Gary Johnson: A Fine Candidate For President (USA)

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22 Feb 2012, 3:34 pm

Any other people on here who are FED UP with the two-party sham?

The more I hear Gary Johnson-- the Libertarian and former Republican candidate-- the more I like him. He offers a real change from the disastrous policies we have been subjected to over the last several decades. People on here from America... vote for REAL change! Fight the system! Vote Gary Johnson!! !


Check out "Problem Child," my memoir of life with autism.


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22 Feb 2012, 10:39 pm

Is he running 3rd party?? I would love a better option than the 4 stooges or Obama.

I heard Roseanne Bar was running green party....I hope not, what does she know about government??

All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
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22 Feb 2012, 11:27 pm

Thanx for posting!! I never heard of him but I like him!

here's link for others.

All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
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27 Feb 2012, 8:49 am

I hope he can be a viable candidate, but he would be way better than Mitt "Softie" Romney, Rick "All Sex is Rape" Santorum, and Barack "Let's Tax the Hell Out of Everybody" Obama.

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05 Mar 2012, 9:11 pm

Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Any other people on here who are FED UP with the two-party sham?

The more I hear Gary Johnson-- the Libertarian and former Republican candidate-- the more I like him. He offers a real change from the disastrous policies we have been subjected to over the last several decades. People on here from America... vote for REAL change! Fight the system! Vote Gary Johnson!! !


Check out "Problem Child," my memoir of life with autism.

I totally disagree. From a military standpoint,, he'd be a dangerous president - as I believe our current campaigner-in-chief is. But, having a very high security clearance, I guess I don't have the luxury of voting with my heart.


Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?


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05 Mar 2012, 10:25 pm

Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Any other people on here who are FED UP with the two-party sham?

Not everybody.

Daryl_Blonder wrote:
The more I hear Gary Johnson-- the Libertarian and former Republican candidate-- the more I like him. He offers a real change from the disastrous policies we have been subjected to over the last several decades.

Every candidate promises "change". There is nothing that makes your boy significantly different from any other political whack-job out there.

Daryl_Blonder wrote:
People on here from America... vote for REAL change! Fight the system! Vote Gary Johnson!! !


The Libertarian Party is not a viable option - I will not waste my vote on them or any candidate of theirs.


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06 Mar 2012, 12:01 am

Fnord wrote:
Every candidate promises "change". There is nothing that makes your boy significantly different from any other political whack-job out there.

Other than the two successful terms as governor of New Mexico during which he vetoed a record amount of legislation, his true self made man status, his money where his mouth is advocacy of drug war reform, and political record to back up his talk; yeah, there's nothing different about him at all... :roll:

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06 Mar 2012, 12:40 am

Dox47 wrote:
Other than the two successful terms as governor of New Mexico during which he vetoed a record amount of legislation...

Lots of governors serve two terms, and lots of governors veto lots of legislation - even if a governor vetoes every piece of legislation that came across his desk, that would not make him any greater than any other governor. It would depend on what kinds of legislation he vetoed, and whether or not he consistently vetoed the same kinds of legislation.

Dox47 wrote:
... his true self made man status...

Was he ever homeless, jobless, and penniless? If so, then how did he redeem himself?

Dox47 wrote:
... his money where his mouth is advocacy of drug war reform...

We still have the same drug laws, and illegal drugs are still profitable. No reform there.

Dox47 wrote:
... and political record to back up his talk...

Links, please?

Convince me that he's the best person for the job, and if he's on the ballot, I will vote for him. Fail, and my vote goes to another candidate. It's just that simple.


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21 Mar 2012, 1:29 pm

Let's not forget, folks, that he left his state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS. And no the drug policy hasn't changed, but voting advocates for drug law reform is the first step toward getting it changed. The Libertarian party IS viable-- because in the next four years, the Republicrats will screw up the country even more, getting us even more and more into debt without offering REAL solutions to the country's problems. Third parties are slowly gaining steam in the information age. And they CAN win-- it's happened numerous times in American history, perhaps most recently with Jesse Ventura. If you won't vote third-party because "they can't win," and insist on supporting the corrupt Republicrats, then you're REALLY wasting your vote. You're folding your cards to the system that has been ruining America for decades.

Meanwhile, check out this link called 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying. I take issue with some of Paul's positions, such as the degree to which he wants to shrink the federal government, but in pretty much all of the scenarios you can substitute Paul for Gary Johnson. Johnson is much more a realist and I will be proudly voting for him this election cycle, and happy to know that my vote didn't contribute to maintaining the status quo which is bankrupting our country and undermining our national security and international integrity.

