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02 Dec 2012, 2:05 am

I think ladies are using the creepy word way too loosely.
first not every guy who approach you and you don't like are creepy are some other types of men:

the annoying guy: not creepy but gets on women nerve. make women pull her hair out with his idiot comments and douchebag personality
the weird guy: not creepy, but a little strange but not in a scary type of way. ( like an old hippie)
the old man: just typical old man who likes to talk to people but not in sexual type of way
lame pick up artist: try to pick up with women with lousy pick up line
the ugly guy: he is ugly. nuff said
the bullshiter: similiar to lame pick up artist but says the most untrue things. like being a millionare. claiming to be in the olympics
the drunk guy: similiar to the annoying guy only that he is drunk
the stinky guy: guy who needs to take a shower
the short guy: the guy below your knees
the boring guy: when he talks, you fall asleep
the how about a threesome with my bi wife: a guy who want you to sleep with him and his wife
the sick guy: he needs a kleenex, fast
the dictionary talker guy: when he ask you out, he uses big words, so you think he's speaking a another language
the add guy: he talk to you and then he looking somewhere else.

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02 Dec 2012, 2:27 am

To me, a man I would call "creepy" is one who;
Touches, and continues to touch even after being told no
Makes lewd comments and gestures
Follows after me
Watches me ALOT
Gives me too many gifts
Tries over and over to get my personal imfortmation.

That is what I would call creepy. What you wrote is not what I would call creepy, except maybe the threesome guy.


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02 Dec 2012, 2:48 am

I've been informed by a male co-worker that a female co-worker said I was creepy. No idea what I did.

I've been wondering if part if this is anti-intellectualism. For example, while at Kroger's I picked up a magazine from Scientific American with the front article title "The Language of the Brain". The cashier and bagger seemed to think it was actually freaky or something. That they found the idea of understanding their own brain neurons firing to be to weird.

So, I kind of wonder if Aspies with certain random interests intimidate people who find certain kinds of information almost scary.


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02 Dec 2012, 6:00 am

(This comes after having read the opinions of many WP ladies about what "creepy" is):

Are you familiar with the term "preaching to the choir"?

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Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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02 Dec 2012, 7:01 am

Some women can be downright cruel to men who are genuine. It is a personality thing. These are the women who misuse the word 'creepy'. Don't let these kind of people scare you off approaching a woman you genuinely like. When I asked my husband on our first date, he nearly didn't come because he thought I would make fun of him. If his coworkers hadn't literally pushed him out the door for our coffee date, the happy marriage would never have begun.


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02 Dec 2012, 3:00 pm

Yeah I do notice NT women are ready to use the "creepy" label very readily. I don't, I'm view myself as fairly accepting towards different types of men. I mean if things go to the extreme then yes I can whip out the creepy label myself. I had a discussion with a friend about this a few years ago. And she said that women are taught to "fear" men. We are in a more vulnerble position in society so we need that radar to sense out unsavory characters. Of course often aspie females dont have that radar and are abused (different subject). So I think thats where the over usage of the word "creepy" originates from. Trust me, as a female I've probably done creepy things, rarely ever had that label branded on me because I am a very non-intimidating harmless female.


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02 Dec 2012, 6:02 pm

Yeah, there was one stupid, almost bigoted post in this section about that.
I think people need to shut the hell up before using labels like that.

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03 Dec 2012, 11:07 am

I've labeled guys creepy, and it may not be for any blatant fault of there own. It's usually more of an instinctual wariness I feel around someone because something in their demeanor seems off. In some of these cases, I ended up the object of unwanted advances, or the person I was wary of ended up cracking up spectacularly down the road so I trust my instincts.


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03 Dec 2012, 11:16 am

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
I've labeled guys creepy, and it may not be for any blatant fault of there own. It's usually more of an instinctual wariness I feel around someone because something in their demeanor seems off. In some of these cases, I ended up the object of unwanted advances, or the person I was wary of ended up cracking up spectacularly down the road so I trust my instincts.

I've done that too. I get bad vibes from people sometimes. One guy that all my friends liked but I felt weird around had a coke habit and was committing armed robbery. Another was a guy from work who got everybody's internet taken away because he was looking up porn during the overnight shift--at a religious TV station!! ! Another guy at work one day confided in me that he wished there was such a thing as a Catholic KKK. 8O

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