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07 Apr 2024, 7:35 am

cyberdad wrote:
Flying feathered serpent of south america looks an awful lot like a chinese or European dragon


Yes. That points been made earlier in the thread. That Kukokhan/Quetzelcoatl-gods of the Andes and of Mesoamerica are often portrayed as the feathered serpent that in art looks remarkably like an Old World dragon. In "long shots" of his whole body in art and scupture the feathers along his undulating spine make him look even more like a dragon. There is that one crucial difference though...quetzelcoatal has no limbs, nor claws, like a European or Chinese dragon.

But it does look like a clear kinship. Maybe it via diffusion, or via migration, or via humans independently expressing something in common latent in the human mind (ala Carl Jung).

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12 Apr 2024, 9:13 am

I don't think most people would understand the sheer force that occurs in a tornado.

About 16 years ago (on 3 June 2008), I came near one. It struck my home. The tornado did immense damage. It came over the top of my hill. It tore up a very large power line that moved electricity from the middle of Indiana into Kentucky. Then it came down my steep hill towards my house. At this point this large tornado broke apart into several tornadoes. It devastated many of the trees that surrounded my home. Then it went down into the bottom of my hill and destroyed many more trees. In a span of a few seconds I lost around 100 large trees that were over a foot thick. Some were ripped apart in two and others were pushed into the ground at the roots. The damage was immense. It took me over a year to clean up the damage from this twister.

I think that unless you lived through one of these tornadoes, up close and personal, you could not comprehend the force of this event.

You can watch this on TV or in the movies, but unless you lived through it, you couldn't appreciate the gigantic power of the Dragon.

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12 Apr 2024, 10:10 am

One of the first movies about a tornado was made in 1939. It was called "The Wizard of Oz".
The film opens with:

Then Dorothy enters the tornado.

Then Dorothy lands in the magical world of OZ. This was one of the first films that was produced in color. The entire scenes in OZ were produce in color.

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12 Apr 2024, 10:30 am

The history of this film (The Wizard of Oz) seems to stretch back even earlier in time, all the way back to 1910.

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13 Apr 2024, 12:08 pm

This is another film about Tornadoes. It kind of reminds me of when I lived in Dallas, Texas growing up as a young teenager.

Tornado! is a 1996 American made-for-television disaster film that was aired on the Fox television network on May 7, 1996, slightly before the film Twister. They appear to originate from the same story line.

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16 Apr 2024, 9:22 am

Tornadoes are real life events. The world explodes around you. But people are not animals. They can use their brains to fight dragons. Here is a real family fighting the dragon.

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16 Apr 2024, 1:02 pm

One of the other movies that describes the power of the Dragon is the 2014 film titled Into the Storm.
This movie predicts the full nature of this beast.

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25 Apr 2024, 12:23 pm

Many countries around the world have legends of dragons. Where did these legends come from? Perhaps they originated from tornadoes. There are two types of tornadoes: those on land and those at sea. They are very different types of tornadoes. So let us look at the legend of sea tornadoes. This brings us to the legends from Vietnam.

Though geological evidence suggests Halong Bay was formed by tectonic movements over hundreds of millions of years, a fabled tale describes how the region’s 2,000 islands were created in a single day.

The legend tells of a fledgling Vietnamese nation, constantly defending itself from northern aggressors. Aware of a looming invasion from the sea, the Jade Emperor called forth a Mother Dragon and her children to protect the villagers. As they descended from the heavens, these divine creatures belched out clusters of jewels which formed an impenetrable barrier against the naval invaders. Many of the attackers’ ships smashed into these mountains, while the remaining forces were ultimately repulsed by the defenders.

Source: Vietnam – A Land of Dragons

This type of dragon is a sea dragon, Vietnam is a region with many island surrounded by sea, "region’s 2,000 islands".
They experienced many attacks from Northeastern aggression. But the dragon and her children came to her defense. They came down from the heavens destroying the naval invaders who were about to attack.
"Many of the attackers’ ships smashed into these mountains, while the remaining forces were ultimately repulsed by the defenders."

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27 Apr 2024, 1:39 pm

There are many people in history that have reported dragons. One of them was Marco Polo.

Marco Polo lived during the 13th and 14th centuries. He was originally from Venice, but he, his father, and his uncle traveled extensively to the Far East. His book, The Travels of Marco Polo, document much of his exploration into the regions of China, Persia, Tibet, and Burma. Polo spent much of his book detailing the interesting customs of different ethnic groups he encountered. He also focused on the different animals and plants associated with these tribes. In Chapter 49 of his book, he describes:

Here are found snakes and huge serpents, ten paces in length and ten spans in girth [that is, 50 feet long and 100 inches in girth]. At the fore part, near the head, they have two short legs, each with three claws, as well as eyes larger than a loaf and very glaring. The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable that neither man, nor any kind of animal can approach them without terror.

He then goes on to explain the aftermath.

The serpents’ massive bodies left “deep impressions” in their paths “as if a heavy beam had been drawn along the sands”

If you stepped back hundreds of years in time and saw a tornado and then observed the aftermath, the shear destruction that it caused, lifting humans and animal into the air.

Tornadoes can cause significant damage.

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28 Apr 2024, 10:35 am

A little over 15 years ago, we were hit by a massive tornado. It occurred on 3 June 2008. After working for 40 years I retired. A few days latter, a tornado caused great destruction. That was the start of my retirement. It took me almost a year to clean up the damage done by the tornado.

I got zapped by a dragon.

It was described as an F1. But on my property, I believe it was an F2. It destroyed around 100 of my large trees. Some of these trees were 200 years old. It broke them into two or pulled them down by the roots.

Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale

F-0: Gale tornado (40 – 72 mph). Light damage. Some damage to chimneys; branches broken off trees; shallow-rooted trees pushed over; sign boards damaged.

F-1: Moderate tornado (73 – 112 mph). Moderate damage. Peels surface off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos blown off roads.

F-2: Significant tornado (113 – 157 mph). Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars overturned; large trees snapped or uprooted; light-object missiles generated; cars lifted off ground.

F-3: Severe tornado (158 – 206 mph). Severe damage. Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted; heavy cars lifted off the ground and thrown.

F-4: Devastating tornado (207 – 260 mph). Devastating damage. Well-constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown away some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated.

F-5: Incredible tornado (261 – 318 mph). Incredible damage. Strong frame houses leveled off foundations and swept away; automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 meters (109 yds); trees debarked; incredible phenomena will occur.

It happened so quickly and did so much damage. What other then a dragon could explain what just happened.

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29 Apr 2024, 12:28 pm

When you come up close and personal with a tornado, the best advice is to take shelter immediately. Otherwise you will stare death in the eyes.

The same thing can be said of dragons.

A dragons of West Africa is called Ninki Nanka. Seeing the Ninki Nanka almost is a guarantee of death or a serious illness followed by death. Some accounts also claim that death is assured if you lock eyes with the creature. Death can occur almost immediately to a few weeks apart.

Some first hand accounts from individual sightings describe this dragon as huge, "unimaginably huge".
One man stated that it could grow to be the size of a 60 foot palm tree, and that as it grows larger it moves out into the sea. The only first-hand eyewitness who could be found described the ninki-nanka as a 160 feet long.

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30 Apr 2024, 10:13 am

The United States experiences more tornadoes then almost the rest of the world combined. These dragons have played a part in the creation of our country. The year was 1814. British, Canadian and Native American troops had for 2 years been attacking our country. They captured and burned of the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., in August 1814.

The United States capital of Washington, D.C., burned on this day in 1814, but it may have been an act of nature that forced the British from the besieged city.

On August 24, 1814, troops from both armies met outside of Washington, and the British Army easily defeated a volunteer American force at the battle of Bladensburg. President Madison and Secretary of State James Monroe were nearly captured. As the British troops moved onward, Dolley Madison gathered belongings, including her silver, from the White House.

The next morning, the British invaders sought out ammunition and other supplies to burn. But, after an accident with gunpowder barrels led to the death of 30 British soldiers, the British decided to leave Washington.

Then came a fortuitous act of nature: a massive storm swept through the burning city. There is anecdotal evidence of a tornado, which touched down in the middle of the city on August 25, 1814, from the National Weather Service.

George Robert Gleig, a British soldier on the scene, detailed the scene in his memoirs as the severe thunderstorm rolled into the city in the afternoon.

“Of the prodigious force of the wind it is impossible for you to form any conception. Roofs of houses were torn off by it, and whisked into the air like sheets of paper, while the rain which accompanied it resembled the rushing of a mighty cataract rather than the dropping of a shower,” Gleig wrote. He said the incident produced “the most appalling effect I had ever, or probably shall ever witness.”

The severe weather lasted for two hours, he said, dumping torrential rain on the city. At least two British troops were killed, and Gleig was knocked off his horse. He also said two cannons were picked up in the air and tossed around during the most violent part of the storm.

Gleig recalled that as the rains doused the fires set by the British, they were able to use the confusion caused by the storm to cover their quick withdrawal from Washington that night.

Michael Shiner said that during the event, houses were picked up by the winds and landed on their foundations.

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01 May 2024, 10:47 am

There have been many accounts of dragons throughout history. So I thought I might track down some from England.

British Dragons

One of these accounts comes from 793 A.D. in Northumberland, a county in northeast England. It borders Scotland.

A.D. 793. This year dire forewarnings came over the land of the Northumbrians, and miserably terrified the people; these were excessive whirlwinds and lightnings, and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air.

Tornadoes normally go hand in hand with extreme whirlwinds and lightning storms. They can also create hailstorms and flash floods.

Here is an article of damage cause by tornadoes.

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03 May 2024, 12:35 pm

Where did the concept of Dragons originate from? They probably go back 5 millenniums.

In many regions of the ancient Near East, not least in Upper Mesopotamia, Syria and Anatolia where agriculture relied mainly on rainfall, storm-gods ranked among the most prominent gods in the local panthea or were even regarded as divine kings, ruling over the gods and bestowing kingship on the human ruler.


Storm and tempest (along with lightning, thunder, clouds, rain and wind) belong to those natural phenomena that cannot be influenced by human intervention and, at the same time, are of immediate significance in agrarian societies for the survival of humans. Storm and tempest were felt to be a numinous power in all ancient Near Eastern societies; everywhere one of the great gods was thought to be the embodiment of and lord over the storms, tempests and associated phenomena.

So the legend of Storm Gods of the 2nd and 3rd millennium B.C. evolved into the Dragons of the 1st and 2nd millennium A.D. We now know them as Tornadoes. Massive tornadoes originate very high in the atmosphere. Tornadoes are typically 5 to 10 miles tall. As they touch down to the Earth, they can reach a destructive width of 2 miles. The longest-known track for a single tornado is the Tri-State tornado, occurring on March 18, 1925, with a path length of 151 to 235 mi (243 to 378 km).

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22 May 2024, 11:02 am

So as you step back in time, tornadoes were considered to be Gods that ruled over the Earth with immense power.
Then around 2000 years ago, they were described as Dragons.
Now as our knowledge of the Earth has developed, they are better described as Tornadoes and the severe storms that accompany them.

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