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03 Dec 2013, 11:16 pm

As was already covered extensively in that previous 'smoking' locked topic (which thus must not be discussed) the official estimates state that smoking tax in no way covers the expense to society of smokers. I find it amazingly ignorant and arrogant that so many smokers seem to imagine that they are 'saving society money'.

oktobertiger wrote:
I'm still shocked as to how you can get away with such rudeness and arrogance when someone disagrees with what you write, but hey ho. EDIT I'm glad you've edited your post to be less rude :-D

No they haven't, and I agree that they are both rude and arrogant. As well as ignorant.
They haven't even managed to pull one study out of their arse to "prove" that smokers are all so super-intelligent, before starting up with the personal insults.
:roll: Such an unintelligent thing to do....

I read a great deal, and have no interest in publicly taking drugs... especially those which negatively affect others.

If they care that much, why don't they just ban it?

The government are not addicted to the tax revenue from fags (not in this country anyhow) , however they are reluctant to provoke a riot by banning fag smoking.
A lot of smokers vote in elections, also.

I do love it when I light one of things in public and someone who's 100 yards away and upwind starts giving me the stink eye and faking a cough, I always find an excuse to go and make conversation with those people. It's even more amusing if I happen to be open carrying that day... :lol:

Smokers who are less antisocial can thank people like this for being selfish by bothering other people with their public smoking, antagonising people who are negatively affected by it, trying to be threatening while doing so by openly displaying firearms, and thus making smokers in general seem like selfish and inconsiderate douchebags.

If smokers wish to be less reviled by society and give less fuel to progressive anti-smoking law lobbyists, then you might want to work on changing the attitudes of people like this... because they clearly don't care at all about non-smokers, and provide a very strong public overall image of smokers with their 'charming' behaviour.


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03 Dec 2013, 11:26 pm

LadyWoofWoof you are in danger of being perceived as something of a monomaniacal bore on this subject.


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04 Dec 2013, 1:04 am

She pokes and pokes smokers for the purpose of inciting a hostile reaction, thus re-enforcing her anti-smoking hostility.
I just wonder if she only behaves like this online or if she had dares to get all self righteous like this face to face with a smoker.
In my decades of smoking, I have noticed that anti-smokers like this never confront smokers in person. They rely on the force of government to impose their holier than thou attitudes on others.

and "charming behavior"?... pot calling the kettle black.

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04 Dec 2013, 2:12 am

I don't recall the title of this topic being "everybody be nice to smokers".

Charityfunday, you are in danger of being perceived as a condescending and irrepressible bore who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

Well now Pete, Your torrent of swearing and general juvenile tantrumming got that other topic locked.
I guess you want the same thing to happen in this one ?

I already wrote at length about my experiences with smokers in one of the other smoking WP topics.
If you're going to make a load of crap up, and pretend like you know people when you really don't.... then that's really lame.
I'm not sure how you think religion comes into it.
I would happily throw stink bombs at you if I saw you smoking where you shouldn't be or annoying other people with it, while being a douchebag about it.

tsk tsk so you're still trying to blame other people for your own inability to give up smoking, and decision to be an annoying jerk about it... eh ?
You admitted yourself that you get off on being antisocial about smoking. How tedious of you.

If non-smoking women are turned off by your public displays of smoking, then why don't you get a nice anti-social smoker girlfriend instead ?
You could share your cloud of fag reek, and harass non-smokers on dates together because you both get off on it.
It could be very romantic.

I'm also still waiting for the faintest shred of evidence that smokers are more intelligent than non-smokers.... I guess that you pair can't find any either ?


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04 Dec 2013, 2:31 am


TheLibrarian wrote:
I can believe you would find my claim that nicotine improves the mind and nervous system.

:lol: Just.... what ?
Are you illiterate or something ?
You're mocking me for not reading (when I do) ... but from what I can see you haven't even bothered to read over what you posted to see that it made no sense.
What are you even trying to convey ?

I believe that you can surely manage to find evidence to back that up yourself, right ?
I mean, if it's true and all... then surely you would be able to.


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04 Dec 2013, 2:56 am

Exactly what are you expecting to accomplish Ladywoofwoof? Why so much hatred of smokers? I didn't read those threads you speak of.
You don't actually think your approach will convince smokers to quit do you? Your approach just sounds like a whole lot of standing up on a soap box acting superior for your own satisfaction. Your lecturing accomplishes nothing. Neither side of this debate will give in, so why even bother?

