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22 Apr 2009, 12:45 pm

I have a more than average longterm memory too. I think my shortterm memory is kind of average.

Last weekend I told an (NT) friend about a special expression I heard from a girl at a boarding school I frequented for one year (1994-1995). She thought it was very exceptional that I could remember that (I told her that I didn't think so because I had referred to something that happened the very first day at the school, which was a special day where everything was new and so it should be natural to remember things from such a day, IMO). But she told me that it was "totally aspie" to be able to remember such a detail, haha. :D


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22 Apr 2009, 2:17 pm

i've got a really good memory. i remember things better than most and during my IQ test my general memory was at the 95th percentile. my working memory on the other hand was my lowest score. i was still above average, the 75th percentile, but that was 15-24 lower than all my other scores. i don't think my memory is because of AS, it's in line with my other scores (not including working memory) so if it were worse it would suggest a disorder of some kind (the working memory fits in with my ADHD diagnosis).


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22 Apr 2009, 2:42 pm

I am good at remembering song lyrics. Even songs that go really fast or are in other languages.

I can remember a lot of memories from my life easily. Like my first day at school (well, I couldn't forget being made to stand up in front of the class to get yelled at by the teacher for making dog noises in assembly, could I? Damn, that was humiliating...). And the time my brother fell down the stairs, and our parents naturally assumed I had pushed him (I hadn't). And the time I fell off the sofa and bust my nose open on the mantelpiece (two stitches).

I can remember facts easily as well. Especially when it's about my interests.

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"


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22 Apr 2009, 3:04 pm

Anything verbal, like reams of poetry, some of it stuff that I haven't read since school.

(Like, today someone on the radio in my colleague's office was talking about how people's voices change as they age, and how old people's voices revert to the pitch they had as children, and I was like, 'Oh, Shakespeare could have told you that....and his big manly voice/Turning again towards childish treble, pipes/And whistles in his sound...' (it's from Love's Labours Lost) and she was like 'How do you remember all that stuff?')

Also, anything connected to any of my special interests. And basically any obscure fact I find interesting.

I have a bad memory for stuff I'm supposed to remember, like birthdays. And quite often I'm crappy with numbers.

"Grunge? Isn't that some gross shade of greenish orange?"


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22 Apr 2009, 3:24 pm

I have really good long term memory and are constantly reminding people of things that happened or things I read years ago and they never seem to remember.
But my short term memory is dismal and I often forget the names of people only a few minutes into a conversation.

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22 Apr 2009, 4:13 pm

That's what I fell many people though made me such an outcast.

Everybody says I have a terrible memory, but then fx. when they need a installation-key for some software, I just spit it out :P
Yet, ask me what I did yesterday, and I will have to pause and think in a couple of minutes.
And when I forget a fact that I'm sure I know, I "search" my brain for it, and it annoys me till I find it. It can take up to an hour.


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22 Apr 2009, 7:01 pm

gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
I am good at remembering song lyrics. Even songs that go really fast or are in other languages.

I am finding more and more and more... that Aspie traits are at one extreme or the other.

I am HORRIBLE with song lyrics. Much luck subtitle discussion on this forum, i love to read them while listening to a song.

I can listen to a favorite song 500 times in a month and still not get the lyrics right.

I have rhythm problems. The Wii Fit dancing shows me just how bad :) I've done that damn song like 500 times in a month and I still can't get the steps right.

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22 Apr 2009, 9:22 pm

My memory is exeptional in some ways , but not in others. my visual memory is the best by far over my verbal memory! I have a good memory for many kinds of trivia! I can remember old addresses, phone numbers, peoples birthdays, but can't remember dates in my own personal life....this is one of the the parodoxes with my memory.


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23 Apr 2009, 7:19 am

ThatRedHairedGrrl wrote:
Anything verbal, like reams of poetry, some of it stuff that I haven't read since school.

(Like, today someone on the radio in my colleague's office was talking about how people's voices change as they age, and how old people's voices revert to the pitch they had as children, and I was like, 'Oh, Shakespeare could have told you that....and his big manly voice/Turning again towards childish treble, pipes/And whistles in his sound...' (it's from Love's Labours Lost) and she was like 'How do you remember all that stuff?')

