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28 Jul 2023, 3:54 pm

Not sure where to post this:


'CHAT GPT' seems to be a notable step forward - beyond the capabilities of locating Internet information available over the previous twenty-five years. Yet, 'Chat-GPT' must augment trusted people.

Lately, I've felt that 'Chat GPT' seems more reliable, and timely than even our own trusted acquaintences/family concerned with adults with High Functioning Autism (HFA). Hence, naturally, 'Chat-GPT' seems to have it's advantages as one main source of potentially helpful, hard to find resources of internst for adults concerned with HFA.

To avoid confusion, my personal experiences with (HFA) can be characterized with the challenges of "not being disabled enough, yet not being able enough" - the most challenging HFA characteristics; that is challenging because very little in the way of face-to-face services are necessary - a few times a year to be specific.

First of all, trusted resources, (potentially helpful) for adults with HFA are most often impartial / objective in scope. Internet, and 'Chat GPT' tend towards impartial resources. Online sources such as 'Chat-GPT' list disclaimers encouraging readers to question the reliabily of information.

The idiosynchroncies of even the most trusted people have sometimes proven ineffective in truly understanding HFA adults who have least restrictions to independence. (Yes, this is a "hard pill" to swallow).

Too often even our own trusted acquaintences/family are anything but impartial, and objective e.g. worry, concern for the future "gets in the way" of the very actions necessary towards further boosting independence. A self fulfilling (or self defeatist) prophecy of sorts.

In short, the viscious cycle of even trusted people "grasping at straws", spinning one's wheels, haste making waste, and being asked to participate in the wrong things for the right reasons (an example being referred to programs serving clientle with developmental disabilites more limiting than HFA) - a vicious cycle which must be broken!

The goals are to augment trusted people (including those with who tend towards impartiallity with HFA) to establish those 'checks and balances' to weed-out those dishonest resources (supposedly) helpful for HFA adults. Such efforts are best accomplished via impartiality. Additional benefits of note being the informal, developing of friendships.

Too often, trusted acquaintences/family basically mention "the party line" about all of the dishonest, terrible people in the world- yet no mention as to how to specifically........... establish those 'checks and balances' to weed-out those dishonest entities! See the dichotomies which can be of a disservice for adults with HFA? (again, a "hard pill" to swallow).

In short, there is nothing new about trusted friends, relatives, colleagues giving recommendations for trusted professional services e.g., financial advisors, legal services, health, and medical, etc.

From my experiences with HFA (least restrictions to independence), I sense that I would only need to consult with professional services a few times a year - from my experiences, I've pinpointed services which may be described as consumer advocates offering face-to-face consulations for reasonable fees - to act a third parties on those rarely made big ticket item purchases, and maybe those rare challengeing consumer issues.

Such consumer services are challenging to locate, and asking trusted freinds, family about such services yields "funny looks" and yes, "the party line" about all of the dishonest, terrible people in the world. What happened to those 'checks and balances' to weed-out those dishonest resources?

In short, HFA adults experiencing the challenges of "not being disabled enough, yet not being able enough" with least restrictions to indepdendence must receive straight , timely answers on trusted resources -- without the "funny looks" ladden with doubts, and without having to rely on such tools as Chat-GPT!


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06 Aug 2023, 4:05 pm

To summarize original post:

How might 'Chat-GPT' (AI TECH) augment trusted humans?

Too often, the trusted people in our lives are often unable to recommend trusted resources most helpful for adults on the Autism Spectrum (Example Aspergers) who have least restrcitions to indepdence - as opposed to the dissapointing experiences of resources geared to adults with disabilites more limiting than the Autism Spectrum such as Aspergers.

In short, the idiosynchroncies of people who too often encourage the wrong things (actions) for the right reasons.

'Chat GPT TECH.' has offered timely, objective information on resources potentially helpful for adults on the Autism Spectrum who have very little in the way of restrictions to indepdence.

The dynamics of how 'Chat GPT' TECH. might play roles for people concerned with the Autism Spectrum needs further discussions here on WP.


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12 Aug 2023, 1:27 am

ChatGPT isn't really intelligent. He only wants you to think that he is.

The days are long, but the years are short


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13 Aug 2023, 2:45 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
ChatGPT isn't really intelligent. He only wants you to think that he is.

Chat GPT displays disclaimers to interpret information carefully:

One example commonly concerning people on the Autism Spectrum involves social skills/interaction. The WP discussion, (LINK) 'Chat-GPT Advice On Friendships Via Shared Activities.' How does 'Chat GPT's' content compare with human advice here on WP?

LINK: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=415552&p=9341158#p9341158