Do you have any problems that hinder interest

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10 Jul 2009, 5:05 am

When you run they say there is barrier you have to pass through. Just wondering if their are any barriers that might restrict how obsessed with your special interest. For me its my eyes and the back aches I have that hurt badly.



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10 Jul 2009, 5:42 am

Well, I have a I have a frayed meniscus, and occasionally also develop a Baker's Cyst, the result of fluid build-up in response to yet another problem, a degenerating medial cartilage. That means I cannot bend my knees in the manner that I would like to do. I can bend OK if I hold onto a pole, but that makes people think I am a pole-dancer! :D I was recently asked if I am a stripper by profession. I was dancing, not stripping! :x

And when I fall I sometimes injure my ankle.

But it's no big deal. I still dance.

When I must wait in a queue, I dance. Classified as an aspie with ADHD on 31 March 2009 at the age of 43.


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10 Jul 2009, 7:05 am

I have always enjoyed working with clay, but haven't had the opportunity to indulge in it for forty years, till now when there is a reasonably-priced class nearby. I was so stoked about throwing pots, only to find that it kills my wrists (probably arthritis) and makes me dizzy (destroyed vestibular system). No matter, I have made press molds for hand-building and am obsessively filling the house with little creations which I guess I will try to sell to an exceedingly small niche market. When I am driving, I find myself trying to work out the details of what I will make next. The next barrier may be not having transportation to my class due to a totaled car!

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10 Jul 2009, 10:18 am

am do not have obsessive interests but do have a lot of 'barriers' that get in the way of any interests/hobbies am have,am not able to get through a lot of challenges but often may be able to adapt around.
Some of them are remote control car racing,am able to cope with it by using an electric based car [rather than nitro] and wearing the usual ear gear,and also doing it in wide open parks,but not done it for a while anyway as its smashed up and held together with cable ties till dad eventually fixes it.

Horse riding-am wouldn't have been able to start doing this again if it wasnt for having car access with staff as am still waiting for own motability car to be sorted out,and the stables am going to [for disabled riders] is far/past bolton for bothering with short term car hire or taxi [which have their own barriers as well].There are quite a few barriers am have with riding from getting on [due to a CP like condition,though use the stepping block to get on] to sensory issues,processing information and understanding,but with being an RDA centre am have a helper as well to take in what am not able to do,currently use a special sensory bare back saddle,and the stables use images as well as letters in the arena which is easier to take in than letters.

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10 Jul 2009, 10:57 am

Physical exhaustion. And time.

I constantly obsess about my garden and every single plant in it, and I take every opportunity that I can to go out and work in it. The problem is, I will work out there to the point of dehydration, heat-stress, and exhaustion. It's hard for me to stop... REALLY hard for me stop. I feel like a baby torn away from it's mother when I have to come back inside.

Beyond that is the problem of time. There's never enough of it. After work and family, there's hardly any time left for my interest. The day comes to an end, and my obsession with plants doesn't stop when the sun goes down. So quite often, I will tromp outside at night with a flashlight to work for several more hours, sometimes until after midnight. I do this even though I still have to get up by 7:00 the following morning. I end up shorting myself on sleep because there's not enough time for my interest. Need more time!



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10 Jul 2009, 12:19 pm

Building electronic devices, especially radios, is getting more difficult, because the parts get smaller and smaller, and I have some fine motoric problems.

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14 Jul 2009, 1:03 am

i like model trains but a small apartment and almost no money left after paying bills and sending to my investment account makes doing things about it not really possible

i put the investment account first so i can afford to move to a place big enough to build a lay out in so i guess i am working on doing things to my interest

what helps is living close enough to watch the burlington northern yard from my window


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14 Jul 2009, 1:13 am

I get a sore back if I read and sometimes if a lot happens in one chapter I get really overwhelmed. Then there's writers block for my stories and exhausted limbs when I play my Nintendo Wii.

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14 Jul 2009, 3:38 am

jamieg wrote:
i like model trains but a small apartment and almost no money left after paying bills and sending to my investment account makes doing things about it not really possible

i put the investment account first so i can afford to move to a place big enough to build a lay out in so i guess i am working on doing things to my interest

what helps is living close enough to watch the burlington northern yard from my window

Have you played the Railroad Tycoon series or Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe? OpenTTD is pretty awesome.

I'm always forgetting to eat and drink and sleep. Too busy for such silly things. Eating and Drinking is for the Plebs!