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16 Dec 2008, 5:06 pm

Is a hysterectomy the only way? That's the route I'm ready to take. I know that certain birth control can knock it back to a few times a year, but that's not...

whatever the opposite of often is...


See... it's not even the pain. I can't even think when I have my period. I hate it, I never want kids anyway and there have been times when I've been ready to dig my uterus out with an ice cream scoop just to be done with the mess. What can I do?


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16 Dec 2008, 5:16 pm

You can discuss the risks and benefits of taking birth control pills continuously with your gynecologist. I've been taking birth control pills non-stop for a few years now, and it's great.

Snowy Owl
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16 Dec 2008, 5:23 pm

Something like 80% of all acupuncture and Asian traditions of herbalism in the Western world is for "woman's issues".

A good acupuncturist probably wouldn't get rid of your periods but they might be able to help make them less debilitating.


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16 Dec 2008, 5:40 pm

Girl, your period is not a disease! Western women have this idea that it's some kind of an inconvenience or an illness that can just be got rid of - it isn't, it's how our bodies are meant to function and behave, and it shouldn't be any kind of a problem. If it is, you've likely got some hormonal problems to deal with.

You could try acupuncture, as suggested, or go to a naturopath and see if they can find a cause of whatever's bothering you about them.

Magnesium will help stop cramps, as will evening primrose oil, which also regulates the female hormones and stops PMS. EPO is your friend.

Use an online tracking/reminder service like so all the hassle of remembering it is taken out of your hands and made easier, and use your phone to remind yourself that it's due.

Using a mooncup makes it a lot less messy and easier to manage and deal with - has info on what they are. It means no smelly pads/tampons, nothing to faff around with, and it stops cramping and makes it generally a more pleasant experience.

Hormonal contraception, i.e. the pill, will seriously mess your body up for years to come. I'll get yelled at for saying that, because people adore the pill, but it's the truth and it needs to be said.

Sort your body out and your hormones out and it'll get easier. Getting rid is not the way to go about it - it's not a disease, it's your body. If you can't think during your periods you've likely got some issues to sort out with getting your hormones balanced and back into check, so get that fixed up, the rest will follow.

We are a fever, we are a fever, we ain't born typical...

16 Dec 2008, 5:44 pm

When I saw the topic on the main page, i thought you were talking about this

MizLiz wrote:
Is a hysterectomy the only way Thats the route Im ready to take I know that certain birth control can knock it back to a few times a year but that's not

whatever the opposite of often is


See it's not even the pain I can't even think when I have my period I hate it I never want kids anyway and there have been times when I've been ready to dig my uterus out with an ice cream scoop just to be done with the mess What can I do

question marks and commas included.


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16 Dec 2008, 5:48 pm

I believe it is possible to be on a form of birth control pill year-round nowadays (wish it would have been available when I was younger!). These new ones have been on the market for long enough that "they" have been able to ascertain that there's no problem with being on them for extended periods of time.

In a byegone day, you wouldn't have quite so many periods - you'd have most likely been pregnant or nursing for almost all your adult reproductive life.....

Good luck with it!


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16 Dec 2008, 5:51 pm

That's the blessing of terminal illness. I don't need to bother pissing around with hippie rubbish (acupuncture.. with MY sensory issues? Might work for you and I appreciate the advice, but I can't even stand someone breathing on me) and worrying about the repurcussions of what I do messing up my body. It doesn't matter if I screw something up ten years down the road because I won't be here.

And I'm not as Western as you might think, so don't generalise.

Snowy Owl
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16 Dec 2008, 6:36 pm

MizLiz wrote:
(acupuncture.. with MY sensory issues? Might work for you and I appreciate the advice, but I can't even stand someone breathing on me)

You tell the acupuncturist that when you set up the appointment.

If they use Japanese needles I doubt if you would feel the needle, just what it does everywhere else.


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16 Dec 2008, 7:36 pm

I guess it depends on the person, but I took the depo shot for a while when I was younger and did not have one for two years.


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16 Dec 2008, 7:37 pm

LeKiwi wrote:
Girl, your period is not a disease! Western women have this idea that it's some kind of an inconvenience or an illness that can just be got rid of - it isn't, it's how our bodies are meant to function and behave, and it shouldn't be any kind of a problem. If it is, you've likely got some hormonal problems to deal with.

You could try acupuncture, as suggested, or go to a naturopath and see if they can find a cause of whatever's bothering you about them.

Magnesium will help stop cramps, as will evening primrose oil, which also regulates the female hormones and stops PMS. EPO is your friend.

Use an online tracking/reminder service like so all the hassle of remembering it is taken out of your hands and made easier, and use your phone to remind yourself that it's due.

Using a mooncup makes it a lot less messy and easier to manage and deal with - has info on what they are. It means no smelly pads/tampons, nothing to faff around with, and it stops cramping and makes it generally a more pleasant experience.

Hormonal contraception, i.e. the pill, will seriously mess your body up for years to come. I'll get yelled at for saying that, because people adore the pill, but it's the truth and it needs to be said.

