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09 May 2014, 10:13 pm

Ronbrgundy wrote:
This might be shocking to some of you but some of us NT's don't like to engage in conversation much with other NT's either. I just do it in the pursuit of things I need:

- friends
- sex/romance
- networking job opportunities
- someone to share a hobby with
- gain insight into a problem i'm working on or get help with something

That's not shocking or surprising at all.

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12 May 2014, 8:17 pm

I am not diagnosed with anything but I certainly have many traits common for AS. My girlfriend tells me I often seem like I am in my own world and that she is trying to pull me out...


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12 May 2014, 8:36 pm

This isn't an easy or straightforward question to answer as individual differences between both the person with ASD and the NT affect the NTs reactions. ASD presents in a wide variety of ways between different people and there seems to be a spectrum in NT reactions to those with differences - from accepting them completely to sort of accepting them but seeing some parts as weird/annoying/hard to understand, to not accepting the person at all even if the spectrumite or people who know them try to make them understand.

Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.

This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term psychiatrists - that I am a highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder

My diagnoses - anxiety disorder, depression and traits of obsessive-compulsive disorder (all in remission).

I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.


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12 May 2014, 10:07 pm

I have been described as:

quirky as hell
nice but odd
having staggered intelligence (extremely and unusually high intelligence in some areas, while lacking assumed general knowledge in others)
hard to bond with, but easy to stay bonded with
trustworthy and loyal
a bit off


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12 May 2014, 10:08 pm

I've been termed "crazy as a soup sandwich."

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12 May 2014, 10:47 pm

I'm NT. I like to think I would try not judge someone who is Autistic because of their behaviour or how they communicate, etc. Some of my behaviour is also considered odd or eccentric due to mental health problems so I have been on the receiving end of harsh judgements at times.

I only know two people who are Autistic; my best friend's Grandson and my penpal so I'm quite ignorant on the subject really. I came across this forum when looking up information on Asperger's.


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12 May 2014, 10:49 pm

Vates wrote:
I'm NT. I like to think I would try not judge someone who is Autistic because of their behaviour or how they communicate, etc. Some of my behaviour is also considered odd or eccentric due to mental health problems so I have been on the receiving end of harsh judgements at times. I only know two people who are Autistic; my best friend's Grandson and my penpal so I'm quite ignorant on the subject really. I came across this forum when looking up information on Asperger's.

hiya Vates :bounce: now you know a whole lot more :) welcome to the club 8)


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13 May 2014, 1:55 am

Ronbrgundy wrote:
I am NT. Friend has Aspergers. Most people have used the words "he's a nice guy but wierd" to describe him. What I noticed about him:

- Doesn't want to go anywhere*
- Doesn't want to do any new activities*
- Doesn't want to have experiences with new people*
* Can experience sensory overload or have a wig out if subjected to these against his will
- Wants to hit on my girlfriends and other peoples girlfriends / wives even in their significant others presence, particulary inclined towards touching to initiate this (autism hypersexuality / not understanding basic social cues)

I've done a lot of reading on his condition and started to understand it a lot more and believe 90%+ of the things he does that I find annoying are a result of his condition. I dunno honestly it gets on my nerves sometimes, and other times I feel sympathy for him. I am really bad about trying to get people to conform to my version of life and how I see life. Its a catch 22 really. I was socially inept and ugly as a kid so I had no experiences with new people, no parties or activities, didn't go to a lot of places. I became an adult and made myself social and beautiful (braces / contacts / teeth whitening / designer clothing / gym 1-2 hours daily). So its a catch 22 in that I know how he feels being lonely, but I want to live my life with new experiences of people / places / things and he can't many times because of the Aspergers.

Honestly I didn't know he had a literal condition for years, many years. He is very convincing that he is "normal with a few quirks" until you really get to know him and recognize the patterns. I'm not going to give up on him I mean I will still invite him to go places and get together unless he is blunt that he does not want to be friends. Our relationship is a bit strained right now I don't know what is going to happen.

He sounds like me, apart from the hitting on people who are taken. I know my boundaries. That was one thing I never really struggled with.

He probably feels a lot of anxiety over doing new things. I still do and it's reason enough to avoid doing things. Sometimes I fight it though and either wish I hadn't or might end up enjoying myself. But there's often a lot of pain to go through first.

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13 May 2014, 2:01 am

Steve223 wrote:
As I am getting older, I am starting to see a pattern of ADHD with some autistic traits mixed in at times. This brings me to wonder, "what does autism really look like to a neurotypical person?" Would a person with mild autism (or autistic traits) generally seem awkward, simply very quirky or "nerdy", or maybe just seem slightly "out to lunch" (the latter has been said about me) or would NTs sometimes or often see a true social disability. I wonder, how these traits cause me to appear to others and this is why I am asking this question.

The first thing you need to establish is if the NT actually knows they are dealing with a autistic person?