What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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13 May 2010, 11:52 am

I've had a house dream as well. In one version of it I'm in my childhood home, and it's completely empty, just me, and no other people at all. Everything else is as it always was, until I get to the bathroom. When I get there I look at the floor, and instead of the lino, it opens onto empty space, and is full of stars. In another version everything is as it always was, but I'm with my brother when he was a child (I'm about seven in the dream, he's about five) and we open the cupboard door next to my parent's room. (My parents aren't in the dream, my brother and I are in the house alone, and always have been. In the dream that is.) There is a flight of stairs in the cupboard, instead of a boiler and all the other bits and bobs. We climb the stairs, and instead of coming into the attic, there's a vast open space, and our heads are poking out into the vast expanse of outer space, and are surrounded by stars.

Like a previous poster I've also had nightmares about being abducted by aliens (but as well as the space ship being in outer space it's also buried under a hill, at the same time.) My brother and I are looking for my parents, when two giant spiders descend from the ceiling, and split open, like a ladybird before flight. They reveal terrible faces, and I wake up.

Right at the moment I'm experiencing nothing but disturbing dreams... my Doctor has put me on a new combination of meds, and they've completely messed up my sleeping pattern. Going to sleep is like having a drug trip (I imagine, not having had one) or like being delirious (something I have experienced. I don't know whether I'm exhausted, or simply enjoying the show. I really do hope this settles down soon.


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13 May 2010, 12:02 pm

We climb the stairs, and instead of coming into the attic, there's a vast open space, and our heads are poking out into the vast expanse of outer space, and are surrounded by stars.

Cool. I think these upper room dreams have a bit to do with achieving higher states of consciousness. It reminds me of a book I wish I owned. I think it's out of print. It is a bestiary of mythical beasts from all different cultures. Jorges Luis Borges edited it. One is a lizard that is invisible but is right at your feet as you climb the steps of a high tower. You can kind of see it out of the corner of your eye but if you look at it directly it will vanish. The lizard does not become fully present until you complete the climb.


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13 May 2010, 12:09 pm

Just found it on Amazon.com
The Book of Imaginary Beings
Jorge Luis Borges
I'm getting that, by golly.


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13 May 2010, 12:17 pm

I think I might get it too.

Some of my dreams are so horrible and grotesque though that I can't bring myself to describe them. Does anyone else have that problem? That you dream things so awful they make you feel sick?


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13 May 2010, 12:18 pm

I have dreams where people are dismembered etc. I find it distasteful but feel no sense of threat as if I was watching a movie.

edit: actually my scariest dreams are ones where there is nothing threatening about but I have an overwhelming sense of doom and evil .


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13 May 2010, 4:16 pm

mgran wrote:
I think I might get it too.

Some of my dreams are so horrible and grotesque though that I can't bring myself to describe them. Does anyone else have that problem? That you dream things so awful they make you feel sick?

Yes. I've woken up in horror sometimes and I really didn't want to go back to sleep. Earlier in the thread I gave my version of the house dream where I actually get to the basement (the unconscious, according to books about dreams) and I opened the door and went in. What I found was an inpenetrable blackness that was also full of stuff. I couldn't see the stuff. But I could feel it all around me and it felt heavy somehow. It was a horrible feeling.

On conscious reflection, I can see that of course the basement (unconscious) would be impenetrably dark to me yet full of stuff. That's what it is. The conscious (or sleeping) mind has no means to interpret what it finds there. But there was definately something. And it creeped me out. I was relieved to wake up.

(Ok, I guess since I just described it, it can't have been too horrible to describe. But still, it was very awful to finally make it to the basement after repeated dreams of just throwing open doors of the windowed, junk-filled rooms upstairs.)


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13 May 2010, 4:32 pm

Mine often have sexual violence, and that's the least of it.


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13 May 2010, 5:43 pm

mgran wrote:
Mine often have sexual violence, and that's the least of it.

