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26 Feb 2013, 5:07 pm

That "evaluation" in the school class, your mother talked about. That went on in my school time too(i´m 59), and it still does. They´ve learnt nothing in all these years.


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27 Feb 2013, 9:09 pm

I found this film quite beautiful and deeply moving-- so much so that it brought me to tears, though I am not entirely sure I understand why.

Thank you. I think this will be very helpful to many people and I hope to see much more like it.


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02 Mar 2013, 6:46 pm

well, i can certainly empathise with some of this readers material that has been bestowed upon me. i can review what alex was saying in the video, as it seems to pick up on some sore points i had during my early infancy years. however if i wasnt putting my hands over my ears to block out the noise i was probably leaving the class when id had enough. most of the signs were probably there, but lookin back i never got the help i needed, and do feel bitter about it, but ive tried to turn a negative into a postive and am glad that ive made a small contribution to the society in which we live in today rather than look back.

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22 Mar 2013, 9:57 pm

Why in the Blue Blazes does almost every piece on successful individuals with ASD mention Grandin? Surely there are other successful Aspies?!?

I read the "highly educated Aspies" thread and have been trying to learn more about how the successful people there convinced the NTs to give them a chance. The NTs I know offline are very stubborn and disagreeable, and online old acquaintances bullied me until I started talking tough and publicly shaming them. They act more autistic than I do, for Duck's Sake!

It's really a shame when being a basketball manager, pizzeria assistant manager, or Aspirtech worker has effectively been the pinnacle of what an Aspie can achieve occupationally. It's mostly due to those HATEFUL, stupid NTs operating all the gatekeeping functions in society! DAMN THEM!! !!

Is anyone else here PO'd like I am?

AS and NT people annoy me about equally.
||| 120/200 AS ||| 80/200 NT |||
These scores do NOT constitute a medical diagnosis and are provided for entertainment and discussion purposes only.

Emu Egg
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17 Apr 2013, 3:07 am

Thanks for this nice information..........


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23 Apr 2013, 7:58 am

The videos makes me feel happy. I'm not really sure why, as I have trouble processing things like that but thank you for sharing. :)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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07 May 2013, 10:25 am

Thank youfor posting this

It touched my heart in a profound way

The part where you'r mother talket about the kids at school. I thought I was imagining it happening to you . Then I relised it was a memmory as there were more kids and my mother was not there .I would have given anything to have had parent like yours . I hope you relise how luck you truly are. Tell them that you love them from me please .

Sorry about the bad spelling but I can't see very well as I can't stop crying

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11 May 2013, 2:17 am

Thanks for this video and for all the comments to read. I thought this was just my struggle. I thought it was normal. I thought wrong!! ! I didn't know that I was not alone. I have never been diagnosed for anything, but feel that I have known all of my life. 3 years ago, I knew little about autism. Now I know....I am autism.

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14 May 2013, 6:09 am

I liked finding out that I have Asperger syndrome just because there was a classification for my different behavior.I always acted different than everyone else,said whatever crossed my mind, was always stressed out in social situations, and talked about the same things all the time. I just assumed that I was a freak, on acount of that being everyone elses opinion.It was nice to find out that I wasn't.I hope that society becomes more educated about this so one day kids won't have to go through what I went through.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 May 2013, 8:41 am

Nice video. You said some deep words there at the end, Alex. Thanks for making this.


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25 Jun 2013, 4:39 pm

It's good to know that there are others who feel and experience life in a similar way to me.
I can so totally relate to the communication thing.
In a group I am usually the quiet reserved one, the one least likely to want to be the spokesperson, but get us to put together a submission, or written report on something and I'm the one who can best express and capture the details others forget.
As always Temple Grandin stands out as the voice of the Autisms Spectrum; why? Because she is the most successful and highest profile person on the spectrum. It also helps that she's been doing public talks about Autism Spectrum Disorders (not just focusing on Autism which is her condition) for decades; probably longer than most on this site have been alive!

I know it's been up for a few years now, but thanks Alex for putting up your videos, so that we can see that lonely as we often feel on the spectrum, we are not alone, we are not some sort of freaks, and we can contribute, communicate, and make a difference.

As Temple Grandin says, we need to harness our difference and make some use of it; clearly if we have tools that others don't it is in some ways an advantage. Obsessiveness, and attention to detail are definitely of benefit in some industries (if not all provided you're in the right place), so we should all strive to use this part of ourselves that others don't have or overlook.
The only difference between a strength and a weakness is your point of view, and what you do with it.


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14 Jul 2013, 9:31 pm

Great video! Adding it to the website right now! :)

I'm BAP and a big sister to an Autistic woman. We made some websites to help kids on the spectrum and parents understand autism in a positive way:


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24 Jul 2013, 5:38 pm

That was great. I liked the part with you driving. I have felt the same way about being labeled.


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27 Nov 2013, 4:51 pm

Great work. it would be nice to see an ongoing series. I relate to the mental exhaustion in maintaining a NT demeanour. I have found it difficult finding adults on the spectrum to engage with socially. I just found this site by accident recently and hope to find interesting like minded individuals. cheers for the effort, it really helped to know im not alone


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02 Dec 2013, 9:32 pm

WestBender84 wrote:
Why in the Blue Blazes does almost every piece on successful individuals with ASD mention Grandin? Surely there are other successful Aspies?!?

I read the "highly educated Aspies" thread and have been trying to learn more about how the successful people there convinced the NTs to give them a chance. The NTs I know offline are very stubborn and disagreeable, and online old acquaintances bullied me until I started talking tough and publicly shaming them. They act more autistic than I do, for Duck's Sake!

It's really a shame when being a basketball manager, pizzeria assistant manager, or Aspirtech worker has effectively been the pinnacle of what an Aspie can achieve occupationally. It's mostly due to those HATEFUL, stupid NTs operating all the gatekeeping functions in society! DAMN THEM!! !!

Is anyone else here PO'd like I am?

You seem upset. When an NT is looking for a job position to fill, they are primarily judging a person's presence and demeanor and communication skills. So it's no wonder that most of Aspies often don't get hired. It's not like the NTs are keeping us down, it's more that they are looking for people whom they will feel comfortable working with. That's why Grandin has said of Aspies, since we can't sell ourselves then we must sell what we can do. Also, with some CBT, we can learn social skills that will help us be successful. I hope my response is helpful to you.


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05 Dec 2013, 11:12 am

cheers alex that was a very inspiring video