSent

Story of Humanity Unleashed Unlimited New Religions

Now, Not Unlike Pandemics and Locusts upon the Earth

Now Everyone Gets to Control The Stories of Their own for Naughty or Nice


Like That's

Anything New "News"

Always More 'Testaments'

And 'Rulings' to come...

Truth or Lie

Who Ever

Takes The

Bait Naughty or Nice

So Many Good and or Bad

Santas Sending Gifts Around the Globe As

THere are Always New Barnum and Bailey Fish to Bite...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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18 Jan 2021, 9:59 pm

a Christian spiritual warfare rewrite of Manly P Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages referencing the planet Mars and tying it to Hamlet's Mill type astrotheology and pagan religious motifs of the near east. .

CIA is hosting a pdf :jester: ... l.Ages.pdf


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18 Jan 2021, 11:12 pm

I follow the "situation" since late 2017. At first, it was someone named FBIanon if I remember correctly. Then he/she/they vanished. Was posting on Reddit. After that (or before the vanishing, don't remember well), an Anonymous was posting cryptic informations on 4chan that was looking like some cryptic military code I don't know. It's after a few of these posts that Anonymous started calling himself (or herself ???) 'Q'. I remember in 2018 they said there was many Q.

I wont write at this time about '"breadcrumbs" (cues) and "drops" (events :D ).

My understanding allows me (weird wording) to tell you that Q wont post again ( I've read it in many places).

About the doubtful Second Coming of the Christ, Q once said that Jesus Christ was a bad teacher. So you need to have a certain mindset if you want to be a member of this kind of mystic club (but not really mystic nor a club, really). And QAnon is like Christian Canon, or the Star Trek canon (for the trekkies).

<<< Symbolism will be their downfall. >> -- Q

Q said something about what he wrote having more than one meaning sens. Also, he said kind things about autistic people and our intelligence.

But now, what is the mother of all conspiracies ? I WANT to know ! (The choice to know will be yours. --Q)

The_Walrus wrote:
The identity of Q is reasonably well-known - it’s Jim Watkins, or his son, or someone in their employ. Once Q became popular they used it to drive traffic to their website, 8chan, and raise their own profile. They probably weren’t the creators but they have hijacked the account and have been controlling it for several years.

The Twitter account of 8 (frog smiley) got suspended in the first purge against Trump supporters two weeks ago (or one week ago). I am formally confident that it was Jim Watkins' account.

Q said "No outside comms", which many Q followers interpret as "no outside comms beside 4chan".

About hijacking the real Q account, yes I am certain ! They can also change the origin of some posts, to pretend that they were all written by the same person.

Last May, I've met some Montreal police officers, and I remarked there was a blue horizontal line in the middle of their flag on their uniforms. Afterward, Q posted the USA flag (black and gray, as the Canadian flags I have seen on the uniforms). Some say the blue line represent 'Peace. I agree. No more war !

I suppose 'Q' meant 'cue'(indice', Question (obvious), or Quantum.

IQ seems to be very popular with the military, and people all over the world know what Q is.

And... I don't remember Q having wrote he was on Trump's or the Democrats' side.

“Yes, Jim has posted as Q before. f**k you, dad,” wrote the user, who also went by Ron Watkins’ handle, @CodeMonkeyZ. "


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18 Jan 2021, 11:21 pm

slam_thunderhide wrote:
This sub-forum is absolutely full of people who get triggered into repeating memes they've heard without thinking about the context of what is being discussed. "X couldn't happen because of the size of the operation required to pull it off" is absolutely right up there at the top of the list.

Look, all it would take for the Q phenomenon to have been instigated by intelligence services would be for one intelligence officer to sit behind a computer screen typing crap on a message board.

I mean, a random bored internet troll could have pulled this off if he had nothing better to do, but you apparently think it's beyond the capabilities of organizations responsible for COINTELPRO and MK-ULTRA (look them up if necessary).

Redd_Kross wrote:
I have no doubts there are paedophiles in high places, not to mention thieves, saboteurs, double agents etc. But there are plenty of perverts, crooks and liars further down the tree too. I find the leap from localised immorality to an all-pervasive plot totally incredible. How would anyone arrange such a massive conspiracy to be so utterly watertight that there's hardly a shred of evidence? With no chinks in the armour whatsoever? Yes it is possible to find individual events but there's nothing beyond speculation linking any of them together. That's amazing given the constant sea of cock-ups we see in every other area of life.

