Any other Aspies who are crap at maths here?

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01 Dec 2008, 10:35 am

DeLoreanDude wrote:
I am the same with multiplication, I can do 2, 5, 10 and thats it, I have a method for the other ones where I do a bunch of adding or subtraction which is easy as long as its with small numbers and I can use my fingers, but like I said its not exactly quick.

This is exactly how I do multiplication as well. People have always asked what I was doing when I'd start using complex addition to solve multiplication problems. Hey, addition and subtraction are all I know. I tried in math, I really did, yet year after year all I got out of it was a sore ass from the whippings my dad would give me over my crappy grades.


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01 Dec 2008, 10:44 am

I'm terrible at maths, and that's the truth.

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01 Dec 2008, 8:51 pm

This is a very interesting thread. I'm horrible at math but I do understand enough to be convinced that almost everything we know about it is probably in error which will eventually be a big disappointment to a lot of people who think that they are pretty smart.


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01 Dec 2008, 8:58 pm

I used to be awesome at math. I had 125% for a final grade, back in the day (5 years ago :wink: ) I went to contests and everything.
Then, I got hit in the head, and I can't do even the basic adding and subtracting... 8O
I learned that I would have been in advanced placement calculus this year but, now, since I can't do anything, I am in basic math with kids younger than I am...and I'm still struggling.

Math is useless :roll:

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01 Dec 2008, 9:08 pm

I am the same. Was OK until the questions and formulas came along. Reading is difficult as well. Loose my place and read individual words. Forget what I just read, have to re-read. Arghhhhhhhhh

I am seeing a Behavioural Optomertrist at the the moment. Initial diagnoses is I am having eye tracking and processing problems. Since I am using all my energies tracking the text, whether reading or maths my mind is exhausted. There is no room for processing or understanding the message or problem.

My next appointment is in January for more tests and treatment options. This problem is common in people with autism and ADHD.


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01 Dec 2008, 10:46 pm

EvoVari wrote:
I am the same. Was OK until the questions and formulas came along. Reading is difficult as well. Loose my place and read individual words. Forget what I just read, have to re-read. Arghhhhhhhhh

I am seeing a Behavioural Optomertrist at the the moment. Initial diagnoses is I am having eye tracking and processing problems. Since I am using all my energies tracking the text, whether reading or maths my mind is exhausted. There is no room for processing or understanding the message or problem.

My next appointment is in January for more tests and treatment options. This problem is common in people with autism and ADHD.

i never knew that, that's quite interesting. i've experienced that at times but no way near to the degree that you do. i figured it was just me being dumb at times *shrugs*


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02 Dec 2008, 3:34 am

I tend to be quite good at math. That is, until my brain freezes up and I start feeling sick.


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02 Dec 2008, 3:48 am

Um... 1+1 is 11 right? RIGHT??

Only joking! I am pretty bad, but not that bad! :rabbit:

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02 Dec 2008, 6:35 am

SeizeTheDay wrote:
I used to be awesome at math. I had 125% for a final grade,

How did that happen? 8O

Well done, but I thought (perhaps wrongly) that the most anyone could ever score on a test was 100%? 8O :?

Well done anyway for breaking through the 100% barrier! :D

(That's more than I've ever got lol. :lol: )

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02 Dec 2008, 11:22 am

I'm not that great at math, but I could be a lot worse. What annoys me, however, is when my class corrects their own math papers, the kids who are truly, miraculously gifted in the way of numbers (and there are an unusually large amount of those kids in my class) go "Yes!" or some other noise of joy whenever they get a question right. No offense to the kids themselves, but that just bugs me.


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02 Dec 2008, 11:59 am

I'm not terrible at math, but I'm not interested in it at all.

I sometimes surprise myself by having "guesstimates" (I know, horrible bastard word, isn't it) that are exactly correct. I work out maths in a very different way to other people. They tried to teach me their way, but I always just did it my way in my head as it was faster and was more often correct.

But yeah, give me a math problem and I'm quite likely to just roll my eyes and go, "nup, not doing that!"



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02 Dec 2008, 3:55 pm

I totaly sucked at math in school but then the public school did not know how to teach me. Whenever someone brings up that AS people are so good in math, I want to strangle them.


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02 Dec 2008, 4:04 pm

I fully understand math- but I can't write it because I am very peculiar about how I write things- I use no less than five different colours of pen to do one problem... and if I accidently pick up the wrong pen and make the wrong color mark in the wrong place- I have to throw the whole page.


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02 Dec 2008, 4:48 pm

I'm pretty horrible at math. I can do basic math, but not without paper to scribble on.


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03 Dec 2008, 11:01 am

I have learnt to do maths I could never do before by doing the paper methods in my head (visualisation).

For example, I write my sums like this on paper:
To work them out, so I just visulise this in my head and get the answer. Someone at my school who I consider a "maths genius" (who worked as a accountant for a few years) said this is how he does calculations! I did some division like this and actually done it right!


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03 Dec 2008, 11:53 am

*Raises hand* I'm effin' crap at maths. :lol:

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