And no, I don't blame anyone but myself for my inability and unwillingness to quit. Quite honestly I hate my life and this is my form of slow suicide. Sounds sad and sick, but that's the truth.

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04 Dec 2013, 3:31 am

I could ask you the same thing...
Why do you have so much hatred of non-smokers, that by your own admission you deliberately smoke in ways which will annoy other people because you enjoy doing so ?
I could easily ask... why are you bothering to post in this topic, since you won't convince non-smokers to be any more tolerant of smokers who are bothering them ?

Why do you seem to have the notion that I should tailor my comments towards convincing smokers to quit ?
This topic isn't called "Everybody make comments that would convince smokers to quit", after all.

The OP asked for peoples views on smokers, and I am providing my views.
Why is this such an issue for you ?


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04 Dec 2013, 4:42 am

Way to avoid answering my question. I can see this will go nowhere.

Why do you have so much hatred of non-smokers?
I have a hatred of anti-smokers like you, who get all high and mighty as if they are better than smokers. And lobby to have laws pass that restrict my addiction. Addicts don't like threats to their addiction. If I can do something to annoy you, I will. I hate you.

why are you bothering to post in this topic, since you won't convince non-smokers to be any more tolerant of smokers who are bothering them ?
Because I am angry and I can't stop thinking about how pissed off I am at your B*tc*y attitude.

Why do you seem to have the notion that I should tailor my comments towards convincing smokers to quit ?
I don't think you need to tailor your comments, I just want to know why you make your self righteous comments.
I'm trying to get you to admit that you make the comments that you do because you like to feel superior, maybe because someone made you feel inferior in the past.

The OP asked for peoples views on smokers, and I am providing my views.
Why is this such an issue for you ?

And your views SUCK!! ! You SUCK Bi*ch!! !!


you win again, happy now?

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04 Dec 2013, 5:33 am

pete1061 wrote:
Way to avoid answering my question. I can see this will go nowhere.

Why do you have so much hatred of non-smokers?
I have a hatred of anti-smokers like you, who get all high and mighty as if they are better than smokers. And lobby to have laws pass that restrict my addiction. Addicts don't like threats to their addiction. If I can do something to annoy you, I will. I hate you.

why are you bothering to post in this topic, since you won't convince non-smokers to be any more tolerant of smokers who are bothering them ?
Because I am angry and I can't stop thinking about how pissed off I am at your B*tc*y attitude.

Why do you seem to have the notion that I should tailor my comments towards convincing smokers to quit ?
I don't think you need to tailor your comments, I just want to know why you make your self righteous comments.
I'm trying to get you to admit that you make the comments that you do because you like to feel superior, maybe because someone made you feel inferior in the past.

The OP asked for peoples views on smokers, and I am providing my views.
Why is this such an issue for you ?

And your views SUCK!! ! You SUCK Bi*ch!! !!


you win again, happy now?

:-D Ah, that's it... show us your natural charm, Pete.

To answer your question :
I take great delight in winding you up, as you're clearly a fairly obnoxious person.
:lol: Problem ?

Why are you so angry and easily frustrated anyway ?
Is it because (contrary to popular belief) smoking fags does nothing to decrease stress or anxiety levels, and in fact elevates them ?

The Mental Health Foundation wrote:
Research into smoking and stress has shown that, instead of helping people to relax, smoking actually increases anxiety and tension. Nicotine creates an immediate sense of relaxation so people smoke in the belief that it reduces stress and anxiety. This feeling of relaxation is temporary and soon gives way to withdrawal symptoms and increased cravings.
Smoking reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which are similar to the symptoms of anxiety, but it does not reduce anxiety or deal with the underlying causes.

:-D My views are awesome.
On the other hand, you literally suck butts.

I hope that nobody reports this topic like they did with the last one, at least for a while ... because I find your juvenile outburst of insults rather amusing.

National Center for Biotechnology Information wrote:
smoking cessation leads to reduced stress. Far from acting as an aid for mood control, nicotine dependency seems to exacerbate stress. This is confirmed in the daily mood patterns described by smokers, with normal moods during smoking and worsening moods between cigarettes. Thus, the apparent relaxant effect of smoking only reflects the reversal of the tension and irritability that develop during nicotine depletion. Dependent smokers need nicotine to remain feeling normal. The message that tobacco use does not alleviate stress but actually increases it needs to be far more widely known. It could help those adult smokers who wish to quit and might prevent some schoolchildren from starting.

Just check out Pete here... he's such a crabby creature.
If you don't want to end up like him by your middle age years, then it could be advisable to quit smoking before then.

