Popular Prick has answer to Asperger 'introversion' - Advert

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27 Dec 2008, 5:45 pm

Aaron, click on the words "this guy." They're actually a hyperlink taking you to an article about this giant, rose-scented douche:


I live!


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27 Dec 2008, 6:22 pm

Thanks, Ah_Q, I'll have to remember that for some reason this forum doesn't use color to highlight hyperlinks. But Delirium, Ah_Q, does it not better behoove the likes of us to exercise better caution not to so blithely promote backbiting gossip?


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28 Dec 2008, 12:18 am

Ordinarily I would agree with you, but sociopaths like the Popular Prick and narcissists like John Fitzgerald Page need to be outed as the wolves they are.

You have an interesting way of wording things, Aaron, and I liked your criticism of the Popular Prick's psychopathic BS.

I live!


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28 Dec 2008, 2:58 am

Popular Prick is basically a shock-value fictional archetype representing a certain ideology of life priorities, indeed created by a marketer in search of billable sycophants. And just set your browser to the Lonely Life forum, to discover for yourself, just how many people, in their legions, stand eager and awaiting for any sort of paint by numbers system for social success; people so utterly ruined by empty support group style marshmallow throwing that they just don't relate and admit no reason or desire to do so.

But unless I'm missing something, John Fitzgerald is simply a perhaps sometimes somewhat emotionally fragile and temperamental aspiring actor and body builder who appears in a beer commercial and who once took a frustrating dating website rejection boorishly because she was the one who first contacted him and he must therefore have felt entrapped into the embarrassment. So, why are you so threatened? Exactly what vital public interest is served by the humiliating exposure or by mocking him for posturing? Where pretentiousness is a crime, then everyone is be fair game for bullying. After all, most any appearance is distinct from reality, and therefore readily disparaged as phony. It can be a cheap shot, and fairly destructive. And after all, Narcissism is, well, a private matter. Who are we to intrude?

By contrast, Popular Prick makes no pretense, rather he's blatantly selling something I don't even want, no matter why anyone thinks that I should. And vexingly enough, in this life mine is the far harder sell, because all that I do value almost seems taboo from discussion, let alone strategy, anywhere. So I'm, glad you enjoyed my prose, and I hope that I can sustain your interest in the larger problems. Putting aside indignation, the same needs and desires remain crucial to the human condition, even after thousands of years. Whereas taking self-proclaimed master manipulator Popular Prick's publicity seeking bait and ragging on Popular Prick, much less on John Fitzgerald, is just another profitless social game. -that is, for us it is.

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28 Dec 2008, 11:50 pm

Please somebody post his precious book on the internet.

Frankly I think it deserves to be pirated.


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29 Dec 2008, 2:53 am

Kaleido wrote:
I see that Popular Prick has the answer to Asperger 'introversion'.

Hahahaha, no.

I saw this ad at the top of the page when I was looking at a thread: http://www.popularprick.com/aspergers.htm

Does anyone think it would cure their Autistic traits?


Do you want to be popular even?


What do you think of this person directing that kind of solution towards people with ASDs?

He says it himself. He wants to manipulate people. He wants your money.

Is he desperate for any audience or money he can make?


Waste of time? Worth a try?


Is anyone going to download his solution?

Anyone who does, please let me know so I can laugh. I need some ha-ha's.

Some random stuff:
I don't know anything about Asperger's

Exactly. So he shouldn't be spewing his Bs where it isn't needed or wanted.

I see you watching me thinking to yourself:

He sees us? Watching him? Um, yeah... riiiiiiiight.

“you just wait and see who I become”.

Eh, no, I've never thought that actually. Nor am I thinking it now. I'm thinking: "Wow... what a jerk. Who cares what he thinks? I sure don't. 'Who I become'? Um, what? Become... who... what? Ah, what a bunch of meaningless babble. My verbal stims make more sense than this..."

It’s the only way you can justify your lonely, wasted existence.

My existence does not need to be justified, even if it was/is lonely. And no existence is wasted.

But deep down you already know what you'll become

So this guy also thinks I can see the future?

the same sad, reclusive introvert you are right now.

I like being who I am right now. I'm not sad right now. See again later. Even when sad, don't care. I'm fine with who I am.

While you’re living in fantasy land

I like my fantasy land. Idiots like "popular prick" die slow painful deaths in it. It makes me quite happy. Still... I don't live there. It's a pity, really.

I’m milking the real world for everything it offers

Good for him, but...

popularity, admiration, endless friends, sex, and success

The world offers a whole lot more than that.

But you don’t want that anyway, right?

Let's see...
Popularity? Do not want. Pointless social thing. Like high school all over again. All the popular kids? They were the ones who were/are stupid, did/doing drugs, having much unprotected sex, getting arrested and such... no thanks.

Admiration? I honestly don't care if people admire me or not. Why should I? The most I want is respect; or to be left the fu** alone.

