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09 Jun 2011, 11:59 am

Mindslave wrote:
I have really bad teeth, mainly because I never understood why brushing my teeth was necessary.

Because toothache can kill. And even if you go to the dentist before that, it's costly, and toothache hurts like hell. Better to never get there.

If you have problems with a toothbrush, you could try a chewing stick. ... our-teeth/


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09 Jun 2011, 12:58 pm

Bluefins wrote:
Mindslave wrote:
I have really bad teeth, mainly because I never understood why brushing my teeth was necessary.

Because toothache can kill. And even if you go to the dentist before that, it's costly, and toothache hurts like hell. Better to never get there.

If you have problems with a toothbrush, you could try a chewing stick. ... our-teeth/

I used to use "Australian Chewing Sticks" by Thursday Plantation, although they're really toothpicks soaked in cinnamon and tea tree oil. I don't know that they technically qualify, and of course as that link points out, there are many actual varieties.


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09 Jun 2011, 2:31 pm

I've brushed my teeth with a twig before, in a pinch, and it works better than a plastic toothbrush at cleaning the surface of the teeth. I bet the modern method works better below the gumline, though.

Avoid trees with waxy leaves, remove an inch of bark and the green layer beneath, then chew the end of the twig to separate the fibers. Voila, a free old-school toothbrush.

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09 Jun 2011, 2:40 pm

I have bad teeth.

I know *why* we need to brush our teeth, how we are supposed to do it, how often etc.

But for some reason, I don't.

Most of my teeth are stained and pretty much all of them have some kind of filling. I am quite self-concious about them.

I had one tooth extracted a couple of weeks ago (which turned out to be a nightmare extraction) and another one will be taken out in a couple of weeks. Both of these were so decayed and broken that they were beyond any other treatment.

So I have every motivation to be looking after my teeth, and I always have good intentions to.

But yet, I'm still finding it difficult to do - I don't know what it is. Even with good intentions, I just end up giving them a cursory, quick, brush which does nothing useful at all. I never considered it to be a sensory issue, but perhaps it is. I really don't know. I just can't seem to do it.

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09 Jun 2011, 2:54 pm

Getting better, but they used to be bad from esteem issues and being poor.

They are the last reminder of my poor upbringing and possibly one of my largest sources of contempt.

They're mostly healthy looking though. White-ish.


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09 Jun 2011, 3:05 pm

Dental duties topic

I take very good care of my teeth, as I need them to chew. I have a few crowns and extractions, but at my age this is not unheard of. I would like to remind people that after age fifty, teeth become more brittle, and are apt to break. Rinsing, brushing and fluoride treatments help preserve what you have, even if you are sensitive, and yes, I am very sensitive to drills, fingers, lights, etc. I would not want to be toothless, so for me it is worth preserving them for the sake of my health and well-being. 8)

Find a good dentist, one that understands people with senstivities and differences like AS.

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09 Jun 2011, 3:08 pm

I brush my teeth frequently and with a good electric toothbrush.

But my teeth are bad anyway. I blame poor genetics.



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09 Jun 2011, 3:32 pm

I cannot go to sleep without brushing my teeth, no matter how completely exhausted I am. If I try, I always end up getting back up and brushing them. I guess it's a compulsion for me, because I have to do it, even though I do have sensitive teeth and it often makes my gums hurt. Also, I absolutely can't stand that furry feeling of unbrushed teeth. I can't get myself into the habit of flossing though, and I hate going to the dentist. I haven't been in years. I can go for days without showering or washing my hair, but no matter what, I have to brush my teeth. :lol:


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09 Jun 2011, 5:10 pm

depends in what sense. dentists only ever say to me 'you have good teeth' and then send me on my way, so i've never had fillings or anything. but i also never got braces so they aren't straight, and they aren't bright white either.

related: i hate the way veneers look

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10 Jun 2011, 6:12 am

I hate brushing my teeth.I will brush them if they feel dirty.I fight with my grandmother about it a lot.She is not supposed to tell to do it because her speaking to me sets me off.I have like black holes in the top of my teeth and my teeth are yellow


