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Mona Pereth

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15 Sep 2022, 6:30 pm

Satanic panic is making a comeback, fueled by QAnon believers and GOP influencers by Bendik Kaltenborn, NBC News, Sept. 14, 2022:

Baseless accusations are branding people as satanist pedophiles at the speed of the internet — just ask a GOP prosecutor who recently lost re-election.


While the current obsession with Satan was boosted in part by the QAnon community, partisan media and conservative politicians have been instrumental in spreading newfound fears over the so-called ritualistic abuse of children that the devil supposedly inspires, sometimes weaving the allegations together with other culture war issues such as LGBTQ rights. Those fears are powering fresh accusations of ritual abuse online, which are amplified on social media and by partisan media, and can mobilize mobs to seek vigilante justice.

Witch hunts have traditionally been associated with courts — even the kangaroo kind — but today, the accused can be branded satanist pedophiles at the speed of the internet. Online accusers can bypass police, therapists and the traditional media and out their alleged abusers straight to audiences of millions.

“The ʼ80s and ʼ90s were terrifying and they ruined people’s lives, but they were constrained in certain ways by network technologies,” said Whitney Phillips, an assistant professor in the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication and co-author of the book, “You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polarized Speech, Conspiracy Theories, and Our Polluted Media Landscape.”

The article discusses several recent cases, and then a very general overview of the trend. Then:

The daily invocations of Satan by the biggest players in conservative politics and media are too numerous to catalog in full.

Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Ga., credited the devil with whispering to women who choose to have abortions and controlling churches who aid undocumented immigrants. In June, she tweeted a video of a man dressed as the devil, stating that the mythical creature would be the next witness called by the House Jan. 6 committee. “They all know him, they all love him, and some even worship him,” she wrote.

Charlie Kirk, the president of one of the largest conservative groups in the country, Turning Point USA, recently opined that Republicans should “use the law to shut down Satanism.” Last year, Fox News host Tucker Carlson expressed his opinion on trans people, telling his viewers, “When you say you can change your own gender by wishing it, you’re saying you’re God, and that is satanic.” The Republican nominee for Missouri’s St. Louis County executive, the top job in the local government, is currently suing her former employer over its mask mandates, citing their use in “satanic ritual abuse.”

And after President Joe Biden’s recent speech on the threat that “MAGA Republicans” pose to democracy, the very subjects of his warnings framed the president’s address as “satanic,” because of the red lights illuminating the backdrop of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.

Later in the article, some history of the 1980's panic, followed by:

The modern-day equivalent of those hypervigilant PSAs and daytime talk shows is found online: in posts and videos urging “awareness” for dangers like random white vans and other child-trafficking urban legends. These amateur PSAs are seen immediately by millions, with the option to share them across communities.

That rhetoric is not without consequence. People and places perceived as satanic have been the target of harassment, threats and worse in recent months.

Last year, a child in North Wales was kidnapped while abductors held his foster mother at knifepoint. Wilfred Wong, an evangelical Christian and long-time activist behind the group Coalition Against Satanist Ritual Abuse, whose goal is “to increase public awareness and action regarding satanist ritual abuse,” was sentenced to 17 years in prison for his role in the abduction. Wong and a group of five others said they were trying to rescue the child from his father, whom they believed to be a satanist and pedophile.

In the U.S., a Republican candidate for governor in Georgia, Kandiss Taylor, campaigned on demolishing the Georgia Guidestones, a tourist attraction known by some as American Stonehenge. When the mysterious monument — made up of massive granite slabs etched with innocuous rules for living — was blown up in July, Taylor seemed to celebrate, calling them “satanic.”

The article then describes some more recent instances of harassment resulting from Satanic ritual abuse allegations, both online and in real life.


Phillips, the University of Oregon assistant professor, said the internet’s power is particularly worrisome in light of what appears to be a renewed satanic panic.

“The internet has basically jumped over the need for other intervention,” she said. “You can have an accusation that goes viral, be seen by millions of people by the end of that day. That was never possible before.”

“You can almost foresee what is coming next,” Phillips said. “It’s what we’ve seen before, but all of the bulwarks are gone.”

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15 Sep 2022, 6:59 pm

Fnord wrote:
Sadly, trying to convince people who would rather believe Trump's lies than everyone else's truth that your fears are valid would be like trying to convince members of the Westboro Baptist church that there is no God.[/color]

Infact according to surveys. Since Trump's election loss in 2020 the opposite has happened.
In 2021 following the height of the pandemic and Trump's promotion of QAnon core support for QAnon was 14%
in 2022 with Biden one year at the helm debunking Trump and QAnon following the Jan 6 riots core support for QAnon rose to 16% ... -prri-poll
Republican support for trump rose from 63 million in 2016 to 75 million in 2020.

The support base for this growth in conspiracies are predominantly white republicans who (if anything) are increasingly joining the fold of QAnon and associated MAGA cults in droves despite pages and pages of evidence debunking the horse s**t produced by MAGA proponents in the republican party and those promoting QAnon conspiracies


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17 Sep 2022, 4:32 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
The daily invocations of Satan by the biggest players in conservative politics and media are too numerous to catalog in full.

Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Ga., credited the devil with whispering to women who choose to have abortions and controlling churches who aid undocumented immigrants. In June, she tweeted a video of a man dressed as the devil, stating that the mythical creature would be the next witness called by the House Jan. 6 committee. “They all know him, they all love him, and some even worship him,” she wrote.
:roll: She really is the senator for the 1690's, isn't she.

