Ever seen an NT adult have a tantrum/meltdown?

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12 Dec 2010, 12:42 pm

I have!
I was on a course for 3 weeks, and everyone in my group were NTs except for me. One of them was a young man, (I'll just say J). He was very chatty and popular, and he had a girlfriend who was in the same group. I liked him a lot - he was the life and soul of the group, and he was one of those people everybody got on with, and everyone wanted him to accept them on Facebook - (except me, I don't have Facebook).
But one day on the last week, the tutor wanted everyone to sit in groups of 3 - but J started moaning because he wasn't in the same group as his girlfriend, and he accused her of trying to come between their relationship and splitting them up. The tutor said she wasn't doing that at all - she said this was part of the exercise. But he wouldn't have it - and she took him out of the room to calm him down, but he got worse, and started to smash his head against the wall until there was blood (and a dent in the wall), and he then started slapping himself in the face. The tutor had to ban him from the course because of anti-social behaviour. And he wasn't on drugs or anything.

What the hell got into him to suddenly have a massive outburst like that? Has anyone else experienced an NT meltdown?



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12 Dec 2010, 1:23 pm

I've seen them throw tantrums. Meltdowns are something different entirely.

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12 Dec 2010, 1:33 pm

I think that guy had something wrong with him he just used his charisma to hide it. Perhaps he showed signs but you and everyone else missed them because of your admiration for him seeing only the good in him. People put their heroes on a pedastal and don't see the flaws while they look up to them.

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12 Dec 2010, 2:11 pm

I don't know of any NT adult in my family that hasn't had a temper tantrum at one point or another. Well, I don't remember my aunt ever having one, but everyone else has had horrible temper tantrums, like a little baby in diapers. My father is horrible with this. A good example:

Mom: You need to go to sleep.

My uncle has horrible political tantrums at family gatherings, mainly because we aren't agreeing with everything he says about the (insert scapegoat here) that are ruining America.

My grandmother has one every single time I go up to visit. Is it bad that I don't consider it weird anymore to have my grandmother tell me I'm going to die from things like swine flu?

Grandma: Watch your head when you put the wood in the truck Matty! You might hit your head on the roof of the car and die!
Me: I'm 22 years old. I can manage to not hit my head, and if I do hit my head, I probably won't die.
Me: I'm not gonna die putting wood in the back of a truck, OK?! I have good enough hand eye coordination that it ain't gonna happen!
Grandma: I can't tell you anything, can I? You know it all!

Yes, that was an actual conversation we had. I'm dead serious. And much to her dismay, I didn't die while putting the wood in the truck. There is a reason why I don't like adults, and this is a big one.


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12 Dec 2010, 2:21 pm

Yes! I was at a concert once and one of the band members seemed grumpy for the first half of the show. Then at intermission he was VERY grumpy, he had a mini meltdown, he got kind of mad and threw his drumstick down and walked off stage.

And yes, I have seen my NTs parents have meltdowns.


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12 Dec 2010, 2:26 pm

I've seen a lot of married women throw tantrums in public...

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there

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12 Dec 2010, 3:28 pm

Some (most) days I have bigger tantrums than the kids.

Stress/undirected adrenalin does it for me, poor kids.


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12 Dec 2010, 3:30 pm

Todesking wrote:
I think that guy had something wrong with him he just used his charisma to hide it. Perhaps he showed signs but you and everyone else missed them because of your admiration for him seeing only the good in him. People put their heroes on a pedastal and don't see the flaws while they look up to them.

Well, he definately wasn't normal to behave like that. But there is such a thing as an ''abnormal NT''.



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12 Dec 2010, 4:14 pm

I see it quite often. To some NT's, severe distress is missing an episode of American Idol, or finding out that McRib is back off the menu. And they think I'M self absorbed...


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12 Dec 2010, 4:41 pm

Yes on the train going to work but it was all staged. The man just wanted money so he faked a meltdown. Then he stopped when he got what he wanted. He was all of a sudden normal again when before he looked mentally unstable. I believe it was staged anyway since he never got off the train to get food nor go in the airport to buy food when we arrived there. He was asking for $1.75 so he get food and he got more and more obnoxious and louder when no one would give it to him so he finally threatened to kill himself if he doesn't eat. That got a reaction out of us and I stopped feeling sorry for him and this young lady across from me chewed him out calling him homeless and saying he wants drugs, not food. This 17 year old girl who was sitting across from me gave him the money and he stopped.

Does this count as a NT meltdown?

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12 Dec 2010, 5:06 pm

They almost sound... human?

Everyone can explode, you seem to talk about extreme emotional reaction (J wanting to be with this girl no matter what - sounds alot like his nuts driving his brains), where tantrums or meltdowns have to do with exasperation rising to it's peak and extreme overload of signals respectively.

Defining if someone falls under the category neurotypical is very hard to do, since it is a theoretical group of people. Unless your definition of neurotypical is different of the general one stated here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotypical

Neurotypical (or NT) is a term that was coined in the autistic community as a label for people who are not on the autism spectrum: specifically, neurotypical people have neurological development and states that are consistent with what most people would perceive as normal, particularly with respect to their ability to process linguistic information and social cues.

All with all determining if someone is autistic is or not can't be done on the face value, heck I even fool the professionals - of all people they are the ones who should be most able.


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Last edited by Wallourdes on 12 Dec 2010, 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Dec 2010, 5:15 pm

I know that people on the autism spectrum are a small minority. But observing the way people treat each other on a regular basis... I honestly sometimes wonder if most people are sociopaths.


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12 Dec 2010, 5:20 pm

I had severe tantrums as a kid and occasionally today I will get so frustrated I will hit things and scream. I also have shutdowns. But it's debatable if I'm an NT or if I have an ASD.

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12 Dec 2010, 5:23 pm

League_Girl wrote:
Yes on the train going to work but it was all staged. The man just wanted money so he faked a meltdown. Then he stopped when he got what he wanted. He was all of a sudden normal again when before he looked mentally unstable. I believe it was staged anyway since he never got off the train to get food nor go in the airport to buy food when we arrived there. He was asking for $1.75 so he get food and he got more and more obnoxious and louder when no one would give it to him so he finally threatened to kill himself if he doesn't eat. That got a reaction out of us and I stopped feeling sorry for him and this young lady across from me chewed him out calling him homeless and saying he wants drugs, not food. This 17 year old girl who was sitting across from me gave him the money and he stopped.

Does this count as a NT meltdown?

This sounds like the annoying gypsies in the longer rides of trains I do for my school, (yes it are aless always gypsies) which are playing music loudly and very of key while asking for money (like they are torturing a cat) and you actually have to pay them for them to leave or listen to this musical torture until the next station (in my case, usually 5-10 minutes).

I'd like to call it a social ransom, just enough to socially tolerated but just to little to be completly out of line.

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12 Dec 2010, 6:41 pm

I've seen them have tantrums but not meltdowns.

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12 Dec 2010, 6:48 pm

anbuend wrote:
I've seen them throw tantrums. Meltdowns are something different entirely.

Yes! I'm sick of NT's saying they have meltdowns. They don't have that dysfunction in their Limbic system like we do.

How does the OP know he is NT anyway? People with AS can date. In fact my mum was b***ing about her ex last night who is definitely on the spectrum.
People with ADHD have very little control over their anger too. I'm sure there are other disorders when a meltdown is actually a meltdown and not a tantrum.

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