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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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10 Dec 2023, 2:41 pm

Angelica Pickles is one cartoon character that people either really love or really hate. Some people think she's one of the best characters on Rugrats. Others hate her for being a selfish, spoiled little brat.

Personally, Angelica was always my favorite Rugrats character. I was kind of a naughty, mischievous child when I was younger, so I guess I could kind of relate to her. Her antics always amused me, especially all the tall tales she would create to manipulate the babies. I still get a kick out of Angelica learning a bad word from her favorite TV show host, butchering the words to "My Country Tis of Thee", and getting nothing but coal for Christmas. My mom never had a problem with Angelica because she usually gets punished at the end of episodes (one especially satisfying one is when Drew grounds her from dessert for a week after she stole Chas' favorite CD), but I've heard about parents who wouldn't let their kids watch Rugrats because of Angelica. I also feel like Rugrats wouldn't have been the same without Angelica.

So what do you think of Angelica? Did you like her or hate her?


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10 Dec 2023, 2:58 pm

Rewatching the old show, I like her parents even less because they just enable her bad behavior. Drew at times comes close to coming to terms that his daughter is a spoiled brat but then walks back from it. He gives her discipline then reverses it because he thinks he's being too tough on her. Charlotte is just a neglectful workaholic and her money funds the amount of toys and presents and sweets Angelica receives but doesn't really deserve.

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10 Dec 2023, 3:29 pm

I have a cousin named Angelica who acted just as bratty when she was a little girl. She once told my Mom "I'm not a brat! My mom named me after an ANGEL!" And my mom responded to her with "Yeah? Well LUCIFER was an angel too!"

That became a running joke in our family. :lol:

I wonder if the creators of The Rugrats had the same sort of irony in mind when designing Angelica's character? :chin:

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