poll for women on the spectrum about diagnosis age

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15 May 2012, 3:08 am

Ravenclawgurl wrote:
please state how old you were and our diagnosis (aspergers, pddnos, autistic disorder) and if you have had any previous diagnosises

Asperger's dx'ed when I was 31, March 2009.
No prior psychiatric diagnosis. Although I was sent to a child shrink at 11, they didn't arrive at any dx.

As for women having a harder time to get diagnosed... In my case, that wasn't an issue. I've never been employed and dealt mostly with family since quitting school, so there has never been any professionals around to think of ASD. When I decided to get assessed, I was told I was a fairly obvious case. I finished mandatory school in 1993, the year before DSM 4

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23 May 2012, 5:27 pm

March 2012 aged 22. Asperger Syndrome.

Previously diagnosed with OCD, tic disorder (both true) and depression (which I think is incorrect).

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23 May 2012, 6:44 pm

Nearing 50, diagnosed recently through my own reading. Somebody suggested the book Aspergirls and it was a shock to see ALL my problems discussed in one place. Read another book on Aspergers and it continued to amaze me. I'm on my fourth and fifth books with another one in the mail. LOL!

I have previously been told I have social anxieties and was offered medication for it. I declined as it seemed strange to me to take medication when I can manage the problem to my own satisfaction without. Sadly, my whole life the sound sensitivities, taste, texture and touch sensitivities were all diagnosed as my imagination (always makes me mad when that happens) and that all I needed to do was learn to be less hypersensitive which I've been trying to do my whole life and failing.

I like knowing. Nothing changes except I no longer feel the need to apologize for things like being sensitive or needing time alone. Also, lack of diagnosis is not a problem. Now that I know I am aspergers I know that I can ask the counselor for help with specific problems.



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23 May 2012, 8:24 pm

I don't recall whether I replied to this or not but I was diagnosed when I was 18, senior year of HS. In retrospect, I should have been diagnosed when I was 9. That's when I was first sent to counseling because the school thought there was something wrong. But they just diagnosed with selective mutism and thought extreme shyness was the problem.

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26 May 2012, 1:46 pm

I don't know if my diagnosis is in writing or not, but a doctor told my mom I had it when I was 16. She never told me. At 26 I self-diagnosed and told her and she was like "oh yeah, a doctor said you had that once." Before self-diagnosing, I married an Aspie and had a son with sensory processing disorder who is also an Aspie.

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26 May 2012, 5:03 pm

November 2011, day after my birthday on the 10th. I was 26, so I guess I will never forget that. Prior to that I was just dyslexic and depression. Although most people didn't believe me when I said I was dyslexic as I can actually spell pretty well.


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30 May 2012, 12:06 am

I was 34 when I was diagnosed with Aspergers in 2009. Not completely sure of what I was diagnosed with as a child.
Other diagnosis have been: anxiety at 8( 1982); depression and eating disorder at 14 (1988); Borderline personality disorder; eating disorder; depression 19( 1993); 1995 PTSD. Body dysmorphic disorder 24(1998). ADHD 2008 at 33. Bipolar was another diagnosis a dr. kept trying to say I have and I told him where to put that diagnosis as I knew it was not correct at all for me.
Other issues I have but have not been diagnosed with are: Auditory processing disorder; Sensory integration Dysfunction.

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30 May 2012, 7:44 am

angel_amy wrote:
November 2011, day after my birthday on the 10th. I was 26, so I guess I will never forget that. Prior to that I was just dyslexic and depression. Although most people didn't believe me when I said I was dyslexic as I can actually spell pretty well.

We had that problem with my son who is severely dyslexic and dysgraphic. Because we spent so much effort to enable him to read and write, his high school English teacher actually argued that he was not LD! This in spite of the fact that a paragraph can take him hours to write-- except when he uses voice software, talks his papers into the computer, cleans them up a bit, edits a bit and then prints. She got those computer aided reports and figured they meant he could write just fine and that we imagined the dysgraphia-- and not even reports from the experts who tested him would sway her belief that it was not true.

By the end of the second meeting for his LDs it was clear his high school had no intention of giving him the help he needed and would do anything to make it look like they were following the law without actually helping my son at all. We gave up and home schooled, then let him get a GED and go off to college where he chose not to tell the college or any of his professors about his LD to see if he could manage college without any aids. Mixed results so far on that.

I have no respect left at all for anyone who works at our local high school.


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30 May 2012, 12:49 pm

dx'ed at age 19 in 2012. Formerly OCD, ADD, auditory processing disorder, expressive language disorder, sensory processing disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anziety disorder, social phobia. I have a bit of everything, and no one can seem to agree completely on what the right dx should be.

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30 May 2012, 8:03 pm

I had just turned 21.
Dx: Asperger's.
Read later it was because of my abysmal eye contact and absurd verbosity.

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04 Jun 2012, 12:45 pm

Diagnosed age 20 with AS. I never had any previous Dx despite my problems, because I am smart and did well in school. Apparently if you have good grades, you don't have problems...

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04 Jun 2012, 10:32 pm

Diagnosed at 18 with mild Asperger's (why mild, I have no clue, and never heard of it before)

Previously no disability diagnoses. I was classified as gifted though.

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07 Jun 2012, 10:42 am

I just turned 29 and I'm in the process of getting assessed for Aspergers now.

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15 Jun 2012, 10:25 pm

Today June 15th, 2012 I was officially diagnosed at 29 years old. I also have Bipolar disorder and ADD.

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15 Jun 2012, 10:54 pm

This November i turn 30, ~5 years ago my mom and aunt self-diagnosed me. i have yet to get an official diagnosis but i have been doing a lot of reading on AS to help me along with getting a diagnosis when i can afford it.

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15 Jun 2012, 11:11 pm

Diagnosed at 22 with AS but parents suspected since middle school, as well as a psychologist I saw at 18. My parents work in special educaton but with the severely disabled so they didn't know much about AS until my mom went to a conference and there was a speaker on AS and she realized I fit it perfectly. I am 24 now.