How Tech Companies Are Profiting Off Your Anger

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17 Feb 2023, 8:25 pm ... eDailyShow

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17 Feb 2023, 8:41 pm

Never let YouTube do your thinking for you.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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18 Feb 2023, 12:48 am

Fnord wrote:
Never let YouTube do your thinking for you.

Do you ever have more than a thought-terminating cliché to respond with when someone posts a YouTube video?
It's not like letting other sources think for you is any better.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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18 Feb 2023, 3:42 am

funeralxempire wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Never let YouTube do your thinking for you.
Do you ever have more than a thought-terminating cliché to respond with when someone posts a YouTube video?  It's not like letting other sources think for you is any better.
Nope!  That one statement expresses everything I want to express about YouTube and the people who rely on it.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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18 Feb 2023, 4:06 am

But back to the subject.


Have heard and read similar stuff about how social media has algorithms to enhance the popularity of outrageous tweets and outrageous posts etc.. It all feeds into political polarization. Amplifies extremist voices. And it all for profit.

It all just...MAKES ME SO ANGRY!! !! !

Just kidding.

And you see related stuff about how media outlets do less educating of their readers/viewers, and more pandering TO the biases of their consumers - in order to maintain market share in the increasingly splintered and atomized media of today.

Maybe its all true, or maybe not. But its a worthy topic to explore.

Last edited by naturalplastic on 18 Feb 2023, 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Feb 2023, 5:37 am

I would read a newspaper back in the 1990's and feel like most of the stories were printrd to generate anger and outrage,so I stopped reading them. Similar to this.
Well the video is blocked in the UK so I can't get the details.


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18 Feb 2023, 7:50 am

 ! Cornflake wrote:
Some unnecessarily personal responses have been removed.

Disagree with the content, but don't expand that into getting personal about the member posting it.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.


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18 Feb 2023, 12:01 pm

I've heard it before too, and I wouldn't put it past the big tech companies to be doing that. There's nothing like a wind-up to get attention, and in the world of business, attention often means profit.

Still, I haven't seen anything like that in my Facebook newsfeed. But maybe that's because I use browser plugins to block everything except posts from my Facebook friends and groups. So I doubt anybody is making money out of my anger. Might be different for somebody who reads unsolicited stuff.


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18 Feb 2023, 12:36 pm

Fnord wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Never let YouTube do your thinking for you.
Do you ever have more than a thought-terminating cliché to respond with when someone posts a YouTube video?  It's not like letting other sources think for you is any better.
Nope!  That one statement expresses everything I want to express about YouTube and the people who rely on it.

Have you ever considered making a worthwhile contribution instead, or are snarky, thought-terminating clichés all you're able to contribute?

It's not any different than posting FAKE NEWS!! !! and believing you've actually contributed.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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Last edited by funeralxempire on 18 Feb 2023, 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Feb 2023, 3:22 pm

Thanks For the Humorous Video From YouTube, 'The Daily Show'

Provides For 'Free;' Yes, Addressing How Tech Companies Are Profiting

Off Anger And Of Course Cable News Companies, Particularly Fox News;

As They Surely Have Been Proven Lately to Propagate Lies That Make

Their Target Audience Angry to Keep Them For Profits After Trump

Lost and They Admitted His Whole Ruse Was Foolish and Ridiculous

Yet Never the

Less They Continued

to Propagate 'The Big

Lie' For The 'Soul' Purpose of MaKinG Bucks; God Yes,

Truly That S88KS Yet There is A Deeper Human Story Going on;

So Let's See How "Psychology Today" Addresses the Subject of Addiction to Anger With A Link:

"1. Human neurobiology rewards anger.

Part of the issue is that in the moment, anger feels good; it feels like the thing to do. It overrides all other moral and rational brakes in the brain because it originates from our primordial, original limbic system: the brain center of our most automatic emotions like fear and desire. The limbic system has the most direct links to our fight-or-flight response system, and that includes control over adrenaline rushes, alertness, and other instincts that prime you for battle or rapid escape.

2. Anger is similar to other addictions.

What happens is that anger can lead to similar “rushes” as thrill-seeking activities where danger triggers dopamine reward receptors in the brain, or like other forms of addiction such as gambling, extreme sports, or even drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines. Anger can become its own reward, but like other addictions, the final consequences are dangerous and real, and people follow impulses in the moment without regard to the big picture.

3. Anger boosts ego fragility.

There is also the psychological aspect of ego fragility and injury, often seen in narcissistic personalities; the rush behind anger can be triggered by underlying feelings of weakness or insecurity, a way to feel powerful in the moment and overcome those feelings. It also helps people feel briefly in control of things they typically have no control over. Unfortunately, the aftermath reinforces negative consequences that hurt you in the eyes of others, and continues the cycle of insecurity. It becomes a vicious cycle of tantrums and punishment that ultimately hurt the angry individual.

4. Anger may be familiar/comfortable and also a method of emotional avoidance.

Unfortunately for some people who are raised in continuously chaotic environments, the uncertainty and volatility of anger might become perversely comfortable, might help distract from or escape underlying uncomfortable feelings of emptiness or fear. The rush of drama and conflict feels familiar and produces a destructive intimacy that some might prefer than to confront other darker emotions like loss or grief or more. Aside from traumatic family environments, combat veterans are also at risk of similar addiction, as they remain in high-threat situations for long and repeated periods of time."

Yes, Dear Lord Misery And Discontent And Overall Anger And Hate Are 'Great' Bedfellows of Addiction to Anger

This Way And 'You' Bet, Folks Make Money off This Human Weakness In Many Areas of Life and Just to Manipulate

Other Folks Some Days For the Pure Sadistic Aspect of Pulling Someone Else's Chain; And Indeed It is also

A Sign of Weakness For the Folks Propagating The Anger As There Are Surely Stronger Ways to Lead

A Life of Cooperation

With Pro-Social

Emotions That Actually

Heal And Make Us Stronger

Humans Together in Every

Way of Creativity and Productivity

With Health and Well Being THiS WAY Too




And May Contribute to All Kinds of Illnesses Wearing Our Immune

System Down Leading to A General State of Malaise, Anxiety, and Yes Depression too...

Yet Folks Continue to Be Addicted to the Con-Social Emotions in A Spiraling Way Down, Down, Down, Down....

God Yes, A Greatest Poverty As Opposed to A Greatest Strength is When Folks Find a Practice to Regulate Their

Emotions and Integrate Their Senses in Flow Through a Practice Like Still or Moving Meditation Generating

Their Own Happiness, With the Real Ability in Day to Day Life to Master How one Reacts Emotionally

to The Environment at Hand...

So When Anyone Anywhere Tries

to Manipulate me That Way, IT IS USELESS

FOR REAL; i Remain Calm Continuing to Become

Stronger With Resilience And Well Being in Every Way...

Meanwhile, the Folks Who Spread Their Anger Continue

A Downward Spiral of Addiction to the Stress Hormones of Anger...

And Additionally Through the Work of "Iain McGilchrist," It Shows That

When Folks Are More Restricted to Left Brain Hemisphere Processes of

Grasping Our Environment For Control And Materially Reducing it as Such;

Emotions Associated Are More Likely to Be Con-Social Emotions of Anger

And Even Hate This Way For Control Over the Environment And Other Folks too....

It's Like my Psychiatrist Once Said, An Air Force Major Diagnosing me With the Worst

Case of Anxiety or Depression He Said He Ever Saw Among Combat Veterans Who Spent
Time in the Desert Wars of the 2000's in the Middle East; Yes, He Said Fred, You Need to

Find Something Other Than

Adrenaline to Motivate

Yourself in Life; (At That

Point i Had NO EARTHLY


Yes, Use The More Positive
Emotions And At Age 47 Raised

in A Very Backwards Part of the

World Where 'Matt Gaetz' is the Representative

Of Our District Here That Says A lot About the

Ignorance of Our Populace Here; Yes, Here They Used

to Say Boys Aren't Allowed to Smile at Risk of Physical Abuse

in School and At the City Park; And Yes, If You Did They Would Even

Spit on You; They Said Emotions are For Girls; Except Anger and Hate of Course....

And Foolishly They continued This Lie as You Should Have Seen 'Them' at the 40th Class Reunion

Versus the Human

Who Rose Above the

Anger and Hate of this

Place i am Raised in Truly

Toxic Patriarchy ThiS Way;

Raising Boys to Become Men

To Fight in Unwarranted Wars

Like Vietnam And Iraq Of Course,

Being HARD/COLD enough to Kill Someone

of the Same Species Indeed; Yes, With A Trigger Finger

That Never Freezes With the Human Condition of Compassion

For All for Real; True, Good Vibrations Heal in Terms of Oxytocin

For Real That Don't Wear Us Down to Bare Bones of Anger and Hate;

However That Emotional Contagion Will Bond and Bind Over The Darkest

Of Ideas, Symbols, And Lies Associated With Ignorance, Anger and Hate too; Yet This Much is

True And As an Anthropology Participant Observer Studying Religion in a Really Great Place

To Do it Here in 'Trump Country And DeSaTaNiS Country And Gaetz Country;' And Online

With Humans of Just About Every Religion too; Regardless if i Agree with Their Ideologies or Not;

Some of the Kindest People i Have Come Across Are Devout Muslim Women And Devout Christian Women

too; Both in Very Fundamentalist Ways; So, Shall i Discard Them As Warm FRiEnDS For Their Ideologies

THAT i Do Not Agree With;

Well of Course Not As Then

i Would Be Not Much Different Than

Them, Excluding This or That Human

Being From Having Another Human Condition

Based on the Nature and Nurture of their Reality too....

i'm Not Surprised At all That The Democrats Studied

Wished Death on The 'Opposing Tribe' At A Rate of 15 Percent

As Compared to 10 Percent For the Republican Tribe As True i Heard

That Often That if Republicans Didn't Wear Masks, Social Distance, Or Vaccinate During

The Pandemic, They Will Get What They Deserve And Just Die, Die, Die; So True, in ThiS Way


Are of the

Similar Nature;

Without The Ability

to Walk in Another Person's Shoes;

That Takes Actual Interaction With the

Folks Who Are Different Than Us; and You

May Be Surprised, They May Become the Best FRiEnDS You Ever Had in Your Life...

