What is the worst pain you have experienced?

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19 Jul 2010, 10:19 pm

I can dislocate my feet. That hurts, but it's fun.

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19 Jul 2010, 10:20 pm

TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
kizzykat wrote:
TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
kizzykat wrote:
mines has got to be child birth :lol: well i though my first two sons was bad but my third little boy i had to get an emergancy c section and i was screaming and shouting like an idiot because i didnt know what was happening i was not prepared for a c section and the pain after the spinal block wore of was emense and i honestly felt for about a month at least that i had been sawed in half then stitched back together again it was horrendous x

That's horrible! I didn't get a c-section either time. A natural birth is much easier to recover from, though I got an episiotomy (my spell check doesn't know how to spell this word... ) both times because I was tearing wrong. That hurt the longest.

Oh I've heard that the are bad and very painfull too x

Yeah, it didn't heal so well the second time around. I would still take it over a migraine. lol[/quote

Lol :lol:


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20 Jul 2010, 1:17 am

Um.. I stepped on a big stick while running barefoot and it left a pretty deep gash in my heel. But I didn't actually notice it had cut me 'till later.;; Cleaning it out was the painful part, and it throbbed all night. But it's still not much compared to some of these, omg. *pain fail* I'm getting nervous I haven't broken a bone yet, karma is building up against me... >__>;;

Anyway that was a while ago.

The most recent was.. I was carrying a big box through a doorway... I had to touch the sides to get it through and the metal thingy that holds the bolt peeled the skin back from one of my fingernails. It sounds bad but it healed pretty fast.

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20 Jul 2010, 1:42 am

pulling the muscles in my lower back at work lifting flour sacks off a pallet - 200lbs at a time, something I had done daily in the past until that one night when I moved the wrong way at the wrong time and I felt things starting to tear. The pain didn't really start until a few hours later. Felt like someone pressing an iron into my lower back. Moving the wrong way would send it shooting down my arms and legs like lightning bolts.

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20 Jul 2010, 3:20 am

I fell off a horse once and landed on my elbow. Result: The elbow got dislocated and a part of the bone got seperated from the rest of the bone.
Its definately the worst pain I have ever tried, I screamed so badly.
Cost me a weekend on the E.R, three rounds of narcosis in total (One to pop the joint back in, one to place the bit of loose bone back with two kinds of nails, and one to remove the nails and the casket again) 3 weeks with my arm in a casket and several months with training of my arm. To this day I still cant stretch the arm completely. Oh and of course, I have a nasty surgical scar on the inner side of my elbow now too.

I did continute riding for a few years.


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20 Jul 2010, 6:19 am

My senior year of high school I remember we had black ice. I walked out our front door and slipped and fell right on my back. I almost hit my head. It knocked the wind out of me. It was painful. I fell off a slide when I was in elementary school.


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20 Jul 2010, 6:58 am

I can't say any of it was all that bad in retrospect.


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20 Jul 2010, 8:21 am

Ferdinand wrote:
I can dislocate my feet. That hurts, but it's fun.

How can you say that it's fun if it hurts?

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20 Jul 2010, 8:34 am

When I was little. Like between 5 and 10 me and my brother got remote control cars for Christmas and they came with little plastic traffic cones. I stepped on one and impaled my foot and had to go to the hospital and get like 5 stitches or so. The MOST painful part of the whole experience, by FAR, was the numbing shot they injected into my sole to lessen the pain. OMFG that hurt like nobodies business.

I've also had large kidney stones and knee surgery, but that numbing shot!! I still cringe to think of it. :D


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20 Jul 2010, 11:09 am

Rheumatic fever..............there are no words :roll:


IBS......I thought all of my entrails were going to fall out :!:

Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?


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20 Jul 2010, 2:34 pm

I have been cut (by accident) with a razorblade, i have been hit by a car and scraped skin off my body, i have broken bones in my body, but no pain was worse than the tooth ache i had as a result of being depressed earlier in life.

Before that time, i couldn't name a single painkiller... when it was at it worst, i ate Ibuprofen like Dr House ate Vicodin...

Lesson learned: Even if you get depressed and loose the will to live at a point in life, take care of your teeth, your life may turn for the better. And going to the dentist after something like that is bloody expensive, once you are in that situation, going to the dentist is NOT optional.

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20 Jul 2010, 3:13 pm

Hmm...thinking it over, I think maybe the worst pain ever was a bone marrow biopsy where the anesthetic didn't take effect.

Having a huge (I assume, I'm too chicken to look at it) needle drill through all those nerves and then through the bone...wasn't much fun at all.

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20 Jul 2010, 3:28 pm

i won't give you the memories. they were bad enough the first time around.


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20 Jul 2010, 3:51 pm

popping my kneecap out of place, then having it forced back into place. That happened to me in a car accident.

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20 Jul 2010, 4:10 pm

Pain of course is relative to the person feeling it, but I'll have to go with the other moms on this one. Childbirth was the absolute worst pain (and I get migraines and have rheumatoid arthritis). I had my children in a little hippy-dippy hospital in Northern California, and they refused to give me anything for the pain. So I had both my girls au natural. Nine and a half pounds of pure hell the first time, although I didn't make a peep the entire time (most aspies tend to be quieter about pain than NTs, I think). The second pregnancy scared me to death because I already knew what was coming. It was worse than the first time. I got my tubes tied after that. :)


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20 Jul 2010, 4:14 pm

Oh the memories. I had a friend with me because the dirty rotten f.o.b. (father of baby) wimped out on the way to the hospital. Anyway, I almost broke her hand squeezing it.