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22 Jul 2007, 3:03 pm

Thanks. I'll try it.

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14 Aug 2007, 3:03 pm

I came across this site one that listed the relative toxicity levels of all personal hygiene products. I was surprised that some of the so called natural products often contained high levels of toxins and were rated even worse than some department store brands.

From personal experience all the natural deodorants I have tried don't work and make my underarms break out in a painful rash from the herbal ingredients. The rock crystal disodorant doesn't work for me and I smell like a horse within hours. I also tried that new Addidas deordorant in both men's and women's version that uses cotton fibers as the antiperspirant ingredient because supposedly that is safer. Well it didn't work and I had body odor within two hours of showering!

I suspect AS people with their higher testosterone levels will always have odor problems unless they use antiperspirants. Interestingly the Arm and Hammer antiperspirant in Active Sport scent that I use was rated with less toxins than the almost all of the natural brands. Same thing with shampoo the natural brands such as Jason's have more toxins than the Suave Cherry Blast shampoo for kids which was rated as one of the lowest toxin levels. Yes some of the natural shampoos have carcinagens in them! Even some of the natural toothpastes, okay almost all of them, rated with the same level of toxins as regular brands.

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14 Aug 2007, 3:07 pm

Could I have a link to the site please?

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14 Aug 2007, 8:03 pm

Ticker wrote:
From personal experience all the natural deodorants I have tried don't work

lemon is perhaps excessive strong, and will hurt skin at high doses, but I don't believe it will not work! try some... say... 3 drops of lemon juice and tell me!

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17 Aug 2007, 7:50 am

I just use a roll-on deodorant like mum or Avon or similar. There isn't any proof that roll ons cause cancer and I don't like to smell like stale BO because it puts people off.

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17 Aug 2007, 12:05 pm

Im using a mineral salt bar thing, have had crazy rashes off so many deoderants that Ive had to go natural. It seems to work pretty well for me and If its a particularly hot day I'll wear aftershave just to mask any possible armpit stench.


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19 Aug 2007, 6:47 pm

First, I drink every day, at least two glasses of water with chlorophyll (you can get that at any health food store, I use at least two tablespoons per glass, but be careful, it really stains if you drop it). To some people it might taste like drinking grass, but I actually love the taste, and it's an incredibly good internal deodorant. Also, I don't eat meat, which putrefies in your body, and that smell has to go SOMEWHERE.
I don't use anti-perspirant, but I use a few spritzes of good coloqne under my arms. The heat release the scent, and people love it. I don't use it anywhere else, I live in a very hot climate, in the California desert, and people always comment on how good I smell when they come very close to me.
I do admit I'll wear anti-perspirant if I go out and it's hot and I'm wearing an expensive fitted shirt...


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31 Aug 2007, 8:40 am

Arbonne makes a foot cream that is very effective as an under-arm deodorant (although not marketed as such).


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02 Sep 2007, 1:26 pm

kittenfluffies wrote:
I have hyperhidrosis meaning that my armpits sweat like crazy even when it's cold outside. It's uncontrollable without expensive treatments, but secret anti-perspirant keeps me from offending other people's noses. It doesn't stop the icky rings of sweat on my shirts though :(

hello kittenfluffies
( I always liked your little butt wiggling avatar!) I have hyperhydrosis, too, mostly from the top of my head. having hyperhidrosis is like having your own ecosystem right inside your clothing. . a RAINFOREST! in there.
I use Secret, too, the only one that has the right PH so I don't offend (me, mostly!) I have had a realhard time trying to get the unscented - the scented ones make me slightly nausiated all day long.
