something very unfair is going on

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29 Jul 2007, 8:35 am

there is too much discrimination going on to people who are disabled and/or are mentally ill
i hate discrimination :x
the gov hardly do anything, and thy are unfair to us.
they should provide free home tutors for kids who can't cope with school or are very autistic.
and for kids who have to go to school, there should be what I call, a HFA (high functioning autism) school for kids who dont have any problem with learning but have social or behavioral problems.
I hate special and mainstream schools, so a school like that would help me
who thinks this is a good idea?


Haven't been here a while. Huh.


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29 Jul 2007, 8:56 am

the school system is rubbish for everyone unfortunately and the government can't afford for everyone to have home tutors

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29 Jul 2007, 9:32 am

Don't forget governments are cheap.
We can wish that this can happen. I know I have the exact same hopes and dreams, but I am also a cynical person. I know how fickle the gov can be. :(


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29 Jul 2007, 9:44 am

I agree with you that a special school might be just what you need, Kris94! You would probably excell in your studies and really be helped in your life by the experience.

if you live in The States, then I don't see the govenment dealing with your issue any time soon. You might not have noticed, but that same govenment, at least the latest administration left perfectly good people to drown and starve after a natural disaster. At the moment they are involved in a very costly war, in both treasure and blood.

Discrimination of roughly .67% of the population is hardly on their radar, my friend!



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29 Jul 2007, 9:47 am

Nothing is free. Don't waste your time waiting for the government.


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29 Jul 2007, 11:57 am

Kris94 wrote:
there is too much discrimination going on to people who are disabled and/or are mentally ill
i hate discrimination :x
the gov hardly do anything, and thy are unfair to us.
they should provide free home tutors for kids who can't cope with school or are very autistic.
and for kids who have to go to school, there should be what I call, a HFA (high functioning autism) school for kids who dont have any problem with learning but have social or behavioral problems.
I hate special and mainstream schools, so a school like that would help me
who thinks this is a good idea?


It's better than a good idea. It is the perfect one and hopefully that's all beginning to change now. For those in the Hudson Valley area of New York State, check out the Open Center for Autism.

Our US government has become a malignant cancer, especially it's public school system. Proof of how bad of a job government schooling does is revealed by statistics showing how much better home schooled children do. I feel bad for you students who have parents either unable or unwilling to home school, especially AS students. However, those who are fortunate enough to have a parent that will make the necessary sacrifices, need to have that parent know how an aspie mind learns material.

Home schoolers can get free tutors (at least in some states), but I doubt those tutors are trained to know how to teach AS students. Maybe that would still be better than the torture aspies might have to endure in a public school system? Also, those who have the chance to consider being homeschooled must be aware that the groups supporting it rarely have the insight to understand the aspie mind. That means that as nice as homeschooled children are in those support groups, they will still most likely shun the aspie homeschooled child. The ideal (if there is no AS catering school around you) is to have social needs met through the closest AS support group; then leave the educational needs to be met privately in the safety of your home.

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29 Jul 2007, 12:17 pm

I know this is completely irrelevant, but the beat of the song I was listening to when I opened this post was synching up perfectly with Kris94's headbanging stickman. :)


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29 Jul 2007, 12:22 pm

- wrote:
I know this is completely irrelevant, but the beat of the song I was listening to when I opened this post was synching up perfectly with Kris94's headbanging stickman. :)

:lol: Nice user name to. :)


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29 Jul 2007, 12:51 pm

Yes I have a great dislike for mainstream schools and the idea of special schools may be good, but it's not when put into practice... discrimination and rejection is common place...
School is hard for people with social difficulties and many a-person who tries to analyze the patterns of such people have come up with ridiculously inaccurate interpretations.

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29 Jul 2007, 5:01 pm

if i ever have kids they will be homeschooled. that way it eliminates bullying and all those terrible nitemares i had of school, i probably could have done alot better in school if i wasnt harrased like that on a day in day out basis

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29 Jul 2007, 5:41 pm

I agree with you.

It annoys me that the Australian government spends a fortune testing school kids physiology to see if they have the making of a great athlete. Then spends a fortune supporting their athletic development.

Seems intellectual talent is not as prestigious.

In the future, I hope the potential of people with AS is appreciated and appropriate funding provided.


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29 Jul 2007, 6:18 pm

the problem for those of us with AS or HFA is that we need the social practice, as much as i woulda loved being home schooled in the past, i see now, it can be a detriment, im glad i attended normal school, im glad i met friends, im glad i had a life, im glad i got good at socalizing. I just wish i coulda learned how to make friends with the opposite sex :wink:


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30 Jul 2007, 2:59 am

samtoo wrote:
Yes I have a great dislike for mainstream schools and the idea of special schools may be good, but it's not when put into practice... discrimination and rejection is common place...

that's the schools way of preparing you for life :roll:

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


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30 Jul 2007, 5:40 am

Smelena wrote:
I agree with you.

It annoys me that the Australian government spends a fortune testing school kids physiology to see if they have the making of a great athlete. Then spends a fortune supporting their athletic development.

Seems intellectual talent is not as prestigious.

In the future, I hope the potential of people with AS is appreciated and appropriate funding provided.

Smelena, seems to me that in Australia being good at sport is valued far ahead of being good academically. I was even told recently that it was not appreciated where I work that I have academic qualifications. To me this seemed odd when there is so much talk about getting further degrees (but mine was in the humanities and not in the accounting area).

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30 Jul 2007, 6:50 pm

Pandora wrote:
... seems to me that in Australia being good at sport is valued far ahead of being good academically. ....

it used to irk me that guys I was at school with who were complete idiots have done very well in the corporate world.

But .... When I see older guys at school reunions and such, the guys who were in the first crew, first XI, first IIXX, first XV etc have all been very successful at whatever they did after school. Don't write off being good at sports. Being a team player with drive and motivation is highly valued. Something I don't have.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


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03 Aug 2007, 6:19 pm

I have been homeschooled for most of my life except for two months in public school. Since I had never been to public school before the teachers reasoned that I would be academically challenged so they put me in a 'special education program.' I aced all their stupid classes, but I flunked socially especially being called "special." I had also turned in a student before he took a knife on the bus as well as retrieved a walking cane of a teacher from some bullies, all of which made me fairly unpopular.

I was put in a mental hospital since I "wasn't able to cope with everyday life" but my parents took me out since they weren't helping either. For $10,000 a day it was helping them plenty, but all they did was drug me up and make bogus reports. After 2 weeks of another hell, I was back home doing school again.

I have worked all the way through 12 grade and some college texts on my own, score in the 90 percentile range in all the GED subject tests (except writing where I am 76%), got a 22 on my ACT putting me in the 62% of students planning to go to college, and I have an IQ of 114.

I recommend homeschooling for Aspies, less social difficulties and more academic freedom.