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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 19 Jul 2015
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10 Apr 2016, 8:36 am

Dear all, I suspect that I have Asperger's syndrome by a self-diagnosis. I'd like to ask some questions.

My questions are how do I not manage game addictions, and not get easily distracted? Sometimes when I start playing computer games me I can barely stop if not for my parents. Also when I do things on the Internet I spend most of my time browsing other websites. I have been existing in this state since ten, and approached a school counsellor for this. Related to this is my lack of time management. Are Asperger's more susceptible to distractions and addictions?

Anot her off topic question here. How do I improve my interpersonal communication skills? I usually do not bring upon points clearly, when I talk to people or when I write stuff down.

Thank you.

Last edited by gcjdavid on 10 Apr 2016, 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Apr 2016, 8:47 am

I can get sucked into gaming or one of my interests very easily and never get anything done. The things that help me are to start small. Identify 3 things you want to get done today. Just 3. Say one of them is starting an assignment for school. I would set a timer for 10 minutes, and work for that 10 minutes. After that, I can either take a break for 5 minutes, or work for another 10 minutes. Sometimes when I get started, I can keep going without problems. Sometimes I have to work in 10 minute intervals with 5 minute breaks. But as long as I can get myself started, I can get something done - and knowing that I really only have to go for 10 minutes at a time helps me WANT to get started.

You can also download browser extensions that can block websites so that you don't get distracted on facebook or wherever you end up going on the internet. I've tried those, but I don't have the discipline, I just disable the extension.

The interpersonal communications question is very broad, and without knowing what you find difficult about it I have a hard time answering it. Interpersonal situations for me were helped when I got to university - I found people with similar interests, who were willing to consider different ways of thinking and were able to socialize with me on my terms.

synesthete, diagnosed with ASD April 4, 2012.

everybody's playing the game
but nobody's rules are the same
nobody's on nobody's side


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10 Apr 2016, 9:14 am

^^ I agree with this stuff.

And you could make a schedule for yourself. I'm not autistic but I do have trouble remembering to do specific things on time. I have a day planner and about once a week I'll sit down and write what I have to do on each day. I divide it into morning, midday and evening. Then I'll move items around as needed, cross them off once I've done them.

A lot of people here can offer suggestions if you can be more specific about interpersonal skills.