Oh my. Better not describe it then. :cry:


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14 May 2010, 2:11 am

Janissy wrote:
The dream books didn't address the "really nice bathroom that you mess up" version. I suppose it's less common. It might be "need to get rid of the toxic emotional waste but is this really the appropriate place and am I doing it right?". That's my guess.

you have a gift for this sort of interpretation. that is a great way of viewing my defilement dream. it addresses the clumsiness of how i emote and vent my toxic emotions, IOW not a controlled confined stream but a messy spray with lots of collateral damage. that describes me to a Tee. thank you for your interpretation.

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14 May 2010, 2:56 am

After I joined Wrong Planet in March, I was hardly in here but I literally have moved into Wrong Planet in the last few days after getting hooked on reading other people's responses to various issues. And just like watching Big Brother in the past, some people on Wrong Planet had popped up in my dreams. :lol: Of the people that showed up, some appeared as their avatars. :lol:


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14 May 2010, 3:19 am

I was Mick Avory, and Teresa was Dave Davies, and the two of us, got into a massive brawl, on stage. Just 30 minutes, ago. It was 1965.

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14 May 2010, 7:57 am

Janissy wrote:
I've had the "huge rickety abandoned house" dream too. I have read that these houses symbolize our minds.

it does not symbolize anything to me. if i try to think what it means (in a subconscious sense) , i think it means that i am uncertain of my future, and i always wanted a big safe house, and in my dream, i have achieved a very flimsy and fragile approximation of a big safe house, and i am always apprehensive that i will fall many storeys to the ground if the house breaks apart (which it seems very easily possible to do).
it is like i am not certain where the future will lead me, and i am afraid of the heights of my uncertainty.
i do not feel like i have much influence as to how life will treat me, and i feel that every step i take is possibly going to bring my whole world down and i will fall,

i can not confidently run down the steps of my internally constructed existence on artificial heights without worrying that they will break apart and shatter with the vibration and let me fall to my death.

i must tread carefully and i do not trust the floors on which i tread.

i am much more complacent and secure when i am awake, but i think it is because i ignore the deeper realization that i am a lonely child in a world of adult greed and competition.

Janissy wrote:
The different rooms are different parts of the mind and the basement is the unconscious. Getting to the basement is both compelling and scary. Do you really want to know what's in your unconscious?

yes i want to get to the basement very badly, because it is on solid ground, and i no longer fear falling to my death when i get there. i can not speculate well as to the psychological meaning of that like you can.
if i try, i imagine that during the day before my dream, i have somehow been compelled to associate with people who live on the upper floors of their souls, and i climb subconsciously up there because i have to talk to them.
then when i go to sleep, i realize i must get down again to where i live... which is on the floor of my soul, and i am scared that i do not know how to get down again without losing my grip and falling.

Janissy wrote:
Part of you does and part of you doesn't. (The part that doesn't hates that dream.)
all of me does want to get down there, and no part of me is resistant to getting back down to where the ground is level and safe.

Janissy wrote:
I have spent that entire dream trying to get to the basement while simultaneously trying not to.

you did not have my dreams. there is no chance that i have any reservations about getting back down to firm safety.

Janissy wrote:
Once I actually got there and yanked the door open. The room was completely black but also completely full. Against my better judgement I stepped in and was surrounded by a feeling of stuff with substance that I couldn't see and I woke up in terror. I am curious what you will find if you ever make it down to the basement. With any luck you will always wake up first. It wasn't pleasant.

i am sorry but your description is not how i experience my dreams. when i finally step off the last step to the ground where i live i feel a sense of extreme relief.

it is not a room as such. it is just solid ground. i do not sense anything in it. it is not black or full of mystery.
it is like the forest floor where all familiar things are, and where i am safe.

if i try to imagine the daytime events that precede the dream, it is like i frivolously agree to climb a mountain where others need me to be, and then when i scale it, the people that helped me scale it leave me there and go home, and then i become terrified at the height of where i am , and i am crushed with constrictive muscular spams of carefulness, and i am seized with caution, and i freak out that i can almost not make any decision on how to move my body in order to descend back down through the dizzying heights to where i am safe and can rest without fear of anything.