Also, anything connected to any of my special interests. And basically any obscure fact I find interesting.

I have a bad memory for stuff I'm supposed to remember, like birthdays. And quite often I'm crappy with numbers.

I'm like that too. (I'm not so bad at birthdays though, but bad at numbers generally.)

And I'm good at remembering song lyrics and other lyrics too. You should know how many times I've got exactly the same 'how do you remember?' question. :lol:
And I use(d) to be like: how in the world do you expect me to explain you how? I'm not a memory scientist or something! (Aspie literality... I know... :P )
Often, if I mention only 2 lines of a song, NTs will be very impressed (more than necessary IMO) and be sure that I know all the text. I think it's totally unlogical. It shows I know two lines - not a whole song - isn't that obvious?
And is it more exceptional than the fact that they themselves might be able to quote something at times?
Furthermore, in fact they can't know how long ago I've seen the text or how many times!

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23 Apr 2009, 2:08 pm

I'm not sure of my memory. When it comes to glancing things I can't recall where I put something or what has just happened. However when I actually pay attention and actually do the peoblems, I do a lot of math, I understand and I can remember a lot of things. This actually help when I do a problem and I ahve to think where I am going

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23 Apr 2009, 5:21 pm

For Facts I have an incredible memory - Any of the stuff like "Whats the fastest etc, who was the first, what do you call"? etc.

If however my misses says "We are going to my mothers tommorow night" It's and and out straight away.

I figure anything i don't wanna hear I was remember.


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24 Apr 2009, 5:13 pm

My short term memory is useless, or great (I can repeat a conversation word for word, and then read a page and not take anything in) But long term wise, it's pretty good. I can remember where I bought my first lego set, the weather, where it was on the stall, the other I had a choice of getting, where I washed it, where I built it, when I built it on mu own, what I got wrong, what My mother said at these occasions. And I was 3 then. I can remember further back than most people my age aswell it seems, about the age of 2 (early twos). But as for revision etc. I can only remember a small amount. And I'm not that great at maths (slightly above average) What's weird though is that alot of my "class (I would say mates at this point but They aren't)" say I'm clever yet I scored below average in my "CATS" these are like weird IQ tests. and only just above 100 in an IQ test, yet I'm sure I'm above average intelligence?!?

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24 Apr 2009, 5:39 pm

Extraordinary long term memory for images visually perceived and I remember the most insignifant details as well. Short term memory is ordinary, especially for things that are of little interest at the time.


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24 Apr 2009, 6:25 pm

ALacount wrote:
What's weird though is that alot of my "class (I would say mates at this point but They aren't)" say I'm clever yet I scored below average in my "CATS" these are like weird IQ tests. and only just above 100 in an IQ test, yet I'm sure I'm above average intelligence?!?
do you remember what your subtest scores were? i scored around 130 on my IQ test but my working memory was much lower than the rest of my scores which brought it down.

speaking of which, does anyone know how IQ is calculated from subtest scores? i'd like to figure out what my IQ would be if my working memory was closer to the rest of my scores.


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24 Apr 2009, 6:50 pm

I have very good recollection as far as events go. I can remember who said what, who did what, where we/they were, etc to the point that when I say, "It happened like this . . ." people who know me just accept it. As far as content memory goes, it just depends on how interesting it is. I never did well in school because most of the subjects bored me. I could listen to the teacher talk about it, read it in the book, read it in the book again. Answer questions on it for homework, and then not remember anything on it for a test. Grrrr. On the flip side, if it was something I'm interested, I could practically just give the page a quick scan and recite it verbatim.


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25 Apr 2009, 12:00 pm

IndridCold wrote:
When it comes to facts, and topics that I like, I can remember every detail.

Same here... except the weird thing is, if I'm not interested in it, even if I'm trying really hard to remember, I usually can't. It's not selective listening or whatever like my dad and teachers always told me. I just really can't remember things very well if I'm not interested.... its weird.

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