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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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09 Dec 2014, 12:46 pm

So yea...I was side swiped by some dumbass drunk driver last night. Me and one of my friends were on our way back to my place, when out of nowhere, this drunk chick blows through a stoplight and hits us just behind my drivers side door. Any of y'all been in any car accidents before? This was personally my first one.

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09 Dec 2014, 2:28 pm

Whoa...Are you and your friends all right????? You should sue the hell out of that stupid drunk driver! Show her no mercy!! !! !! !


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09 Dec 2014, 3:44 pm

I've been lucky not to be involved in any accidents but in Scotland the drink/drive problem was so concerning that the law has just been introduced this week that the blood/alcohol limit is reduced so much that it might as well be zero -probably the way it should be everywhere.

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09 Dec 2014, 5:01 pm

People like that should not be allowed to drive at all! One of the many reasons I don't drive is because of drunks and going anywhere by car during the holidays is scary. When my parents go out to visit friends on Xmas Eve deep down I worry that will be the last time I'll see them alive. As a kid I saw lots of nice little PSAs shown during the holidays of bodies being taken to the morgue or children dying in the ER while a surgeon says celebration time is when he's the busiest.

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09 Dec 2014, 5:23 pm

tcorrielus wrote:
Whoa...Are you and your friends all right????? You should sue the hell out of that stupid drunk driver! Show her no mercy!! ! ! ! ! !

Yea, we're fine! Thanks. Just a little bruised and cut up from broken glass.

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Blue Jay
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09 Dec 2014, 5:29 pm

pluto wrote:
the blood/alcohol limit is reduced so much that it might as well be zero -probably the way it should be everywhere.
I was told by the state trooper at the scene, that the woman who hit us blew a 0.21 on the breathalyzer test. It amazes me how she was able to make it as far from her house as she did. Even worse, she was on her way to the store to pick up more beer.

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09 Dec 2014, 5:32 pm

This woman has a reputation of being a serious alcoholic, so in all honesty, I'm hoping that all of this will be a huge wakeup call for her and she'll get the help that she needs.

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10 Dec 2014, 2:59 pm

As far as I know, I've never been in an accident with a drunk driver; but, my niece's husband, of 8 months, was killed by a drunk driver, in 2012.


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13 Dec 2014, 11:46 pm

Thankfully I have never been in an accident with me behind the wheel. I try to be a very safe and cautious driver because the insurance rates I get in my part of the U.S. are astronomically high for being a young male driver. They are pretty much saying with these prices that they know I will total every vehicle I get behind the wheel of and that I might as well start paying for it now. :x On top of that I own a car where most of the parts, sheet-metal being one of them, are not made anymore.

Glad to hear that you and your friends are okay. Is the car totaled? Will you be pressing charges? I assume her insurance will pay for any repairs or a new vehicle.


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14 Dec 2014, 6:58 am

The legal limit is 0.05 here. That doesn't stop some idiots in the country with no police about. Some of the punishment they get when they kill somebody due to drink driving is really unsatisfactory. Some drunk lady hit and killed a pedestrian a long while ago here and she avoided jail altogether.

Blue Jay
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15 Dec 2014, 5:32 am

Yea, my car was totaled, so I'm in the process of dealing with the woman's insurance company and trying to get my vehicle replaced. I also learned that I actually pulled a muscle in my lower back and therefore I can't work for the next4 weeks until my back has completely healed. I guess I'll probably have to sue the woman's insurance for loss of wages during the next4 weeks.

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"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." ~ Terry Pratchett