Martin Shkreli is the CONSUMMATE A$$HOLE

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28 Feb 2016, 6:15 pm

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
More often than not, rich people became rich either because:
a.) They were born into a rich family
b.) They found a profitable way to screw people over (i.e. shady business practices, organized crime, etc.)

Very few people can truly say that they became rich due to legitimate hard work.

Now, when it comes to the whole notion that poverty is somehow caused by moral or intellectual failure, it may just be, but most of the time it's NOT on the part of impoverished individuals themselves. Rather, it's on the part of the people running the system allowing people to fall below the poverty line in the first place, instead of setting up supports to help disadvantaged individuals who are at risk of becoming impoverished. Most impoverished individuals are impoverished because they were dealt a sh***y hand in life; they were disadvantaged and didn't receive the same opportunities other people have had.

Careful, or certain people here on WP will accuse you of class envy, and of waging class warfare! :lol:

Oh, I'm definitely waging class warfare. Rich people do make me envious sometimes, I'll admit, but I feel that being a disadvantaged individual myself, I have to speak out not only to support my own plight, but the plights of others like me. The people in charge say that silence is golden, but I say I'm not going down without a fight.

I'm not envious of anyone, though I completely agree with you on the rest.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer