Which symptoms do you have and not have?

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How many of the symptoms did you answer "sometimes" or more to?
Less than 10 5%  5%  [ 6 ]
11-20 15%  15%  [ 17 ]
21-30 35%  35%  [ 39 ]
31-40 32%  32%  [ 35 ]
41 or more 13%  13%  [ 14 ]
Total votes : 111

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Nov 2010, 5:39 pm

Poor communication such as:
Speech and language peculiarities YES
Overformal speech YES
Taking everything literally YES
Word repetition (echolalia) SOMEWHAT
Long monologues YES
Inappropriate remarks YES
Inability to take turns talking YES
Inability to listen to others YES
Speaking without any pitch or tone YES
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm YES
Difficulty initiating conversation YES
Flat, cheerless demeanor YES
Loud voice NO
Doesn’t respond to name very well YES

Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Inability to pick up facial expressions YES
Not able to notice body language YES
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice NO
Avoid eye contact while communicating YES
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!) NO
Few facial expressions YES
Unaware of unwritten rules YES

Impaired social interaction such as:
Social withdrawal YES
Lack of interest in other people YES
Eccentric personality YES
Preoccupied with their own agenda YES
Socially non-adapted personality YES
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior YES
Limited interests YES
Unusual preoccupations YES
Need for sameness YES
Repetitive routines or rituals YES
Engages in highly repetitive play
Excellent rote memory YES
Lack of empathy YES
Single-mindedness NO
Aloof YES
Inflexible thinking NO
Lack of imagination NO
Indifferent YES
Rigid thinking YES
Lack of make-believe or imitative play YES
Fear of changes YES

Poor motor skills such as:
Poor coordination YES
Clumsiness YES
Uncoordinated motor movements YES
Hand flapping
Head swiveling
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain YES
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations YES
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights YES


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20 Nov 2010, 7:08 pm

Speech and language peculiarities: Some?

Overformal speech: Sometimes

Taking everything literally: No

Word repetition (echolalia): Not often, sometimes

Long monologues: Not often

Inappropriate remarks: Occasionally

Inability to take turns talking: Yes, I often don't know how to enter a conversation

Inability to listen to others: No, adaptions made

Speaking without any pitch or tone: No

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No

Difficulty initiating conversation: Depends

Flat, cheerless demeanor: Yes

Loud voice: No

Doesn’t respond to name very well: No

Inability to pick up facial expressions: Sometimes

Not able to notice body language: I notice it, not always sure on meaning

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Sometimes

Avoid eye contact while communicating: Depends on how I feel

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No

Few facial expressions: Yes

Unaware of unwritten rules: Sometimes

Social withdrawal: Yes

Lack of interest in other people: No

Eccentric personality: Yes?

Preoccupied with their own agenda: Mostly

Socially non-adapted personality: No?

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Sometimes

Limited interests: No, I'd say wide ranging

Unusual preoccupations: Yes

Need for sameness: No

Repetitive routines or rituals: No

Engages in highly repetitive play: No

Excellent rote memory: No

Lack of empathy: No, displaying it appropriately is the problem

Single-mindedness: Not really

Aloof: Yes

Inflexible thinking: No

Lack of imagination: Not entirely

Indifferent: To what?

Rigid thinking: No

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No, not even as a little kid

Fear of changes: Not always

Poor coordination: No; adapted

Clumsiness: No; again adapted

Uncoordinated motor movements: No; again adapted

Hand flapping: Only when very excited

Head swiveling: No

Mirroring: Does this mean lack of mirroring other people, or copycat mimicking, or what?

Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 Nov 2010, 11:27 pm

very long list, a bit overwhelming on the original site....scored about 35, that was with some "I dunnos" and "wtf?"s. It seems that the questions are a bit hostile and patronizing (like some articles I've read that speak about stimming as if we're "short circuited"). So yeah, 35, liked the eccentric bits :D

Pileated woodpecker
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21 Nov 2010, 12:47 am

Yes = 16
Sometimes = 13
No = 20
Not Sure = 2

And for the record, I think an excellent additional question would be "Did you feel the need to create a spreadsheet, chart or pivot table to easily determine how many symptoms fell into each category?"

Also, it was driving my absolutely nuts that the list wasn't numbered...

1. Speech and language peculiarities: Sometimes. People tend to think I'm from elsewhere and say I have an odd accent when I tell them I was raised right here in town.

2. Overformal speech: Sometimes people think I'm overly formal, but I tend to think they're overly casual :-)

3. Taking everything literally: No

4. Word repetition (echolalia): Sometimes. Outloud, very rarely (mainly when I'm nervous or caught of guard by someone). In my head, much more often. I've never tried to explain it, but I sometimes get a word stuck in my head after I hear it and can't get rid of it until I've sort of analyzed the movements needed to create those sounds.

5. Long monologues: Sometimes. I used to do this more I think. Now I try to limit my talking time during conversations to avoid it.

6. Inappropriate remarks: No

7. Inability to take turns talking: No

8. Inability to listen to others: Sometimes. I give people the opportunity to speak, but I often don't pay much attention to what they're saying.

9. Speaking without any pitch or tone: No

10. Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No

11. Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes

12. Flat, cheerless demeanor: Yes, my natural state could be categorized this way. However, I've sort of trained myself to smile until I feel foolish when around other people.

13. Loud voice: No, I'm usually too quiet.

14. Doesn’t respond to name very well: No

15. Inability to pick up facial expressions: No. I'm actually really adept at figuring out what people are thinking during a conversation, I can usually tell when someone is lying or not telling the whole truth.

16. Not able to notice body language: No.

17. Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: No.

18. Avoid eye contact while communicating: YES

19. Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No, definitely not.

20. Few facial expressions: Not sure.

21. Unaware of unwritten rules: No, I've gotten much better over the years.

22. Social withdrawal: Yes

23. Lack of interest in other people: Yes

24. Eccentric personality: Sometimes/Not sure. I feel like I do a decent job of passing for normal, but I also know my family and acquaintances think I'm rather "quirky".

25. Preoccupied with their own agenda: No

26. Socially non-adapted personality: Not sure what this means...

27. Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes

28. Limited interests: Yes

29. Unusual preoccupations: Yes, but I'm generally quite good at keeping quiet about them.

30. Need for sameness: Yes, but with very occasional needs for adventure :-)

31. Repetitive routines or rituals: Routines yes, rituals not so much

32. Engages in highly repetitive play: As a kid, definitely. I was always really careful with my toys and would play with the same ones everyday, for years.

33. Excellent rote memory: Sometimes, it depends on the subject.

34. Lack of empathy: Sort of. I can usually understand quite well what someone else is most likely feeling. The information just doesn't really effect me in any way. Usually I just get upset with them for not being more logical about whatever's going on :-)

35. Single-mindedness: Sometimes

36. Aloof: Yes

37. Inflexible thinking: No

38. Lack of imagination: Definitely not.

39. Indifferent: Yes

40. Rigid thinking: No

41. Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No lack of make believe, but I can't really remember any imitative play as a kid.

42. Fear of changes: Sometimes. Though I'm not it's fear so much as severe apprehension.

43. Poor coordination: Sometimes

44. Clumsiness: Sometimes

45. Uncoordinated motor movements: Sometimes

46. Hand flapping: No

47. Head swiveling: No

48. Mirroring: Yes

49. Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: Yes

50. Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

51. Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: No

Damn good, bloody good, damn good job.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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21 Nov 2010, 12:57 am

Poor communication such as:

Speech and language peculiarities: Yes

Overformal speech: Yes (though this has decreased in the past few years)

Taking everything literally: Sometimes, kind of.

Word repetition (echolalia): No

Long monologues: Yes, very much yes.

Inappropriate remarks: Sometimes

Inability to take turns talking: Yes

Inability to listen to others: Kind of (I can listen, but I have to remain utterly silent during the conversation, or else I'll turn it to myself accidentally).

Speaking without any pitch or tone: Yup.

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No

Difficulty initiating conversation: Depends

Flat, cheerless demeanor: Sometimes

Loud voice: No, I do have an extremely soft voice that I can't tell is soft, though.

Doesn’t respond to name very well: No

Non-verbal communication problems such as:

Inability to pick up facial expressions: No, probably thanks to art training (I love drawing faces).

Not able to notice body language: A tiny bit (probably thanks to art training).

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: No

Avoid eye contact while communicating: All of the time with most people, unless I really concentrate

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!) Yes

Few facial expressions Yes

Unaware of unwritten rules Yes, every single day of my life.

Impaired social interaction such as:

Social withdrawal: Yes

Lack of interest in other people: Mostly, yes (I do care very deeply for a small, single digit number of friends).

Eccentric personality: Yes

Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes, generally

Socially non-adapted personality: Non-adapted as in not being able to adapt to being that social, kind of. I'm not sure what the official definition of it is though...

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes

Limited interests: Yes

Unusual preoccupations: In comparison to the people around me, yes.

Need for sameness: Sometimes, unless I'm comfortable in the new environment that I'm put in (like going to a new camp full of really artsy, eccentric people who are all almost as passionate about art as I am).

Repetitive routines or rituals: Yes.

Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes

Excellent rote memory: In certain areas, no.

Lack of empathy: No

Single-mindedness: A little

Aloof: Yes

Inflexible thinking: I'm not sure.

Lack of imagination: When it comes to creating whole new worlds, yes. When it comes to basically combining different ideas and putting form to them, no.

Indifferent: Sometimes.

Rigid thinking: Maybe

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No, when I control what happens.

Fear of changes: Yes, easily most of the time.

Poor motor skills such as:

Poor coordination: Yes

Clumsiness: Yes

Uncoordinated motor movements: Maybe?

Hand flapping: Yes

Head swiveling: No

Mirroring: Yes

Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Kind of

Currently: I'm about to go into the track to get an Asperger's syndrome diagnosis. I'm suspected of having Aspergers by a professional right now, though.

AQ// 41 out of 50
Aspie Quiz// AS: 168/200 NT: 46/200

Last edited by gen-ph on 21 Nov 2010, 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.


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21 Nov 2010, 1:21 am

I'm doing this again.

1. Speech and language peculiarities: Yes; don't have my own accent (accent chameleon); speech motor difficulties.

2. Overformal speech: Yes, depending on whom I speak to.

3. Taking everything literally: This trait has come back. Annoying. So yes.

4. Word repetition (echolalia): Yes but to memorize.

5. Long monologues: Yes.

6. Inappropriate remarks: God yes.

7. Inability to take turns talking: Sometimes.

8. Inability to listen to others: Sometimes.

9. Speaking without any pitch or tone: No. Like I said before I pick up accents.

10. Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: Yes.

11. Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes

12. Flat, cheerless demeanor: No.

13. Loud voice: Depends. I struggle to know when to turn my voice down.

14. Doesn’t respond to name very well: No. I'm like a timid rabbit.

15. Inability to pick up facial expressions: Yes.

16. Not able to notice body language: Yes.

17. Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Sometimes.

18. Avoid eye contact while communicating: Sometimes.

19. Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): Not that anyone has told me about.

20. Few facial expressions: No. Too many facial expressions.

21. Unaware of unwritten rules: Sort of.

22. Social withdrawal: Yes

23. Lack of interest in other people: Most people. Anxiety prone rock stars on the other hand...

24. Eccentric personality: Yes.

25. Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes.

26. Socially non-adapted personality: Yes.

27. Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes

28. Limited interests: Yes

29. Unusual preoccupations: Yes

30. Need for sameness: Yes, until I do the ADHD hyper jump.

31. Repetitive routines or rituals: Yes.

32. Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes.

33. Excellent rote memory: It's not as detailed with others with AS, but it's pretty good.

34. Lack of empathy: Uhmm. I feel too much empathy for people but there are some things that I struggle to empathise with. See blog.

35. Single-mindedness: Sometimes.

36. Aloof: Yes

37. Inflexible thinking: No

38. Lack of imagination: Definitely not.

39. Indifferent: Yes

40. Rigid thinking: Sometimes.

41. Lack of make-believe or imitative play: I was never a fan of it.

42. Fear of changes: Yes.

43. Poor coordination: Yes.

44. Clumsiness: Yes.

45. Uncoordinated motor movements: Yes.

46. Hand flapping: Yes.

47. Head swiveling: Yes.

48. Mirroring: I think so.

49. Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: As a kid, yes. From adolescent and upwards, no.

50. Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

51. Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes.


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21 Nov 2010, 1:23 am

  1. Speech and language peculiarities: Yes
  2. Overformal speech: Yes
  3. Taking everything literally: Yes
  4. Word repetition (echolalia): Yes, but more frequently palilalia
  5. Long monologues: Yes
  6. Inappropriate remarks: Yes
  7. Inability to take turns talking: In some situations
  8. Inability to listen to others: In some situations
  9. Speaking without any pitch or tone: Somewhat -- I have heard myself on a recording and my voice does not sound the same in my head as it sounds on a recording.
  10. Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: Sometimes
  11. Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes
  12. Flat, cheerless demeanor: Yes
  13. Loud voice: No -- My voice is usually quiet.
  14. Doesn’t respond to name very well: I don't understand whether this is referring to within a conversation or to someone trying to start a conversation by saying my name. If it's within a conversation then yes, I don't like when people say my name. If it's someone trying to start a conversation by saying my name and I'm not responding then it may be because I was hyperfocused on what I was doing and wasn't aware that my name was spoken. I can't answer whether I don't respond to something if I wasn't aware that it happened.
  15. Inability to pick up facial expressions: No, but inability to understand the specific meaning of facial expressions, yes.
  16. Not able to notice body language: Yes
  17. Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Yes
  18. Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes
  19. Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No, I am more likely to avoid people and want them to stay away from me.
  20. Few facial expressions: Yes
  21. Unaware of unwritten rules: Yes
  22. Social withdrawal: Yes
  23. Lack of interest in other people: Yes
  24. Eccentric personality: Yes
  25. Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes
  26. Socially non-adapted personality: Yes
  27. Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes, very much. But I have learned to not do this.
  28. Limited interests: Yes
  29. Unusual preoccupations: Yes
  30. Need for sameness: Yes
  31. Repetitive routines or rituals: Yes
  32. Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes
  33. Excellent rote memory: Yes
  34. Lack of empathy: Largely, yes
  35. Single-mindedness: Yes
  36. Aloof: Yes
  37. Inflexible thinking: In some areas
  38. Lack of imagination: I don't understand what's meant by this, lack of the ability to imagine or lack of spontaneously imagining, and I don't understand what is being imagined. I am capable of imagining factual or theoretical things in great detail, but don't imagine fictitious stories or characters.
  39. Indifferent: Often, but not always
  40. Rigid thinking: In some situations
  41. Lack of make-believe or imitative play: Yes
  42. Fear of changes: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
  43. Poor coordination: Yes
  44. Clumsiness: Yes
  45. Uncoordinated motor movements: Yes
  46. Hand flapping: Yes
  47. Head swiveling: I don't know what this is.
  48. Mirroring: Yes
  49. Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No. My response to pain seems to be significantly greater than others' responses to pain.
  50. Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes. All of these.
  51. Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes. All of these.

Yes: 37/51
Sometimes: 7/51
Unsure: 3/51
No: 4/51


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21 Nov 2010, 8:12 am

lissy983 wrote:
Engages in highly repetitive play

lissy983 wrote:
Hand flapping
Head swiveling

You missed some :)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Nov 2010, 1:07 pm

I've got 45 symptoms.

Speech and language peculiarities: Yes.
Overformal speech: No.
Taking everything literally: Yes.
Word repetition (echolalia): Yes.
Long monologues: Yes.
Inappropriate remarks: Yes.
Inability to take turns talking: Yes
Inability to listen to others: Yes.
Speaking without any pitch or tone: Yes.
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: Yes.
Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes.
Flat, cheerless demeanor: Yes.
Loud voice: No.
Doesn’t respond to name very well: Yes.
Inability to pick up facial expressions: Yes.
Not able to notice body language: Yes.
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Yes.
Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes.
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): Yes.
Few facial expressions: Yes.
Unaware of unwritten rules: Yes.
Social withdrawal: Yes.
Lack of interest in other people: Yes.
Eccentric personality: Yes.
Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes.
Socially non-adapted personality: Yes.
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes.
Limited interests: Yes.
Unusual preoccupations: Yes.
Need for sameness: Yes.
Repetitive routines or rituals: Yes.
Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes.
Excellent rote memory: Yes.
Lack of empathy: Yes, according to my investigator.
Single-mindedness: Yes.
Aloof: Yes.
Inflexible thinking: Yes.
Lack of imagination: No.
Indifferent: Yes.
Rigid thinking: Yes.
Lack of make-believe or imitative play: Yes.
Fear of changes: Yes.
Poor coordination: Yes.
Clumsiness: Yes.
Uncoordinated motor movements: Yes.
Hand flapping: Yes.
Head swiveling: No.
Mirroring: No.
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No.
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes.
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes.


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21 Nov 2010, 2:54 pm

I got a 30 first time and counted 31 when I wrote up this response. Good list but it is poorly organized and groups obsessions under the social problems category. The three main categories of AS traits are social isolation, communications difficulties and obsessions, routines and special interests. All else falls under those three major categories. I'm not sure where motor skills falls in the hierarchy though but (without looking it up again) I believe this is the grouping used in DSM.

Poor communication

Speech and language peculiarities - Yes
Overformal speech - Yes
Taking everything literally - No
Word repetition (echolalia) - No
Long monologues - Sometimes
Inappropriate remarks - Sometimes
Inability to take turns talking - No
Inability to listen to others - Often
Speaking without any pitch or tone - Probably Not
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm - No
Difficulty initiating conversation - Often
Flat, cheerless demeanor - Probably
Loud voice - No
Doesn’t respond to name very well - No

Non-verbal communication problems

Inability to pick up facial expressions - No
Not able to notice body language - No
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice - No
Avoid eye contact while communicating - Yes
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!) - No
Few facial expressions - Probably
Unaware of unwritten rules - Probably Not

Impaired social interaction

Social withdrawal - Yes
Lack of interest in other people - Sometimes
Eccentric personality - Yes
Preoccupied with their own agenda - Yes
Socially non-adapted personality - Yes
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior - Sometimes
Limited interests - Yes
Unusual preoccupations - Yes
Need for sameness - Yes
Repetitive routines or rituals - Yes
Engages in highly repetitive play - Yes
Excellent rote memory - Yes - My greatest gift in life too
Lack of empathy - Sometimes
Single-mindedness - Yes
Aloof - Yes
Inflexible thinking - Sometimes
Lack of imagination - No
Indifferent - Probably
Rigid thinking - Yes
Fear of changes - Yes
Lack of make-believe or imitative play - Yes - At age 4 while the other kids in nursery school used small brooms as rifles playing cowboys and indians, I took the broom and swept the playground alone with it. My mom has a home movie of this, failed to recognize it as unusual and could only say, "how cute".

Poor motor skills

Poor coordination - Probably
Clumsiness - No
Uncoordinated motor movements - Probably Not
Hand flapping - No, I just blink my eyes so heavily that my eyelids swell up, alternately and symmetrically contract muscles on opposite sides of my body and at age 6 used to walk along swinging my arm around in circles like the propeller of an airplane (no jets in 1956).
Head swiveling - Not sure what this is.
Mirroring - Not sure what this is.
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain - No
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations - Strongly
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights - Strongly


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21 Nov 2010, 5:58 pm

Speech and language peculiarities: yes. i often pause mid-sentence to try to figure out what i want to say next. this leads to awkward silences.

Overformal speech: yes. i use complicated/arcane words when a simpler word would work just as well--this isn't intentional; i just use the first word that comes to mind. or, if i don't use the first word that comes to mind, i have to think about what i'm saying and then that long and awkward pause thing happens.

Taking everything literally: yes.

Word repetition (echolalia): sometimes.

Long monologues: not sure. i tend to repeat things i'm saying 15 different ways before realizing i've more than said what i've needed to say, then i quit talking. it's not so much a monologue as it is being repetitive.

Inappropriate remarks: yes! i don't mean them the way they sound, though. (i'm not trying to be mean, i'm usually just stating a fact or being literal.)

Inability to take turns talking: yes. i interrupt people. i'm getting better about this.

Inability to listen to others: yes. not because i don't try; my mind just wanders, or i can't keep track of what's being said because i'm so focused on my gestures, posture, eye contact, etc.

Speaking without any pitch or tone: yes. another thing i'm aware of and working on.

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: yes!