Endless friends? Kidding me, right? If you have "endless friends", then those people are not real friends. I'm happy having three friends. I can't tolerate any more. It takes too much out of me.

Sex? I will agree with what myself has said from age 7-ish+: "Sex? Ewwwwwww!"

And... success? Well I certainly don't want his brand of success. My success is getting through the day without meltdown(s) and/or fighting with someone. It's good to be successful. :)

If you don’t change right now, you’ll become just like that guy on the bus.

Nah. I wouldn't be on a bus, for one thing...

Being "yourself” is not the solution, it’s the problem. Being introverted is a bad characteristic.


You need to change

I don't need-to anything.

How droll.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
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29 Dec 2008, 3:42 am

Look, first of all, let's start by giving the Popular Prick his due. It's not what you know, but who you know, and all that... http://www.FoolQuest.com/alien.htm#aphorisms


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29 Dec 2008, 4:20 am

AaronAgassi wrote:
Look, first of all, let's start by giving the Popular Prick his due.

*Raises eyebrow* I thought that is what I just did, no?

It's not what you know, but who you know, and all that... http://www.FoolQuest.com/alien.htm#aphorisms

I'm sorry. None of that makes any sense to me. :?
Maybe because who I know doesn't matter if I can't communicate with them. Or maybe because I just don't care. Dunno. But it's all gibberish to me.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
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29 Dec 2008, 7:44 am

Popular Prick has metaphorically thrown down the proverbial gauntlet before us! And for this let us be duly grateful. Because, it's about time.

Leave us face the ugly truth that all goods and services consumed such as one cannot or will not do, get or make for oneself, along with other intangibles of human social need and happiness, are all one way or another allocated through others. That makes social skills of one kind or another a Darwinian priority along every rung of Maslow's famous pyramid. And getting all superior in denial is just completely f##ktarded!

The challenge before us is to seek for any solution both feasible and agreeable. We only all seem to agree that Popular Prick's solution, for example, even if feasible is still extremely disagreeable. So, where do we go from there? And frankly, before anyone starts down that road again, cult remedies and apathetic Zen cessation, quelling all desire, is neither feasible nor agreeable either, not in the slightest. Moreover, urgent as may be the need for social change, Aspie activism, such much, remains, nevertheless, an ineffectual disarray of fantastical passive empty pipe dreaming.

Are we then left with any other options save remediation or marginalization? Otherwise, how shall we flourish true to ourselves? Can we resolve this conundrum rationally?


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29 Dec 2008, 9:03 am

Argh, you're still not making any sense to me.

I'm out. No more. My head is getting ready to go a-spoldy.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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29 Dec 2008, 9:12 am

If I already knew what was unclear to you, how so and why, surely I already would have already revised accordingly. Therefore, will you not cooperate with me in miscommunication repair? Can you pull apart my prose and lay bear whatever ambiguity? Won't you point out specifically each bit that wasn't clear to you and explain to me how so and why, so that I might have any idea how better to spell things out?

Otherwise, is there anyone else you could ask, on your end, to go over it with you?


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29 Dec 2008, 9:37 am

You could just ignore me... I'm most likely just gonna make us both frustrated....

Popular Prick has metaphorically thrown down the proverbial gauntlet before us!

I just don't understand that one at all. It really is compleate gibberish to me. Big pretty words that (mostly) make sense on their own, but together.... I just don't get it.

And for this let us be duly grateful.

I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to be grateful for, or even why...? And I don't generally like people telling me how I should feel. :?

Leave us face the ugly truth that all goods and services consumed such as one cannot or will not do, get or make for oneself, along with other intangibles of human social need and happiness, are all one way or another allocated through others.

This makes sense, but I'm not sure what it has to do with anything else; certainly not the crude spewed by "P.P.". (Get it? "P.P."? Peepee? Nevermind. I'm having a childish moment here.)
Also, I'm not sure how it's an "ugly" truth. Maybe I'm just getting caught up on things.
All I got from the Popular Prick thing is that he's an a**hat who likes to use and manipulate others. Not just depend on or anything. He seems to be completely amoral, a lier, and a bragger. And he's being all "hey give me your moneyz so you can learn to be a jerk like me!" You know, rather like the stereotypical high-school jocks and such.

That makes social skills of one kind or another a Darwinian priority along every rung of Maslow's famous pyramid.

Never really understood the whole Darwin thing, though I sort of like the Darwin awards... though that's neither here nor there. I have no idea who Maslow is or what his (assuming it's a him, correct me if I'm wrong) pyramid is about. Don't get why its a priority, either... nesscessity maybe, but not a big top deal. And there are people out there with no social skills who survive just fine...

The challenge before us is to seek for any solution both feasible and agreeable.

Solution for what?

And the rest just sinks back into being meaningless gibberish to me, sorry. I'm trying, but I honestly don't get it. Sorry. :(

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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29 Dec 2008, 10:07 am

BelindatheNobody wrote:
You could just ignore me... I'm most likely just gonna make us both frustrated....

