ways of coping with your depression and building self esteem

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05 Jun 2012, 7:15 am

when I feel down I like looking at beautiful pictures, photos with nice people, with thing I'd like to have in future (in the nearest future)...It helps ;)


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09 Jun 2012, 9:04 am

I think antidepressants have saved me.

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11 Jun 2012, 4:30 am

Question wrote:
I think antidepressants have saved me.

I've found Paroxetine really helpful. It seems to prevent the big ups and downs and really helped me with anxiety, panic and getting violently angry with things (although not people!) . I've upped my dosage to 40mg a day which has made a real difference.

Plus I've got a job-start next Monday back in my field after being out of work for 7 months :)

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16 Jun 2012, 12:42 am

Question wrote:
I think antidepressants have saved me.

I wish they didn't make me in to a drooling zombie, I haven't found one yet that works for me. Yeah they keep me from being suicidal but the speech delay and slow thoughts would get me fired.

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20 Jun 2012, 6:20 pm

KayMiller wrote:
As weird as this sounds I usually watch a horror and that makes me feel better. I am not too good with people as it is, but on a bad day I find I try and avoid them as much as possible..which isn't easy on a school run.
So at night I watch some weird monster/man/thing go on a rampage. (yes I have always been this weird) :?

Not weird, horror movies stimulate adrenaline and give you energy and even joy. There are lots of horror film junkies. Personally I like more dare-devil type things compared to horror films which can leave me feeling paranoid thanks to an overactive imagination.


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03 Jul 2012, 9:50 pm

For me I have been good for years no depression but recently I finely let go of all the anger I had held against the parents of my first girl friend and I don't know how to explain it it just left me hollow inside. For twenty years the mention of there names would cause such rage in side. Now nothing seems to matter good or bad. I just know the hole left behind when she died still hurts. I don't understand when people say time heals what that means. Thoughts of her still cut just as sharp as day I held her hand while she was dieing. Feel lost, is it wrong to need hate to function?
My anger for them has been replaced with pity for they have such an heaver burden to carry on their heads than me and if it hurts me so then they must be dieing inside every time they think that they could have stop it from happening.

Is It wrong?

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18 Jul 2012, 10:01 am

I feel as if my self esteem is permanently shot, like it tends to always be low like I feel empty, and hollow on the inside like I am not a person based on how I been treated by other people in my life, I know I should not let them effect me like this, but they do I work out that helps a little, and when I drink it numbs it for a few, then wake up with a hang over, and feel the same emptiness all over again, so I need some advice on how to cope, I can put on a brave face and be outgoing with people, but that's about it.

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09 Aug 2012, 3:14 pm

I find that the depression is a part of the condition. THey dont know "exactly" whats wrong with me, but I am manically depressed at times and I find it helps if I get up and paint a bit. Activating yourself is good I think.

But its the price we pay for not having meaning in our lives, in this modern world, depression is standard. The fumes of industry etc. Its a sad corrosive time in human history...

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09 Aug 2012, 3:15 pm

jdanaya wrote:
I feel as if my self esteem is permanently shot, like it tends to always be low like I feel empty, and hollow on the inside like I am not a person based on how I been treated by other people in my life, I know I should not let them effect me like this, but they do I work out that helps a little, and when I drink it numbs it for a few, then wake up with a hang over, and feel the same emptiness all over again, so I need some advice on how to cope, I can put on a brave face and be outgoing with people, but that's about it.

Spot on, just what I feel.

A little trick. "Dont ever let other people decide your reality".

Also "normal" doesnt exist. Its just that we tend to see the world "for what it is" and thats a bleak picture.

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23 Aug 2012, 7:38 pm

Eating right, natural foods that are minimally processed, really helps on the depression side. High sugar content foods with refined flours often set me up for mood swings that can turn into full blown depression for weeks at a time. As for self esteem, I get a lot of that from my work, only thing with that is sometimes the job goes into the c!@##$! and self esteem follows.

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20 Sep 2012, 11:12 pm

I take a walk for 30 minutes to an hour, like going up hills and such and wear myself out. Sounds strange, but it helps me.

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21 Sep 2012, 6:30 pm

Trying to not focus on negative things and look at the positive side of things. For example, try to think about things I am good at to include being smart, focused, reliable, etc.

Also doing some type of regular exercise at least 3 or more days per week such as walking, jogging and yoga. Since I have bruxism all these things I have mentioned can help this too.

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22 Sep 2012, 1:16 am

For me, while I have never been quite depressed, I prefer anything humorous, like Whose Line or Seinfeld. :D It could work for anybody, and that old adage "Laughter is the best medicine" certainly works in my case.


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24 Sep 2012, 4:06 pm

Sometimes I feel like it's the end of the world. Then I remember something that I really like to do, and I feel better.
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25 Sep 2012, 11:27 pm

It seems like at least one day a week,I get very depressed.Crying,losing my appetite,not having any motivation.Yet I keep going,do my yoga,go for my run,make myself nourishing food,do productive things.I just wish I had more friends to talk with.My friends are always so busy and I do get very lonely at times. :(

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10 Oct 2012, 1:11 am

Thinking about suicide makes me feel better, because I know there is always a way out.