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do you believe in bigfoot?
YES! :alien: they exist and can possibly be explained in evolutionary terms :study: 10%  10%  [ 4 ]
NO! they belong in the same myth box as Nessie and Elvis sightings :lol: 58%  58%  [ 23 ]
who knows? :shrug: 25%  25%  [ 10 ]
just gimme my @#$%&?! icecream! :chef: 8%  8%  [ 3 ]
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14 Aug 2015, 1:50 am

cyberdad wrote:
In this age of drones, satellites and DNA fingerprinting I do find it odd how the Sasquatch has managed to evade detection for so long? I like the theory they are inter dimensional beings because quite honestly even if they had human level intelligence it would be quite a feat to hide this long without any forensic evidence.

it's a big world, and I read that some 40k people annually just VANISH without a trace right here in America.


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14 Aug 2015, 2:16 am

auntblabby wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
In this age of drones, satellites and DNA fingerprinting I do find it odd how the Sasquatch has managed to evade detection for so long? I like the theory they are inter dimensional beings because quite honestly even if they had human level intelligence it would be quite a feat to hide this long without any forensic evidence.

it's a big world, and I read that some 40k people annually just VANISH without a trace right here in America.

We are talking here about lumbering hairy 9ft tall anthropoid apes that make screaming sounds when they call. How does something that big evade i-phone carrying ubiquitous campers, tourists and park rangers??


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14 Aug 2015, 2:20 am

The legend has its origins in the native americans. But skeptic authors I have read have pointed out that in the native American legends the creature is a giant cannibalistic human, and not quite the human-like animal that White Bigfoot hunters conceive it to be. Not an ape, but an ancient "tribe" of human.

Apparently David Paulides has revived the "human centered" theory of bigfoot. And has created a schism within the Bigfoot community (kinda the Shiites vs the Sunnies) in the process.

He even claims to have found "Bigfoot DNA" for "years". His group has submitted alledged samples of Bigfoot tissue to labs without saying that it is "bigfoot tissue". The labs always agree that its human DNA, and not ape DNA, but that its an odd kind of human DNA. That's my understanding of what he is saying in the film clip I just stumbled upon of him giving a talk at Mufon (the UFO group). Sorry. Not good at doing "links". But you can find it.

Never heard of Paulides until I read Prof. Pretorious's post above so I had to google him.


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14 Aug 2015, 6:46 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
The legend has its origins in the native americans. But skeptic authors I have read have pointed out that in the native American legends the creature is a giant cannibalistic human, and not quite the human-like animal that White Bigfoot hunters conceive it to be. Not an ape, but an ancient "tribe" of human.

Apparently David Paulides has revived the "human centered" theory of bigfoot. And has created a schism within the Bigfoot community (kinda the Shiites vs the Sunnies) in the process.

He even claims to have found "Bigfoot DNA" for "years". His group has submitted alledged samples of Bigfoot tissue to labs without saying that it is "bigfoot tissue". The labs always agree that its human DNA, and not ape DNA, but that its an odd kind of human DNA. That's my understanding of what he is saying in the film clip I just stumbled upon of him giving a talk at Mufon (the UFO group). Sorry. Not good at doing "links". But you can find it.

Never heard of Paulides until I read Prof. Pretorious's post above so I had to google him.

He's quite the interesting bloke.

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15 Aug 2015, 1:58 am

Paulides brings up an interesting point, the shoes boots being missing.

His focus is the national parks and forests, where there is at least a report.

If there was even a missing person report, it was filed away and forgotten.

Unless someone pushes it, nothing happens. Some missing people have shown up twenty years later, living under their own name, Social Security number, but a lot of others all banking, credit cards, phone bills, just stop.

The other side is all the John and Jane Does found that no one can identify, but that is a minor number compared.

People have vanished inside a locked house, going out to pick up the mail, from their yard, leaving everything behind.