Check out "Problem Child," my published memoir of life with autism.


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21 Mar 2012, 6:11 pm

Gary Johnson is no Ron Paul, not even close. However, I'll consider voting for Gary if he's on the ballot in November and Ron is not.

The Libertarian Party is pretty much an embarrassment to the movement, their nomination of Bob Barr tells you all you need to know.


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21 Mar 2012, 9:21 pm

Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Let's not forget, folks, that he left his state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS. And no the drug policy hasn't changed, but voting advocates for drug law reform is the first step toward getting it changed. The Libertarian party IS viable-- because in the next four years, the Republicrats will screw up the country even more, getting us even more and more into debt without offering REAL solutions to the country's problems. Third parties are slowly gaining steam in the information age. And they CAN win-- it's happened numerous times in American history, perhaps most recently with Jesse Ventura. If you won't vote third-party because "they can't win," and insist on supporting the corrupt Republicrats, then you're REALLY wasting your vote. You're folding your cards to the system that has been ruining America for decades.

Meanwhile, check out this link called 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying. I take issue with some of Paul's positions, such as the degree to which he wants to shrink the federal government, but in pretty much all of the scenarios you can substitute Paul for Gary Johnson. Johnson is much more a realist and I will be proudly voting for him this election cycle, and happy to know that my vote didn't contribute to maintaining the status quo which is bankrupting our country and undermining our national security and international integrity.

Check out "Problem Child," my published memoir of life with autism.

Okay - Ron Paul is on the congressional record for introducing the most earmarks in the entire US Congress and then voting against them - how screwed up is that?

Ron Johnson may be good fiscally, but he's far more left on military issues than O - blah - blah. Do I want to trust the safety of this nation to man who believes that we should only have an army of 50,000 men and no nukes when we have guys like Putin's Russians, the Iranians who are supported by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, and the Chinese and North Koreans themselves who are either aiming nukes at us or just plain want to nuke us? Now, what did that intelligence guy show me at the last intel briefing I was at? Oh, that's right, I can't talk about that.

You know, Dick Cheney is good with money too, or he would not have made it to the top of Haliburton - but that doesn't mean you trust him with a firearm. Same coralation with Ron Johnson.

Lastly - the military ancronym OBAMA =



Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?


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22 Mar 2012, 1:05 am

Longshanks wrote:
Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Let's not forget, folks, that he left his state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS. And no the drug policy hasn't changed, but voting advocates for drug law reform is the first step toward getting it changed. The Libertarian party IS viable-- because in the next four years, the Republicrats will screw up the country even more, getting us even more and more into debt without offering REAL solutions to the country's problems. Third parties are slowly gaining steam in the information age. And they CAN win-- it's happened numerous times in American history, perhaps most recently with Jesse Ventura. If you won't vote third-party because "they can't win," and insist on supporting the corrupt Republicrats, then you're REALLY wasting your vote. You're folding your cards to the system that has been ruining America for decades.

Meanwhile, check out this link called 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying. I take issue with some of Paul's positions, such as the degree to which he wants to shrink the federal government, but in pretty much all of the scenarios you can substitute Paul for Gary Johnson. Johnson is much more a realist and I will be proudly voting for him this election cycle, and happy to know that my vote didn't contribute to maintaining the status quo which is bankrupting our country and undermining our national security and international integrity.

Check out "Problem Child," my published memoir of life with autism.

Okay - Ron Paul is on the congressional record for introducing the most earmarks in the entire US Congress and then voting against them - how screwed up is that?

Ron Johnson may be good fiscally, but he's far more left on military issues than O - blah - blah. Do I want to trust the safety of this nation to man who believes that we should only have an army of 50,000 men and no nukes when we have guys like Putin's Russians, the Iranians who are supported by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, and the Chinese and North Koreans themselves who are either aiming nukes at us or just plain want to nuke us? Now, what did that intelligence guy show me at the last intel briefing I was at? Oh, that's right, I can't talk about that.

You know, Dick Cheney is good with money too, or he would not have made it to the top of Haliburton - but that doesn't mean you trust him with a firearm. Same coralation with Ron Johnson.