Yet Only If One is Willing to take the Effort of Understanding Why; Whether it is An Addiction

That is No Less More Difficult than Substance Addiction or Adhering to Dark Bonds and Binds

Of Lies to Continue

To Feel the Warmth

of Oxytocin That

Bonding and Binding

(In Churches or Wherever 'Group Think/Feel'
Reigns Over Humanity For Real; Yes, For Real)

Over Similar Ideologies; God Yes,
And Symbols Actually Bring; Yes,

A Neurohormone Oxytocin That

Actually Reduces Anxiety And Pain;

It's True Most oF All Humans are Ruled

By How They Feel and Sense Life Day to Day

And one May Materially Reduce that to Neurohormones

And Neurochemicals iN Play Yet The Synergy of the Interactions

Of All of What Makes Humanity Is Much More complex Than That; Yes,

God Yes As All of this Talk Barely Scratches The Surface; And The Scientific

Method, Will Never Be Able to Fully Measure What is Impossible to Discretely


Yes, How
Each Human

Being Uniquely

Perceives, Feels

And Senses Their Worlds...

It's An Art We Do to Get Along...

Never a Science Alone; Yet the Limited

Tool of the Scientific Method May Bring

Clues that Are Valuable to Understand Each
Other For Real...

Yet only

If We Put

All People

First And Determine

It Is A Worthy Activity to do...

As Science Shows, One Altruistic

Act of Giving, Sharing, Caring, And

Healing For Another Person Without Expect

of Return of Reward From Them, Intrinsically

May Raise Levels of Happiness For Literally Days and Months;

Particularly, as One May Make This A Practice of Real Heaven on Earth...

Within, Inside,

Outside, Above
So Below And

Lord Feels Senses
And Knows All Around
For Us to Experience Within Again for Real...

Anyway As Far As Exploring Different Philosophies

And Ways of Life Globally As Such, At Best We May Take

The Wheat That Works For Us And Remember The Chaff
That Doesn't

And Do Our

Best to


In Fields of Plenty...

Yawn, It's What i've Done

For the Last 115 Months After

Getting Out of Hell For Real For 66 Months

With a 'Zillion' Maladies of Living in the Poverty

of Not Understanding How to Regulate my Emotions

And Integrate my Senses; For What i Understand Now

is the Worst

Poverty of

Human Intelligences

of What i Lived Before...

TRUE, REAL Heaven is More Fun
Than the Inbetween And Hell FOR REAL...

And For me at Least, it's Fairly Easy to See
Folks Who Live Close to 'the Place' i 'Lived' Before...

Waking Them Up Out oF iT For Change, May Be A Most Difficult Task of all;

No Different Really Than Any Other Addiction to Make it Moment By Moment to Breathe...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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18 Feb 2023, 3:40 pm

klanka wrote:
Well the video is blocked in the UK so I can't get the details.

Sometimes I can get around this by using the Opera browser. I'm in the USA, and when I use the Opera browser, websites think that I am in Sweden.

Anyway, the Tech Companies (like Facebook) will keep showing you stuff similar to stuff to which you have responded. If you responded angrily to something, then they'll keep showing you stuff to make you angrier and angrier.

She mentions that Fox News (an American cable news network founded by Rupert Murdoch) keeps trying to make its audience extremely angry, with false news and inflated claims. You might not have anything similar in the UK, which might have left you scratching your head as to how mobs of people could have been persuaded to attack the capitol.

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18 Feb 2023, 8:28 pm

Honey69 wrote:
klanka wrote:
Well the video is blocked in the UK so I can't get the details.

Sometimes I can get around this by using the Opera browser. I'm in the USA, and when I use the Opera browser, websites think that I am in Sweden.

Anyway, the Tech Companies (like Facebook) will keep showing you stuff similar to stuff to which you have responded. If you responded angrily to something, then they'll keep showing you stuff to make you angrier and angrier.

She mentions that Fox News (an American cable news network founded by Rupert Murdoch) keeps trying to make its audience extremely angry, with false news and inflated claims. You might not have anything similar in the UK, which might have left you scratching your head as to how mobs of people could have been persuaded to attack the capitol.

They've got the Daily Mail and TalkTV instead of Fox.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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19 Feb 2023, 4:35 am

Honey69 wrote:
klanka wrote:
Well the video is blocked in the UK so I can't get the details.

Sometimes I can get around this by using the Opera browser. I'm in the USA, and when I use the Opera browser, websites think that I am in Sweden.

Anyway, the Tech Companies (like Facebook) will keep showing you stuff similar to stuff to which you have responded. If you responded angrily to something, then they'll keep showing you stuff to make you angrier and angrier.

She mentions that Fox News (an American cable news network founded by Rupert Murdoch) keeps trying to make its audience extremely angry, with false news and inflated claims. You might not have anything similar in the UK, which might have left you scratching your head as to how mobs of people could have been persuaded to attack the capitol.

Wow I suppose it is trolling.
Back when I read newspapers it was similar