Difficulty initiating conversation: yes

Flat, cheerless demeanor: yes. my parents spent most of my childhood asking what was wrong with me and demanding that i smile.

Loud voice: sometimes.

Doesn’t respond to name very well: no

Inability to pick up facial expressions: yes. it takes a lot of thought on my part to decipher the meaning behind facial expressions.

Not able to notice body language: yes.

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: sometimes

Avoid eye contact while communicating: yes! i actively work on making eye contact, but even so the entire time i'm thinking, "make eye contact...now look away...now look over at the wall...make eye contact again...how long should i be making eye contact? is this coming across as creepy?" repeat.

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): nope, never.

Few facial expressions: maybe. i've been told i make very strange facial expressions, and that i look angry. i'm not angry, i'm concentrating.

Unaware of unwritten rules: sometimes.

Social withdrawal: yes

Lack of interest in other people: i'm not sure what this means exactly. i'm interested in other people, but i'm interested in learning what i want to know about them. i'm not interested in small talk. so am i going to show interest by making small talk? no.

Eccentric personality: i don't think so, but i've been told numerous times i'm weird.

Preoccupied with their own agenda: guilty.

Socially non-adapted personality: yes.

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: yes. i've gotten better about this by realizing that it's usually not appropriate, warranted, or appreciated when i correct others...and it's kind of obnoxious to do so, unless there's a good reason for it.

Limited interests: yes. i'm interested in what i'm interested in. beyond that, i get bored. :)

Unusual preoccupations: perhaps. does counting people's toes when they're wearing sandals to make sure they don't have six toes qualify? see, now i sound weird. and i've yet to come across anyone with six toes (on one foot, i mean). :(

Need for sameness: yes.

Repetitive routines or rituals: yes.

Engages in highly repetitive play: no.

Excellent rote memory: yes.

Lack of empathy: sort of. i can readily empathize with others who have been hurt, but i sometimes have trouble empathizing with people close to me (as in, the people i most need to empathize with). i do have an ability to objectively see both/many sides of an issue, though--but i don't think that is necessarily empathy.

Single-mindedness: yes.

Aloof: yes.

Inflexible thinking: sometimes.

Lack of imagination: yes. i used to think i was imaginative, and then i realized i just had an anxiety disorder that caused me to think of worst-case scenarios.

Indifferent: sometimes.

Rigid thinking: yes.

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: yes. i hated making stuff up when i was a kid. it's not fun!

Fear of changes: yes. not a fan.

Poor coordination: oh yes.

Clumsiness: yes! today i've dropped the remote control out of my lap and onto the floor twice, almost stepped on my dog, cut myself on my laptop (don't ask), and tripped over a rug. this is a totally normal day for me.

Uncoordinated motor movements: yes.

Hand flapping: not so much.

Head swiveling: what is this? it sounds owl-like.

Mirroring: yes!! i was very interested to recently learn this is a real, documented issue, because i've known for years that i mirror others but didn't know what it was called or that other people do it, too.

Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: sometimes

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: yes

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: yes

yes: 33
no: 6
sometimes: 6
maybe: 6

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Nov 2010, 8:41 pm

Ok less than ten were answered 'sometimes' or similar. I don't know what was meant by more.

Also my answers may be off as I don't know how others see me so this is based off how I see myself:

List of Asperger Symptoms

Poor communication such as:
Speech and language peculiarities (yes)
Overformal speech (maybe)
Taking everything literally (Sometimes)
Word repetition (echolalia) (No)
Long monologues (Mostly when typing rather than talking but I’ve done both kinds)
Inappropriate remarks (yes)
Inability to take turns talking (kinda. I never know when I can have a turn)
Inability to listen to others (A little but it depends)
Speaking without any pitch or tone (Probably)
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm (Sometimes)
Difficulty initiating conversation (yes)
Flat, cheerless demeanor (Yes)
Loud voice (no opposite)
Doesn’t respond to name very well (No?)

Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Inability to pick up facial expressions (Check)
Not able to notice body language (Uh check I guess)
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice (No)
Avoid eye contact while communicating (yes)
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!) (Yeah. :S)
Few facial expressions (Yep)
Unaware of unwritten rules (Yes they need to write them down and stick to them)

Impaired social interaction such as:
Social withdrawal (YES)
Lack of interest in other people (YES)
Eccentric personality (Maybe)
Preoccupied with their own agenda (Yep)
Socially non-adapted personality (Uh maybe)
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior (Yeah)
Limited interests (Yeah)
Unusual preoccupations (Define usual preoccupations first)
Need for sameness (Yes)
Repetitive routines or rituals (Yeah)
Engages in highly repetitive play (Uh sometimes)
Excellent rote memory (Which kind is that? Maybe)
Lack of empathy (Sometimes)
Single-mindedness (Oh yes, so very much yes)
Aloof (Check)
Inflexible thinking (Yes )
Lack of imagination (NAY!)
Indifferent (Sometimes – often)
Rigid thinking (Yes)
Lack of make-believe or imitative play (NO!)
Fear of changes (Yes)

Poor motor skills such as:
Poor coordination (Yes but I also have very mild Cerebral Palsy)
Clumsiness (See above)
Uncoordinated motor movements (See above)
Hand flapping (Uh no)*
Head swiveling (No)*
Mirroring (Maybe sometimes I don't know)*
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain (Don’t know)
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations (YES)
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights (Sometimes depends on the place. Family dinner that goes on and on = bad. Ren. faire with stuff to look at and so on = not bad usually)


*I don't think I do these but I'm not sure what all falls under these labels. I'm pretty sure I don't hand flap unless finger tapping/drumming counts. Not quite sure what the other two are.

I am female and was diagnosed on 12/30/11 with PDD-NOS, which overturned my previous not-quite-a-diagnosis of Asperger's Disorder from 2010


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21 Nov 2010, 9:45 pm


Speech and language peculiarities: No

Overformal speech: No

Taking everything literally: Sometimes

Word repetition (echolalia): No

Long monologues: No

Inappropriate remarks: No

Inability to take turns talking: Yes

Inability to listen to others: Sometimes

Speaking without any pitch or tone: No

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No

Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes

Flat, cheerless demeanor: No

Loud voice: No

Doesn’t respond to name very well: No

Inability to pick up facial expressions: Yes

Not able to notice body language: Yes

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Yes

Avoid eye contact while communicating: A little

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No

Few facial expressions: Yes

Unaware of unwritten rules: Yes

Social withdrawal: Sometimes

Lack of interest in other people: No

Eccentric personality: Yes

Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes

Socially non-adapted personality: ???

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes

Limited interests: Yes - No it depends on your viewpoint. I have many interests and I get very deep into them.

Unusual preoccupations: No

Need for sameness: No

Repetitive routines or rituals: Yes - I need these to be able to remember easy tasks.

Engages in highly repetitive play: N/A

Excellent rote memory: Yes - Had to look up definition though

Lack of empathy: Yes - but not lack of sympathy

Single-mindedness: Only when I'm right

Aloof: Yes

Inflexible thinking: Not sure. I try to be flexible and listen to all sides of an issue before making a conclusion. But then, I'm all mixed up so I don't really know.

Lack of imagination: No

Indifferent: No

Rigid thinking: No

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: Yes (as a child and with my kids now. I just don't get the point)

Fear of changes: Uncomfortable and aprehensive but I don't think that is unique to Aspies.

Poor coordination: No

Clumsiness: No

Uncoordinated motor movements: No

Hand flapping: No

Head swiveling: No

Mirroring: No

Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Sometimes


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21 Nov 2010, 9:53 pm

Speech and language peculiarities: Some

Overformal speech: Yes

Taking everything literally: Sometimes

Word repetition (echolalia): Occasionally

Long monologues: Sometimes

Inappropriate remarks: Sometimes

Inability to take turns talking: Sometimes

Inability to listen to others: Sometimes

Speaking without any pitch or tone: Yes

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: Sometimes

Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes

Flat, cheerless demeanor: Sometimes

Loud voice: No

Doesn’t respond to name very well: Yes

Inability to pick up facial expressions: Sometimes

Not able to notice body language: Sometimes

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: Sometimes

Avoid eye contact while communicating: Sometimes

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): Sometimes

Few facial expressions: Yes

Unaware of unwritten rules: Sometimes

Social withdrawal: With peers, yes

Lack of interest in other people: Sometimes

Eccentric personality: Yes

Preoccupied with their own agenda: Sometimes

Socially non-adapted personality: ?

