This requires urgent attention.Warning: extreme hate speech

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15 Nov 2014, 5:41 pm

progaspie wrote:
B19. I think you're taking it the wrong way. The first paragraph was enough for me. It's just a subversive black humour site designed to rake in advertising dollars from such noble institutions as Internet porn sites. Nothing in it is to be believed so drawing our attention to it by posting the link, really doesn't serve any purpose imo.

I don't believe much that Autism Speaks writes either, Progaspie, though I see the point you are making.

Our considerations of what Autism Speaks publish are important because they misportray us in potentially very harmful ways which can reinforce prejudice against people on the ASD spectrum. Though not everyone agrees, satire can have exactly the same effect.


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15 Nov 2014, 6:02 pm

Encyclopedia Dramatica is simply a twisted black humor site intended to push people's buttons. Its whole raison d'etre is to drive traffic to it in order to rack up hits for porn site ads and such. Be aware that every single reaction along the lines of yours is posted to their site and then made fun of. It changes host servers/countries often to stay one or two steps ahead of the law and of civil suit lawyers, not to mention hackers. You could take it down and it would simply pop up on another server a couple weeks later. Until a month ago it was on a server in Spain until the kitchen there got too hot, so now it's in Sweden (.se is Sweden, right?). I have actually read some of their junk, and it serves the same function as American shock radio, getting people to look at it for shock value. Like shock jocks such as Howard Stern and Anthony & Opie, it's not worth getting riled up over. That's what they WANT! They WANT you to get mad and talk about hacking it etc. Like I said, anybody who talks about destroying it quickly finds themselves a target, is that what you want?


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15 Nov 2014, 6:06 pm

B19 wrote:
Seancal, if I understand you, your view is that intention makes it ok?

Well, we too disagree. Example: A man may call a grown woman who values her adult identity a "cute girl" because he intends it as a compliment. His intention doesn't rule out the fact that it is sexist, patronising, offensive and belittling. Intention doesn't make everything ok.
You are only offended if you think some of the info is actually true about you. Why would you care otherwise? Take it as a good opportunity to learn to be more detached from yourself. I don't feel like an intellectual powerhouse, but when people say I'm stupid I no longer feel offended, I say "I know". I also know I'm unattractively skinny and has an average face. I'm bad at understanding people. I basically suck but it doesn't matter.



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15 Nov 2014, 6:13 pm

Tomato, FYI I care about many things that don't affect me personally. Most people do. And I am quite capable of considerable self detachment already, though I'll take the benign view that the gratuitous advice was well-intended...


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15 Nov 2014, 6:22 pm

B19 what do you think about asking the moderators to move your thread to members only?


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15 Nov 2014, 6:28 pm

That's a very good suggestion Waterfalls, thank you. Will ask for that :)


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15 Nov 2014, 7:57 pm

B19 that site is basically like one of the chan websites, one you should stay away from. Just a bunch of internet tough guys on those websites and immature children.


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15 Nov 2014, 7:59 pm

I'm clearly the devil's advocate here, and that's ok. Allow me to summarise my position, as I have not made it as clear as I might have originally. I get where the site's defenders are coming from, so please also try to get where I am coming from.

The article is not satire, it something quite else, disguised as satire. If you look closely, it is simply cliched stereotypes masquerading as ?humour?. That isn't what satire actually is, and the distinction is important. The distinction is so often ignored, misunderstood or dismissed in today?s easy-access online world.

Satire is not a free pass to be a racist, homophobic, misogynistic or ableist; The defence of "it was just satire didn't you get it" is not an opaque screen to hide assh... tendencies from view. Satire isn?t a magic word that suddenly transforms hate speech aimed at underprivileged groups into witty comedy that "isn't meant to offend".

The ED article is an example of crap comedic writing that is passed off by smart alec hacks who want to obscure (while simultaneously revelling in) gleeful ablist hatred. When pseudosatire is aimed at underprivileged groups who experience oppression, the claim of "it's satire!" is intended to be a total shield for the fkd up and damaged sensibilities of the people who write it.

PS There are some wonderful examples of real satire: if you want the real McCoy, look up Johnathan Swift and his satire on how to cure famine by eating children as a particularly fine example. Generally satire is aimed at power structures to expose misuses of power or hypocrisy of those in power, or the pomposity of poohbahs in power. That's a long way from the crap ED peddles.