On the other hand, there's very little here that can't be explained using normal rationale - the pursuit of fame, wealth, power and sex. Follow those lines of enquiry, does anything really seem THAT out of place? Plenty of rampant egotism at work, self-delusion (including the desire to live forever), ambition, pride, coincidences, mistakes, cover-ups, good and bad luck, good and bad timing, and all the general chaos the world always provides.

This is all a big non-sequitur. Either I haven't explained myself clearly enough, or you're not thinking.

My point was, if the original Q wanted to get people riled up about elite paedophilia and corruption, he could have either produced new evidence (if he had any) or pointed to well-documented cases that other people had uncovered. The fact that he did not do so, and the fact that he kept telling people to trust Trump's plan when it was clear Trump didn't have a plan - this all suggests that 'Q' knew he was spreading misinformation.

So the question is who was he and why was he doing this?

I wonder how many people on this thread actually realize that that there was a Q in the first place - an anonymous poster on the 4chan message boards claiming to be a government insider.

Step back a bit. Why are you so bothered about proving this one unreliable source was SO much more unrealiable than every other unreliable source?

The internet is full of BS. Trying to pin all the BS on one guy in order to declare every other crackpot theory true doesn't strike me as a sound strategy.

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15 Nov 2021, 4:26 am

My main concern here is the revival of Satanic panic. I worry that we may have another wave of false accusations, similar to what happened in the 1980's. See America's Satanic Panic Returns — This Time Through QAnon, NPR, May 18, 2021.

I worry especially about the possibility of a wave of false criminal accusations against people who aren't elite, but who are just ordinary progressive activists, journalists, low-level local politicians, members of various non-Christian religious groups, or people who have aroused the ire of right wing grand-conspiracy believers for whatever reason.

Back in the 1980's, most of the falsely-accused people were not members of the elite, but were ordinary child care workers. Children were asked leading questions for hours on end until they said what the investigators wanted to hear, the worse the better. Yet, when these cases finally fell apart, "Satanic Ritual Abuse" believers blamed an alleged elite conspiracy rather than acknowledge that there was anything wrong with the accusations.

Of course, thanks to the First Amendment, it's highly unlikely that Christian nationalists will ever fully succeed in their goals. But they've had a long history of making life difficult for various religious minorities in various ways.

Real child sex abuse certainly does happen, including abuse by elite folks like Jeffrey Epstein. The fight against child sex abuse needs to focus on real evidence and not be distracted by grand conspiracy ideology.

I'm also concerned about another new development that happened within just the past couple of days. Mike Flynn, as part of his effort to salvage his reputation with the QAnon crowd (see my separate thread Mike Flynn learns how Satanic panic mongers eat their own), recently advocated that there should be only one religion in the United States -- Christianity, of course. There has always been at least an undertone of Christian nationalism among the grand conspiracy ideology crowd, and in Republican politics more generally ever since 1980 or so, but it's still shocking to hear a prominent figure like Mike Flynn advocate it so blatantly. (See Michael Flynn Faces Backlash After Saying America Should Only Have One Religion by Khaleda Rahman, Newsweek, 11/14/2021.)

Of course, thanks to the First Amendment, it's highly unlikely that Christian nationalists will ever get their way completely. But they have certainly succeeded in making life difficult for various religious minorities, especially in the Bible Belt. So, to me it's scary to see a strengthening of Christian nationalism.

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15 Nov 2021, 4:45 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
My main concern here is the revival of Satanic panic. I worry that we may have another wave of false accusations, similar to what happened in the 1980's. See America's Satanic Panic Returns — This Time Through QAnon, NPR, May 18, 2021.

I'm not sure what to think about the "Satanic Panic" any more, I'm now inclined to believe there may actually have been a cover up of some kind.

This article mentions:

The McMartin Pre-School case became one of the longest and most expensive criminal cases ever tried in the United States. It ended when Buckey was acquitted of dozens of charges in 1990.

Attempts to find tunnels underneath the preschool failed, and since the trials, several of the students who accused Buckey of abuse have admitted their stories were fabricated.

Funnily enough, there was an FBI data dump a few years ago ( about the Finders - a child trafficking group. In the middle of this dump, seemingly out of place is two pages regarding some tunnels found and investigated under the McMartin Pre-School, tunnels which don't exist according to the official story. Maybe the FBI is just screwing with people for fun, but it surely makes me suspicious. (Check it out yourself, part 1 of that dump - pages 48 and 49)


For those who don't want to visit the FBI. These are the two pages in question:

They are out of place, there has never been a connection between McMartin and the Finders, until the FBI made one with this dump. Note also the finding of pentagrams and animal bones.

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