Sure, there are serial killers, mostly they are body dumpers, and from the ones we know of perhaps they kill hundreds a year, and most bodies are recovered. Thousands vanish without a trace, nothing is found.

No one had a motive to kill them, nothing was stolen, glasses, wallet, keys, sitting on a table. No signs of break in or blood stains.

The strangest show up as Charles Fort stories, a man walking home, reaches the front gate, in sight of a neighbor, his wife on the porch, and vanishes in full daylight on the front walk. After he was gone his voice could still be heard. It soon faded.

The other side of this goes way back in history, of the strange being that just showed up one day. Some were recorded as teachers, others had knowledge, they were intelligent, and more advanced than humans. Church records talk of demons that were questioned, then burned at the stake. Never try to make contact through a religion.

Old records talk of flying ships, of people being taken, a good deal of UFO stories end with, then it vanished.

Some reports seem a casual accident, stepped through a portal. A Texas newspaper report about 1870 was about a small man fully covered in hair, who just walked into town one day.

One from here, Baton Rouge, reports on the course of a large slow moving object, estimated to be several city blocks in size, passing over the city on a North West course.

From a few accidents, to full inter dimensional tourism.

Several religions say we are on one level, with other levels above and below.

There are cave paintings of Grays, and many reports of Blues working with them to do the lifting. Blues are short and stout. Nordic types show up in other races as Golden Gods. It is possible they are well raised humans, a breeding program.

Our own north European line is most closely related to Australians and Ethiopians. We share the same early cultural artifacts, wavy hair, and our main difference is Neanderthal DNA, and being white skinned, with blue and green eyes, blond and red hair, so the Neanderthal must have been the same, and when we bred with the Gods 15,500 years ago, they too must have had the same coloration. None of the other humans turned white.

We do share a common ancestor with Neanderthal, from 600,000 years ago. Both in Africa, one people that split. 500,000 years later we had small brains, 800cc, and Neanderthal had 1600cc brains.

Somehow, after leaving Africa, Neanderthals brains doubled in size. For the rest of us, 700 to 800cc took a million years. It goes back farther, sometime after the split with Bonobos five million years ago, we lost most of our hair, and grew an ass. No other ape has hams.

Neanderthal had Music, a five tone bird bone flute from 80,000 years ago. They had a sense of Time, all of the phases of the Moon making up a year carved around a bone, 60,000 years ago, and Art, prepared pigments, binders found in their camps, and the cave painting of Europe out to the Urals were done before humans reached that far north. 50,000 years ago humans were naked, filthy, with a pointed stick and hand held chipped rock.

To me this looks like five million years of genetic manipulation, with Neanderthal being the leading experiment.

The European line had the male DNA replaced by Neanderthal three times. 125,000, 80,000 and 38,000 years ago. From that we get our coloration and larger brain. The Nordics reported with the Grays look more human than Neanderthal.

Our own history has large and small hairy men. Perhaps another part of the experiment. They are described as walking like a man. They walk upright. They swing their arms like a man. No ape walks like that.

Something is going on, and I do not think the Grays are going to tell us what.

Maybe bad reporting, but it seems the people who vanish are European.


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15 Aug 2015, 2:21 am

Inventor wrote:
The European line had the male DNA replaced by Neanderthal three times. 125,000, 80,000 and 38,000 years ago. From that we get our coloration and larger brain.

Larger brain? care to explain this in more detail


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15 Aug 2015, 4:53 am

cyberdad wrote:
Inventor wrote:
The European line had the male DNA replaced by Neanderthal three times. 125,000, 80,000 and 38,000 years ago. From that we get our coloration and larger brain.

Larger brain? care to explain this in more detail

Neanderthals did in fact have larger brains than us, but our Homo Sapiens line in fact developed large brains quite independently, unless the contrary can be proven with evidence.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Aug 2015, 4:33 pm

125,000 yeas ago.

Neanderthal had a 1600cc brain.

The oldest modern humans are from the period, 1100 cc brains.