Sort your body out and your hormones out and it'll get easier. Getting rid is not the way to go about it - it's not a disease, it's your body. If you can't think during your periods you've likely got some issues to sort out with getting your hormones balanced and back into check, so get that fixed up, the rest will follow.

Girl, nobody said a period was a disease! Perhaps where you come from, it's viewed as something mystical, in order to delude women from the reality of it's nusieance. We have medication in the western world that works. Some of us, have evolved past using herbs and whatever else we can find in the forest, to cure our problems.


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16 Dec 2008, 7:44 pm

If women have hysterectomies, then they'll not have periods.

If they have no periods, then the'll have no PMS.

If they have no PMS, then how will us men ever find out what women really think of us?

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16 Dec 2008, 7:45 pm

LeKiwi wrote:
Hormonal contraception, i.e. the pill, will seriously mess your body up for years to come. I'll get yelled at for saying that, because people adore the pill, but it's the truth and it needs to be said.

I tried the patch and the shot (because my memory is too iffy to remember to take a pill every day at the same time) and I got a UTI every month and a kidney infection every 6 months for 2 years until finally I flat out refused to take it again because no doctor would admit that the birth control was causing my infections. I haven't had one for 4 years.


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16 Dec 2008, 7:49 pm

Fnord wrote:
If they have no PMS, then how will us men ever find out what women really think of us?
I do not get PMS, or at least I never noticed; but am still always happy to oblige with an honest opinion to anyone who really wants to hear it. :wink:


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16 Dec 2008, 8:03 pm

Hysterectomy is instant aging, it will bring on other conditions associated with the body presuming it is middle aged, eg osteoporosis, grey hair. You're better of sticking with continuous (sub skin if you like) contraceptives.


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16 Dec 2008, 8:30 pm

violet_yoshi wrote:
LeKiwi wrote:
Girl, your period is not a disease! Western women have this idea that it's some kind of an inconvenience or an illness that can just be got rid of - it isn't, it's how our bodies are meant to function and behave, and it shouldn't be any kind of a problem. If it is, you've likely got some hormonal problems to deal with.

You could try acupuncture, as suggested, or go to a naturopath and see if they can find a cause of whatever's bothering you about them.

Magnesium will help stop cramps, as will evening primrose oil, which also regulates the female hormones and stops PMS. EPO is your friend.

Use an online tracking/reminder service like so all the hassle of remembering it is taken out of your hands and made easier, and use your phone to remind yourself that it's due.

Using a mooncup makes it a lot less messy and easier to manage and deal with - has info on what they are. It means no smelly pads/tampons, nothing to faff around with, and it stops cramping and makes it generally a more pleasant experience.

Hormonal contraception, i.e. the pill, will seriously mess your body up for years to come. I'll get yelled at for saying that, because people adore the pill, but it's the truth and it needs to be said.

Sort your body out and your hormones out and it'll get easier. Getting rid is not the way to go about it - it's not a disease, it's your body. If you can't think during your periods you've likely got some issues to sort out with getting your hormones balanced and back into check, so get that fixed up, the rest will follow.

Girl, nobody said a period was a disease! Perhaps where you come from, it's viewed as something mystical, in order to delude women from the reality of it's nusieance. We have medication in the western world that works. Some of us, have evolved past using herbs and whatever else we can find in the forest, to cure our problems.

Odd, where I'm from - which is probably pretty similar to where you're from; corporate, sh***y, compartmentalised healthcare for all! - it's viewed as nothing more than an inconvenient disease. Doctors give that 'medication' you're talking about to girls as young as 13 and then wonder why they're all suffering depression, hormonal diseases, thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, CFS, fibromyalgia, chronic yeast infections and candida, hormone-related cancers, bone problems, urinary tract problems, various psychological illnesses, and god knows what else by the time they're 22.

Where I'm from, a nice pretty western country full of all the joys of wealth and modernisation and globalisation etc, people are starting to wake up to the fact that we survived for hundreds of thousands of years without these doctors viewing the body as parts instead of a whole, and without the pervasive chemicals that are stuffing up our bodies and our planet and knocking all its ecosystems out of whack, and they're starting to go back to natural forms of medicine. You know why? Because they work, funnily enough. Our bodies are natural and from the Earth - why wouldn't plants from the same organic origins have the ability to cure?

And actually, I hate to break it to you, but if you're a fan of 'modern' drug medicine, you haven't evolved past using herbs and whatever else you can find in the forest at all. Over 85% of drugs are simply isolated active chemicals from natural sources. Better toss them all out eh, since you're so evolved and all... :roll:

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16 Dec 2008, 9:09 pm

Postperson wrote:
Hysterectomy is instant aging, it will bring on other conditions associated with the body presuming it is middle aged, eg osteoporosis, grey hair. You're better of sticking with continuous (sub skin if you like) contraceptives.

This is second-hand info from a registered nurse, but when a hysterectomy is performed, blood supplies to the ovaries are reduced or cut off completely, depending on the extent of the removal. The results in a general "de-feminisation" unless counter-acted with hormone therapy.

Thus, you're back to those estrogen pills and/or injections.

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