Pete ol' pal, for all you know some people might find this information helpful when it comes to giving up fags.


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04 Dec 2013, 7:13 am

Ladywoofwoof wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
I do love it when I light one of things in public and someone who's 100 yards away and upwind starts giving me the stink eye and faking a cough, I always find an excuse to go and make conversation with those people. It's even more amusing if I happen to be open carrying that day... :lol:

Smokers who are less antisocial can thank people like this for being selfish by bothering other people with their public smoking, antagonising people who are negatively affected by it, trying to be threatening while doing so by openly displaying firearms, and thus making smokers in general seem like selfish and inconsiderate douchebags.

If smokers wish to be less reviled by society and give less fuel to progressive anti-smoking law lobbyists, then you might want to work on changing the attitudes of people like this... because they clearly don't care at all about non-smokers, and provide a very strong public overall image of smokers with their 'charming' behaviour.

Ladywoofwoof, you need to be more careful that the zeal and denigrating tone with which you're attacking WP's smokers in this thread doesn't veer any further into breaking site rules - a zeal which in your haste to pile in with insinuations and insults, blinds you to the joke being made here about the entirely self-righteous reactions to smoking from someone upwind, 100 yards away.

You've made your point, several times: you have an intense dislike for smoking and for smokers.
That's enough now.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.


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04 Dec 2013, 7:53 am

Biased moderation much, Cornflake ?

So... you seemingly have no problem with Pete cursing and swearing at me, calling me a b***h, declaring that I suck and suchlike ... since your only criticism has been entirely directed at myself.
:chin: hmmmm....

So, is it fine for smokers such as Pete to spew vitriol at non-smokers such as myself ?
I mean, you seem astonishingly complacent about that, especially given how much of a problem you seem to have with what I said.
:roll: So you're probably a smoker too then, I presume, if you think that's all ok (which you certainly seem to) ?

Well, I reckon that if it's ok for smokers to claim that non-smokers are more stupid (with no evidence or admonishment forthcoming) it's surely totally fine for me to remark that actually smokers are comparatively stupid .... and that there's evidence to back that up.

Contrary to what many people commonly believe - that smoking may help brain function, it is in fact more likely to wreak havoc with brain cells and IQ.

It would appear that the well-worn cliché that 'smoking stunts your growth' may be true when it comes to intellectual development

I actually couldn't give a sh*t if people choose to smoke but aren't harassing other people in the process (ie by polluting the air which people are trying to breathe, hurling insults, or burning them with lit fags), littering the place with rubbish such as fag butts. Not walking about stinking like an old ashtray is also a bonus.
If people smoke in a civil manner (ie disposing of rubbish properly, not harassing others, and at least trying not to stink like an old bin) then a lot of the time other people might not even know that they are smokers.
This is one of the reasons for why I have no problem with pot smokers, or those who dabble in various legal smoking herbs.
You shouldn't make such bizarre leaps of assumption about me Cornflake, since you hardly know me.

And yes, Dox's comment was no doubt hilarious.
He must be wearing binoculars to be able to see people people making "a stink eye" from 90 metres away, though.... and really keen to be annoying if he walks/runs 90 metres over just to smoke near them in the guise of striking up a random conversation with strangers, while flashing weaponry. Please excuse me, I think I just split a side from laughing... so now I have to go and call emergency services. :lol: ohoho (clutches sides) my god, so funny.


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04 Dec 2013, 8:02 am

This thread was discussing various aspects of smoking, without vitriol until you appeared, when it took an entirely different turn and one which you still seem keen to continue pursuing.

I will not ask you again and I have no intention of allowing you to continue pulling this thread into becoming your personal anti-smoking crusade therefore if you do continue posting to it in the same manner, I will temporarily suspend your WP account with no further warning.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.


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04 Dec 2013, 10:11 am

Ladywoofwoof wrote:
As was already covered extensively in that previous 'smoking' locked topic (which thus must not be discussed) the official estimates state that smoking tax in no way covers the expense to society of smokers. I find it amazingly ignorant and arrogant that so many smokers seem to imagine that they are 'saving society money'.

oktobertiger wrote:
I'm still shocked as to how you can get away with such rudeness and arrogance when someone disagrees with what you write, but hey ho. EDIT I'm glad you've edited your post to be less rude :-D

No they haven't, and I agree that they are both rude and arrogant. As well as ignorant.
They haven't even managed to pull one study out of their arse to "prove" that smokers are all so super-intelligent, before starting up with the personal insults.
:roll: Such an unintelligent thing to do....