Genetics show the male line was replaced by Neanderthal.

We have never found a sapiens (us) older than 125,000 years.

What we find older all had smaller brains.

Sapiens break into two lines, Europeans with Neanderthal DNA, which spreads to the Han Chinese, and the rest of the world.

The rest of the world are sapiens with the new suddenly larger brain. Some of the hybrids bred back to the original stock, non Neanderthal DNA, and that resulted in the original stock becoming extinct.

The European line has the male DNA replaced by Neanderthal twice more, 80,000 and 38,000 years ago.

This produces the short lived Cro Magnon, large body and 1600cc brain. There was some problem, perhaps big headed babies created faster than a pelvis could adapt, they died out. 1200cc brains had a higher mother child survival rate.

The open question is how and when did the Neanderthal which shares a common ancestor with Sapiens 600,000 years ago develop a 1600cc brain? They show an intelligence in making flutes 80,000 years ago, and measuring the year in Moon phases 60,000 years ago. Preparing pigments and painting caves was done before sapiens reached the north.

Early Neanderthal, Denisovan, had blond hair. Lucistic, blue eyed blonds also seems to be the northern European sapien mutation. Neanderthal seem the source of red hair. Light skin, blonds and red haired, blue, green, gray eyes.

Evolution does not explain how all that happened in a half million years. Evolution is what the rest of the world got. There are still Old Stone Age people, they were very common just a few hundred years ago.

The color mutations happen in isolated gene pools. Fish, Koi, reptiles, we have blue eyed blond skinned gators in our zoo, dogs, cats, but none of them show increased brain size or intelligence.

None of the other apes evolved toward hairless with an ass, or to walking like a man. Only Bigfoot walks like a man, which has been reported worldwide.

Modern humans are the species now, but there is no record of them existing before 125,000 years ago.

Big head, hairless, big eyes, small or no nose and mouth, show up in cave paintings worldwide.

Science is the simple answer that fits the facts.

Inter Dimensional beings have been coming here for five million years doing genetic modifications. First to hairless and upright walking, as they do, then toward brain development.

Grays, Blues, Nordics, Bigfoot, all walk upright, are intelligent, and can appear and vanish at will. They can also bring flying machines, which have been recorded through time.

As a group, they seem to not have the same evolution. The Grays have weak limbs, like they developed in lower gravity, the Blues are short and stout, like they developed in higher gravity. Nordics are Earth gravity, Bigfoot is big, very strong, cold adapted, and who knows what their home world would be like. Star Wars did not visit the Wookie Planet.

This would seem to rule out Earth through other dimensions. It is possible that other dimensions exist, where travel between stars has less limits. A dimension without Time and Gravity would work.

So far my evidence is a lack of evidence. The cause of hairless and upright walking, hams like a pig, skin and fat like a marine mammal. How Neanderthal doubled brain size in a short time, why no record of humans before 125,000 years ago.

The extra evidence, stories of gods, cave paintings of big heads, big eyes, hairless. Paintings of flying saucers from cave walls to European art.

The Sumerians write of a amphibian that taught them. Dragon stories everywhere, and one from Medieval France about a Gargoyle that took up residence on a tower for several years. All gargoyle carvings on buildings are said to come from this one sighting. Dragons might be meteors, but drawing of dragons look the same from Wales to China.

Of all these records, Bigfoot sightings seem the most common. Siberians, Native Americans, Northern Europeans, all have Bigfoot in their folklore. Record after record of visits by non earth species, most said to be intelligent.

Before 1850, it was being reported by pre industrial revolution people. In the Bible, wheels within wheels, their description of a machine.

Genetics says we evolved from pond scum to Bonobos, but the path since then is not clear.

Other stories say the Grays had a war with the Reptiles over this planet.


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15 Aug 2015, 7:19 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Inventor wrote:
The European line had the male DNA replaced by Neanderthal three times. 125,000, 80,000 and 38,000 years ago. From that we get our coloration and larger brain.

