GUYS: Do you like it when girls act 'cute' and happy?

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03 Dec 2010, 7:29 am

Just wondering about this one.

I'm not saying that I think 'bimbos are hot and smart girls are not' but for me, I prefer girls to be well, girly and bubbly as I (I'm sure you'd agree) that a drama queen or a stuck up workaholic gets up my nose.

This does not mean that a girl must act stupid in order to please me, but if I saw my GF acting like she was some kind of workaholic I'd be far from pleased with her conduct.

May I add that I'm not slamming workaholics but I prefer those who are laid back enough to see that having fun and being happy are more important than just bringing in a good pay check (although it can help) and who's self pride does not require a job were I'd only got upset and worry about her if she had issues while working.

My type is what I like to call the 'funaholic', but what do you guy's out there think?

If any girls are out there wishing to comment then feel free to do so, as I'd like to here your side of the story. Do any of you ever feel that you have to pretend to be like this or do any of you just do tha kind of thing anyway.

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03 Dec 2010, 7:47 am

I like it when women are strong-minded and compassionate. Being a workaholic is consistent with that, but also reinforces my view of their being strong-minded, being set on contributing something to the world.


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03 Dec 2010, 7:51 am

Girls who giggle all the time and act stupid are INCREDIBLY ANNOYING. I'd much rather have a "workaholic" girlfriend, as the OP put it, than one who acts stupid.

I also find quiet shy girls to be a lot cuter than the stupid ones, BTW.


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03 Dec 2010, 9:51 am

What if their work was something that they found fun?


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03 Dec 2010, 10:27 am

Gremmie wrote:
What if their work was something that they found fun?

That's a good point, and suppose if it were something that really was fun/glamours (e.g. a model or actress.)

Then the job would be no 'issue' as she'd be less likely to be 'boring' (which is what I really meant)

I'm not saying that I disapprove of women working, but if my GF ever started working (at the moment) I'd hope that she'd do something that SHE liked.

Oddly enough she'd recently told me that she'd really like to work with animals someday and as it happens, I really like girls who are like that.

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03 Dec 2010, 12:03 pm

Yes I am someone who likes cute and happy girls, they are exactly what I'm looking for. In general I'm looking for fun girls that aren't to serious and that can laugh at everything. Some people might call them 'dumb' but a lot of girls I know that are like that are not dumb at all. They just try to enjoy life and not be depressed so fast, I know that they have problems like other people but at least they try to make the best out of a bad situation.


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03 Dec 2010, 12:30 pm

I only care that they "act" like they "are". Faking anything is a cardinal sin in my very judgmental view of the world.


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03 Dec 2010, 12:34 pm

They can act like that if they are trying to lighten the mood, but if someone is just doing that to get attention, i find it quite annoying. Moreso if they do that "high pitched giddy squeal," that tends to hurt my ears. NOw if they acted like that for a reason, like getting the surprise of their life, I don't think I'd mind. But the airheaded, power to pink n fuzzy types would annoy.


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03 Dec 2010, 12:34 pm

Eh sorta. I usually end up with queens of the damned and it's probably better that way because I'm not the definition of optimism myself and it would just cause additional conflicts.

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03 Dec 2010, 12:46 pm

PlatedDrake wrote:
They can act like that if they are trying to lighten the mood, but if someone is just doing that to get attention, i find it quite annoying. Moreso if they do that "high pitched giddy squeal," that tends to hurt my ears. NOw if they acted like that for a reason, like getting the surprise of their life, I don't think I'd mind. But the airheaded, power to pink n fuzzy types would annoy.

I guess you need to make a difference between airheaded girls who are like that and fun type of girls that can actually be smart.


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03 Dec 2010, 1:31 pm

I thought I was attracted to the more smart, workaholic type.. turns out, I'm not. :roll:


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03 Dec 2010, 1:40 pm

MidlifeAspie wrote:
I only care that they "act" like they "are". Faking anything is a cardinal sin in my very judgmental view of the world.

This is how I feel about it too. Even though I'm a heterosexual female, it annoys me to no end when a girl is faking something to impress the opposite sex. You can only keep the ruse up for so long, they're gonna find out eventually so what's the point?


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03 Dec 2010, 1:42 pm

Erisad wrote:
MidlifeAspie wrote:
I only care that they "act" like they "are". Faking anything is a cardinal sin in my very judgmental view of the world.

This is how I feel about it too. Even though I'm a heterosexual female, it annoys me to no end when a girl is faking something to impress the opposite sex. You can only keep the ruse up for so long, they're gonna find out eventually so what's the point?

I agree with this, whether its a guy or a girl doing it.


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03 Dec 2010, 2:21 pm

A bit of a false dichotomy, no?
I have no idea how one's "bubbliness"/happiness is inversely correlated to their being a "stuck-up" workaholic...
in fact, in my experience,
it's many of these same girls who contort themselves into Disney Channel-worthy airheadery that are the most snobby.
But whatever.

"Bubbliness" is cute for a child, and that's about it.

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04 Dec 2010, 2:14 am

I don't know if I'm on point with my response but I much prefer someone who doesn't make jest of everything because I am not like that and I see how personality clashes could lead to the detriment of the relationship. At the same time I do like to have someone around who can lighten the mood every once in a while and make me think "Life's not so bad after all." You know, shed the weights off even for a little while.

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04 Dec 2010, 4:17 am

If she has an outgoing personality and an infectiously positive outlook on life, then yes.