Am I the only Aspie out there who belevies in a God?

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27 Oct 2014, 10:54 am

khaoz wrote:
If only there could be a valid study of people who believe in the Abrahamic tradition of god because of personal experience as compared with the percentage of those who believe in the Abrahamic tradition because of social conditioning. What percentage of believers would there be had not they been EXPECTED to believe this tradition by family and society, since as early in life as they can remember? Never given an opportunity to make a clear, uninfluenced decision.

Yes, I do agree that is impossible as truly the spread of much of Abrahamic traditions have been cored around the tribal instinct of human beings, that is unfortunately one of subjugation, repression, and oppression, of basic human nature, for freedom from the way one walks to the way one chooses to exercise their reproductive freedoms. But that is the price of large human populations where control is a necessity for 'law and order', which often is not fair, for all who are concerned.

Religion is often used as a tool of control to moderate a whole herd of human beings in a society, and it serves its purpose not perfect but well enough for societies of old to continue, in law and order.

Societies where social welfare is instituted at the political level, no longer rely so much on religious traditions, which have truly faded away in homogenous societies like Scandinavian countries where with greater immigration, and increasingly heterogeneous culture, the balance is changing in cycle, once again, as we speak.

For the most part religions are used for social cooperation and control, and the world is still such a place politically and economically where religions will be necessary in whole countries and pockets here and there, even in Scandinavian countries, where social welfare brings comfort to the fears of now some ordinary citizens.

I personally see religion still as a necessary tool, on a global basis, for human survival. And that is key, the human survival part, where religion and survival become one and same.

But for much smaller so-called primitive cultures, in the 20 most peaceful societies in the world studied as such in cooperation, sharing, and a belief in a unifying force of nature, is most often the natural way seen of humanity in mother nature true, not as adulterated as much by complex religions and culture working together necessary to control large herds of humans only evolved to interact with about 150 to 200 sets of eyes in REAL LIFE.

My fortune was living and choosing the church environment or the environment of nature on desolate pristine beaches that I wandered and wondered in, for years during my teenage to young adult life, and I a logical oriented person, was not good on what someone else said 'It was'.

I had to find proof for myself, so like the American Indian, living close to nature, I found the proof of GOD in the Interdependent relationship of all that IS that I so easily witnessed in hotel-less beaches, with no cars or other foot prints, just the beautiful balance of nature set free, in ecstasy and life and death challenge the way it simply is.

And then I learned to dance and connect to other human beings non-verbally, that I re-visit greater than ever in my life, now, and what I find is, intellect in the crystalized intelligence sense, complex verbal and cultural way, is highly over-rated, as the greatest under-statement I KNOW NOW, IN WORDS, but truly a necessity to run the huge engines of modern cultures.

What I know non-verbally exceeds anything I can put into words, and always has.

But I am not common even here, as a non-verbal child, who stuttered and stammered in life in verbal speech, whose life behind eyes, mouth, and ears, knew much more than I could ever TELL THEN.

A DISEASE that took away my visual and auditory thinking abilities, is what brings me here, otherwise, I would have never come close to describe IN WORDS, the life of a visually and feeling person and yes, what they (me) SEE(s) of GOD(s). :)

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27 Oct 2014, 11:27 am

Meistersinger wrote:

Lest you think I also believe in predestination, as taught by Calvin and Arminius, think again. If, as Calvin, Arminius, and C.I. Scofield, one of the original thinkers of a system of theology called dispensationalism, believe that everyone and everything is predestined, then why did JHWH give us free will?

We probably have more in common than you might think, but for the record dispensensationalism is not an especially Reformed (Calvinistic) teaching. John MacArthur would be the closest example of a Calvinist holding to that system. But among conservative Presbyterians (and Reformed Baptists) today, most do not hold to the views that Scofield popularized. :)


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27 Oct 2014, 12:31 pm

Just saw this thread. Looks like it has been going on for a while. Yes, I believe in God. I would probably be most described as a fundamentalist Christian. I realize that such beliefs are rare to find in a secular university, which is where I teach, and might be rare to find in Aspies. I have only realized that I have Asperger's since April. I have known for a long time that something was wrong with me, though.

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27 Oct 2014, 1:03 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
MarcusSolaris, your post (and responses to it) have been removed for the third time. Consider this as an official warning, that each post containing ridicule, mockery or an attempt to belittle or provoke other members based on their religious belief will be removed. Post one more time in this tone, and you'll be a candidate for banishment.