Larger brain? care to explain this in more detail

Neanderthals did in fact have larger brains than us, but our Homo Sapiens line in fact developed large brains quite independently, unless the contrary can be proven with evidence.

Yes I heard this but is volume equivalent to intelligence?. It never occurred to me but it's an intellectual powder keg as of course Africans are supposed to have not crossed with Neanderthals so providing biological evidence for lower intelligence that some scientists have been waiting for. Interestingly the size difference is greater for men versus women than between populations but nobody suggests women are less smarter than men


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16 Aug 2015, 2:26 pm

Brain size in anatomical moderns of the Mousterian (age of the Neanderthals), and Upper Paleolithic (after the Neanderthals), was only slightly less than that of Neanderthals, and that of both groups was slightly more than the average brain size of us modern humans of today. So the Anatomical moderns probably evolved their brain size independently of interbreeding with Neanderthals. And we (their descendents) seemed to have lost some ground.


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16 Aug 2015, 3:05 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Brain size in anatomical moderns of the Mousterian (age of the Neanderthals), and Upper Paleolithic (after the Neanderthals), was only slightly less than that of Neanderthals, and that of both groups was slightly more than the average brain size of us modern humans of today. So the Anatomical moderns probably evolved their brain size independently of interbreeding with Neanderthals. And we (their descendents) seemed to have lost some ground.

Mousterian sounds like a Mouse Man.


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16 Aug 2015, 3:18 pm

We should be spending time and effort on saving real animals from going extinct instead of searching for something that doesn't exist.


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16 Aug 2015, 3:49 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Brain size in anatomical moderns of the Mousterian (age of the Neanderthals), and Upper Paleolithic (after the Neanderthals), was only slightly less than that of Neanderthals, and that of both groups was slightly more than the average brain size of us modern humans of today. So the Anatomical moderns probably evolved their brain size independently of interbreeding with Neanderthals. And we (their descendents) seemed to have lost some ground.

Mousterian sounds like a Mouse Man.

"lost some ground"? uh oh. :o mebbe we ARE all headed towards morlocks and eloi then. :skull:


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16 Aug 2015, 5:35 pm

Brain size is taken as an average over a population. All Sapiens are sexually dimorphic, larger males.

There is a lack of evidence of sapiens even existing before 125,000 years ago. People who are just like modern people just appear.

This follows the first cross breeding with Neanderthal.

The result seems to split, one part going back and breeding with the original stock, producing most of the people on earth, and the other continuing with the Neanderthal male DNA. In all cases, Poof! sapiens appear with large brains.

The Neanderthal DNA was replaced by other Neanderthal DNA at 80,000 and 38,000 years ago.

The first technological development found north of the Persian Gulf, 50,000 years ago, was the thrown spear, the halfted axe, and the throwing stick. This spread out to Australia, back into Africa, and north into eastern Europe.

While the non Neanderthal lines continued unchanged, until recently, the northern line, with Neanderthal DNA produced a second technological development, called the Human Explosion. 40,000 years ago they were the first to wear clothes, boots, invented the spear thrower, sleds, boats, nets, skis, snowshoes, and the shirt pocket.

This is the first Mesolithic Culture. It is defined by the higher quality stone work, made for the idea of a tool.

The Human Genome Project defines them as less than a hundred, very closely related, closer than brother sister, almost twins related. They were the product of long breeding in a closed gene pool, and are the ancestors of almost all of Europe.

Several thousand years later the Neanderthal male DNA was replaced by a third Neanderthal DNA. After that they spread from the Black Sea region to Western Europe, and lived mixed with Neanderthal populations. They were accepted. They lived close to each other for over ten thousand years. Neanderthal saw them as family.

35,000 years ago they are doing carving in ivory, modeling in clay, and producing seven weaves of cloth, including Herringbone Tweed. The location of their camps points to a people who migrated from Siberia in the summer, to the coast of France in the winter.