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17 Sep 2022, 8:27 am

cyberdad wrote:
The support base for this growth in conspiracies are predominantly white republicans who (if anything) are increasingly joining the fold of QAnon and associated MAGA cults in droves despite pages and pages of evidence debunking the horse s**t produced by MAGA proponents in the republican party and those promoting QAnon conspiracies
The growth in QAnon membership was driven by the Biden-19 lockdowns, where small businesses were shut down and people were confined to their homes, while wealthy corporations like Walmart were allowed to continue operating. Only a brainwashed Covid worshipper wouldn't figure out that it's political.

Some states closed dentist's offices and optometry clinics, but kept liquor stores open. Are you ****ing [sexing] kidding me?!

I myself joined QAnon to regain my social life. All my former friends got brainwashed by Biden, and there was nowhere to go in the first place. I had so much fun with the new people. So I changed my voting habits from Democrat to Republican.

86 the 46
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17 Sep 2022, 9:46 am

Trump was president when the Pandemic started.

To call COVID “Biden-19” defies all logic.

If I was lonely, I wouldn’t revert to a belief where supposed pedophiliac ceremonies occurred in the basement of a pizza place (especially when this particular pizza place had no basemen).


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17 Sep 2022, 9:59 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
Trump was president when the Pandemic started.

To call COVID “Biden-19” defies all logic.

If I was lonely, I wouldn’t revert to a belief where supposed pedophiliac ceremonies occurred in the basement of a pizza place (especially when this particular pizza place had no basemen).
You spelled "scamdemic" wrong, my fellow Wrong-Planeteer. :wink: It's "Biden-19" because it was made in a lab to help Biden win.

And comparing garden-variety QAnon to Pizzagate like comparing mainline Protestants to Chick Tract Fundamentalists.

86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!


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17 Sep 2022, 12:01 pm

I truly doubt any Chinese scientist who might deign to create COVID would even think about Biden.


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17 Sep 2022, 1:07 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I truly doubt any Chinese scientist who might deign to create COVID would even think about Biden.
Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, who cares! At the end of the day, it's about MONEY and POLITICS!

George Soros paid the Wuhan Virology Institute to synthesize Covid in order to make Trump lose, along with Anthony Fauci telling them which DNA/RNA patterns to use. As long as they got paid, they didn't care which politician they were hurting. If the Koch Brothers (Soros's conservative equivalent) paid the Wuhan Institute, they'd still synthesize Covid, only it'd be Biden they'd be undermining. It just might be less effective, since Wuhan wouldn't have access to Fauci's "science" :roll: and liberal media's fearmongering.

86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!


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17 Sep 2022, 4:32 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
George Soros paid the Wuhan Virology Institute to synthesize Covid in order to make Trump lose . . .
Evidence, please?
Aspie1 wrote:
. . . along with Anthony Fauci telling them which DNA/RNA patterns to use.
Evidence, please?
Aspie1 wrote:
As long as they got paid, they didn't care which politician they were hurting.
Evidence, please?
Aspie1 wrote:
If the Koch Brothers (Soros's conservative equivalent) paid the Wuhan Institute, they'd still synthesize Covid, only it'd be Biden they'd be undermining.
Evidence, please?
Aspie1 wrote:
It just might be less effective, since Wuhan wouldn't have access to Fauci's "science" and liberal media's fearmongering.
Evidence, please?

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17 Sep 2022, 4:33 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
. . . it was made in a lab to help Biden win.
Evidence, please?
Aspie1 wrote:
And comparing garden-variety QAnon to Pizzagate like comparing mainline Protestants to Chick Tract Fundamentalists.
Evidence, please?

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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17 Sep 2022, 4:36 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
I myself joined QAnon to regain my social life. All my former friends got brainwashed by Biden, and there was nowhere to go in the first place. I had so much fun with the new people. So I changed my voting habits from Democrat to Republican.
You went to the dark side to have a better social life?


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17 Sep 2022, 4:55 pm

Fnord wrote:
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Your own eyes are the evidence. Open them. Look at the world around you. If you can't see that the whole Covid thing was planned for political reasons from the start, then I have a bridge to sell to you. Terms 2/10 N/30.

86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!

Last edited by Aspie1 on 17 Sep 2022, 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Sep 2022, 5:18 pm

I don’t know anybody who has been brainwashed by Biden as much as some people have been brainwashed by Trump.


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17 Sep 2022, 5:55 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Evidence, please?
Your own eyes are the evidence. Open them. Look at the world around you. If you can't see that the whole Covid thing was planned for political reasons from the start, then I have a bridge to sell to you. Terms 2/10 N/30.
My eyes are open enough to see that your claims are unsupported -- you have no evidence to support them.

Your implication that I am gullible is further evidence that your claims are unsupportable -- you seek to discredit me for asking for evidence instead of providing the (non-existent) evidence yourself.

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17 Sep 2022, 6:09 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Trump was president when the Pandemic started.

To call COVID “Biden-19” defies all logic.

If I was lonely, I wouldn’t revert to a belief where supposed pedophiliac ceremonies occurred in the basement of a pizza place (especially when this particular pizza place had no basemen).

Like the Alamo? Their basement just had a bicycle.

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18 Sep 2022, 9:16 am

Aspie1 wrote:
George Soros paid the Wuhan Virology Institute to synthesize Covid in order to make Trump lose, along with Anthony Fauci telling them which DNA/RNA patterns to use.
Ah, the universal boogeymen again.

You're presupposing that the entire institute was either aware of this and went along with it, or not one single person there suspected a thing. Either is extraordinary and as such, requires extraordinary evidence in support.

And once again you're maintaining the USA-centric stance on this, ignoring the entire world's population of scientists involved with Covid in one way or another. Or were all of them also paid off by George Soros/commanded by Anthony Fauci/somehow ignorant of any of these accusations?

I think you need to have a better look at your sources, because it looks like you're being fed unsubstantiated and irrational nonsense.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.