Best Place to Live with Asperger's/Autism

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Tufted Titmouse
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08 Apr 2010, 6:44 am

My husband and I are seriously considering to move out of TX for many reasons and I need to know and I am researching for the best states to live especially for me that I am autistic until now I found New Jersey to have many resources. Please any advice or recomendations. Thanks!! !! ![/b]


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08 Apr 2010, 7:33 am

Best Place to Live with Asperger's/Autism

inside your head. No, really. I am not being flippant.



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08 Apr 2010, 7:54 am

Just dont move to Indiana whatever you do :lol:

In fact as scary as the idea maybe you may want to try moving to a big city or someplace where there will be lots for you to do and see...and has plenty of public transportation or places to walk.

It depends on your taste I guess, but I wouldnt wanted to live in a small American town if it's gonna isolate me from the rest of the world. Living in New Jersey or somewhere along the coast sounds like a great idea.

I've been considering tropical places like L.A. or Florida...

But I've also been thinking about moving to Vancouver.

Gotta get out of the country sometime! 8)


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08 Apr 2010, 7:55 am

The truth of the matter is, there is no "best"place. Each state has its high points and low points when it comes to Autism.


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08 Apr 2010, 8:51 am

The best place depends on one's personality and outlook on life. For instance, I have been considering a move out West, where life is a little slower pace and people seem a little friendlier than the East Coast (broadly speaking). Yet I know that most places I will go will have far less economic opportunity than the Northeast. Of course, everyone's criteria is slightly different.

Sea Gull
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08 Apr 2010, 8:58 am

I live in London, England, a very very busy city but it doesn't really matter to me. I like the area that I live in, I live the building I live in and above all, I live my little flat. I spend most of my time at home. I think every city/town/area has it's own good and bad points.

Snowy Owl
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08 Apr 2010, 9:06 am

We live in Ocean County, NJ - it's nearly the center of the autism cluster along the Jersey Shore - lots of resources, good special ed programs in the public schools too, but expensive to live here otherwise. If I were you guys I'd move out of Texas in a second. It's beautiful up here

Blue Jay
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08 Apr 2010, 9:31 am

I live in a small but cosmopolitan town in Spain. It suits me fine to be the resident foreign weirdo, and I couldn't live anywhere bigger because I hate crowds. You have to be careful with small towns though - some can be too clannish. There are absolutely no specific Autism resources though and this became a problem when my son was diagnosed. On the other hand, he's happy here too so I don't think I've decided badly.

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08 Apr 2010, 9:31 am

Buffalo, NY isn't a bad place. The living is cheap and the people are friendly. It's an artsy, somewhat liberal city, so you can basically live how you want. There are autistic resources, especially for children. For adults? I don't know, I'm still digging around myself, but I have a good psych. Oh, it's not as snowy as appears. The summers are beautiful and warm.


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08 Apr 2010, 10:44 am

Portland, OR.

"Keep Portland weird."

You don't need a car to live here. We have buses and light rails. They're pretty good.

People here are also friendly.

But it's expensive. I was lucky to find an apartment with good rentable price.


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08 Apr 2010, 10:56 am

Hehe i think London UK is ok for aspies too actually... but it would requite migration to the UK!

Snowy Owl
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08 Apr 2010, 11:10 am

Sacramento or Davis, California

They got the Mind Institute there, I know a few people who specialize in autism there.


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08 Apr 2010, 11:40 am

This is a good question. I think having a sense of place is far more important than is generally recognized. Everyone is going to have their own criteria, of course, but to my mind, the place itself matters more than its facilities.

I've lived and traveled in many places in the US and the world, and people are generally no different wherever you go. Sure, there are conservative areas and not-so-conservative areas, but in general people are people as far as I'm concerned. They're equal opportunity ... they all think I'm a little weird ... lol.

I'm now a retired wanderer, but I find myself returning to certain places and generally staying within a geographic region ... in this case, the American Southwest. The Plains Indians spoke of geographic borders or "power lines", within which they felt at home and beyond which they didn't. The lines could be rivers, mountain ranges, deserts, etc.

I feel the same way. And I stay more or less within my power lines. I'm not concerned so much with facilities.


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08 Apr 2010, 12:04 pm

If you need social services of any kind, then New York State is one of the BEST states to take up residence. Many folks have moved up from Florida and other southern states to take advantage of the many "hand outs" that New York State provides for those in need...welfare, medicaid, food stamps, heating allowances as well as having good medical facilities, great food, a comfortable climate and excellent programs for mental health and substance abuse rehab if needed.

NYS also has an excellent education system for children, including Special Education and other types of programs and services, that children with special needs often needs.

The Kelberman Center for Autism in the Mohawk River Valley, located between Syracuse and Albany, New York provides many programs and services for BOTH children and adults living with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. You can check out their website...just Google...Kelberman Center for Autism.


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08 Apr 2010, 1:14 pm

Es2Telle wrote:
My husband and I are seriously considering to move out of TX for many reasons and I need to know and I am researching for the best states to live especially for me that I am autistic until now I found New Jersey to have many resources. Please any advice or recomendations. Thanks!! !! ![/b]

I second ur request on NJ, i live in NJ and am very happy with the resources, we have 5 walks alone coming up for autism, autism nights at restaurants, autism events every month i attend, a huge autism picnic every year, autism surf events, autism beach bashes, even the cops in my town have been trained for autism, and ppl are more aware, for some odd reason i found one time that our town has the highest population of autism idk if that is true but thought it was cool, but i recommend jersey, some ppl will say jersey sucks cuz of price, but i like it, thats jus my opinion, either way hope u find somewhere u like to live!

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Tufted Titmouse
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08 Apr 2010, 5:55 pm

I have traveled a bit and found difference in ambiance and attitude from residents of their countries, city, even neighborhood. I am originally from California and moved to Texas when I was a teen and never liked it in fact everyone has notice that I have declined in my mental health because where I live is more slower and no very social as where I come from, I am not interested in going back to Cali but I notice that living where there is more going on in a city or even state its more scary but more helpful for me especially... I wish I can move to London I have heard many positive things from there and I would move in a heartbeat if it was possible, although my goal someday is move out of the states in the future.