Janissy wrote:
A side note on a dream posted elsewhere. I think the woman from the past who you didn't know but felt connected to and wanted to protect is your biological mother. Just a guess.

i never have had any interest in who my biological mother was. i am not at all concerned about the fact i am adopted. i have always been completely isolated in my mind, and i do not care who gave birth to me. i am sure i am not the same as anyone, and i do not need love from a maternal source in order to be alive.

the girl in that dream was someone who i would want to spend my whole life with if i had not been killed in the dream (i think she would have also been killed after being raped). i never fell in love with anyone in real life, but i did with her. i could not have ever possibly imagined her with my mind because she was so lovely and i never knew how beautiful someone could be until i met her in that dream. i do not want to think of her because it makes me feel alone, and i never feel alone except when i think of her.

this is all too deep for me.

Spazzergasm wrote:
b9 wrote:
do you? ok. you should describe one of them maybe

Well, I can't remember well. One I was on top of this house though, and it was windy, and it was a tall, frail house. And the roof and walls were blown off on the top floor. And every time I walked one direction,it would tilt that way and I'd have to keep it balanced. Quite scary. The stairs were flimsy, too. I can't remember what I had to do there. XD But it was really unpleasant.

yes that is very much the same as what i dream. if i do not keep exact and calm balance, the whole tall house starts to move in a way that it will collapse. also in my dreams, the upper floor has no windows or roof because they have been blown off.
there is also wind in my dreams, and i find the wind unnerving because it is not predictable, and it is cold and scary.

but it is only a dream and i must stress that i am rather calm in my normal waking life, and this admission in this post is only a small part of me that is rarely experienced.


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14 May 2010, 8:38 am

Last night I dreamt that I was still working for my previous employer, who kept heaping all sorts of extra work on me. In my dream I had a master plan, and when she came to tell me off that I hadn't translated a document into every known language on the planet earth I trapped her in a psychiatrist's office until she realised that she'd been treating me unreasonably.

That's an easy enough dream to interpret!


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14 May 2010, 6:39 pm

b9 wrote:
.....you did not have my dreams. ........


No. I've never had anybody's dreams but my own. It was all just a bunch of guesswork and I was 100% wrong in my interpretation. That's ok. Dream interpretation is not an exact science. It's not any sort of science at all. It's just guesses based on themes that show up often in lots of peoples' dreams. But still just guesses. And I guessed wrong.


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15 May 2010, 12:26 am

Janissy wrote:
b9 wrote:
.....you did not have my dreams. ........


No. I've never had anybody's dreams but my own. It was all just a bunch of guesswork and I was 100% wrong in my interpretation. That's ok. Dream interpretation is not an exact science. It's not any sort of science at all. It's just guesses based on themes that show up often in lots of peoples' dreams. But still just guesses. And I guessed wrong.

i did not mean to sound like i rebuked your interpretation. i dod not mean to sound rude. i just meant that the dream you described you had is not similar to mine.
i did not provide enough information as to how i felt in the dreams i have, so you were commendable in your interpretation.
if i had had the same type of dream you had, you would be correct in your idea of what it meant, and you did not know that my dream was dissimilar.

sorry if i sounded rude. i should read my posts a few times before posting them to make sure i do not embarrass anyone.

and thanks for you taking the time to try to help me understand what my dream meant. before you wrote what your idea of it was, i had never attempted to analyze what it may mean, so you inspired me to try to work out what it may be symbolic of, and i am probably wrong as well in my idea of what it meant.


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15 May 2010, 1:27 am

The other night I dreamt I lived in Victorian times, and that my mother was gravely ill and no one could figure out what was wrong with her.