Popular Prick has metaphorically thrown down the proverbial gauntlet before us!

I just don't understand that one at all. It really is compleate gibberish to me. Big pretty words that (mostly) make sense on their own, but together.... I just don't get it.

Are you at all familiar with the expression: to throw down the gauntlet? To throw down a gauntlet is a way of issuing a challenge.

And for this let us be duly grateful.

I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to be grateful for, or even why...? And I don't generally like people telling me how I should feel. :?

No, for getting us riled up enough to talk about something important and so long overdue.

Leave us face the ugly truth that all goods and services consumed such as one cannot or will not do, get or make for oneself, along with other intangibles of human social need and happiness, are all one way or another allocated through others.

This makes sense, but I'm not sure what it has to do with anything else; certainly not the crude spewed by "P.P.". (Get it? "P.P."? Peepee? Nevermind. I'm having a childish moment here.)

Why does Popular Prick think that he is so happy that other people ought to follow his example? Answer: Because his social manipulation skills get for him everything he could want, so he says/thinks...

Also, I'm not sure how it's an "ugly" truth.

It's an ugly truth to find oneself up sh@t's creek without a paddle, the metaphorical paddle here being the requisite social capability to function well. After all, loneliness, one way or another, is the greatest complaint of Aspies even on this very forum, except for actual symptoms. Also, it should be painfully obvious that without stronger extended social networking, all manner of important opportunities are far less.

Maybe I'm just getting caught up on things.
All I got from the Popular Prick thing is that he's an a**hat who likes to use and manipulate others. Not just depend on or anything. He seems to be completely amoral, a lier, and a bragger. And he's being all "hey give me your moneyz so you can learn to be a jerk like me!" You know, rather like the stereotypical high-school jocks and such.


That makes social skills of one kind or another a Darwinian priority along every rung of Maslow's famous pyramid.

Never really understood the whole Darwin thing, though I sort of like the Darwin awards... though that's neither here nor there.

Indeed, the Darwin award is named for that Darwin. It's all about adaptation to survive and flourish.

I have no idea who Maslow is or what his (assuming it's a him, correct me if I'm wrong) pyramid is about.

Maslow was the psychologist who posited a prioritized hierarchy of human needs, a metaphorical pyramid. Google it up.

Don't get why its a priority, either... nesscessity maybe, but not a big top deal. And there are people out there with no social skills who survive just fine...

Oh really? Do tell...

The challenge before us is to seek for any solution both feasible and agreeable.

Solution for what?

Perhaps clearer now...

And the rest just sinks back into being meaningless gibberish to me, sorry. I'm trying, but I honestly don't get it. Sorry. :(

Well, let's see if any of the above helps...


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29 Dec 2008, 10:56 am

Are you at all familiar with the expression: to throw down the gauntlet? To throw down a gauntlet is a way of issuing a challenge.

Ah. But I didn't see P.P. as trying to challenge anyone... just trying a quick (possibly scamful) way to get people's hard earned money.
He said it himself:
I’m that slacker at work who gets promoted over your hard working ass

He's looking for a free ride.

Why does Popular Prick think that he is so happy that other people ought to follow his example? Answer: Because his social manipulation skills get for him everything he could want, so he says/thinks...

Or he's a good lier and/or delusional with maybe a personalitity disorder...

Maslow was the psychologist who posited a prioritized hierarchy of human needs, a metaphorical pyramid. Google it up.

Oh, nevermind that one. I'm not good with the psych talk/human/social-babble-whatsit.

Oh really? Do tell...

See recluse.

Perhaps clearer now...

Not really... because I don't see what it is we are needing a solution for. I'm begining to feel quite dense. Lol.

Well, let's see if any of the above helps...

I suppose it must have a little. At least now I'm not swimming in word soup.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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29 Dec 2008, 2:17 pm

Popular Prick has indeed issued a challenge, in the sense that he publicly released such a deliberate provocation. Part of Popular Prick's self promotional strategy was certainly to offend Aspies with those calculatedly outrageous remarks! Not by any means to attribute any altruism to Popular Prick, but rather it would be a good outcome if instead of being so easily manipulated into an uproar and feeding Popular Prick's ego with free publicity thus helping him make money, we would just look into our own hearts to understand what we really want and then use our brains give serious thought to the entire problem of social life and all entailed, in order then to put our heads together and find better and more serious and happy solutions for ourselves than any of Popular Prick's simplistic snake oil.

Entering reclusion does seem a bit extreme.


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30 Dec 2008, 1:31 pm

Pop Rick Roll topic

Only one wish here: someone OUT this guy. Is he

Rick Astley?
John Best?
Michael Wiener (aka Savage)?
Nickolas Sarkozy?
Tom Cruise?
Brad Pitt?
David Irving?
Richard Simmons?
Anthony Robbins?
And finally...

Jenny McCarthy?

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