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26 Apr 2012, 6:23 pm

There was a time back in 2001 when i was 11 years old where i was a fully functioning person back then and could anything easily. today at aged 22 i have a lot more difficulties functioning as a person and find things harder and infact things have gotten even more worse since getting too 21. the difficulties began when i was 12-13 years of age but nowadays they are much worse.

is there a possiblity that the only reason i could funciton better when i was a kid is becuause my brain had not fully developed? or do you think possibliy there is another underlying mental ilness impairing my ability too function? does autism have a tendancy too get worse when you make that step from childhood too adulthood?

basically what i am saying in a nutshell is that my problems with functioning have not really been a life long problem.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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26 Apr 2012, 6:47 pm

Could you please be more specific? What are your difficulties now? Tell us more about your life as it is now.

What was it like when you were 11 years old and how exactly was it different than the way it is now? Tell us more about your life at 11 years of age.

What things do you find harder now than back when you were 11 years old?

How did these difficulties begin at 12-13 years of age? Did they start off all of a sudden did they slowly creep in your life?

What else happened in your life at around 12-13 years of age or maybe even an year or so before? Any major life event (e.g. the loss of a family member, parental divorce, moving out of town, problems in school)? If yes, how did it impact you?

I don't know what to tell you, but it's difficult to advance an opinion, if we don't have any background info on your situation...

Probably 75% Aspie, 25% NT... and 100% ADHD :)

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26 Apr 2012, 6:58 pm

Well for example at 11 years old i could go on holiday too a foreign country without any behaviour issues and go too a normal school and adapt easily

if i did these things at age 22 i would find them more much more challenging and they would cause me more anxiety.

i think i might have sensory auditory processing disorder so maybe my sensory problems did not properly develop when i was a child?

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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26 Apr 2012, 7:55 pm

I think it seems worse as an adult because one is responsible for everything, whereas, as a child, so much was arranged & taken in hand on one's behalf.
Small details, and larger, overseeing management tasks..all done by the adults around.
Thus, as an adult the opportunities for overload are everpresent..

AS 169/200
NT 23/200


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27 Apr 2012, 8:46 am

If you believe you may have another disorder, I recommend going to a doctor. You probably wouldn't even get an accurate answer from an internet forum if it was full of medical professionals (which WP is not).


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27 Apr 2012, 9:13 pm

My social issues got better in some people's views, but worse in the way they feel as I got older.

Age 3, didn't even acknowledge other children. In my mind, this was bliss, I didn't need anyone and I wasn't lonely.

Age 10, knew there were other people in my world but was content to let them be their way and I would be my way.

Age 13, socially interacted but was painfully aware that what I liked and found comfortable was completely different from the other kids.

Age 18, graduated high school and became very socially isolated.

Age 22, went to college and was in a program that only consisted of 13 people who got very close, and had friends for the first time. However, this was incredibly painful due to regular overloads and social mistakes. It drove me to an eating disorder, where I was able to comfortably isolate myself again. Discovered that I felt lonely.

Age 26, went to university, had regular instances where a social misunderstanding would break down a potential friendship and leave me alone. Was constantly aware that other people had friends and I didn't and that people avoid me. Felt absolutely miserable about being so different. Started drinking and returned to the eating disorder.

Age 28, was finally diagnosed with Asperger's and now I am trying to forgive myself for everything.

So yes, in a professional's opinion, the fact that I interact with people now is much better than when I was 3 and didn't acknowledge other children, but I didn't need other people when I was a kid, and now I get lonely and am painfully aware of other people.

As for other functioning, it fluctuates depending on what's going on in my life. I have a comorbid diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, so it really depends on both of those things.

If you think something further than autism is going on, talk to a doctor.

Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).

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