anyone else sick of neurotypical people

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Joined: 3 Jul 2016
Age: 27
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Today, 11:40 am

I'm sick of neurotypical people and want to hangout with autistic people and find my community. I moved to arizona like 8 months ago and have been living in a treatment place with like 20 other guys who are all neurotypical. I mess up socially a lot and get a lot of feeling statements about it. I feel like the people there just tolerate me and dont see me as an equal. Some people say they like me but doesn't seem like they like me enough to like hangout with me or see me as a confidant. I am jealous of the people who still get letters from past clients who said they liked me but never call for me or write me letters. I feel left out. They let me talk in conversations but when it comes to one on one I feel left out. I have one friend but I feel like he doesnt talk to me about everything. I have this feeling and I've seen it with my family where people dont talk to me about certain things, and talk to others about it and makes me feel sad. I feel like what am I doing wrong socially and otherwise to have people not really come to me to talk or want to hangout.
I just want to hangout with other autistics where I can be myself and not have to worry about social skills or put on a front. This town I moved to doesnt have a big autism community like in Michigan where I was living and I miss that so much.

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21 minutes ago

WP would seem like a good place to hang out.

But, don't think too badly of Allistics. They can't help it.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.