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11 May 2013, 6:18 pm

I have been reading that people with AS do not show emotions. I don't understand this. Does that mean that when a person has AS they don't laugh or smile like other people do? Does that mean when a person has AS that they will not cry a lot when they are hurt or depressed? Does that mean that a person with AS would not get angry outbursts if they are under tremendous stress? If this is the case then I think I have certainly been misdiagnosed.


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11 May 2013, 6:46 pm

nah it's just one factor in the spectrum and the "scale" of demonstration can vary greatly, esp from person to person.
It's probably more of a communication issue of broadcasting or displaying complex (learned) physical patterns that are mostly pointless to the inner processing of the emotional traffic.
Learning to artificially display "expected" emotional profiling is a difficulty for people on the spectrum, perhaps in part because it seems contrived -and therefore a lie- and perhaps because artificial neural processing just to make others "feel more comfortable about expectations" may seem kinda of a waste when it reduces actual problem solving bandwidth.

plus the platitudes rained down on a person displaying emotional patterns are generally non-literal, confusing, and in many cases outright angeringly pointless.

Self-protection for many aspies involves 'resolution of the issue' (which cannot be done effectively if the issue is muddied or its veracity is denied)
Self-protection for NTs appears to be herd-like; everyone clusters together gives hugs and platitudes and -at worst- the odds of being the one eaten goes down.

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11 May 2013, 6:49 pm

My Asperger's is light but I laugh occasionally, especially at some of the dumb situations on TV. I did know a more seriously autistic man when I worked in a nursing and he laughed. I used to crack him up with some of the things I'd say sometimes. I never knew about crying, though. Never made him cry.


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12 May 2013, 6:11 am

I laugh and smile a lot, most of the times when I shouldn't or when other people don't.
The happiness I feel most of the times is shallow, and goes away after a few minutes.
When I feel real happiness, I usually jump around.
I hardly ever feel sad or depressed, therefore I hardly ever cry.
Even when I'm actually sad, I don't cry most of the times.
I get angry a lot, and I often have rage outbursts.
During these rage outbursts I often scream and/or kick things.


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12 May 2013, 6:18 am

I almost never smile. Too difficult. Makes me look like a freak. My parents would never buy my school photos because they were always terrible.

I do laugh at stuff, but not stuff NTs laugh at. I seem to have my own sense of humour. It's not common, but I can get laughing hard sometimes.

I pretty much never cry. There's only been a few times I've ever cried in my life. A few times when I was a kid for various things (bullied, getting hurt, hair being combed, etc). Now that I'm older, I don't usually cry. I did once when my Grandpa died (but not because he died). That was a combo of me forcing myself to cry because everyone else was and I didn't understand why I wasn't. I tried to force myself to do so. Then I actually cried when I watched an episode of My Little Pony that resonated with me pretty deeply. I also sometimes cry if I start thinking about how sh***y things are.

I get angry a lot. In crowds, when people are being slow or stupid, if people aren't following rules, etc. It's pretty easy to get me worked up.

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12 May 2013, 11:27 am

I know a lot of NT men that don't display emotions as much as women do. Or maybe they show it differently. I've seen more women cry than men in my life.



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12 May 2013, 12:12 pm

I don't show much emotion. I probably haven't cried in almost 3 years. Recently one of my doctors told me he had trouble reading me because I didn't show much emotion. When I was younger I remember a lot of reports about me mention me having a flat affect.

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12 May 2013, 12:45 pm

I am very emotionally demonstrative, to the point that other people have told me I seem childish. I'm not sure if this is common.