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10 Jun 2011, 6:30 am

I have very good dental hygiene in that I brush them (and my tongue) twice a day minimum. I don't overdo it as I know you can damage your teeth doing that. However, I have bad genetics when it comes to teeth. My front ones, thankfully, look nice, its all my back ones that are an issue. One has a crown on it while the rest have all got fillings in at the back, particularly on my top ones. This is because I do have a blood supply issue with them in that they are well connected at the roots but lack the same blood supply as the front ones. This means that they are suseptible to infection and bits of tooth tend to break off or die. There are many members of my family with this same problem. For some, they have even lost teeth as a result but I am fortunate enough to still have all mine. My dentist also says its likely that I won't lose teeth thankfully.

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10 Jun 2011, 6:33 am

I take reasonable care of my teeth. If I was to go to the dentist now I suspect I would probably get some fillings. That said I have no fillings. I have had a root canal done but that was for a tooth that got broken from a riding (bicycle) accident. I got into the habit of brushing my teeth in the morning, ever morning. It is such an ingrained part of my morning ritual I don't think I cou'd skip it :lol:

I also have this thing where I do things properly, teeth brushing no exception. I will spend as long as it takes for me to feel comfortable that my teeth are "brushed". I don't time myself heh, guessing I spend about 1-2 minutes to just brush my teeth. However I also hate the taste of toothpaste. After brushing I will then rinse my mouth out until I am comfortable I got most of the taste out of my mouth.

I also hate the feeling of stuff stuck in my teeth. After eating I will use my tongue to get rid of anything that is stuck to my teeth, which has also probably helped stop a lot of possible tooth decay too.

If I think my teeth feel dirty, I will also brush them before going to bed. Probably should do that more often though.

My teeth aren't really white or anything, though there isn't any blackened spots, they are just sorta the "normal" colour.


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10 Jun 2011, 6:38 am

My little Aspie has pretty nice teeth, but its been an effort because she hqtes brushinf her teeth. If I dont tell her to do so, she wont brush her teeth. Whe she was younger I had to stay there with her while she btushed her teeth to make sure she did it properly. I also take her to the dentist for cleaning every 4 months, because as she doesnt pay that much attention to beushing her teeth, she needs cleaning more often. She hates it, but I will fight for keeping her teeth healthy until she is big enough to take care of it herself, or at least until she pays for the dentist. Taking care of your teeth is way cheaper.


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10 Jun 2011, 6:50 pm

YellowBanana wrote:
But yet, I'm still finding it difficult to do - I don't know what it is. Even with good intentions, I just end up giving them a cursory, quick, brush which does nothing useful at all. I never considered it to be a sensory issue, but perhaps it is. I really don't know. I just can't seem to do it.

Check out this:


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10 Jun 2011, 7:02 pm

I actually have pretty good teeth.
I have no fillings, all my own teeth

Considering that I haven't seen a dentist for 10 years (NHS and I'm fee exempt, thus no dentist available), that I was a smoker for 12 years or so, that I suck my thumb, and because of a. sensory issues, b. sensitivity to SLS's and c. acid reflux as I kid I barely brushed and as an adult I only brush my teeth once daily, and not very well in all honesty :oops:

I do have a gap between my top front two teeth but this has been filled-in cosmetically so you can't see it, I have a bit of a receding gum line at the front bottom of my teeth due to gum problems two years ago from smoking, but again, considering all the above that's really not too bad. I still have constant dreams about losing my teeth and cosmetic dentistry would be high on my list if I won the lotto!


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10 Jun 2011, 8:02 pm

All previously mentioned applies to me too. I never brushed or flossed for years. The end result was tooth loss, major peridonitis, abcesses and root canal infection. I started with crooked teeth and soft enamel, so the after all of that they were pretty gruesome, I looked like a homeless person living on dumpster food.

However, after a nasty 4-hour operation to cut open my gums and scrape out the infection out, and then sew them up again, and years of root canals, crowns, implants, bridges, and plasticoating, and two years of braces to fix the crooked parts, I now have absolutely beautiful teeth, and all it cost was countless painful hours in a dentist's chair and about $12,000 cash.

Take my advice, take care of your teeth. Save yourselves the pain and money.