All populations fit a Bell Curve, and the largest of these people we call Cro Magnon. As a subgroup they had larger brains, 1600cc, but they were also large, over six and a half foot tall. A survival of this group seems to exist on the Arctic coast of Scandinavia.

Before the last wave of ice was the warmest recent period. Large animals, Neanderthals, large Sapiens, did not survive. Sea level was seven meters higher. Smaller people survived better because they eat less.

Brain size can track groups, but it is a range, and a man with a 7 3/4 hat size is not smarter than a man with a 6 3/4 hat size. A brain body ratio is mentioned, some small men have big heads, but are not smart.

Overall sapiens settled in the 1100-1200 CC range.

After the last ice receded, Europe reached a higher level of stone work. The Neolithic. The Soliarian of France produced factory standard of points and tools. It looks like mass production for an export market. Large scale flint mining, mass tool production, and using other stone, Greenstone, that was hard, strong, and could be worked by grinding and polishing.

The rest of the world, who had the same size brain, and brain body ratio, were still firmly in the old stone age, Paleolithic. Where the north had spoken Indo-European for 20,000 years, most other languages had 400 to 800 words. Africa, The Americas, Australia, never invented the wheel. It was imported into China and India.

This remained unchanged until the late Colonial Period. Now they wear clothes and invade Europe.

Europe created the only photorealistic art. Their Art, Music, and Science show Neanderthal roots.

With a Genome that varies 4-7% from Homo sapien sapien, a much longer history of complex language, technology, distinct developments in the Arts, Building, Technology, they are at least as different as Homo sapien Neanderthals.

Neanderthals had a common ancestor with sapiens 600,000 years ago. Genetically they did not differ much. 4-7% could be all the Neanderthal mutations. We are less than that from chimps.

Genetics is backing up history, the evolutionary path of European Neanderthal Sapiens diverged from all others long ago.

The failure of Colonialism was the false belief that we are all the same, and once we Civilize them they will become just like us. Not even the Chinese who share some of our Neanderthal DNA have the same values and world view.

China and the rest of the world think if you are dumb enough to give them a weapon, they should kill you before you take it back. Six generations of living and working together in Rhodesia ended with white women and children being hacked apart with machetes. You can take them out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of them.

Mexico is a bunch of Aztec-Spanish breeds, the Aztec were the more civilized. The Spanish were the lets go murder a lot of people and steal what they have. Recently they have killed more people than Syria, and their Revolutions have been mass slaughter. As Christians they worship Santa Murta, Saint Death.

They are not the same as Canadians.

If only the problem was they were less intelligent. We have those, we can deal with it.

We have people who kill Albinos for magic parts, who rape virgins to cure AIDs, sacrifice children to Santa Murta, people who will kill you for not being a member of their religion, or kill you for quitting. Santeria in Florida worships African gods brought over on slave ships to the islands. Voodoo involves human sacrifice and zombies.

Freedom of religion is fine, unless you live in a multi cultural world.


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17 Aug 2015, 11:41 am

No, I don't believe in bigfoot. Could be someone dressed in a costume or another type of animal with a medical condition that makes them look different than others, among other things.


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17 Aug 2015, 3:01 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Brain size in anatomical moderns of the Mousterian (age of the Neanderthals), and Upper Paleolithic (after the Neanderthals), was only slightly less than that of Neanderthals, and that of both groups was slightly more than the average brain size of us modern humans of today. So the Anatomical moderns probably evolved their brain size independently of interbreeding with Neanderthals. And we (their descendents) seemed to have lost some ground.

Mousterian sounds like a Mouse Man.

Yeah like "mouse", or like "monster", or something. Named after a valley in France where Neanderthal tools were first found.

A better term would have been "Middle Paleolithic": the stone tool industry of the period during which Neanderthals lived in Europe. The same tool industry is found throughout Afroeurasia at the same time. And our anatomical modern ancestors in Africa who lived contemporary to the Neanderthals had the same tool kit at that time.