Lastly - the military ancronym OBAMA =



My dad had a high security clearance too...made life interesting. Something happens on the news, the next day, my dad is on a plane to do whatever he could never tell me.
He did tell me on the day of 9/11....this country will never be the same again. I thought he was just being he was right, and probably knew more than he told us about.
Many times he would tell us 3 days before what will be on the news.
During Katrina...he was watching all that govt inefficiency=ppl starving...makes a phone call to the reserves and 8 hours later some food and water show up from the reserve. It was not much as what was needed, but it did keep them going alittle longer.

he died in 2008 of lung disease. I never really understood what he did for a living. Had something to do with being the director of mortuary affairs for the AF reserves...beyond was always, "I am not at liberty to say"


All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin


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22 Mar 2012, 8:53 am

jojobean wrote:
Longshanks wrote:
Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Let's not forget, folks, that he left his state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS. And no the drug policy hasn't changed, but voting advocates for drug law reform is the first step toward getting it changed. The Libertarian party IS viable-- because in the next four years, the Republicrats will screw up the country even more, getting us even more and more into debt without offering REAL solutions to the country's problems. Third parties are slowly gaining steam in the information age. And they CAN win-- it's happened numerous times in American history, perhaps most recently with Jesse Ventura. If you won't vote third-party because "they can't win," and insist on supporting the corrupt Republicrats, then you're REALLY wasting your vote. You're folding your cards to the system that has been ruining America for decades.

Meanwhile, check out this link called 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying. I take issue with some of Paul's positions, such as the degree to which he wants to shrink the federal government, but in pretty much all of the scenarios you can substitute Paul for Gary Johnson. Johnson is much more a realist and I will be proudly voting for him this election cycle, and happy to know that my vote didn't contribute to maintaining the status quo which is bankrupting our country and undermining our national security and international integrity.

Check out "Problem Child," my published memoir of life with autism.

Okay - Ron Paul is on the congressional record for introducing the most earmarks in the entire US Congress and then voting against them - how screwed up is that?

Ron Johnson may be good fiscally, but he's far more left on military issues than O - blah - blah. Do I want to trust the safety of this nation to man who believes that we should only have an army of 50,000 men and no nukes when we have guys like Putin's Russians, the Iranians who are supported by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, and the Chinese and North Koreans themselves who are either aiming nukes at us or just plain want to nuke us? Now, what did that intelligence guy show me at the last intel briefing I was at? Oh, that's right, I can't talk about that.

You know, Dick Cheney is good with money too, or he would not have made it to the top of Haliburton - but that doesn't mean you trust him with a firearm. Same coralation with Ron Johnson.

Lastly - the military ancronym OBAMA =



My dad had a high security clearance too...made life interesting. Something happens on the news, the next day, my dad is on a plane to do whatever he could never tell me.
He did tell me on the day of 9/11....this country will never be the same again. I thought he was just being he was right, and probably knew more than he told us about.
Many times he would tell us 3 days before what will be on the news.
During Katrina...he was watching all that govt inefficiency=ppl starving...makes a phone call to the reserves and 8 hours later some food and water show up from the reserve. It was not much as what was needed, but it did keep them going alittle longer.

he died in 2008 of lung disease. I never really understood what he did for a living. Had something to do with being the director of mortuary affairs for the AF reserves...beyond was always, "I am not at liberty to say"


Nothing I have spoken of is classified. And when I'm not in uniform, I've got a right to voice my opinion - just like you.


Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?


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22 Mar 2012, 11:14 am

Longshanks wrote:
jojobean wrote:
Longshanks wrote:
Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Let's not forget, folks, that he left his state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS. And no the drug policy hasn't changed, but voting advocates for drug law reform is the first step toward getting it changed. The Libertarian party IS viable-- because in the next four years, the Republicrats will screw up the country even more, getting us even more and more into debt without offering REAL solutions to the country's problems. Third parties are slowly gaining steam in the information age. And they CAN win-- it's happened numerous times in American history, perhaps most recently with Jesse Ventura. If you won't vote third-party because "they can't win," and insist on supporting the corrupt Republicrats, then you're REALLY wasting your vote. You're folding your cards to the system that has been ruining America for decades.

Meanwhile, check out this link called 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying. I take issue with some of Paul's positions, such as the degree to which he wants to shrink the federal government, but in pretty much all of the scenarios you can substitute Paul for Gary Johnson. Johnson is much more a realist and I will be proudly voting for him this election cycle, and happy to know that my vote didn't contribute to maintaining the status quo which is bankrupting our country and undermining our national security and international integrity.

Check out "Problem Child," my published memoir of life with autism.

Okay - Ron Paul is on the congressional record for introducing the most earmarks in the entire US Congress and then voting against them - how screwed up is that?

Ron Johnson may be good fiscally, but he's far more left on military issues than O - blah - blah. Do I want to trust the safety of this nation to man who believes that we should only have an army of 50,000 men and no nukes when we have guys like Putin's Russians, the Iranians who are supported by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, and the Chinese and North Koreans themselves who are either aiming nukes at us or just plain want to nuke us? Now, what did that intelligence guy show me at the last intel briefing I was at? Oh, that's right, I can't talk about that.