However I think that there is no common ground to be found here. I don't find it funny, most of you do; perhaps our responses say more about us as people than anything else.


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15 Nov 2014, 8:16 pm

I heard that a lot of the people who write the stuff on ED are on the spectrum themselves


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16 Nov 2014, 2:53 am

not sure what to make of it.its bad! but is it real or a comedy routine

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16 Nov 2014, 4:12 am

B19 wrote:
I'm clearly the devil's advocate here, and that's ok. Allow me to summarise my position, as I have not made it as clear as I might have originally. I get where the site's defenders are coming from, so please also try to get where I am coming from.

The article is not satire, it something quite else, disguised as satire. If you look closely, it is simply cliched stereotypes masquerading as ?humour?. That isn't what satire actually is, and the distinction is important. The distinction is so often ignored, misunderstood or dismissed in today?s easy-access online world.

Satire is not a free pass to be a racist, homophobic, misogynistic or ableist; The defence of "it was just satire didn't you get it" is not an opaque screen to hide assh... tendencies from view. Satire isn?t a magic word that suddenly transforms hate speech aimed at underprivileged groups into witty comedy that "isn't meant to offend".

The ED article is an example of crap comedic writing that is passed off by smart alec hacks who want to obscure (while simultaneously revelling in) gleeful ablist hatred. When pseudosatire is aimed at underprivileged groups who experience oppression, the claim of "it's satire!" is intended to be a total shield for the fkd up and damaged sensibilities of the people who write it.

PS There are some wonderful examples of real satire: if you want the real McCoy, look up Johnathan Swift and his satire on how to cure famine by eating children as a particularly fine example. Generally satire is aimed at power structures to expose misuses of power or hypocrisy of those in power, or the pomposity of poohbahs in power. That's a long way from the crap ED peddles.

However I think that there is no common ground to be found here. I don't find it funny, most of you do; perhaps our responses say more about us as people than anything else.
As I said, I didn't read the article, just had a glimpse. And as I said, I didn't find it particularly funny. I can see how the naked man could be somewhat funny, although personally the few minutes I spent reading and viewing that article I didn't find it funny. Nor was I offended. I don't identify with a diagnosis. I think diagnoses are just conventions of closed-minded people anyway, that they need in order to make their little lives work, and for them to feel some sense of certainty in this quagmire called existence that we fumble blindly in. If you find it offensive you must feel that there is a potential threat to you in it. Perhaps you fear that someone you care about will get sterilized, what do I know? You must feel some kind of fear, feel some kind of threat to you, otherwise you would do like Bashar said, say "ok", and move on with your day. So think about what the threat is that you feel. It might be something subconscious that you can't put your finger on. Or you might think you have no fear or perceive no threat, but I believe you do. I'm not saying it's wrong to do that, just that in case you haven't thought about what the fear or threat is then I think you should meditate upon that. Please say what you come up with, if you want to.


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16 Nov 2014, 4:21 am

What has happened with me a few times is that I have been in a state of mind where various statements about me that I would normally be offended by, I actually see as compliments. This state of mind is hard to describe, but I wish anyone would experience it. I also find that a lot of times when I am ostracized or oppressed I feel the most spiritual. I recently posted a thread entitled "is extroversion a sin?" that is very related to this. Extroversion to me appears to be the flipside of this very phenomenon, and therefore unspiritual in essence, although I'm not sure about that, but it is what I feel. I believe that extroversion is basically seeking personal emotional fulfillment outside of oneself, because one feels that one cannot have it without something outside of oneself. This inevitably leads to increased fear and desire, and is a manifestation of fear and desire in the first place, i.e. it is a negative spiral.

Last edited by tomato on 16 Nov 2014, 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.


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16 Nov 2014, 4:24 am

I am sorry to say that I find your amateur attempt at psychoanalysis ridiculous, and your contempt for diagnosis most unfortunate.


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16 Nov 2014, 4:25 am

B19 wrote:
I am sorry to say that I find your amateur attempt at psychoanalysis ridiculous, and your contempt for diagnosis most unfortunate.
Your response is showing fear. I'm just saying what I think and feel. The offense is totally inside your head.


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16 Nov 2014, 4:28 am



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16 Nov 2014, 4:29 am

B19 wrote:
Instead of mocking, why don't you answer what the perceived threat is?