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08 May 2024, 11:32 am

I've never found reddit any more or less toxic than the rest of the internet. Which is to say, it's fairly toxic.

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08 May 2024, 11:33 am

r/looneytunes is

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08 May 2024, 11:40 am

I have never tried Reddit, I used to do Yahoo answers but that turned into a cess pool of stupidity and weirdness.

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08 May 2024, 12:35 pm

I've posted on Reddit a few times. I find some areas to be toxic and other areas not to be toxic.

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08 May 2024, 12:54 pm

Never tried it. Sounds like maybe I should continue to...not try it. Lol!


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08 May 2024, 1:15 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Never tried it. Sounds like maybe I should continue to...not try it. Lol!

It can be a good source of ideas, but signing up and posting there might not end well, unless it's about technical matters in a technical thread.


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09 May 2024, 5:15 am

It really depends on the subreddit. Reddit itself is just a platform and each subreddit has its own rules. Most have rules to prevent toxicity but there are some subreddits that are more controversial, like the ones that bring together and are created by unsavoury people such as MRA's, incels, TERFS and racists. Those are more toxic and they tend to have more misogynistic, anti-trans or racist content.

I found the neurodiversity and ASD community subreddits to be quite good though.


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09 May 2024, 5:17 am

Jono wrote:
It really depends on the subreddit. Reddit itself is just a platform and each subreddit has its own rules. Most have rules to prevent toxicity but there are some subreddits that are more controversial, like the ones that bring together and are created by unsavoury people such as MRA's, incels, TERFS and racists. Those are more toxic and they tend to have more misogynistic, anti-trans or racist content.

I found the neurodiversity and ASD community subreddits to be quite good though.

There is also the femcels of Reddit. You missed those out.


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09 May 2024, 7:25 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I've posted on Reddit a few times. I find some areas to be toxic and other areas not to be toxic.

Yeah, I really think it depends on the specific subreddit. One of the subreddits has helped me a great deal - the exJW one. It’s the biggest exJW community out there, and it’s been extremely helpful to a lot of people. It’s a bit freaky how much we have in common. I suppose that’s just the nature of being raised in a high control group. That’s not to say that there’s not drama there like anywhere else, but it’s been a valuable resource for many, especially those who’ve experienced abuse or are being shunned by friends and family.

There’s not much drama on the other subreddits I’m a part of, but they are focused on specific interests - language learning and classical music, not religion or politics.

I don’t use Reddit much when I’m using WP. I prefer posting on one platform at a time. It seems to be harder to get to know people on Reddit, but I’m sure it varies depending on the specific subreddit.

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13 May 2024, 9:46 am

MSBKyle wrote:
Do any of you have a Reddit account and if you do, do you feel like there is a sense of mob mentality on the site? As you know, Reddit is composed of different forums discussing certain things which are known as subreddits. You can accumulate what is known as karma with the things that you comment and post on. Users can either upvote or downvote your posts and comments. I get on Reddit everyday and post videos and news articles that I find relevant to a certain subreddit. I also leave comments under certain posts and give my opinion. Whenever I give my opinion on something and isn't popular with the majority in that particular subreddit, I get downvoted to oblivion and I get called names and personally attacked by other users of that subreddit.

I've had a similar experience on the cognitive testing subreddit.