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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Jan 2011, 12:59 pm

My theory is that NTs generally are programmed to believe they are who they are because of the life choices they've made and the actions they've taken. They desperately need to validate that belief over and over again to maintain the illusion that they are in control. The existence of weird characters like aspies threatens that basic assumption.

As Sparrowrose described, we are uncomfortably close to human for them, yet not full explicable. We scare the sh|t out of them.

Thought is just part of a world that's shaped out of feeling

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Jan 2011, 5:39 pm

I can't imagine hanging out with people who didn't challenge me. "Weird " ppl is what keeps this world colorful and makes the world continue thinking. I <3 WEIRD! :D

Emu Egg
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01 Jan 2011, 5:42 pm

I can't imagine hanging out with people who didn't challenge me. "Weird " ppl is what keeps this world colorful and makes the world continue thinking. I <3 WEIRD! :D


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02 Jan 2011, 4:52 am

I honestly don't know.

I've been called weird so often the word has lost all meaning.

I always thought I was pretty 'normal', myself, in terms of what I liked ;)


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02 Jan 2011, 6:19 am

there is no such thing as "weird".

all adjectives are just descriptions of opinions, and opinions are not part of pervasive reality.
opinions are only contained within imagination.

"big" and "small" are only subjective reference points pertinent to an observer. there is infinite hugeness which reduces any idea of "big" to zero by comparison, and there is infinite miniscularity which renders any idea of "smallness" to be infinitely large by comparison.

one can not conceive of either "infinite" or "infinitesimal". the biggest thing one can imagine is infinitesimally small by comparison to infinity, and the smallest thing one can conceive of is infinitely large by comparison to "infinitesimall-ity".

x/infinity=0 and x/0=infinity. so "big" and "small" are meaningless with regard to reality considering that x is ones conceptual numerator.
sorry i dropped the reigns there.

anyway, if i am considered "weird" by everyone, and then they all popped out of existence, i would no longer be considered "weird".

"weirdness" is only in the mind of the beholder, as is "wrongness".


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02 Jan 2011, 11:34 am

Weird in my family is a compliment. :D

Pileated woodpecker
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03 Jan 2011, 9:23 pm

Craig28 wrote:
Modern life has made all manner of people very nasty indeed. You can't leave the house without bumping into some ass who mocks you you they can feel better about their miserable NT existence.

Plus NT's are envious of us Aspies like you wouldn't believe. Its frigging poisonous out there and its getting worse. The battle lines between NT's and Aspies is no longer just stories told around the campfires - its all real, it always has been.

1: I understand that there are benefits to each neurotype (is that how you say it) but why would one be jealous of another? I'm not saying that one neurotype is better than the other, they are both equally good.
2. What type of things would they argue about?
I feel so naive... and no, I am not a neurotypical.

"Secrets hidden in slivers between bricks." "I wasn't 'they' anymore."

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Pileated woodpecker
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03 Jan 2011, 9:34 pm

I'm not an Aspie, I have HFA (High Functioning Autism), but I'm tired of people mixing up the two. It can be misleading. Today, my friend found out that I had HFA and she told me she would have never guessed. For some reason, I don't want to pass as a neurotypical but I can't change who I am. I haven't told my other friend. I sometimes write stories and poems or whatever and that friend told me the character in my story couldn't be autistic because she wouldn't be able to express herself poetically like I did. I wasn't sure how to reply to that. She didn't know I had HFA and still doesn't know. :? I wonder what people think of me if they ever found out. Would they consider me suddenly foreign or would they say its not true or would they still hold the same opinion of me. I can pass as a neurotypical, but sometimes I'm not so sure. I am a bit eccentric. Btw, GO ECCENTRICITY!

"Secrets hidden in slivers between bricks." "I wasn't 'they' anymore."

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04 Jan 2011, 10:36 am

Because people form identities based on who they accept and reject.

Society is about conformity. If someone wants mainstream acceptance, it's thier duty to reject anything that's different.

Don't ask, it's an NT thing. I can only associate with people as individuals; never as social entities.


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04 Jan 2011, 11:25 am

Because mainstream society sucks.

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?


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05 Feb 2011, 8:28 pm

Yes, mainstream people suck. I embrace being weird because being normal is way too boring! I've read this book: ... 1931282447 it bascially argues that having a different mindset is a good thing! Here is the description:

"This well-researched book challenges the way we often look at autism and Asperger Syndrome by proposing that many famous historical figures had autistic mindsets. Arguing that highly creative people are largely born and not made, the authors present case studies of the lives of 21 famous individuals, tying their personalities, talents and lifestyles to the major characteristics of Asperger Syndrome. The book demonstrates that many people with ASD have lived rich, complex, productive lives, and that their intelligence and special talents made a significant contribution to the world today. It is a great tool for increasing general knowledge and awareness about ASD as it offers a new perspective on an often negative perception of autism and Asperger Syndrome."

I found it inspiring and it reminds me that being different is not a bad thing. It is unfortunate that mainstream society doesn't understand that being different is a good thing


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06 Feb 2011, 3:03 am

Shebakoby wrote:
I honestly don't know.

I've been called weird so often the word has lost all meaning.

I always thought I was pretty 'normal', myself, in terms of what I liked ;)

Same here. Although after people meet my family they usually just look at me and go "Oh. I get it now.". I don't know what these people are talking about, my family is perfectly normal! It not my fault everyone else's families are weird! :wink:

My gamer friends just call me crazy. From them that's a compliment. I'm not just the crazy person who yes really just pulled that. I'm their crazy person who just did that and somehow survived!


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06 Feb 2011, 10:55 pm

being weird is NOT bad. The problem is some narrow-minded people think that anyone's behavior that does not conform to their norms is somehow flawed.
Being a non-conformist is an advantage because you avoid herd mentality. Beware the sheeple.


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17 Feb 2011, 9:19 pm

It's an indication of low social status. If others perceive you as 'weird', they will not associate with you for fear of diminishing their own social status.


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17 Feb 2011, 10:13 pm

Being weird is a by product of human social evolution. Think back to the days of cavemen, Sumeria, Egypt and other places of anqituity...if you did not fit in and do the same things as everyone else you were left out and banished or outright killed. The social need to be similar has value because it allows stuff to get done because everyone is moving in the same direction on the same train of practical thought. If everyone back in the cavemen days were aspie I do not think the human race would have survived. This is why things and people that are different are in ways 'outcasted' in todays society. Others do not want to associate with weird people because like the poster before me said it lowers their own social status by association.

Tufted Titmouse
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18 Feb 2011, 5:24 am

iv learnt it takes alot of energy when your down that your thinking your not as capable as the majority of people im not all that good as a communicator im rubbish in group talking and quite alot of the time when i want to speak it all breaks down because im aware of the workings behind it and im paying attention to it (ignore the cogs!) which does get me down sometimes

just be you it adds colour to things it makes you different and more interesting when the words flow :) when my speaking is flowing i sometimes say the most rediculous things and say it more positively than i really should :D sometimes i analyse what i said and feel terrible

but communication is spontanious in its birth and when its happening and your head will quickly know what to say and all your interestingness will show through so just be you :)

You dont have to regret what you said because it cant be changed and because the past doesnt exist just in your head and memory isnt real :)