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Yes

Limited interests: Yes

Unusual preoccupations: Many times

Need for sameness: Yes

Repetitive routines or rituals: Many times

Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes

Excellent rote memory: Yes

Lack of empathy: Sometimes

Single-mindedness: Sometimes

Aloof: With peers

Inflexible thinking: Sometimes

Lack of imagination: Sometimes

Indifferent: Sometimes

Rigid thinking: Sometimes

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No

Fear of changes: Dislike

Poor coordination: Sometimes

Clumsiness: Sometimes

Uncoordinated motor movements: Sometimes

Hand flapping: Yes

Head swiveling: Sometimes

Mirroring: What is that?

Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: Depends. I can sit in a chair and put the feet of the chair on my feet with my entire weight and feel no pain, but I still feel pain from things like burns and many things that are generally considered painful.

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes


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21 Nov 2010, 11:27 pm

Speech and language peculiarities: As a child

Overformal speech: No

Taking everything literally: No

Word repetition (echolalia): No

Long monologues: No

Inappropriate remarks: No

Inability to take turns talking: As a child

Inability to listen to others: As a child

Speaking without any pitch or tone: No

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No

Difficulty initiating conversation: Yes

Flat, cheerless demeanor: Occasionally

Loud voice: No

Doesn’t respond to name very well: No

Inability to pick up facial expressions: No

Not able to notice body language: No

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: No, if anything I pick up too much

Avoid eye contact while communicating: As a child

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No

Few facial expressions: No

Unaware of unwritten rules: Occasionally

Social withdrawal: Yes

Lack of interest in other people: Yes

Eccentric personality: Not sure

Preoccupied with their own agenda: Yes

Socially non-adapted personality: Not clear on what this means

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: No

Limited interests: Yes

Unusual preoccupations: As a child

Need for sameness: Yes

Repetitive routines or rituals: As a child

Engages in highly repetitive play: As a child

Excellent rote memory: No

Lack of empathy: No

Single-mindedness: Yes

Aloof: Occasionally

Inflexible thinking: Occasionally (though it's more about emotional needs that NT's just don't "get")

Lack of imagination: No

Indifferent: No

Rigid thinking: Occasionally (again by an NT's interpretation)

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No

Fear of changes: Yes

Poor coordination: Yes

Clumsiness: No

Uncoordinated motor movements: No

Hand flapping: No

Head swiveling: No

Mirroring: No

Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: As a child

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes

Tally (if I counted right):

Yes = 10

As a child = 7

Occasionally = 5

No = 26

Unsure = 2


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23 Nov 2010, 8:52 am

Speech and language peculiarities: No

Overformal speech: Sometimes

Taking everything literally: No

Word repetition (echolalia): Yes, really often IRL

Long monologues: Sometimes

Inappropriate remarks: Yes

Inability to take turns talking: No

Inability to listen to others: No (it looks that way, though)

Speaking without any pitch or tone: Sometimes

Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: No

Difficulty initiating conversation: Sometimes

Flat, cheerless demeanor: Yes, very much so

Loud voice: Yes

Doesn’t respond to name very well: No

Inability to pick up facial expressions: No

Not able to notice body language: No

Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: No

Avoid eye contact while communicating: Yes, all the time

Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): No

Few facial expressions: No

Unaware of unwritten rules: Yes

Social withdrawal: Yes

Lack of interest in other people: No

Eccentric personality: No

Preoccupied with their own agenda: No

Socially non-adapted personality: No

Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: No

Limited interests: No

Unusual preoccupations: No

Need for sameness: No

Repetitive routines or rituals: No

Engages in highly repetitive play: N/A

Excellent rote memory: Yes

Lack of empathy: No

Single-mindedness: Somewhat

Aloof: Yes

Inflexible thinking: Somewhat

Lack of imagination: No

Indifferent: No

Rigid thinking: Somewhat

Lack of make-believe or imitative play: No

Fear of changes: Yes

Poor coordination: Yes

Clumsiness: Yes

Uncoordinated motor movements: Yes

Hand flapping: No

Head swiveling: No

Mirroring: Yes

Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: No

Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Yes

Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Yes