You know, Dick Cheney is good with money too, or he would not have made it to the top of Haliburton - but that doesn't mean you trust him with a firearm. Same coralation with Ron Johnson.

Lastly - the military ancronym OBAMA =



My dad had a high security clearance too...made life interesting. Something happens on the news, the next day, my dad is on a plane to do whatever he could never tell me.
He did tell me on the day of 9/11....this country will never be the same again. I thought he was just being he was right, and probably knew more than he told us about.
Many times he would tell us 3 days before what will be on the news.
During Katrina...he was watching all that govt inefficiency=ppl starving...makes a phone call to the reserves and 8 hours later some food and water show up from the reserve. It was not much as what was needed, but it did keep them going alittle longer.

he died in 2008 of lung disease. I never really understood what he did for a living. Had something to do with being the director of mortuary affairs for the AF reserves...beyond was always, "I am not at liberty to say"


Nothing I have spoken of is classified. And when I'm not in uniform, I've got a right to voice my opinion - just like you.


I am confused by your response...I was not implying that you dont have a right to voice your opinion or that you said anything that is classified....I was just alittle off topic reflecting I guess how having a dad with a security clearance makes for interesting and awkward family life.


All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin


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22 Mar 2012, 11:46 am

jojobean wrote:
Longshanks wrote:
jojobean wrote:
Longshanks wrote:
Daryl_Blonder wrote:
Let's not forget, folks, that he left his state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS. And no the drug policy hasn't changed, but voting advocates for drug law reform is the first step toward getting it changed. The Libertarian party IS viable-- because in the next four years, the Republicrats will screw up the country even more, getting us even more and more into debt without offering REAL solutions to the country's problems. Third parties are slowly gaining steam in the information age. And they CAN win-- it's happened numerous times in American history, perhaps most recently with Jesse Ventura. If you won't vote third-party because "they can't win," and insist on supporting the corrupt Republicrats, then you're REALLY wasting your vote. You're folding your cards to the system that has been ruining America for decades.

Meanwhile, check out this link called 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying. I take issue with some of Paul's positions, such as the degree to which he wants to shrink the federal government, but in pretty much all of the scenarios you can substitute Paul for Gary Johnson. Johnson is much more a realist and I will be proudly voting for him this election cycle, and happy to know that my vote didn't contribute to maintaining the status quo which is bankrupting our country and undermining our national security and international integrity.

Check out "Problem Child," my published memoir of life with autism.

Okay - Ron Paul is on the congressional record for introducing the most earmarks in the entire US Congress and then voting against them - how screwed up is that?

Ron Johnson may be good fiscally, but he's far more left on military issues than O - blah - blah. Do I want to trust the safety of this nation to man who believes that we should only have an army of 50,000 men and no nukes when we have guys like Putin's Russians, the Iranians who are supported by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, and the Chinese and North Koreans themselves who are either aiming nukes at us or just plain want to nuke us? Now, what did that intelligence guy show me at the last intel briefing I was at? Oh, that's right, I can't talk about that.

You know, Dick Cheney is good with money too, or he would not have made it to the top of Haliburton - but that doesn't mean you trust him with a firearm. Same coralation with Ron Johnson.

Lastly - the military ancronym OBAMA =



My dad had a high security clearance too...made life interesting. Something happens on the news, the next day, my dad is on a plane to do whatever he could never tell me.
He did tell me on the day of 9/11....this country will never be the same again. I thought he was just being he was right, and probably knew more than he told us about.
Many times he would tell us 3 days before what will be on the news.
During Katrina...he was watching all that govt inefficiency=ppl starving...makes a phone call to the reserves and 8 hours later some food and water show up from the reserve. It was not much as what was needed, but it did keep them going alittle longer.

he died in 2008 of lung disease. I never really understood what he did for a living. Had something to do with being the director of mortuary affairs for the AF reserves...beyond was always, "I am not at liberty to say"


Nothing I have spoken of is classified. And when I'm not in uniform, I've got a right to voice my opinion - just like you.


I am confused by your response...I was not implying that you dont have a right to voice your opinion or that you said anything that is classified....I was just alittle off topic reflecting I guess how having a dad with a security clearance makes for interesting and awkward family life.


Your communication gave me the impression of the above. I will chalk it up to a misunderstanding. All is good.


Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?


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22 Mar 2012, 7:44 pm

Longshanks-- you don't like Owebama... you don't like anyone running against him... who will you support this election?
I don't recall GJ ever advocating for the massive disarmament Ron Paul has.