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14 Jun 2011, 1:46 am

I think my teeth are good. They aren't perfect. I hated having them brushed as a kid so mom had to sit on me. I was like two then. It may have been sensory issues but then i must have gotten used to it because mom didn't have to sit on me anymore.

I try and brush them at least once a day now but I know it's supposed to be done twice a day. When I was in school, it was a lot easier because I always brushed before school and then at bed time. Then on work days I brushed before work and then I remember I would keep forgetting when I wasn't working. I try and remember to do it before bed time. This thread reminded me to do it so I did just now.

I have had cavities before. I have even had a filling and it broke off when I was 22 and I had a huge hole for a while and it never hurt. That's because that tooth was dead. Now it might need to be pulled. I have had a root canal done in there and then I was getting puss above that tooth in my gum and I had to keep popping it. Now the puss doesn't come back anymore.

But I have other fillings on my teeth from when I was 22. The cap I have on my tooth from the root canal is still there. I have been told it can fall off within the next year or any day and it's still there. I just don't want to pay big money for some special cap since my health insurance wouldn't cover it. then when it got infected again because of the puss, the insurance wouldn't cover it again for the root canal so I didn't want to pay any big bucks for that tooth, not even to get it pulled.


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14 Jun 2011, 2:42 am

My teeth are not great. I eat a lot of chili, drink a lot of tea and coffee, and smoke cigarettes. I wore braces when I was young but they are still misaligned. They look like they are having a fight and none of them are winning. I am from the UK though.


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07 Jul 2011, 7:10 pm

Bad, but they've taken the abuse.

I pretty much brush my teeth every day now, but when I had a 1.5 year period when I never brushed my teeth. (I think I was 10 or 11).

I don't worry about it too much though.

Everybody needs to stop worrying so much about teeth.


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07 Jul 2011, 8:32 pm

I have bad teeth. I brush but mainly once a day. Sometimes I forget a day. I floss as well at least most of the time when I remember. I get lots of cavities. Last time I had 2 cavities filled. It was painful. I hate going to the dentist. Luckily since I went recently, I don't have to see him for the next 6 months. I get cavities almost every single time I see the dentist. My brother has even worse teeth than me. Once he had 30 cavities because he didn't brush for get this...... 4 years! Once I had an abscess tooth and that was one of the worst pains I have ever experienced. What's worse is that it got so bad that I ended up in the hospital for 2 days. Then I had an exciting root canal. How fun. My face swelled up. I looked like I was in pain the entire time and I was.


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13 Aug 2011, 8:16 pm

I would say my teeth are pretty good. I brush twice a day and the past two times I've gone to the dentist, I've had no cavities. I think its because I've stopped drinking sugar-filled sodas for two years!!

My sister, OTOH, has way more cavities than me and she's an NT!


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13 Aug 2011, 8:33 pm

My mother would have to fight me about brushing my teeth as a kid. The toothpaste burned the inside of my mouth, my tounge and lips. My mom said it's becuase my mouth was so dirty. She said everyone thought toothpaste tasted bad but it didn't burn her mouth. I rember I once used dial to brush my teeth and it did not burn the least bit.

The toothpaste made me feel like I was going to throw up. I use baking soda now and nothing else. I'm always getting asked how I get my teeth so white. They'd probably be whiter if I actually brushed every day. I just can't remember too.

My mom tries to get me to use toothpaste now and then but it's not worth getting nautious over. I think I'll let my teeth turn green and rot out of my head before I use toothpaste again. I'm sure my breath is horrible, but if it prevents people from getting too close to me, I'll go to great legenths to ensure I have horrible breath.

If I needed braces as a kid, I would probably have just pulled them off.

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13 Aug 2011, 10:17 pm

I've always had good teeth. It was kind of forced on me by my dad to brush after meals and snacks. I dropped it down to twice a day, so my sensory issues don't get me in a bad mood.
I also have braces right now.

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17 Sep 2011, 9:36 am

i have pretty good teeth but they aren't really white white anymore.. when i was young i didn't get the purpose of it and didn't care about my looks at all.. i should whiten them actually.

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17 Sep 2011, 10:05 am

My teeth are good. I go to the dentist every six months.


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17 Sep 2011, 10:09 am

Oddly, out of all my siblings, I have perfectly straight teeth while my siblings needed braces. But at the same time, yeah, didn't brush my teeth too often. They're all still there, but yeah. One thing for me that helped was I didn't like toothpaste, so I switched to baking soda or peroxide, and I occasionally go on binges of home whitening with just holding 3% peroxide in my mouth.


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17 Sep 2011, 10:14 am

I brush my teeth often and they're healthy, but sensitive. I use only soft toothbrushes and special toothpastes.

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17 Sep 2011, 7:54 pm

I have genetic hypodontia of my upper lateral incisors, removed bony impacted wisdom teeth, and one impacted upper canine tooth, and genetic dental pitting.

When "birth-marks" became recently again irritated from something, the statistical connection between my epilepsy, shagreen patches, teeth, and Asperger's Syndrome more strongly pointed to Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome (TSS) as the more central source for many of the impairments.

I brush and floss my teeth regularly, but my last dental visit was in early 1977 through a charity program that charged back to Medicaid. Between 1977 and 1987, income and university disqualified coverage, and after 1987, no available dentists accepted SSI Medicaid, and just today (Sep. 17, 2011), I received a California Medicaid letter stating that the "program is sending you this letter to tell you that it no longer covers dental, chiropractic and podiatry benefits for adults."

By federal law, I think Medicaid still mandates dental coverage for genetic dental disorders, but the "proof" of genetic disorders is expensive, and then, Medicaid pays denists so little, they didn't/haven't offered/accepted services under Medicaid anyway. More dentists did participate in "Dentists Without Borders" than did accept Medicaid, so Catch-22 with the borders too.



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17 Sep 2011, 10:17 pm

I have good teeth. I brush my teeth 2x a day (once in the morning and once more in the night before I go to bed).


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18 Sep 2011, 12:07 am

I brush my teeth twice a day. I had braces at 12. I got hit in the face with a tennis racket by a girl who didnt like me at 12 she hit me that hard that my entire top 4 teeth at the front ended up broken or chipped and my front tooth is dead I had the front tooth nerve taken out and had it capped as well as the other 3 teeth my front tooth is now discoloured and I often get accused of being a smoker or not brushing my teeth because of it.


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18 Sep 2011, 3:31 am

I brush my teeth twice a day, as well as floss everyday. I only started getting cavities after the antidepressants I was taking made me crave sweets and soft drinks. I have had a lot of work done on my teeth. I feel that having a good smile with good teeth is very important. It is one of the only N/T fixations I have. On a more practical level, good teeth are a sign of overall health, which is important to me.


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18 Sep 2011, 6:18 am

One regularity that exists in my life is brushing the teeth before sleeping, whenever that is.