I read a great deal, and have no interest in publicly taking drugs... especially those which negatively affect others.

If they care that much, why don't they just ban it?

The government are not addicted to the tax revenue from fags (not in this country anyhow) , however they are reluctant to provoke a riot by banning fag smoking.
A lot of smokers vote in elections, also.

I do love it when I light one of things in public and someone who's 100 yards away and upwind starts giving me the stink eye and faking a cough, I always find an excuse to go and make conversation with those people. It's even more amusing if I happen to be open carrying that day... :lol:

Smokers who are less antisocial can thank people like this for being selfish by bothering other people with their public smoking, antagonising people who are negatively affected by it, trying to be threatening while doing so by openly displaying firearms, and thus making smokers in general seem like selfish and inconsiderate douchebags.

If smokers wish to be less reviled by society and give less fuel to progressive anti-smoking law lobbyists, then you might want to work on changing the attitudes of people like this... because they clearly don't care at all about non-smokers, and provide a very strong public overall image of smokers with their 'charming' behaviour.

Regarding my claims that nicotine has beneficial properties, since it took me less than five seconds to come up with the following, do you have character enough to apologize for calling me "ignorant"? As far as Oktober goes, I'm giving him a pass as he obviously has very serious emotional issues. I've always expected better out of you though. Are you going to disappoint me? ... 3&ie=UTF-8


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04 Dec 2013, 10:38 am

It took me all of 5 seconds or so to find the two links which I posted before, and you haven't apologised for your condescending comments and attitude.
You made no effort at all to back up your claims with research until now.
And even now, all you seem to have done is a generalised Google search.
I have better things to trawl through the links finding the supposed evidence to back up your claim that smoking fags "improves the mind".
So no, I see no reason to apologise to you.

Why are you so fixated with nicotine in its pure form anyway ?
Everybody knows that fags contain all manner of compounds, not just pure nicotine.


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04 Dec 2013, 11:17 am

I sent you a list of citations purposely. That way you couldn't reject a specific reference I sent you. This way you have to fight reality, which is exactly what you are doing. It is also the case that had you not dismissed me with prejudice that you could've done the same search.

As far as "fags" go, had you bothered to read my entire comments, I have already agreed that smoking is bad. It is possible to get nicotine and not smoke. In fact, one of my favorite nicotine forms is good English nasal snuff that has been around for centuries, and has never killed anybody. Swedish snus and American chewing tobacco are also very safe. It is only smoking that causes problems.

Nor did I seriously expect you to apologize. Being a liberal means never having to apologize for anything. Until you can act like a mature adult, you can consider this conversation to be over. Call me "rude" if you wish, but I have no desire to trade insults with you or anybody else. Good day.


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04 Dec 2013, 11:42 am

I note that you did not "send me a list of citations" ... what you did was do a basic Google search and then post a link to the Google search string.
You are deluded if you seriously imagine that I am "fighting reality", as you put it.
As you have failed to cite a single resource which backs up your claim, there is no merit in discussing the matter further with you.
You do not seem to be very well educated on the subject, and probably lack the maturity which you so eagerly demand in others and claim them to be lacking.

As a 5 second Google search would no doubt tell you for example, snuff is merely tobacco.... it's certainly not made out of 'pure nicotine'
But if you are so keen to fight reality (so hypocritical...) then go ahead.

You can claim weird political notions about me all you wish in order to feel justified being objectionable (I have found this common among some Americans), however I affiliate with no specific political party. Certainly, none from your own specific country (why on earth would I ?).

As you struggle against the facts of reality (while ironically claiming that this is what I'm doing myself) , I point you towards this comment from the American Cancer Society (which it took me all of 10 seconds to find with Google) -

American Cancer Society wrote:
Smokeless tobacco products [chewing tobacco and snuff] are less lethal than cigarettes: on average, they kill fewer people than cigarettes. But smokeless tobacco hurts and kills people all the same. Even though they are marketed as a less harmful alternative to smoking, smokeless products can be deadly. And they have not been proven to help smokers quit.
Smokers who delay quitting by using smokeless products between cigarettes greatly increase their risk of lung cancer. They also set themselves up for new health problems caused by smokeless tobacco.

If you choose to delude yourself that it's "safe" , then I'm sure that nobody here can stop you from doing that.
However research (ie reading etc) would demonstrate to you that this is not the case.

I am only interested in discussing this subject with people who have a coherent ability to process information (rather than only processing the bits they like the sound of), so it's fine with me if you consider the conversation to be over.