How to meet aspie girls and how to talk to NT girls?

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Do you find it easier to relate to aspies or NTs
Aspies 86%  86%  [ 38 ]
NTs 14%  14%  [ 6 ]
Total votes : 44

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Jan 2013, 10:43 pm

Neither neither neither. NTs always think I'm a defective unit and trying to connect with other Aspies makes me realize just how kooky I probably seem to NTs. Either way, I lose. I'll connect to my video games.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Jan 2013, 12:08 am

I find NTs easier to talk to, as long as they are one of those people that love to talk, otherwise it's just difficult.


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31 Jan 2020, 1:15 pm

They need to fix how they dress, B lose weight, C. Don’t stalk and try to build up the courage to talk to the girl it’s not appropriate. As an aspie I’ve been very successful with women cuz I learned from my mistakes and took notes from others in addition I put myself in situations that made me uncomfortable like joining a frat.

I tell fellow aspies that your not guarenteed anything, You have to bring something to the table. Some listen some don’t but the ones that listen and take my advice become successful, being an incel and getting angry and shooting up schools is a failure and is pathetic in my book (granted there not all aspies). No aspie should do this because its a waste and you have the skills needed you just need to master them and you make your fellow comrade aspies look bad in the media.

For instance I don’t mean to brag but I’ve been where most have u have been but I put that anger towards improving myself and now I’ve had sex more than 70% of my peers even ones not on the spectrum you get what u put into my 4 years of waiting and building having given rewards that have payed off, by going to the gym, dressing better, learning to be a smooth talker, seeing a therapist, getting on medication, trying new things, even tho being an aspie it’s hard, but u gotta push through it if u fail keep trying.

If u get rejected by a girl try someone else don’t even think about the rejection just say well thank god I didn’t waste my time. what im saying is regardless of our shortcomings as aspies once u learn how to talk to women its so easy my, NT frat brothers and NT friends were always asking how i did it and I told them if U have aspergers and learn its the easiest thing ever.
When talking to girls its a script and an instinct if anyone wants me to explain and if any aspies that are angry and hopeless when it comes to dating and keeping a job please email me before u do something ret*d. Im a Psych major and Ive gotten ahead in life because ive learned how to become an apex person and having Aspergers isn't a bad thing, if u learn a system like i did u can outsmart NTs because in my opinion we have something the NT's don't but our problem is we give up to early and don't take advice as I said above I have had sex with more women than 70% of my age population( even NT,s according to statistics).

If u take my advice it becomes second nature. For instance on tinder I have 300 matches because A. I dress nice B. My bio is tailored made to get women from what I learned in the past. C in the bedroom ive learned to make the girl orgasm first as she will tell her friends and they will come to you its all a game and if anyone wants to know more email me. I consider myself an 8.5 out of 10 but one of my aspie friends was a 4.5 out of 10 (according to him) but I helped him out clothing wise and hygiene wise and hairstyle wise and now hes a 7/10 and gets laid pretty consistently.
He was a member of the incel website and once I helped him he told them to f**k off. If your willing to take advice and criticism and follow my advice I guarantee u, u will become an ace. our kind on the spectrum can excel at this. everyone on this website is capable just email me and tell me your problem and ill tell you solutions however its all up to you.

i can give u all my advice but if you don't take it to heart and follow through it wont work. if you r still in high school do everything i tell you to prepare and then when your in college join Greek life im telling you the hazing sucks they will insult you and make fun of you but put that anger towards pushing through it once you pass and your a brother u can f**k them over if u want, meaning if they ask for your help tell them your busy but that is up to you. our kind is an apex thinking subspecies(IMO) and we are smart we just gotta learn the right system and i think i found it.
I will not charge u for this nor expect anything in return All I ask is you trust and understand me if you don't believe me I will screenshot my tinder profile and show you some of my text messages. As an Aspie community we need to come together as one I am tired of society seeing us all as Sheldons from big bang theory.

Do you know when I tell people I am on the spectrum they think I am lying and that hurts me I am on the spectrum and we need to prove the way hollywood betrays u is BS. In private do I still do my autistic traits yes I do but only in private I learned to hide the and some of them I do I learned how to use them to benefit in public we all gotta stick together i think of us as an alternate human we are wired differently and we gotta stick together. well that what I believe. I would like feedback
I know it seems like a rant well I guess it is but i just wanna help we all gotta stick together in a world like this lol
If u wanna know more just email me I am not trying to get money all this stuff is free I am also on the spectrum diagnosed in middle school I will not screw over my own kind so everything i am saying is altruistic

Last edited by The_Walrus on 01 Feb 2020, 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.: Removed contact details as they seemed to be offering a service

Blue Jay
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09 Feb 2020, 11:29 am

Thanks for the copypasta

"Stop quoting me"

-Issac Einstein (1453)


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09 Feb 2020, 11:50 am

This thread should be nominated Necro of the Year.

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?


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09 Feb 2020, 11:52 am

I've also seen plenty of fat people with hot partners.

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?