If you want to discuss the subject of god and religion in a more free spirited tone, consider doing that in PPR (Politics, Philosophy and Religion forum), where the rules are a bit more lose, and debates more harsh.

Quoting the site admin here:
Here the emphasis is on members sharing information, mutual support, general chit-chat and socialising. These forums are more heavily moderated than PPR and the rules applied more strictly. Moderators are the door-keepers to keep the party running smooth and any trouble makers kept in check. The same thread that can happily exist in PPR would not be allowed to exist in the Random forum for example. Hot topics of debate belong in PPR.

In fairness to Marcus, this thread seems to be simultaneously existing in both forums after XFilesGeek moved it. I can tell from your posts that he started doing it before the thread was moved though :)


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27 Oct 2014, 2:00 pm

Indeed, I think she moved it but I didn't realise it until I already had removed the posts from here. But I think she moved them after he has posted there, not before.

Will remove that thread from there, thanks :)


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27 Oct 2014, 2:03 pm

Ah, this software does not cooperate unfortunately.


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27 Oct 2014, 6:51 pm

I can accept the concept of God as a non-anthropomorphic non-personal force.


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28 Oct 2014, 12:19 am

MarcusSolaris wrote:
AdamK wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
(I do not believe in any gods because there is no good evidence for them. There is no aspect of reality that requires a god, and parsimonious explanations are always more likely. I have no objection to people believing in things that don't exist, unless those beliefs cause them to do evil things, including suppressing objective knowledge such as evolution. If you are interested in learning more about why I believe what I believe then you may PM me, although I am not interested in converting you. I would welcome attempts to convert me)

Hi. I'm probabley going to get told off for this but I'm afraid I have to say it anyway. Please don't tell people that they have the right to believe in things that don't exist. I don't believe in something that doesn't exist. I believe in something that is unproven. There is a difference. Surley you can see how "God doesn't exist, but believe in something that doesn't exist if you want" is the kind of Atheist attitude that makes Christians angry. If you wish to say it then at least say "Believe in something unproven if you want."

I'm glad somebody said something! Magic Space Cow (pbuh) is very very real. Sometimes I lay in my bed in the still of night, and I swear that I can sense the rhythmic signature of her majestic digestive tract. One day science will advance to the point that indisputable proof of the Holy Bovine (pbuh) will be produced for all to see.

Moo upon you all.

And moo upon you good sir, moo upon you.

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28 Oct 2014, 1:13 am

Certainly not, I hope! I am a Quaker. I love God and recognize Him everywhere.



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28 Oct 2014, 1:03 pm

I don't believe in God anymore, but I have to admit that when I was younger, the concept of some caring, higher being really brought me feeling of safety and possibly even saved my life, who knows... Though I am atheist now, I believe religions are actually very beneficial, if they are kept as personal matter and not used as a reason to start warfare like always man has done. For me, understanding is very important and religions are not my thing, because I can't tolerate the fact I can't understand them.


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28 Oct 2014, 1:04 pm

I don't believe in God anymore, but I have to admit that when I was younger, the concept of some caring, higher being really brought me feeling of safety and possibly even saved my life, who knows... Though I am atheist now, I believe religions are actually very beneficial, if they are kept as personal matter and not used as a reason to start warfare like always man has done. For me, understanding is very important and religions are not my thing, because I can't tolerate the fact I can't understand them.


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28 Oct 2014, 1:06 pm


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29 Oct 2014, 12:35 am

Well I'd like to think most of us are more rational/logical, and i'd even say more generally inquisitive, which means the 'god' idea doesn't go unquestioned but is assessed using the tools i mentioned formerly along with all the available knowledge, which tends to lead one away from the 'god' idea.
Also being less prone to herd mentality/groupthink definitely helps.


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20 Nov 2020, 9:34 am

Actually, my strongest special interests are related to that existencial question.

Occultism/Esotericism...Religion and Comparative Mythology.

You see, rational is a word that can be applied in many different cases. Just because something doesn´t seem rational to some, it doesn´t mean it isn´t! :D


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20 Nov 2020, 12:40 pm

My rational mind thinks the odds against my ESP are so high that there must be another factor involved. It might operate through the dark matter and energy we can only detect at great distances, but know to exist. I'm not keen on Theology, though. "Spiritual people see our similarities; religious ones see our differences."


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22 Nov 2020, 9:09 pm

I believe in God.

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