I was called a killer today due to having autism.

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04 Jan 2013, 12:15 am

It remind me of when I was in wal mart
and this stupid old dirty poopyhole
said "Maybe next time you won't park
your cart in the middle of the lane"
and I had a bad reaction on her I said
"Maybe next time I will park it up your

She had this shocked look on her face.

I went to move the trolley before she even
got there, but I ended up screechign and
having a seizure, thank goodnesss my brother
was there.

At least the staff was kind and helpful to me
and kepe asking me if I needed a cup of water,
whilst the dirty old stupid beanhatch slinked
away, and I think my brother flipped her the bird.

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04 Jan 2013, 6:55 am

I've also been called "serial killer","stalker","psychopath", though it was from my classmates, who don't know I have Asperger's. Well, I guess that after all my demaneor makes me look like I am. I don't really care. However, this is another reason why I won't say to people I have AS. This would only become worse.

Please write in a simple English; I'm Italian, so I might misunderstand the sense of your sentence.
You can talk me in Spanish and Italian, too.


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04 Jan 2013, 7:09 am

Curiotical wrote:
This is absolutely f***ing disgraceful. :evil:

I have had more than enough of these biggoted NTs who persecute us for the way we are. They have started Facebook hate campaigns, attacked our children just for the hell of it, spread incessant, putrid lies about usand now ... THIS. This is just to much for me to f***ing handle, how f***ing DARE they wage war against?! f***ing pathetic, worthless sub-human c****!

Please iSpy, I beg of you, report that twisted animal to the police, the government, anyone who actually gives a f**k about our wellbeing, well, if there is anyone left. DO NOT allow the filthy, worthless, disgusting vermin to win. Do EVERYTHING within your power to make the filthy rat suffer.

I'm sorry, I'm about to explode, Imcannot ficking deal with this anymore.

you perpetuate the stereotype that you are revolting against.


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04 Jan 2013, 7:11 am

iSpy wrote:
What is wrong with some people??
I was on my way back home from the gas station after getting some pop and I had a man that looks like he was in late 40's walk up to me and says "I see that you have a big autism awareness sticker on that back of your wheelchair do you have autism?" I am 100% Non Verbal. So I shake my head yes and then he asked me "If I was on my way to go kill some kids." I look up at him with a WTF look and shake my head no. 8O

He then says in a yelling way.....
If you have autism. you sir is a f**king no good f**king killer and every one that are like you needs to be f**king locked up. Before you go to a place like a school and kill a lot of kids like that other one did that is just like you. he killed them kids due to he had f**king autism just like you do. and you will be the next one to do it.
He did go on saying more but I was trying to get away from him. I put my Power wheelchair on max speed and got away from him fast as it will go. I look back that way a block away and he was just standing there looking my way. I know he seen me go in to the parking lot of the place I live at. I do live in a big place (10 floor high rise) so maybe he will never find out my apt #.

I do not know if he thanks he was just joking with me or not. I did not find it very funny at all. I go to that gas station a lot and do not what to run back in to him. There is a lot of people on bad drugs in this city maybe he is one of them.

He is the one that needs to be locked up not me.

I am not going to take my autism awareness sticker off my chair do to some nut job.

But do you think that I need to start having some one go to the gas station with me for now? I hate to do this but if I was to run back in to that nut job they can call 911 if they have to. or maybe yell at them.

i find what you said to be difficult to believe i am sorry.

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04 Jan 2013, 7:24 am

There is just too many idiots out there!.....and you were in a wheel chair.he is a sicko
It seems to me he would be more of a threat to people than some guy just going about his daily life
Sad to hear that there is still a lot of nasty ignorant people like that going around.
I would have called the police for that idiot!


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04 Jan 2013, 3:47 pm

This was a crime, it needs to be reported!

Mr. Alex Plank, this a red iron, use it before it cools off! Keynote speaking is fine, but here is a rallying point right here on your very website! Your picture keeps popping up in the ad below too, so be that public face for us then!


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04 Jan 2013, 3:52 pm

The behavior of this person is absolutely disgusting and there is no place for this kind of behavior at all.


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04 Jan 2013, 4:45 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
In almost any other country this man would not even be allowed to roam about freely. The US has possibly the lowest human forms of life on the entire planet. Semi-intelligent rocks are higher up on the food chain. :x Speaking of which some woman who brutally murdered her ex-boyfriend by shooting and stabbing him so many times the entire bathroom was soaked in his blood over a year ago is finally on trial, and I KNOW she'll be the next Casey Anthony and allowed to roam free. Autistic people are being treating like the plague while this happens I HATE THE US I HATE IT I FREAKING HATE SO MUCH IT HURTS ALL OVER MY BODY IT THEY ARE ALL FILTHY SOBS AND CAN DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! :wall:

Casey Anthony is probably a bad analogy. The prosecution put a ton of effort into establishing she is a total wackjob, and did that well, but relied on her psycho behavior to try and get a conviction rather than proving how she committed the murder. Basically the prosecution's case amounted to "she's really crazy so she must have did it!".

As far as US law is concerned, she didn't do it (regardless if only because the prosecution sucked or not), so it's not helpful to drag the Casey Anthony case into this.

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04 Jan 2013, 4:51 pm

b9 wrote:
i find what you said to be difficult to believe i am sorry.

Why is it difficult to believe? I got accused of glorifying the murder of children once because I wore a leather coat shortly after Columbine.

People are irrational, say horrible things, and lash out at others who did nothing to deserve it all the time. What makes this instance any different?


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04 Jan 2013, 5:01 pm

2wheels4ever wrote:
This is the kind of exchange that direly needs to be captured with HD audio and video with a nice still photo of his face in the most vitriolic expression, captioned by what he said, and not only posted everywhere on the web but have billboards erected so all the guy's family, friends and associates can see him and what he said, and know how he really feels about others

Agreed! I'm not sure if the police would be any help, though it sounds like it could count as harassment, but shaming him publicly might make others think twice. :twisted:
Of course, knowing what @$$holes people can be, there would probably be some who thought he was some kind of hero.


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04 Jan 2013, 6:58 pm

When I heard of the Connecticut shooting and found out he had AS I know that 2 communities would catch flak for it, The Gun owners and The Autism community would have a BIG back lash.

The dude in Connecticut he was so mentally unstable to were his mom was tring to get him commented near the time of the shooting but in this day in age it is VERY hard to get someone commented even if they need it. Since he was over the age of 18 his mom was having to go to court to get him commented. But two things the mom should have not done was leave the guns out and if he was low functioning as they are saying he then the mom should not have took him to the shooting range for target practice.

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04 Jan 2013, 7:03 pm

His sheer ignorance disgusts me.

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04 Jan 2013, 7:21 pm

iSpy wrote:
What is wrong with some people??
I was on my way back home from the gas station after getting some pop and I had a man that looks like he was in late 40's walk up to me and says "I see that you have a big autism awareness sticker on that back of your wheelchair do you have autism?" I am 100% Non Verbal. So I shake my head yes and then he asked me "If I was on my way to go kill some kids." I look up at him with a WTF look and shake my head no. 8O

He then says in a yelling way.....
If you have autism. you sir is a f**king no good f**king killer and every one that are like you needs to be f**king locked up. Before you go to a place like a school and kill a lot of kids like that other one did that is just like you. he killed them kids due to he had f**king autism just like you do. and you will be the next one to do it.
He did go on saying more but I was trying to get away from him. I put my Power wheelchair on max speed and got away from him fast as it will go. I look back that way a block away and he was just standing there looking my way. I know he seen me go in to the parking lot of the place I live at. I do live in a big place (10 floor high rise) so maybe he will never find out my apt #.

I do not know if he thanks he was just joking with me or not. I did not find it very funny at all. I go to that gas station a lot and do not what to run back in to him. There is a lot of people on bad drugs in this city maybe he is one of them.

He is the one that needs to be locked up not me.

I am not going to take my autism awareness sticker off my chair do to some nut job.

But do you think that I need to start having some one go to the gas station with me for now? I hate to do this but if I was to run back in to that nut job they can call 911 if they have to. or maybe yell at them.

I feel bad for you that you had to deal with all of that.


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04 Jan 2013, 7:38 pm

iSpy, I am so sorry that happened to you. Scary - and he is clearly the one who is off his rocker.

This --

shrox wrote:
If this just happened within 24 hours call the police and report it!


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04 Jan 2013, 8:05 pm

iSpy wrote:
What is wrong with some people??
I was on my way back home from the gas station after getting some pop and I had a man that looks like he was in late 40's walk up to me and says "I see that you have a big autism awareness sticker on that back of your wheelchair do you have autism?" I am 100% Non Verbal. So I shake my head yes and then he asked me "If I was on my way to go kill some kids." I look up at him with a WTF look and shake my head no. 8O

He then says in a yelling way.....
If you have autism. you sir is a f**king no good f**king killer and every one that are like you needs to be f**king locked up. Before you go to a place like a school and kill a lot of kids like that other one did that is just like you. he killed them kids due to he had f**king autism just like you do. and you will be the next one to do it.
He did go on saying more but I was trying to get away from him. I put my Power wheelchair on max speed and got away from him fast as it will go. I look back that way a block away and he was just standing there looking my way. I know he seen me go in to the parking lot of the place I live at. I do live in a big place (10 floor high rise) so maybe he will never find out my apt #.

I do not know if he thanks he was just joking with me or not. I did not find it very funny at all. I go to that gas station a lot and do not what to run back in to him. There is a lot of people on bad drugs in this city maybe he is one of them.

He is the one that needs to be locked up not me.

I am not going to take my autism awareness sticker off my chair do to some nut job.

But do you think that I need to start having some one go to the gas station with me for now? I hate to do this but if I was to run back in to that nut job they can call 911 if they have to. or maybe yell at them.

I'm very sorry to hear that you went thorough this. Some people can be just plain nasty and evil.


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04 Jan 2013, 8:39 pm

AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
Hi, I'm very sorry that this happened to you and that this guy is such an idiot.

If you choose to report it to the police, and it is your choice, perhaps be a little like a politician and strategically understate your case. This way, police may then argue with you and say, no, no, it does sound serious. And this dynamic may play more positively. And if the police take it the next investigative step or two, they're doing it because they want to and not just going through the motions. And most of all, you want the police to watch out in the neighborhood on your behalf.

For example, you might write something like: 'I think the guy was looking for someone to cuss out and blow off steam. But I want to give you a heads up in case he continues to be a problem.'

Great advice. :) That probably will make them take more notice/action, and you will come off looking completely rational and calm about the whole thing.

AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
And having an advocate present with you also helps get positive dynamics going, it shows strength on your part, the police officer is likely to be on his or her best behavior, take it more seriously, etc. In his book You Can Negotiate Anything, the author Herb Cohen said it was precisely good negotiation for a president or governor or mayor to get someone else to negotiate on his or her behalf.

And if it feels right, you may want to talk with your apartment people or the gas station manager to also give them a heads up.

^All seconded.

People like this jerk should NOT be permitted to get away with such s**t.

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