Any other aspies on here not "get" sports??

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05 Dec 2005, 6:07 am

I don't see what the big deal is about sports. The fans worship the players like gods. "he hit 70 home runs this year" Big deal. So he can hit a ball. How come its socailly acceptable for people to get dressed up in crazy costumes to suport the home team, but if I wear a costume to a sci fi and fantasy convention, I get weird looks? How come the double standard? Why do people make such a big deal about sports? Is it so the NT's can feel good about they're petty lives?


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05 Dec 2005, 7:25 am

I don't really get sports either. I think it's the nature of the beast. Why should team X be any better than team Y? Where's the logic of supporting one team or the other just because one happens to be geographically local to you, usually when young?
Why are people so surprised when only one team or individual wins and the rest go home empty handed? etc etc.

Team sports like football (that's soccer to you US lot) baffles me. All these teams with geographical basis, mostly drawing fans from the locale, but using players from all over the world. In my mind, you might as well have a range of random teams populated with players arbitraily. Who cares if a team called "Chelsea" with a range of players win more points than the others, why is that so special? :?

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05 Dec 2005, 7:26 am

I don't have time to post much now, but....

I feel that spectator sports must be for people who have nothing better to do. I took my son to a college basketball game the other night, because he plays for his middle school team, but I found minimal entertainment in it. I do, however enjoy, cheering for my son and supporting him. I sucked at team sports as a kid, but keep physically fit with mountain biking, hiking and yoga. There was a time as a child, I liked some pro football.

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05 Dec 2005, 9:10 am

Sports is the new "opiate of the masses." It's most effective on lower-middle and lower class people. Nothing else in their life is going their way... they tend to have volitile relationships and do grunt-work jobs. Sports becomes a big part of their lives to make up for the lack of a productive lifestyle. It also fills in for their lack of intellectual stimulation. Sports is on their minds all the time, and thus the importance of it is inflated and the players are elevated to god status.

I am around sports fans all the time at work. It's all they talk about when they aren't talking about sex.

I can't imagine what people would do if there was no sports, so I suppose it's best to keep the population subdued with sports.


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05 Dec 2005, 9:28 am

I'm not a big sports buff but I am always impressed with martial arts (I take Hapkido, myself). The physical ability and the precision of the moves are quite awe inspiring. Knowing exactly how the body works and exploiting the weakpoints is always very interesting, as are the various philosophies.

Other sports I just watch for the stunts... race car crashes and huge football tackles. No other interest in those sports

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05 Dec 2005, 9:39 am

I've never "got" sports either....or why people feel the need to compete all the time :roll: seems pretty meaningless to me


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05 Dec 2005, 10:15 am

Lmao! You guys are soooo missing out. Funny thing is, you all know it, and are rationalizing that it's the "opiate of the masses" or "for people who have nothing better to do" and "so the NT's can feel good about they're petty lives". You guys are so hilarious! You don't understand why they do it, so to make yourselves feel better, you try to tell yourself it's something you shouldn't want anyway, and that everyone else who DOES get it is somehow beneath you. Get with the program people! I think you all obsess about your perseverations so AS people can feel good about YOUR petty lives. You all have nothing better to do either, but you can't find anything to fill that time but learn about boring useless stuff.
Do you see how ridiculous it looks, to try and ridicule something just because you don't understand it? I mean really, you're all so shallow!


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05 Dec 2005, 10:39 am

I'm not interested in sports because I'm no good at them. But, I think if I had any skill in a sport, I would definatly be interested in it. So I won't come of all pompous and say things like "sport is the opiate", "petty lives". Not liking sport doesnt make you any intellectually superior to people who do.

I smell jealousy...its the same thing when aspies who can't get laid come on here whining about "dirty, promiscous NTs spreading their diseases with no morals etc etc"


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05 Dec 2005, 10:46 am

I'm not one to paint my face with team colours, but I'll wear a scarf and enjoy and good sport game hoping my team will win. If you think about it, it's just recognising achievement in a sporting field, much the same as you would if you were academically driven - you just don't see alot of people interested in the academic events. If sport isn't your thing then it's probably not great, but if you play a sport you'll admire those who are really good at it and the chance to watch them and learn from them could arise if you barrack for a team and fully support them...


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05 Dec 2005, 10:49 am

Live and let live. Or, read and let watch.

Non-musicians don't really understand what I get out of playing in an orchestra, but if they respect it that's great. Likewise I'll try to respect sportsfans. Even if it is a little si ... um, yes. Respect. Very important stuff :D


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05 Dec 2005, 12:14 pm

danlo wrote:
Lmao! You guys are soooo missing out. Funny thing is, you all know it, and are rationalizing that it's the "opiate of the masses" or "for people who have nothing better to do" and "so the NT's can feel good about they're petty lives". You guys are so hilarious! You don't understand why they do it, so to make yourselves feel better, you try to tell yourself it's something you shouldn't want anyway, and that everyone else who DOES get it is somehow beneath you. Get with the program people! I think you all obsess about your perseverations so AS people can feel good about YOUR petty lives. You all have nothing better to do either, but you can't find anything to fill that time but learn about boring useless stuff.
Do you see how ridiculous it looks, to try and ridicule something just because you don't understand it? I mean really, you're all so shallow!

When I said "sports" I was referring to the big national leagues with televised games. I have nothing against PLAYING sports, but I am correct in saying that large-scale spectator sports are the new opiate of the masses.

Participating in sports is great. Making a sport that you don't even play part of your identity is a hold other issue. I am in 2 martial art classes. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if instead of taking these classes I was to watch them and talk about them nonstop as if I was actually involved?

Our obsessions are unique and personally involving... not mass-produced commercializations. Although I'm sure some of us have rather idiotic and pointless perseverations. I'm into music, and it is creative AKA a product is created by my interest.


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05 Dec 2005, 4:34 pm

people need to get excited about something... why not sports? and if you sit down and watch a game then it's actually pretty exciting. of course playing sports is much better... but then again i suck at mostly everything lol. the boston marathon is always amazing though, as are the olympics and the NHL. i'd love to be involved in sometihng like that someday haha

then again most people here don't agree with me... damn


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05 Dec 2005, 7:08 pm

I dont get it. But basketball and soccers ok. And I dont get why people scream at games and stuff. And they keep putting sports on channels when theyre not sports channels when something goods supposed to be on.


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05 Dec 2005, 8:07 pm

Part of the reason I don't like most sports is the double standard the most NT's have. If I dress up to cheer my local team, its ok. But If I get dressed up for a sci fi or fantasy convention, the same people that thought I was ok to dress up for the sport team thinks I'm a dork for dressing that way. But you look just as dumb dressing either way, IMO so why the double standard?


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06 Dec 2005, 10:47 am

If I went to my sisters ex husbands parents house with my Michigan shirt theyd try to burn it. They like Notre Dame a lot.


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06 Dec 2005, 1:13 pm

ilikedragons wrote:
If I went to my sisters ex husbands parents house with my Michigan shirt theyd try to burn it.

Oh, same here. Everyone and their mom here likes Ohio State and HATES Michigan. I could care less. There was an Ohio State/Michigan game a few weeks ago, and I was completely underwhelmed. My old youth pastor was from Michigan and every time there was a game, everyone had their OSU gear on. Everyone but me, of course.